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Huge Pr! Grand Bastard Went Down! Video!


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Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragement!! :rock I credit my quick progression to the Lord, not myself. :D I truly appreciate the comments and support!!

Hey Derek, race to the mag now??? You're progressing fast too buddy, I know you have it in ya!!!! :rock

I'm not even sure if I have a grand in me and you want to race to a Mag!?!?! You're crazy man .... but I'm in :D;)

Crazy like a "Fox"!!!! LOL! :D I know you got it in you Derek! :rock

Hahaha :D To beat you? I don't think so you're on fire buddy there's no stopping you ...... but I'll try :D

Think of it this way, Derek. I was going to attempt a big or a huge bastard, but I figured I would try a Grand instead. I never thought I would actually get it. But when I gave it a shot, I almost got it :blink ! It de-mystified the Grand, and I knew it could be bent. I think that the mental aspect plays a huge role in what you/we are capable of bending. This is very evident in my baby daughter. She will be playing with stuff, and then with one hand just pick up something half her body weight like its nothing! I think she can do this because she doesn't "know" that it's supposed to be hard to do! Rest up and give that Mag. or Grand a shot. I think you'll surprise yourself!! You are one seriously strong dude, I know you can!! Later! :D :D

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Awesome bend man! I know how much of a bitch that piece of steel was!

I finally got my Grand Bastard bent today after about a week of rest. I contribute the bend to bencrush's ritual of many cups of coffee beforehand.

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Awesome bend man! I know how much of a bitch that piece of steel was!

I finally got my Grand Bastard bent today after about a week of rest. I contribute the bend to bencrush's ritual of many cups of coffee beforehand.

Coffee eh? I like coffee. I just might have to try that!!

Thanks for the comment!! Very much appreciated!

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haha yeah the coffee definitly worked I'd say. I used to do some squats before my PR attempts and it really didn't seem like it did anything for me.

I also attempted an insane bastard today. Never before could I get but a tiny arch in it. Took it to around 45 degrees. Wonder if coffee works for grippers too?? :D

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Thanks everyone for the kind words and encouragement!! :rock I credit my quick progression to the Lord, not myself. :D I truly appreciate the comments and support!!

Hey Derek, race to the mag now??? You're progressing fast too buddy, I know you have it in ya!!!! :rock

I'm not even sure if I have a grand in me and you want to race to a Mag!?!?! You're crazy man .... but I'm in :D;)

Crazy like a "Fox"!!!! LOL! :D I know you got it in you Derek! :rock

Hahaha :D To beat you? I don't think so you're on fire buddy there's no stopping you ...... but I'll try :D

Think of it this way, Derek. I was going to attempt a big or a huge bastard, but I figured I would try a Grand instead. I never thought I would actually get it. But when I gave it a shot, I almost got it :blink ! It de-mystified the Grand, and I knew it could be bent. I think that the mental aspect plays a huge role in what you/we are capable of bending. This is very evident in my baby daughter. She will be playing with stuff, and then with one hand just pick up something half her body weight like its nothing! I think she can do this because she doesn't "know" that it's supposed to be hard to do! Rest up and give that Mag. or Grand a shot. I think you'll surprise yourself!! You are one seriously strong dude, I know you can!! Later! :D :D

Alright Jeremiah, I'll tell you what, assuming my migraines aren't acting up really bad tomorrow I'll give the Grand a shot and I'll let you know how it goes, failure or success (hopefully the latter :D)

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Outstanding climb to the top tier!


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Thanks for the kind words guys!!! :D Derek, I'm sure you'll do great!! :rock

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haha yeah the coffee definitly worked I'd say. I used to do some squats before my PR attempts and it really didn't seem like it did anything for me.

I also attempted an insane bastard today. Never before could I get but a tiny arch in it. Took it to around 45 degrees. Wonder if coffee works for grippers too?? :D

Insane to 45!! :blink Nice Work! Time for me to go get some coffee!! :D What's your take on the difficulty difference between the Grand and Insane?? Just curious!

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It's a totally different ballgame. The length makes it a bitch cause it doesn't take long for your knuckles to hit which is roughly 45 degrees for me. The initial kink isn't as difficult as you'd think. Not sure if you've ever attempted an insane before but it felt about the same as the mag bastard on the first hit. I've always been the strongest on the start though. It's gonna be sometime till the insane falls for me though. Magnificent bastard is stuck at 90 degrees right now so many iso's are gonna be needed.

A race to the magnificent bastard may be in need between us! :rock

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It's a totally different ballgame. The length makes it a bitch cause it doesn't take long for your knuckles to hit which is roughly 45 degrees for me. The initial kink isn't as difficult as you'd think. Not sure if you've ever attempted an insane before but it felt about the same as the mag bastard on the first hit. I've always been the strongest on the start though. It's gonna be sometime till the insane falls for me though. Magnificent bastard is stuck at 90 degrees right now so many iso's are gonna be needed.

A race to the magnificent bastard may be in need between us! :rock

Between you, Derek, and me, lets see who gets it first!! Good luck!

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Go for it guys good luck you all have it in you.

You have to grip the bar alot tighter and use the fingers more on the short stuff useing thinner wraps helped me alot more as well but the pain increases alot ;) but you have to make choices sometimes.

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Go for it guys good luck you all have it in you.

You have to grip the bar alot tighter and use the fingers more on the short stuff useing thinner wraps helped me alot more as well but the pain increases alot ;) but you have to make choices sometimes.

thanks gazza! It's always great to have encouragment from the man himself! :rock

I agree using smaller padding for the shorter stuff, guess I'll just have to adapt.

Goodluck you two! This should be fun and painful at the same time! :D

Edited by CaptainCrush
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Thanks Gazza!!! :rock I'll keep that in mind!!! Thanks for the advice! Good luck to everyone, and GO GET THAT MAG!!!!! :rock

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I'm in for the Mag race :D But I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose ;)

Edited by vikingsrule92
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I dont want to start a wrapping war or am advocating a certain type of wraps :D its just that on a short bart and an insane is short as well as tough you really do need to feel the steel more because you are useing your fingers more than your whole hand on a longer bar it does also depend on your hand size especially the thickness i have medium sized hands and they aint thick so thats an advantage on the shorter stuff.

Ironmind pads or leather a similar thickness is a good start but is painfull on a bend of that calibre not so much the crush but the start you really have to force it over the fingers because it doesnt have the leverage of the lomger bars.

You will also find your technique changes slightly as you dont have it pushing into the thumbs like the longer bars also because your useing more fingers it uses the wrists differently i have strong wrists and found i had to work alot more on shorter stuff to get this not just for technique wise but also i was useing more fingers and less wrists.

The 1st and 2nd hit are the most important especially the 1st hit if you can get a big enough kink on that 1st hit it will save the fingers alot of pain to finish the bend.

As Jeremiah is saying its only metal you will all get it if you want it bad enough.

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Thanks for the advice about wraps Gazza. I can mash anything really well that's 6" or so, and though it gets tougher at 5-1/2" length, as long as I'm well rested I can always get a pretty big hit (40-50 degrees of damage) on the kink. When trying to bend anything 5" long or so, it is a complete pain in the ass to get it started. Grade 5 1/4" bolts aren't that bad at 5", but grade 8 5" x 1/4" bolts are very tough for me to start, and on my first attempt at the Mag this past Monday, I put maybe 10-15 degrees of damage on it. It probably didn't help that I did a lot of shoulder work for my powerlifting training immediately prior to bending, so I will try again sometime this weekend when I have gotten a lot of rest.

Question about the shorter stock: What is your opinion on putting 1-1/2 wraps on each side for the Mag and Insane? I don't think I'd be ready for 1 wrap on each side, and like you said Gazza, I definitely see how double wraps can really hurt one's ability to generate force on these shorter pieces.

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Thanks for the advice about wraps Gazza. I can mash anything really well that's 6" or so, and though it gets tougher at 5-1/2" length, as long as I'm well rested I can always get a pretty big hit (40-50 degrees of damage) on the kink. When trying to bend anything 5" long or so, it is a complete pain in the ass to get it started. Grade 5 1/4" bolts aren't that bad at 5", but grade 8 5" x 1/4" bolts are very tough for me to start, and on my first attempt at the Mag this past Monday, I put maybe 10-15 degrees of damage on it. It probably didn't help that I did a lot of shoulder work for my powerlifting training immediately prior to bending, so I will try again sometime this weekend when I have gotten a lot of rest.

Question about the shorter stock: What is your opinion on putting 1-1/2 wraps on each side for the Mag and Insane? I don't think I'd be ready for 1 wrap on each side, and like you said Gazza, I definitely see how double wraps can really hurt one's ability to generate force on these shorter pieces.


You have to try a few things and see what works best for you .

I was fine on the stuff down to 6inches once i started eyeballing the insane length i found that the wraps i used for me were abit much and i dont have big thick hands like some i found i could grip the bar as much as it was pulling out of my fingers as i bent it over them i was never really did alot of grip stuff before i got the bending bug i was more of a barrel and stone lifter so i havent developed the crush like some guys have that might help others here they might not have to reduce the wrapping as much.also i do have a high pain tolerance so that definately helped plus from day one i used to bend with small thin wraps only useing the bigger wraps on very hard for me stuff and also if my hands were beat up but i still wanted to bend.

I did also train for quite a while on sub 5inch stuff to develope the fingers further and also did a few exercises of a night whilst watching tv which further developed the fingers.

Repetition bending of the short stuff was something i did alot of as well i remember taking some fbbc 1/4inch square and i cut 5 pieces as 4.75inches and then lined up 5 60ds [english] 5 50ds and 5 40ds then what i did was i set the stop watch i a lined them all up and started with the fbbc squares i kinked them all as much as i could with one hit on each as fast as i could i had the 5 of them prewrapped i then took the wraps off and quickly wrapped the 5 60ds and then kinked them as fast as i could with one hit on each i then did the same with the 50ds and 40ds then i went back to the 1/4inch square and started over hitting each one a second time then onto the nails wich i finished off at this point i then went back to the 1/4inch squares and proceeded to finish each one off it was a ball buster and great for endurance as well as the isos cause i new i would need endurance as much as anything on the sub 5inch shinys.i9 later did this with just 3 5inch shinys and no nails just kinking the shinys 1 after the other then going back and finishing them that was why i could always kill a sub 6inch bar pretty quick as thats my ideal length of steel so feels easy once youve been hitting the short stuff for awhile made my long 7inch stuff harder tho as i neglected that at the time but was easy once i got it moving as i had all that power from crushing the short stuff.

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