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Gumpster's Gripping


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Perry : u deserve now one Big award! :rock

your drive, discipline and focus gave to u this "trophy"! congrats,u deserve it! Much harder than the red nail no doubt! i think one bar with the same size(7") would be closer.

really cool to offer 20 usd to these guys ... they know from now on : u are the strongest guy around! :devil next time u will get more people interest!!

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Thanks Hugo! :D


Stacker Lift - R&L 25# 5sec, 30# failed, 27.5# R 1sec L 5sec

(inches between hand and head of hammer)

8# Sledge Front - R&L 5sec holds - 22"/20" 10sec/20" 10sec/20" 10sec

8# Sledge Rear - R&L 5sec holds - 28"/28" 10sec/28"

8# Sledge Side - R&L rotation to both sides - 14"x1/12"x2/12"x1

8# Sledge Overhead - R&L - 28"x1/28"x1/28"x1/28"x1

2 7/8" DB Reverse Wrist Curls - R&L 12.5# x4, 15# x2

2 7/8" DB Wrist Curls - R&L 40# x5, 45# x4

Plate Curls - R&L 20# x5, 20#+loading pin x3

Plate Wrist Curls - R&L 20# x5, 20# x5

2 7/8" DB Lift Thumbless - R&L 80# 10sec, 80# 10sec, 80# 5sec, 80# 5sec

Once the again the stacker confuses the hell out of me and I fail to get 30# up. I added regular plate curls this session (Adam Glass style...except he does 35#) and I could feel the limiting factor was in fact not my wrists but my weak biceps. No way I could get 10 reps doing plate curls but I have done 10 plate wrist curl reps before with the same weight. Still it should be a good exercise to include in my routine for wrist day. I purposely left out any grippers or bending work...my hands are still aching in the palms and need some rest. Next workout will be bending exclusively.

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DO - FBBC 1/4" x 5" Grade 5 Bolt - failed, got it to about 75deg in 5min but was able to crush it down later

DO - FBBC 1/4" x 6" in IM wraps - no problem

Reverse - FBBC 1/4" x 5.5" Grade 5 Bolt (PR) - got it to about 48deg but failed to show one of my wraps at the end so no cert (silly me)

DU - FBBC 1/4" x 6" Grade 5 bolt (PR) - got it to about 58deg in one hit

DO - FBBC 1/4" x 5.5" Square (PR) - came really close last time...this time there was no question

Reverse - 5/16" x 6.5" Grade 2 Bolt - micro kinked, this was supposed to be an easy one - it wasn't

DO - FBBC 1/4" x 5.5" Grade 5 Bolt in IM wraps - no problem


Deck of cards - longways

Deck + 26 cards (80 total) - took about a minute

I was a little unsure how the day was going at first due to the horrible attempt at the 5" grade 5 bolt. I thought maybe I was having an "off" day but maybe I just needed a little warm-up. I did a couple bends in IM wraps today just to get the feel of them. No real trouble with 1/4" x 6" round or the 5.5" grade 5 bolt...a bit more pain than leather but nothing that would stop me on those bends. I got several PRs today and a couple should be good for FBBC certs. I forgot to show my second wrap after the reverse grade 5 bend so I'll do that one over. I got the 6" grade 5 DU so I'm now a "1/4" x 6" grade 5 IEW" member. The highlight of today's bending was the 5.5" square. I had it going really well in the beginning (kink/sweep) so I knew it was dead. The crush was still tough but I rested a few seconds between hits and got it down well within the time limit - really satisfying bend. :D I think had I tried the red instead of the square it would have met the same fate. I should have been tired at that point since I had a few bends done already but somehow I had it in me. I attempted one of my locally purchased bolts (5/16" x 6.5" grade 2...Hugo, this was the golden one with the "5" on the head) in reverse style and barely moved it. It felt really hard so I hit it DO style and it didn't move there either. :blink I bought these bolts several times from the same place and they were always on the easy side. I guess this is from a hard batch (probably the same as the one I sent you Hugo, so don't feel bad). I also got in some card tearing. Tore one deck up longways and then did a deck+26cards (total of 80). The 80 cards was a struggle and took me a minute or so. I hadn't done any attempts at more than one deck before this so I'm happy to get it. 2 decks doesn't seem so far away now.

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forgot the video links -

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Very nice bending! I think you have me beat reverse style.

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what a workout perry!

5.5" square its hard for the majority of the bastard benders(like myself).

glad to know the golden bolt was hard ...! i gave it a shoot when i was injured (lower back) but only moved it till 85 deg and the kink was very hard(maybe due to back injury maybe yes ..maybe not)

now u know u can crush the shiny because like Darin said , the "punny" 7 mm ss its harder and u bend it!

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Thanks guys! I had a pretty good day for bending and tearing. That 5.5" square felt really good to kill and let's me know I'm getting stronger.

Matt - your reverse of the 5/16" x 6" Grade 2 is probably beyond anything I've done reverse style. I may have to try that soon.

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Grippers - #1 R&L - TNS x3

#2 R&L - TNS x1

#2.5 - TNS attempt R 1mm L 3mm

#3 R&L - Choker @parallel(19mm) x1

#3 R&L - MMS attempt 1/4" away

#3 R&L - MMS attempt 5mm away

#2.5 R&L - MMS x1

#3 R&L - MMS attempt 5mm away

#3 R&L - MMS attempt 5mm away

#2.5 R&L - MMS 10sec hold

#2 R&L - 6 parallel reps

#1 R&L - 20 parallel reps

Bending - DO - 5/16" x 6" Grade 2 Bolt (dull gray - hard) - had a small kink in it but I finished it

DO - FBBC 1/4" x 6" square - also had a small kink in it, killed it.

DO - FBBC 1/4" x 5.5 square - previously kinked and was bent on the flat...moved it maybe 10deg

Hands/forearms were still a little sore from bending Sunday but I wanted to do something. I think I need to spend more time using the #3 without a choker. Setting the damn thing seems to be my weak area so I'm going to work on getting a decent set. I've been able to close it in a choker for over a year now so I know the strength is there if I'm able to get a good quick set. I got it down to about 5mm with both hands several times which is probably the best I've ever done especially considering I made several attempts. I didn't want to attempt any full bends so I finished off a couple of bars I had kinked from some months ago - they were all at around 20deg before today. That 5/16" Grade 2 bolt is much tougher than the FBBC of the same dimensions and the first one I bent last year took me several months to finish. It was still very hard all the way through but I got it done in a few minutes. I think I could pull one off complete in 5 minutes now (I'd rate it similar to the red in overall difficulty). The 6" square felt fairly hard also but that was most likely due to me being tired. The 5.5" square was one that I tried to start on the corner some time ago and it shifted to the flat. It felt way harder than the one I did Sunday and I barely moved it (might also be fatigue related). Hopefully I'll be healed up by Sunday. I used to workout on certain days and then just let them vary according to how I felt. Now I'm kind of going back to a Wed/Sun pattern. Not sure how long I'll keep this going but it seems OK for now.

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Practicing setting with a heavier gripper( if you have one that is) than your goal gripper helps make setting a piece of cake. I was using an adjustable Super Elite last fall for my set work and it really helped improve my set strength.

If the #3 is your heaviest gripper at your disposal, then maybe opening the choker wider like Teemu has done would do the trick. I can't wait to see you smash the #3 on video.

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great work Perry!

i see the word "progress" in your home dictionary!

now its time to bend some 7" stock...the red its offraid of u...:-)

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Practicing setting with a heavier gripper( if you have one that is) than your goal gripper helps make setting a piece of cake. I was using an adjustable Super Elite last fall for my set work and it really helped improve my set strength.

If the #3 is your heaviest gripper at your disposal, then maybe opening the choker wider like Teemu has done would do the trick. I can't wait to see you smash the #3 on video.

Thanks for the suggestions John. Unfortunately, my #3 is my hardest gripper. I didn't see any point in getting a harder gripper when the #3 was kicking my butt. I guess trying to set something harder would make the #3 feel easier. I may order more grippers later this year but it will be in the second half. I had tried opening the choker wider and doing closes with it at around 3cm spread (all no-set style). It was hit/miss getting closes and I didn't feel I made much progress. I hadn't really considered doing MMS attempts with the gripper in a choker at a wide setting, but I see how that could work. My #3 has what feels like a stupid hard sweep (or maybe my #2.5 is just really easy in the sweep) so I decided to get back to doing more MMS attempts (since that's my immediate goal anyway). I'm going to stick with the MMS attempts for a few workouts and see how it goes. I only get about 2 real "gripper" workouts in each month due to all the other grip stuff I try to fit in.

great work Perry!

i see the word "progress" in your home dictionary!

now its time to bend some 7" stock...the red its offraid of u...:-)

Thanks Hugo! Next Sunday, if all goes well, the red will take a dirt nap. :D



Grippers - #1 R&L - TNS x40 (sets of 5)

#1 R&L - Index/Middle MMS x5 (set-close-release-set)

#1 R&L - TNS x10

#1 R&L - MMS 20sec hold

#1 R&L - Index/Middle MMS x5 (set-close-release-set)

#1 R&L - MMS 30sec hold

#1 R&L - TNS x5

#1 R&L - TNS x5

+ extensor work with rubber bands (I do these almost every workout but I rarely mention it)

Had to wait for the wife while she shopped so I brought my #1 and did a little easy gripper workout. Wasn't planned but I don't think it did any harm.



FBBC Chunk - R&L 20# 5sec, 25# - 5sec, 30# - 2sec, 20# - 20sec

IM Hub - R&L 30# - 5sec, 35# - 5sec, 40# - 5sec, 45# - 2sec, 30# - R 15sec L 20sec

3" Pinch Block - R&L 40# - 5sec, 45# - 5sec, 50# - 5sec, 55# - R 2sec L broke ground, 40# - 20sec, 50# - R 10sec L 5sec

2 7/8" DB Lift - R&L 82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# R 10sec L 20sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

Plate Curls - R&L 20# x5, 22.5#+loading pin (around 25# total) - R 1 L 2, 20# x3

Bending - 7mm x 15cm SS bar (from Hugo) - started a fresh bar today, got to 98deg in 5min, then hit it every 10-15min over about 2 hours while doing today's workout...got it just under 2" - huge PR! The first bar I did took me about 6 weeks to kill, 45deg in 5 min, 75deg the first workout.

Didn't feel too strong on the pinch stuff today. Struggled with 45 on the hub and 55 on the block - must be a down day on the roller coaster. I added in some plate curls but felt my biceps were the weak point, not my wrists. I think I could do a 25# plate curl/wrist curl if I had one but probably only one rep. I also tried something new with the exercises today by adding in an extra set or two of holds longer than normal. I used lower weights but tried to hold it longer than my normal 5sec. A little variety can't hurt. I wanted to give another of Hugo's 7mm SS bars a shot today but never thought I had a chance of finishing it. It took about 2 hours but I got it done. My crush down strength has made big leaps in improvement. On some hits I could feel the bar moving - I don't recall that feeling at all on the first bar I did. I did some wasted hits that did no damage when I didn't give myself a long enough break. It was still really hard getting through the 100-120deg range due to hands hitting each other/not close enough to interlock fingers well. Once I got to where I could get my fingers interlocked it was just a matter of resting enough between hits and I moved it with each hit. Really happy with this bending PR. :)

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Great PR Perry! That's some pretty sick determination! I would have given up after the first 15 minutes hah! :rock

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Thanks Guys! :)


Stacker Lift - R&L 20# 5sec, 25# 5sec, 30# failed, 27.5# 5sec

(inches between hand and head of hammer)

8# Sledge Front - R&L holds - 20" 10sec/20" R 7sec L 10sec/20" R 5sec L 8sec/20" R 5sec L 10sec

8# Sledge Rear - R&L 5sec holds - 28" 10sec/28"/28"/28"

8# Sledge Side - R&L rotation to both sides - 12"x3/12"x1/12"x1/12"x1

8# Sledge Overhead - R&L - 28"x3/28"x1/28"x1

2 7/8" DB Reverse Wrist Curls - R&L 15# x2, 10# x5, 10# x5

2 7/8" DB Wrist Curls - R&L 40# x10, 42.5# x6, 45# x3

Plate Curls - R&L 20#+2.5#+loading pin x2, 20# x5

Plate Wrist Curls - R&L 20# x10, 20# x3, 20# x4

2 7/8" DB Lift Thumbless - R&L 80# 5sec, 80# 10sec, 80# 10sec, 80# 10sec, 80# 10sec

Bending - DO - 60d in IM wraps

ISOs on cheat-kinked bastard (@25deg - no movement)

Nothing great today but still a solid workout. My right wrist got tweaked doing sledge work and feels like it may hamper any DU bending attempts in the near future. The overhead and rear levering cause the most pain (right where the thumb bone attaches to the wrist). As a bonus I tore something in my lower back while twisting or reaching for a plate or something. It's right in the muscle that covers the kidney area on the left side. Hopefully it isn't serious and heals up by this weekend or I'll have to scratch my red attempt. My bastard bar showed no signs of giving in. I had barely wobbled it from straight after a couple months of ISOs then decided to give it a little cheat-kink some weeks ago (to around 20deg) but it feels the same as the straight bar...like a rock. This thing makes the red feel like HRS. Maybe I'll have to cheat-kink it a bit more and see if I can do anything.

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Reverse - FBBC 1/4" x 5.5" Grade 5 Bolt - failed, got it to about 22deg

DU - 60d

DO - 7.65mm x 6"

DO (IM wraps) - FBBC 1/4" x 7" Square - barely moved it, maybe 5deg

DO - 7.65mm x 5" (PR) - really quick, about 30sec

DO - 7mm x 5.5" Square HRS (PR)

DU - 7.3mm x 5" (PR) - got to 60deg in one hit

Reverse - 7.65mm x 5" - failed, 30deg

DO - 8.5mm x 5" HRS (PR) - took almost the full 5 min

Well, today was supposed to be my second attempt on the red...didn't happen. Everything felt "off" today - my wife took today off (normally she works), I got started a bit late, the area I usually workout had a car parked in it, and when I finally got started things just didn't feel right. I planned to do another 5.5" grade 5 bolt reverse like I did last time but it was no good for a cert (forgot to show the wrap). It felt really hard and I only got it to just past 20deg - can't explain it. I had not too much trouble last time with the same bolt. I decided to step things down a bit and see how I felt. Did a couple bends that should be easy - one DU, one DO - they were. Still didn't feel confident that my strength was there for the red so I scratched that for today. I wanted to try another IM wrap bend so I got a 7" square and went at it...felt like a bastard in leather, I could barely move it. Maybe my IM wrap bending is piss poor or it's just not my day. Moved on to attempts on PRs with my locally purchased stock, did much better here. Nailed a few PRs and had a good fight with the 8.5mm HRS bar at 5" - crush was brutal (worse than the FBBC 5.5" square)! Maybe I'll give the red a shot on another workout or just wait until my next bending workout (around 2 weeks from now). I might have wasted an attempt if I tried it today.

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U are doing GREAT Perry!

hope your injury its better now !

u may not be at 100% (yet) because the pain its still there...

i have noticed your bastard its the strongest i ever bend in the kink (couldnt take my bodyweight down wich i normaly do easely, during my 1st hit)... it may be good idea to pre-kink it a couple of more degrees and forget about this "mutant bastard" ... i wish i had one golden for u ; i put all my money u could bend one in 3-5 mn:-) i tried one average bastard once and it was like "piece of cake" in the kink.

Stock vary and i wish i could help u more but dont have any bastard/golden now.

i think it would be good for u to bend to bend under 2" one average bastard(yours its hard) and overcome the mental barier!

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Thanks Hugo. I took one extra day off and I'm feeling a lot better now. I may try to cheat-kink my bastard bar a bit more and see if I can move it any. I just have to get stronger.


Grippers - #1 R&L - TNS x3

#2 R&L - TNS x1

#2.5 - TNS R good L 3mm

#3 R&L - MMS attempt R 3mm (PR) L 1cm

#3 R&L - MMS attempt R 3mm L 1/4"

#2.5 R&L - MMS x1

#3 R&L - MMS attempt R 3mm L 1/4"

#2.5 R&L - 4 parallel reps (PR)

#3 R&L - MMS attempt R 3mm L 1/4"

#2.5 R&L - MMS 10sec hold

#2 - parallel reps R 8 L 7

#2.5 - coin hold R 14sec L 10sec (PRs)

#2 R&L - TNS x1

#2.5 R&L - MMS 10sec hold

#2.5 R&L - MMS 10sec hold

#1 R&L - 30 parallel reps

Bending - DO - finished off a 1/4" x 5.5" FBBC square that I had kinked to about 25deg

DO - worked my crush on a piece of 1/4" x 6" SS that I never finished from long ago, started at 4.25" ended at 2.625"

Had a really good day on grippers. Nailed the #2.5 TNS with my right and knew it was going to be a strong day. Got a PR with MMS attempts on the #3 - down to 3mm several times. Gripper progress is so slow sometimes. This gave me hope that I can reach the MM0 goal by year's end. Also got 4 parallel reps on the #2.5 and coin hold PRs with both hands. Might have to give the coin hold another shot fresh and see if I can move up list a little. Decided to see what I could do to the 5.5" square that was bent on the flat - got it down but it took me quite a few hits. That felt way harder than bending it on the corner. Last was some crush work on a piece of 1/4" x 6" SS that I bought long ago (also attempted and failed on long ago). It feels nearly as hard as Hugo's 7mm and really springy - should be good for one or two more sessions of crush work. My palms are beat up but today's workout felt good.

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congrats Perry! U are doing really well with grippers lately!

u should get the bastard cert+ mm0 title this year:-)

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Thanks Hugo! If things keep going the way they have recently I may just pull off a MM0 this year. :happy


FBBC Chunk - R&L 25# 5sec, 30# - 5sec, 35# - 5sec, 40# - broke ground, 30# - 10sec, 35# - R 10sec L 8sec, 40# - 1sec (PR)

IM Hub - R&L 40# - 5sec, 50# - 2sec, 45# - 5sec, 45# - 5sec, 40# - 5sec

3" Pinch Block - R&L 50# - 5sec, 60# - 5sec, 65# - R 5sec L 3sec, 70# - R 2sec L broke ground, 60# - 5sec, 50# - 5sec, 50# - 10sec, 70# - broke ground, 50# - 10sec, 50# - 10sec

2 7/8" DB Lift - R&L 82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

82.5# 10sec hold

Plate Curls - R&L 20# x5

Bending - 7mm x 15cm SS bar (from Hugo) - started another fresh bar today, got to around 100deg in 5min, then hit it every 5min or so and got it finished off when 34 minutes has elapsed - PR! (last one took me around 2 hours)

Grippers - #1 R&L - TNS x5

#2 R&L - TNS x1

#2.5 R&L - MMS x1

#3 - MMS attempt R 3mm L 1/4"

#2.5 R&L - TNS attempt 1mm

#3 R&L - MMS attempt 1/4"

#2 R&L - MMS 10sec hold

#3 R&L - MMS attempt 1/4"

#2.5 R&L - MMS 10sec hold

#2 R&L - 5 parallel reps

Tearing - 2 decks of cheap cards, different brand and although cheaper a bit harder than the normal brand I've been using

Whew, what a day! Had a bit of a runner's...er, gripper's high and just felt like I could do whatever I wanted today. Before my workout, I had to walk downtown and pay a few bills then got two big bags of groceries and carried them all the way home (2km) so that was a warm-up of sorts. I was already soaked in sweat before I got started and I took down almost 3 liters of fluids by the time my workout was over - felt good to sweat profusely. I got what I believe to be a PR on the Chunk - air with 40# and the holds longer than 5sec with 35# are likely the best I've ever done. The hub didn't feel great but not bad. The pinch block was feeling easy with 60# so I pushed it and got a few seconds with 65# and 70# - that at least equals if not beats the best I've ever done. I can't even remember the last time I got more than 60# up. I did more attempts and some longer holds than my normal pinch workouts since I was feeling good. The thick DB felt easy (I can only fit 82.5# on the bar) - I really need some larger plates. I think I could get 100# up on this thing on a day like today. Did some gripper work and tore a couple decks of cards as well. My right ring finger has been tender on the last joint since I did the 80 card tear a few weeks back...it's still sore but doesn't feel any worse. Finally, I had a go at another of Hugo's 7mm stainless bars. I tried to get it as far as I could in the first 5 minutes and I think I may have moved it a bit further than the last one (it was 98deg) but I forgot my protractor...it was well past 90deg though. I hit it every 5min or so during my workout and kept track of the time. Got it just under 2" at the 34min mark, so a bit of a PR (last time was around 2 hours). Two great workouts in a row, I'd pay to know how to recreate this every time! :D

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Stacker Lift - R&L 20# 5sec, 25# 5sec, 30# failed, 27.5# L 5sec R failed

(inches between hand and head of hammer)

8# Sledge Front - R&L holds - 22" 5sec/24" R 2sec L 5sec/22" 5sec/20" 5sec/20" 5sec

8# Sledge Rear - R&L 5sec holds - 28"/28"/28"/28"/28"

8# Sledge Side - R&L rotation to both sides - 14"x1/12"x1/12"x2/12"x1/10"x3

8# Sledge Overhead - R&L - 28"x1/28"x1/28"x2/28"x3/28x1

2 7/8" DB Reverse Wrist Curls - R&L 10# x5, 12.5# x3

2 7/8" DB Wrist Curls - R&L 40# x6, 45# R2 L3, 45# R2 L3

Plate Curls - R&L 20#+5#+loading pin x1, 20# x4

Plate Wrist Curls - R&L 20# x6, 20# x5

2 7/8" DB Lift Thumbless - R&L 80# 10sec, 80# 10sec, 82.5# 10sec, 82.5# 10sec, 82.5# 10sec, 80# 10sec, 80# 10sec

Grippers - #1 R&L - TNS x5

#2 R&L - TNS x1

#2.5 R&L - MMS 5sec hold

Bending - ISOs on cheat-kinked bastard (@25deg - no movement)

Could have used another day of rest since my hands were still a little sore and I cut my finger yesterday while cutting bending stock. Put a band-aid on my finger, taped over that and got to work. My right wrist that felt weird last wrist workout seems to have not healed much at all. The same pain showed up during the overhead and rear levering. I don't feel anything on other workouts or day-to-day activity...kind of strange. Did a few ISOs on my cheat-kinked bastard bar but didn't notice any damage. My kink seems to the weakest area so I guess I'll just keep at it. Did a couple squeezes on grippers just to see how it felt...it felt weak. Rest is in order. Next up should be the red (2nd attempt) if I don't hurt myself (again).

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I hate your bastard! it should move unless its actually frozen! this fool its winning!damm!...

the mental barrier will die once u kill the red under 2 mn and try the NEW bastard!

good luck Perry !

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Reverse - 7mm x 15cm CRS (from Hugo) - 65deg

DU - 7.65mm x 6"- 55deg (PR)

DO - IM Red Nail (2nd attempt) - failed, barely got a kink in it by 5min...sorry Hugo :( (after 15 minutes I only had it to 75deg)

Reverse - FBBC 1/4" x 5.5" Grade 5 Bolt - past 70deg (redone for cert)

DU - FBBC 1/4" x 5.5" Grade 5 Bolt - past 80deg (PR/cert)

DO - FBBC 1/4" x 5" Grade 5 Bolt (PR/cert)

DO - FBBC 1/4" x 5" Square CRS - failed but got it to 80deg in 5min

DU - 7mm x 7" Square HRS - didn't even move it, tore a chunk of skin off my pinkie though

Reverse - 7mm x 6" HRS - 60deg (PR)

Started out with a reverse and DU bend just to see how I felt. Felt OK so I figured today would be a good day to give the red another shot. It just wasn't meant to be today. I couldn't get the damn thing kinked to save my life. After 5min I barely had it moved (maybe 20deg) and after 15 min it was just at 75deg. I killed the last one in 15min so I can't explain this. Maybe a tougher red or I just got weaker - or some of both. Anyway, I left the red for another day and moved on. I was able to get a few PRs and cert bends which made up for the epic failure on the red. I'm now a 5.5" Grade 5 IEW since I got it DU today. I redid the same bend reverse for the cert due to my screwing up the last time (not showing a wrap). The highlight for me today was killing the 5" Grade 5 bolt - that thing is stout! Took me most of the 5min and I barely got it under 2". I also gave the 5" square a scare and nearly got it to 90deg. I imagine I would have made it further if I hadn't done the 5" bolt before. The 5" square should go down sometime in the next few months.

Pic of today's carnage - Here

Edited by gumpster
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Grippers - #1 R&L - TNS x5

#2 R&L - TNS x1

#2.5 R&L - TNS x1

#3 - MMS attempt R 2mm (PR) L 5mm

#2.5 - Coin Hold R 16sec L 15sec (PRs)

#3 R&L - MMS attempt 1/4"

#2.5 - parallel reps R 4 L 3

#3 R&L - MMS attempt 1/4"

#2.5 R&L - MMS x1

#2.5 R&L - MMS 10sec hold

#2 R&L - 6 parallel reps


DO - 5/16" x 6.5" National CRS (from Hugo) - tough bend all the way but I got it under 5min

DO - 5/16" x 6" F593 Grade 2 Bolt (from Hugo) - failed but got it to 100deg then it froze

DU - 60d

DO - 1/4" x 5" Grade 8 bolt - previously kinked about 10deg from a failed bend where the threads snapped (it was 6"), just moved it a little - maybe 20deg

Couldn't post last night - had a big storm pass through here and went without power for about 24 hours (that sucks). It was raining during my workout so things felt a little different and I didn't even break a sweat. The #2.5 TNS closes felt strong so I knew the #3 would be getting a good ride. Had my best attempt ever right-handed...down to 2mm. I can feel I'm closing in on it. It's good to see some progress when almost the entire year of 08 felt a bit like treading water on grippers. Did coin holds on the #2.5 and set new PRs (also moved up the list on the challenge thread). Didn't do a whole lot more on grippers...I think the coin hold kind of wore me out. I got a few bars from Hugo and decided to give them a shot. The 6.5" national CRS was a stout bend and felt tough the whole way through. That's the first piece of 5/16" CRS I've ever finished (in under 5min). My kink felt strong today so I loaded up the F593 bolt...very tough for a grade 2 bolt. I tried and tried but it just seemed to freeze around 90deg. Maybe my hands were shot from the grippers to do any real damage on the crush. It'll make for a good workout next time to get it crushed down. The 5" grade 8 felt harder than the 5" square...that's going to be a tough bend to finish.

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