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Inch Dumbbell Deadlift

Paul Savage

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There was a statement a few years ago on the board that said "If you lifted the Inch titlted, you lifted 172 lbs., but you did not lift the Inch" or something like that. Nice pull anyway.

That's true, after having the bell only two weeks, it shows good progress for sure.

Some like to do that type of pull for training; it is another "rotation-stopper" variant like the finger touch. Sam has written about using tilt (essentially bracing the hand against the back bell to stop rotation as a training variation) in his log I believe.

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One does not NEED to own an Inch to lift it. One merely needs to train hard enough so that when the chance comes you can. It helps but it is not vital. While we have an Inch in our gym now I NEVER owned one when I was training to become and then did become capable. Indeed I don't own the one we use (it's Nick McKinless's).

Paul, like others now and myself and others before him just did thick handled dumbbell work to get to the strength required.

Edited by mobsterone
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There was a statement a few years ago on the board that said "If you lifted the Inch titlted, you lifted 172 lbs., but you did not lift the Inch" or something like that. Nice pull anyway.

That's true, after having the bell only two weeks, it shows good progress for sure.

Some like to do that type of pull for training; it is another "rotation-stopper" variant like the finger touch. Sam has written about using tilt (essentially bracing the hand against the back bell to stop rotation as a training variation) in his log I believe.

Indeed. I have pulled the inch i bought off the Holle's with tilt as described above. It is a good way to start lifting the inch, and not many people who post here could even get air with an inch bell never mind complete a full DL with tilt like Paul did. A you get stronger obviously you lessen the tilt used.

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There was a statement a few years ago on the board that said "If you lifted the Inch titlted, you lifted 172 lbs., but you did not lift the Inch" or something like that. Nice pull anyway.

Made by people who were not doing either style. Baring in mind Inch himself may never have lifted it and those passing the comment were not relatives of Inch I say said comments deserve not attention whatsoever.

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Steve, there has to be some point in which an inch lift would not be allowed for the gripboard list. For example, if you pull it tilted until it is almost vertical and then lift it to waist height would this be passable in your opinion? There has to be a cut off point somwhere as to what is an acceptable lift.

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There was a statement a few years ago on the board that said "If you lifted the Inch titlted, you lifted 172 lbs., but you did not lift the Inch" or something like that. Nice pull anyway.

Made by people who were not doing either style. Baring in mind Inch himself may never have lifted it and those passing the comment were not relatives of Inch I say said comments deserve not attention whatsoever.

The discussion about the tilting is old. It was decided for good reasons to let those people enter the list who can lift it without tilt - so it's a Gripboard rule - no more - no less.

After having the opportunity to get a 69kg InchDB it would be more interesting if in the future it is needed to put the dumbbell on a scale (not certified :D ) to have a real proof of the lift if no credible gripboard member in good standings is around while the lift was done. I'm sure if someone lifts a 69kg Inch nobody can tell from video if it was a real Inch or a smaller globe dumbbell.

I would also recommend to set a rule which says that the video must include a close-up of the (complete) handle (so You have to roll the dumbbell a bit) directly before the lift and that there's no cut or other hocus pokus in the video allowed.

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Good points especially with the camera angle and tilt but i don't think many would see the point of spending £300+ on a lighter inch replica just to get your arse licked on this forum for a 'inch lift', especially when, in Paul's case atleast, he had an inch bell loaned to him for no cost.

Another comment i could add to this discussion is that it is possible to wear a long sleeved top to lift the inch and hide a lifting strap from view i recall Steve telling me about this when i first discussed the issues of lifting the inch. I don't know is someone has done this in the past here but i wouldn't be surprised.

Edited by CoC#3
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There was a statement a few years ago on the board that said "If you lifted the Inch titlted, you lifted 172 lbs., but you did not lift the Inch" or something like that. Nice pull anyway.

Made by people who were not doing either style. Baring in mind Inch himself may never have lifted it and those passing the comment were not relatives of Inch I say said comments deserve not attention whatsoever.

When I did my Millennium/inch deadlift the Millennium bell came up tilted - do I now assume that this lift is not good enough to be counted? I will bear this in mind when I try a pair of Millennium Dumbbells, if I do lift them I hope that they pass inspection!

(Note to self - must get stronger)

Paul, that was a great lift - you should be proud of yourself.


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Laine, no such rule is in place for a millennium DB lift, indeed when Mobster himself pulled the millennium it came up tilted. Since Steve designed this particular challenge i think it is fair for him to say what is an acceptable lift and what is not.

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Laine, no such rule is in place for a millennium DB lift, indeed when Mobster himself pulled the millennium it came up tilted. Since Steve designed this particular challenge i think it is fair for him to say what is an acceptable lift and what is not.

This post came slightly too late - I have just purchased a spirit level! I hope I can get my money back.

Is there any criteria for a snatch with the Inch - I don't want to get it wrong - I'll post pictures when it looks cleaner.

Good luck to you all,


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Laine, no such rule is in place for a millennium DB lift, indeed when Mobster himself pulled the millennium it came up tilted. Since Steve designed this particular challenge i think it is fair for him to say what is an acceptable lift and what is not.

This post came slightly too late - I have just purchased a spirit level! I hope I can get my money back.

Is there any criteria for a snatch with the Inch - I don't want to get it wrong - I'll post pictures when it looks cleaner.

Good luck to you all,



I think the only criteria would be to get it from the floor to overhead in one motion - i think this would be a first (rumors cirulated through WWE hype etc... that Mark Henry has snatched the inch but this was never proven) and probably the most impressive feat of grip strength to date.

Edited by CoC#3
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I remember reading, I think in one of Joe Roark's articles, about Apollon trying to Snatch the inch and it flying off his hand and landing many feet away. Laine Snook can replicate this!! :rock :rock

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I remember reading, I think in one of Joe Roark's articles, about Apollon trying to Snatch the inch and it flying off his hand and landing many feet away. Laine Snook can replicate this!! :rock :rock

That was not an Inch DB, but a DB with the weight of the Millenium.

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I remember reading, I think in one of Joe Roark's articles, about Apollon trying to Snatch the inch and it flying off his hand and landing many feet away. Laine Snook can replicate this!! :rock :rock

Of such factual inaccuracies are lies born. You never read it, you don't remember it and it never happened. :angry:

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Laine, no such rule is in place for a millennium DB lift, indeed when Mobster himself pulled the millennium it came up tilted. Since Steve designed this particular challenge i think it is fair for him to say what is an acceptable lift and what is not.

This post came slightly too late - I have just purchased a spirit level! I hope I can get my money back.

Is there any criteria for a snatch with the Inch - I don't want to get it wrong - I'll post pictures when it looks cleaner.

Good luck to you all,



I think the only criteria would be to get it from the floor to overhead in one motion - i think this would be a first (rumors cirulated through WWE hype etc... that Mark Henry has snatched the inch but this was never proven) and probably the most impressive feat of grip strength to date.

I'd say the same :) Hell, most people, and that includes a good # of strongmen, can't one hand snatch 172lbs let alone do it with a 2.5" DB. Doing so would not just be possibly THE greatest grip feat of all time, it would also be one of the greatest feats of strength anyone could ever witness. If anyone could do it, it would be you Laine so lets see it in the next year or 2!!!

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Laine, no such rule is in place for a millennium DB lift, indeed when Mobster himself pulled the millennium it came up tilted. Since Steve designed this particular challenge i think it is fair for him to say what is an acceptable lift and what is not.

This post came slightly too late - I have just purchased a spirit level! I hope I can get my money back.

Is there any criteria for a snatch with the Inch - I don't want to get it wrong - I'll post pictures when it looks cleaner.

Good luck to you all,



I think the only criteria would be to get it from the floor to overhead in one motion - i think this would be a first (rumors cirulated through WWE hype etc... that Mark Henry has snatched the inch but this was never proven) and probably the most impressive feat of grip strength to date.

I'd say the same :) Hell, most people, and that includes a good # of strongmen, can't one hand snatch 172lbs let alone do it with a 2.5" DB. Doing so would not just be possibly THE greatest grip feat of all time, it would also be one of the greatest feats of strength anyone could ever witness. If anyone could do it, it would be you Laine so lets see it in the next year or 2!!!


I am presently trying to make it so the lift is successful each time I try it - I will be looking to do the lift in public in the not too distant future. I want the lift to be done officially.

Good luck,


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Laine i want to be there to witness it when you do it. Can you PM me or post on this board when/where you are going to attempt this i would love to see it in person.

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I consider myself a strong person I can only snatch a 130lb 1" dumbell. The proposed snatch of the inch. Would be, in my book, the single greatest strength feat ever. Its almost unfathomable.

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I am presently trying to make it so the lift is successful each time I try it - I will be looking to do the lift in public in the not too distant future. I want the lift to be done officially.

Good luck,



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Congrats again on the inch lift tilt or not thats alot of strength right there and i know you will do a level pull just to make it official.


Snatching the inch would be showing people true DOMINATION of a world class strength object "NO LIMITS" mate.

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I remember reading, I think in one of Joe Roark's articles, about Apollon trying to Snatch the inch and it flying off his hand and landing many feet away. Laine Snook can replicate this!! :rock :rock

Of such factual inaccuracies are lies born. You never read it, you don't remember it and it never happened. :angry:

You're right, I was inaccurate, since it was a MDB and not an Inch. And Laine Snook can't replicate the feat then, if it was a MDB. What a nice way to tell me I was not remembering it correctly, surely unexpected coming from your typical style of talking to others in here. ;) Please beware anyone, get this fact straight, we don't want to make mobsterone angry like I did. I apologize and will copy/paste what I *thought* I remembered reading.

From: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/ironhistory3.htm (keep in mind the article states "it is generally conceded", meaning it's not a proven fact, ok? Careful everyone!).

Marx's hands were 8.5" long. Other feats ascribed to Marx show that he would have lifted the Inch 172 if given a chance; to wit: Marx one hand snatched 154.25 lbs on a bar whose diameter was 2.75" (much thicker than a modern 12 ounce can of soda or beer). And Marx himself offered for challenge a couple of dumbbells, whose weights were 132 and 143 lbs, each bell having a handle diameter of 2.75" which was wrapped in metal foil to make it even more slippery.

It is generally conceded that Marx was second only to Apollon in all round hand/grip strength. The 226 lb bell with 2.38" handle that Marx could deadlift with one hand, Apollon tried to snatch with one hand, but lost his grip as the bell was going overhead and the bell landed (not rolled) several feet behind him. Marx, and Apollon, whose hand length was nine inches, would have toyed with Inch's 172.

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It wasn't a Millennium dumbbell either. Neither myself nor Alan Radley were born when Apollon was an old man. Never mind our dumbbell, not created until 2000, being in existence. Florian stated correctly that it was 'the weight of the Millennium'. In addition dumbbells were described in those day, as per other articles of Joe's, as 'short barbells' or, as you quote 'bell'. The only dimensions we know of the Apollon's bell are the weight and the thickness of the handle. It was these Alan used to create the weight and handle size.

But my anger, such as it is, comes from having been a reader of a great deal of Joe's writings. You too should be annoyed with yourself and by virtue of your later copying and pasting Joe's paragraph shows some interest in accuracy. Now other articles of Joe's cover at some length the massive inaccuracies Inch and others used when relating stories. He talks at some length of their being no truth, in thought, deed or action to Paul Anderson's back lift of the oft quoted 6270lbs (probably less than 5000lbs in fact). He describes witness statements taken from people many times quoted who were not at events they were meant to have seen.

By stating what you did both in the first post and even now with your 'Millennium dumbbell' comment you add weight to the history made up of inaccuracies and yet your referred to someone who you read who is a stickler for the truth. You'll know from reading what he says on this how a simple mistake of memory, a loose comment and a misquote will lead to stories of lifts taking place that never did. Someone would have remembered what you said, quoted that and so it will have carried on. Even the story about Apollon is, I think, conjecture (could he have done so, was the dumbbell accurately weighed, were there other witnesses and so on).You might make light of your own slip but as a obvious fan of history and the like do not fall prey to the same mistakes of others. Else some future relative of Joe's or even mine pulls apart comments of yours as being wrong.

I think one story suggests he threw it over a low wall and it landed some feet away. This could mean a 2 foot wall and 2 feet away or a 5 foot wall and 6 feet - we do not know. I can lift my Millennium up enough to lift it over a small wall and bounce it off my knee at the same time enough for it to land a few feet away yet I do not consider myself in Apollon's reputed class.

Edited by mobsterone
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thanks again guys

laine - awesome work! cant wait to see the vid

most of the inch lifts ive seen have had tilt in them so i just thought the ruling for the list here meant that you cant do it verticle or something, but guess not - personally the way i look at it is simply the way thomas inch held the challenge >the idea behind the dumbbell is that it is 'unliftable' so if you grab it with one hand an pick it up, you have lifted it & beat the dumbbell

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