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How Much Longer Before We Grow This Sport Of Grip?

Too Tall

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Here's a striking hypothetical example of why I believe a percentage or a total weight lifted (with a coefficient used to balance out the events that use heavier weights with those that use lighter, for example axle deadlifts and sledge hammers) system of scoring is the way to go. We'll use a powerlifting meet in the example, but it's equally applicable to a grip contest:

Bill: Squats 500, Benches 400, Deadlifts 500

Joe: Squats 495, Benches 395, Deadlifts 700

Using a strongman points system of scoring, Bill would win. Using a percentage based system or a total weight lifted system, Joe would win by a wide margin. Does anyone really believe that Bill is the better all around lifter?

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I am a bencher for 30 years, but a "gripper" only for 3 month. But I do my best, to promote grip-strength around my hometown.

Unfortunately the most athletes, who are weightlifters, throwers or powerlifters think, grip-contests are only a joke.

(ok, many of the big powerlifters are not tall and have small hands :-)

I think, right now there are only three grip-competitions in Germany.

I hope, I can meet You next time, when You come to Germany.

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Chad, I am with you on this! How about state and/or regional championships that lead up to a national championship? You haffta qualify at a state/regional before going on to a national...

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"Jedd, Smitty, Eric, Chris Rice and I could make this work. We are the promoters that are most active on this board. I'd volunteer Beatty too if he wasn't already busy enough, but I know for a fact his word would count alot with all of us."

Sounds like a good team, lets go forward with it.

Ryan, any chance you can put on a qualifier this tear?

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Chad, I am with you on this! How about state and/or regional championships that lead up to a national championship? You haffta qualify at a state/regional before going on to a national...


See this thread. What you suggested is already in the works.


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I'm fairly new to grip and I've never competed, but I'd be willing to do ANYTHING I can to help this cause. The group of talented folks on this board amazes me everyday. I'm in complete agreement with everyone here and like I said, please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

PM/email/call me with thoughts and/or ideas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is THE single most important topic in Grip. The formation of some type of governing body must to done or I foresee the sport eventually disappearing as we know it. The surest way to guarantee that NOTHING will happen is to give it to a committee! Our government and the results on this forum so far proves this every day. Three - no more than four guys, a laptop pre loaded with Bob's and the BHSA information and a case of beer at the Arnold Classic - 3 hours later it would be ready to print - if there's 5 guys, buy more beer and get drunk - it won't happen that night. I know everyone wants to be involved but that sure hasn't worked out so far - Jedd, Smitty and two guys of their choice and it's a done deal. I trust them to get it done and done right - I hope the rest of you feel the same. And when it's presented - you all keep your mouths shut and give it a chance - changes will come as they are needed.

My last post for 2007.

And John Eaton - this just needed to be said - even if I said I was going to shut my mouth :D And maybe all this champaign loosened my chops a little.

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This is THE single most important topic in Grip. The formation of some type of governing body must to done or I foresee the sport eventually disappearing as we know it. The surest way to guarantee that NOTHING will happen is to give it to a committee! Our government and the results on this forum so far proves this every day. Three - no more than four guys, a laptop pre loaded with Bob's and the BHSA information and a case of beer at the Arnold Classic - 3 hours later it would be ready to print - if there's 5 guys, buy more beer and get drunk - it won't happen that night. I know everyone wants to be involved but that sure hasn't worked out so far - Jedd, Smitty and two guys of their choice and it's a done deal. I trust them to get it done and done right - I hope the rest of you feel the same. And when it's presented - you all keep your mouths shut and give it a chance - changes will come as they are needed.

My last post for 2007.

And John Eaton - this just needed to be said - even if I said I was going to shut my mouth :D And maybe all this champaign loosened my chops a little.

I'm glad you didn't keep your mouth shut, Chris. I was thinking about this at work today while driving around in my gas tanker, as I'm prone to do, and I kinda like the idea of having simply one international organization for grip. Standardization, I think, is one of, if not the most, important reason for having an official organization. But I do agree with the bulk of your post, Chris. We could keep National records, "fun" events at non-title meets, and a collection of standardized events from which a meet promoter could choose, but with grip being so relatively small, especially in terms of those who actually compete in organized contests, I think one unified grip organization is the way to go. Some of us may have to give up our pet lifts as possible events in contest, and we will surely have to sacrifice in other areas, but I would be more than happy to let the Diesel Crew work it out with whoever and be content with the results as the start of something that will surely grow and be subject to any necessary changes that may present themselves in the future. I would even be content with the BHSA basically becoming the International Hand Strength Association, complete with a true annual world championships, complete with membership dues that could possibly help fund the travel expenses to the Worlds for each of the national champions. I strongly suspect that if "whoever" just does it, the gripsters will join. :D

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We've already got international members and are MORE than happy for our template to be copied. I'm also fairly certain that David and I would offer help where we could.

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We've already got international members and are MORE than happy for our template to be copied. I'm also fairly certain that David and I would offer help where we could.

Thanks Steve.

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