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Hugo´s Training


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"Hugo, you're a Portuguese national treasure! You'll be on the flag!" LOL !MAtt hahahha funny your comment !|!!:-)))

Friday 15 Feb

Sam Salomi's Training


warm up : 2 sets with #1 7 TNS reps + 2 sets #2(filed)1 rep

6 sets with my #2.5 (did it first time with right hand but miss by 1 mm in the other sets)( missed by 1 cm with my lefty)

*last set i rest 3 mn instead of 1 minute( i was about 0.5 mm to closed it with my right hand).

3 sets with my #2(filed) 1 rep+ small hold(done with my right) (with my lefty coulnt touch the handles but i did the hold)

2 sets of 3 reps with my #2(filed)with my right hand(missed the 3re rep by 1 mm) and 2 sets of 1 rep with my lefty (missed by 0.5 mm)

NOTE :this is a very interesting training, not mentally boring , VERY simple! i liked it! i will increse the volume!

Thanks for the advice Sam! this is about Karma! Sam gave me personal advice and he will receive instead of my personal advice(lol)the karma for this! maybe winning a competition soon or he will improve his strenght i dont know .. i am sure it will happend!!:-))) i rate my training 4/5.

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"Hugo, was this no set? "

-unfortunally not Matt. They were slighty wider than mash monster sets:-(

i can only do TNS close with #2.5 to parallell but i am working on it!

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welldone Hugo. Do 6 singles with the #2.5 RH (make sure you shut it fully atleast 3 times - ideally you don't want to miss any of them) next time you train. Put everything you have into every single. Don't worry about the LH being slightly weaker it will catch up with time. With the LH i would use a filed #2 for the volume work. Take a longer rest in between if needs be or do some light extensor work inbetween your singles.

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Sam: thank u very much for the personal advice(again!)!

i will use my filed #2 for my lefty next time for sure!

doing extensor work betwen sets sounds interesting, will give it a try!:-)

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19 Feb 2008


(today i did a little of "bodybuilding": back and delts)

warm up 2 x #1 x 10 reps(TNS)

2 x #2(filed) x 1 rep(coulnt touch with my lefty)

4 sets with #2.5 RH (1st done, 2nd,3rd and 4th missed by 1/2 mm)DAMM!!

4 sets with #2 filed LH ( miss all by about 1/2 mm)

At this stage i was really bored, so i went by the "fell"

3 strapholds with 1,5 kg using my #2 ( filed) DONE (about 5 sgs)

3 Holds using my filed #2 (cant touch! just hold, really frustating)

at this point i was felling down : i had a great idea!:

3 sets of 4/4/7 reps using my #1 RH (using 3 fingers)TNS reps

3 sets of 2/2/2 using my #1 LH (using 3 fingers) TNS reps

3 sets of 20 reps using my 2 thumbs to squeeeze a tennis ball(hard one)

NOTE: The TNS reps with my 3 ringers were the best part of my training , i was expecting to do more than 1 perfect close with my Rh (#2.5) , actually it was basically the same as my last workout and i was looking to improve it thats i why i felt like crap.doing tns reps with 3 fingers its very cool! will try to reach 10 reps.

i'm having problems to close my filed #2 with my lefty , should i use Ivanko super gripper instead??(in a position i can close).

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is the RB210N a good gripper for your LH? Welldone closing the #2.5 and getting very near on it a few times. Strapholds are a good idea if you are having trouble at the close.

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sam: i dont have rb210n narrow with me; it was send my thorsten Moser from Rb, i made one video and send it back to him; i m in the hall of fame right now(hehe from closing rb210n). the only chance u have: to use ivanko for my left hand:-)

thanks for the advice.

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22 Feb


( i did a coupel of sets of squats and leg press)

5 sets of strapholds using my filed #2 with 2 kg weight (with my RH) , no weight LH (just holding)

(at least i could close one time with my LH)

5 sets of Forced negatives with my #3 (RH) and #2.5 LH

( first time in "real" contact with the power of my #3 .. i felt good i was triyng to keep in closed but it open about 2 cm then i closed it again , did it about 5 times each repetition.

NOTE: i need to learn more about Volume training ... should i train grippers everyday , and using negatives like Nathan Holle did?( i mean about 100 reps a Day??? this is insane!!)

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No you don't need to go to the extreme to close bigger grippers. Basic, progressive hard work will take you far without ruining your hands in the process. All the shock methods such as negatives, really high volume etc, should be used sparingly. Especially #3 should be doable with basic training, after that you will most likely have to start adding some shock methods, but even then only sparingly and for brief time periods. Basic problem of simply doing too much too often occurs when you are too anxious to get to your goal gripper. Remember that you should learn to listen to your body and do not train until you feel like your hands are recovered well. Doing too much too often just slows down the progress and it is the most likely to be the reason if you feel like your progress isn't fast enough.

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Today 25 Fev

Gym traing : Chest and Biceps.


I am going to use this program for one months ,trying to keep with it 3 x a week.

#1 2 TNS sets of warm-up

#2(filed in both sides) 6 sets of overcrush(missed 3x by 1 mm, i was happy to do it in my 5 set) RH

#1 TNS overcrush 6 sets (missed 2 x by 1mm) LH

#1 TNS using 3 fingers 5x5 reps (all done)

#1 TNS using 3 fingers 2x5 reps(sometimes i missed the 2nd rep by 1 mm)

PURPOSE: add more sets total till i am doing 10 sets with my filed #2.

Next time i will try not to miss any attemp with my filed #2 and need to increse TNS reps with LH using 3 fingers.

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This looks like a very nice gripper routine, Hugo and I hope to see your gains as the month progresses.

.. neilkaz ..

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indeed i agree with Neilkaz this work with your filed #2 will help your close a lot. Working with a #2 filed both ends is what got me to the #3. back when i first closed the #3 there were no #2.5s around an i only had IMs.

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neilkaz and Sam:

thanks very much for your support guys!

i really like my filed#2 , one side should be around 3mm(need to measure it) the other its less than 2mm ... after some time will take off some mm.

Usually i overcrush it as long as i can and give up till the handles are about 3mm appart(if it was not a filed #2 they should be in contact when i give up)

AM I DONT IT RIGHT?(the way i perform the overcrush)

. After 1 day of training i tested my #3 and i move it a few cm from paralallel .. quick gains!! i was very happy!

i ordered and tested my brand new rb 240(much easier than my #3! should be about 2.8), i will try to close it next week ...

my #3 its damm hard! never tried anothe one ,~need to learn how to calibrate it just to have an idea if its harder than


wont post till next month , i may change my #1tns close with 3 fingers to some R+P in my ivanko(it can be done)!

i will always check this forum, maybe putting dome words!


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this week i made 3 workouts starting with my filed#2 in both sides( i measure it today: 4 mm one side and 2 mm on the other).

i was happy to increase the volume during the week , till the point i am doing about 8/10 sets total.

i can overcrush it easely it the first and second set and hold it for at least 15 seg i think ...

should i work to failure in all sets ?(holding even with 1 or 2 mm apart? or should i let go when the handles are not touching anymore??

did some P+R work at Ivanko and some I+M at Ivanko ... can do singles with 120 lbs with i+M wich means i can work till i am doing TNS rep with my #1 .. i will try it soon:)

I am getting to the point i can fell some "real contact with the gripper"( its like talking to them).

Thanks for your support guys:-)

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this week i made 3 workouts starting with my filed#2 in both sides( i measure it today: 4 mm one side and 2 mm on the other).

i was happy to increase the volume during the week , till the point i am doing about 8/10 sets total.

i can overcrush it easely it the first and second set and hold it for at least 15 seg i think ...

should i work to failure in all sets ?(holding even with 1 or 2 mm apart? or should i let go when the handles are not touching anymore??

did some P+R work at Ivanko and some I+M at Ivanko ... can do singles with 120 lbs with i+M wich means i can work till i am doing TNS rep with my #1 .. i will try it soon:)

I am getting to the point i can fell some "real contact with the gripper"( its like talking to them).

Thanks for your support guys:-)

I would say don't go to failure on overcrushes. Heath posted some good overcrush advice recently. It should be a spike in intensity and you should really be squeezing harder at the end than at the beginning. If you're not getting that spike in intensity, then you're really doing a hold or even a negative. I tend to agree that the overcrush shouldn't last longer than about 5 seconds. If you can hold it for 15, maybe consider a harder gripper and do fewer reps if necessary. Or switch to strap holds and start increasing the weight.

Great work, Hugo!

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good advise Matt!

i really like my filed #2, i will eventually drop more mm in the future( at the moment 4 mm one side and 2mm on the other .. i dont mind to drop the other to 4 mm also)

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i received my brand new rb 240 and closed it very easely (from parallel) , next time will try it from ccs distance.

Its betwen my #2.5 and #3.

i am traing 2/3 times a week in the gym doing all bõdy , afte it i train grippers for +- 30 mn doing the same : 10 sets of overcrushes with my filed #2 in both sides and i finish with ISG working my R+P(5 sets)..sometimes i use a small coin and hold it for seconds.

i tried my #3 and i was close to kill him.

Something very interesting its happening

: i closed rb240 very easely and in the end i was not even a little happy .. did #3 and i missed by 1 cm and i fell in my heart i can close it 3 months from now or less ... my dream its to become a mash monster 0 and i fell i already climbed the hill(thats why when i become mm0 i wont be very happy).

is this state of mind familiar with u guys??

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Something very interesting its happening

: i closed rb240 very easely and in the end i was not even a little happy .. did #3 and i missed by 1 cm and i fell in my heart i can close it 3 months from now or less ... my dream its to become a mash monster 0 and i fell i already climbed the hill(thats why when i become mm0 i wont be very happy).

is this state of mind familiar with u guys??

Yes Hugo, this is something I went through. The journey is often more satisfying than the destination (reaching your goal). You get an "is this all there is?" feeling, like an emotional hangover-especially if something that is supposed to be very hard is easier than expected. It has led me to take my time more when pursuing certain feats of strength (like the Inch). In your situation, you also have an anticlimactic feeling, because you feel like it is a hill you've already climbed-the soup has lost its savor.

This feeling is also one of the reasons I decided to start competing. It adds other dimensions of complexity and challenge vs. doing feats at home by yourself.

"You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true." -- Spock

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great work closing the 240, i know what you mean about the anticlimax of closing a gripper, i always think 'why couldnt i do that last time i tried?' but it is nice to move up to a harder gripper

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If you are closing an RB240 you can't be that far off on the #3. Let's see you kill the #3 soon buddy.

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Nice strong close Hugo! :rock It looks like the RB240 was the right choice! ;):D

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u guys are incredible!

i fell much more happiness after reading your posts here, than after killing my goal gripper!:-)

having support its SO important!!

odin/egg_uk: couldnt agree more!! anticlimax!!

Odin: yes i fell i big desire to compete! the adrenaline should be HUGE and the challenge (against myself) could become something very "spiritual"! i have R.T at home , only tried it a few times (62.5kg only). My main focus its to close #3, i am triyng to be good with grippers only ... unfortunally there are no competitions in my Country. The same happend with the sport of armwrestling ... last year i made the 1st event in Portugal i was the referee in the low class and i was ready to compete(midleweight) but suddently a guy broked his arm... since then i put all my desire(maybe an obcession) into grippers. HOW CAN I WATCH a GRip event? there any good video available? i 'd like to be more familiar with grip exercices.

"You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical, but it is often true." -- Spock - GREAT MOTTO!

Egg_uk: Thanks for your support! next its my #3!

Mike/Sam: Thanks guys! your advice was perfect(picking rb 240)!

Sam: i will try to kill my hard #3 today ... if GOD help me i may close it but i doubt.

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