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Acorn Inch Lift Or Bust!


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Have to say again that you are doing great on the choker work. What's the poundage on the MM6 dup?

Thanks, I dont know for sure yet but at MM5 specs it tested at 192#. I will try to calibrate it at MM6 today with some other ones I have to do. with most grippers I have tested I see about a 5-6# change per 1/16 change in mount.

- Aaron

I tested it at MM6 specs and got 195#, so I retested at MM5 and got 190#. Also tested a new SE that came out at 204# today. btw the SE is the new style with no Thor stamp and the SE on the other handle

- Aaron

Yikes that a heavy SE. :blink So the new beef builders have one ID handle and the other is blank?

He's changed the handle styles now at least 3 times in the last 6 months, regular thor, thor with a lighting bolt going down, and now blank, Tetting needs to make up his mind :D

Edited by vikingsrule92
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Have to say again that you are doing great on the choker work. What's the poundage on the MM6 dup?

Thanks, I dont know for sure yet but at MM5 specs it tested at 192#. I will try to calibrate it at MM6 today with some other ones I have to do. with most grippers I have tested I see about a 5-6# change per 1/16 change in mount.

- Aaron

I tested it at MM6 specs and got 195#, so I retested at MM5 and got 190#. Also tested a new SE that came out at 204# today. btw the SE is the new style with no Thor stamp and the SE on the other handle

- Aaron

Yikes that a heavy SE. :blink So the new beef builders have one ID handle and the other is blank?

Yep thats right. I've seen a few like that now. mostly due to people ordering adj grippers and me getting new ones for that.

- Aaron

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Have to say again that you are doing great on the choker work. What's the poundage on the MM6 dup?

Thanks, I dont know for sure yet but at MM5 specs it tested at 192#. I will try to calibrate it at MM6 today with some other ones I have to do. with most grippers I have tested I see about a 5-6# change per 1/16 change in mount.

- Aaron

I tested it at MM6 specs and got 195#, so I retested at MM5 and got 190#. Also tested a new SE that came out at 204# today. btw the SE is the new style with no Thor stamp and the SE on the other handle

- Aaron

Yikes that a heavy SE. :blink So the new beef builders have one ID handle and the other is blank?

Yep thats right. I've seen a few like that now. mostly due to people ordering adj grippers and me getting new ones for that.

- Aaron

I got an SE last week. I thought it was a mistake that it didn't have a Thor stamp.

Edited by Bigman
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did some training today. closed Cannons 2 #3s: avg one and 163.5# one. bew squeezes on the MM6 dup in the choker. Few Isos earlier in the day. Brandon and Rex made it over for training tonight.


couple blob lifts.

neg with 10# added, and 12# added





attempt at 225 got about half way before it slipped out. wasnt planning on going over 205 but damn rex pulled it.

2 45s RH

few attempts at snatching ( turned High pull ) then Cleaning the inch with a wrist strap. none successful but that was fun.



6x3/8 307a JG attempt. threads started bending so stopped

crushdowns: 6x5/16 304 hex to 1.5, grand shiny from 2" to 1 7/8, 7x5/16 303Hex from 2 1/4 to 1 3/4, 7x3/8Hex CRS from 2 1/16 to 1.5, grand shiny from 3" to 2 1/4, iso 4 3/4x5/16 G5 at 2 1/8, 7x5/16 303 Hex SS from 3.25 to 1 3/4, 6x5/16 G5 from 2 1/2 to 1.5, 7x3/8 W1 Drillrod from 20deg previous kink to 1 3/4, 6.5x3/8 crown bolt brand 690 cal @7" iso at 3", 13"x1/2 HRS from 2 3/4 to 2 1/4. 5.5x5/16 G5 Iso at 45deg.

2 finger pinches


#6 I+M and #5 R+P few reps at same time, #2 I+M, #2 R+P

14.5# sledge very strict to head

14.5# sledge front raise parallel to ground holding at 16"

25# plate wide shallow hub clean and press hub lift.

prolly other stuff too but I'm already forgetting.

- Aaron

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Forgot I did a few Inch attempts and some pinch feats with cinder blocks too. Got a video of the cinder block stuff. will put it up after I can process it.

- Aaron

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Just got back from the gym, pec is pretty sore from last night but I benched light anyway.

15min treadmill







inclined situps

8x10# on top of head

gonna ice the pec now and try to take it easy til the comp.

- Aaron

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19 times, eh? I wonder if I can find time before my DL comp. for a little benching... ;) Good job man.

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19 times, eh? I wonder if I can find time before my DL comp. for a little benching... ;) Good job man.

hehe, that figures.

Thanks Rex, good job last night and good luck at your comp.

- Aaron

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19 times, eh? I wonder if I can find time before my DL comp. for a little benching... ;) Good job man.

hehe, that figures.

Thanks Rex, good job last night and good luck at your comp.

- Aaron

All he as to do the pull 700 is see you do it 1st...LOL....Your tricks with the cinder blocks was pretty cool...Thanks for having me over last night..I had a blast...


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19 times, eh? I wonder if I can find time before my DL comp. for a little benching... ;) Good job man.

hehe, that figures.

Thanks Rex, good job last night and good luck at your comp.

- Aaron

All he as to do the pull 700 is see you do it 1st...LOL....Your tricks with the cinder blocks was pretty cool...Thanks for having me over last night..I had a blast...


So yeah, he can pick up the two cinder blocks. But can he do THIS with cinder blocks?


Fast forward to 1:18


It's the good vibrations....

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19 times, eh? I wonder if I can find time before my DL comp. for a little benching... ;) Good job man.

hehe, that figures.

Thanks Rex, good job last night and good luck at your comp.

- Aaron

All he as to do the pull 700 is see you do it 1st...LOL....Your tricks with the cinder blocks was pretty cool...Thanks for having me over last night..I had a blast...


So yeah, he can pick up the two cinder blocks. But can he do THIS with cinder blocks?


Fast forward to 1:18


It's the good vibrations....

LOL, I just wanna know what the hell made you watch that video?

btw I don't think I can see myself doing that with them. I some pride still :D

- Aaron

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Aaron, I wonder if anyone trains harder and smarter than you. I really do, although that question will never be answered for obvious reasons. You've reached elite status in several areas and are rapidly approaching it in others. I know you've done some impulsive things lately on top of what you usually do, but that's part of the fun.

I read your logs and read them again. And again. Great information and food for thought.

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Aaron, I wonder if anyone trains harder and smarter than you. I really do, although that question will never be answered for obvious reasons. You've reached elite status in several areas and are rapidly approaching it in others. I know you've done some impulsive things lately on top of what you usually do, but that's part of the fun.

I read your logs and read them again. And again. Great information and food for thought.

Thanks Odin, :blush I try to do my research and think outside the box as much as possible. Once you get to a certain level with your body gains come a lot slower and the ones that do come are usually hard fought in my experience. I'm just trying like everyone else to get better and not get injured. Most of the stuff I do whether it seems impulsive or not has been thought about for days or longer as well as any implications that might come up as a result. Its all part of the overall training plan. Usually that is, but I do get off track sometimes. Especially with all the event training I'm trying to squeeze into too little recovery time. I've always tended to overtrain. I realized that my Soph year of HS when after being stagnant with the discus for most of the season I had an injury at the Divisionals that put me out of commission for a week (got hit with a shotput in the shin from about 55') I started walking again a week later the day of the state meet. At the state meet I ended up PRing by 15' just from the rest and recovery from overtraining. Since then I have used my overtraining tendancy and either planned or spontaneous rest when my body tells me to or when I need to peak for a comp. It all works out in the end if you listen to your body. Sorry, I think I got a little off track there.

I would have to say that your training seems to be well thought out and consistently executed. Sometimes I get jealous of how well you can stick to the plan. I have to say I'm always impressed by your and Dereks for that matter ability to do things that challenge me or exceed my abilities and I'm prolly close to 100# heavier. you guys are making a ton of power with not alot of overall muscle. That tells me that the sky is the limit for all of us.

Have a good one,


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Thanks Aaron :blush I just wish I had the brains to train as smart as you instead of pushing myself to the limit every workout and having to take a week or more off :D

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Thanks Aaron :blush I just wish I had the brains to train as smart as you instead of pushing myself to the limit every workout and having to take a week or more off :D

You better not take a week off, because I'm about one month away from matching your best bend. :D

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Thanks Aaron :blush I just wish I had the brains to train as smart as you instead of pushing myself to the limit every workout and having to take a week or more off :D

You better not take a week off, because I'm about one month away from matching your best bend. :D

I haven't bent DO in a few weeks at least, not seriously in about a month. I'm giving you a head start.

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Thanks Aaron :blush I just wish I had the brains to train as smart as you instead of pushing myself to the limit every workout and having to take a week or more off :D

You better not take a week off, because I'm about one month away from matching your best bend. :D

I haven't bent DO in a few weeks at least, not seriously in about a month. I'm giving you a head start.

Haha, I love it man. Keep it up and prove me wrong. :rock:)

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This is the cinder block pinch lift from the last workout.


NICE!!!!!...gotta work on your WWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!....


Thanks, I've been practicing it in the shower instead of singing. Still needs work :D j/k

- Aaron

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This is the cinder block pinch lift from the last workout.


NICE!!!!!...gotta work on your WWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!....


Thanks, I've been practicing it in the shower instead of singing. Still needs work :D j/k

- Aaron

AHHAHAHAA!!!....I bet your just kidding....LOL...

When ya leaving for Texas?


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This is the cinder block pinch lift from the last workout.


NICE!!!!!...gotta work on your WWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!....


Thanks, I've been practicing it in the shower instead of singing. Still needs work :D j/k

- Aaron

AHHAHAHAA!!!....I bet your just kidding....LOL...

When ya leaving for Texas?


hehe, Weds morning. gonna do some camping along the way. Working on outfitting my truck today.

- Aaron

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Sweet man, sounds like a great Vacation..I can't wait till the baby is a bit older so we can take her out and show her the world....I am at the shop all day, let me know if you need anything for your truck...


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Sweet man, sounds like a great Vacation..I can't wait till the baby is a bit older so we can take her out and show her the world....I am at the shop all day, let me know if you need anything for your truck...


Thanks Brandon. :D

Here is a vid of some play with the inch using a strap I did at the last training too.


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