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Smallest Hands On The Board?


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unfortunately no one likes to tell me how to measure my hand. i also tried the search function but it didn´t work.


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Search for "hand size" in the gallery.

There are a couple of pics demonstrating it.

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I can not see anyone moaning Steve so keep out you too big handed :trout


Give it a few posts and you will. The topic remains the same. If, as per WS's comment, he cannot pick up a blob by the face - so be it. I've never tried and I KNOW my hands are bigger. Asking about hand sizes, even on this site, is equal to worrying about hair loss, show size and so on. There's bugger all you can about it, you can't change it, so deal with it. Ditto knowing (other than to compare and use 'oh he has bigger hands - so he's not stronger than me just 'gifted'') what sized my hands are.

It's not that the info has NO relevance only that it, as I have said many times, before, allows those asking to the excuse to not be the best they could be by working damn hard. Focus should always be on doing your very best, bleeding if need be, over any hand size comparison.

Not to knock any that did compare but I put my hand up for a bunch to compare there's with after the British. They looked at finger length, hand thickness and so on. I do hope no one went away thinking 'that's why he's so good'. It'd be such a waste. Gazza is way smaller than me, hands included, and KILLS bars all day long I couldn't touch. Ditto Tommy - his smaller left hand is way better than mine and most people are shorter, have smaller hands and so on than me. I'm not the best at everything and some of those way better than me have hands a LOT smaller. I doubt if they care about hand size one bit.

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I can not see anyone moaning Steve so keep out you too big handed :trout


Give it a few posts and you will. The topic remains the same. If, as per WS's comment, he cannot pick up a blob by the face - so be it. I've never tried and I KNOW my hands are bigger. Asking about hand sizes, even on this site, is equal to worrying about hair loss, show size and so on. There's bugger all you can about it, you can't change it, so deal with it. Ditto knowing (other than to compare and use 'oh he has bigger hands - so he's not stronger than me just 'gifted'') what sized my hands are.

It's not that the info has NO relevance only that it, as I have said many times, before, allows those asking to the excuse to not be the best they could be by working damn hard. Focus should always be on doing your very best, bleeding if need be, over any hand size comparison.

Not to knock any that did compare but I put my hand up for a bunch to compare there's with after the British. They looked at finger length, hand thickness and so on. I do hope no one went away thinking 'that's why he's so good'. It'd be such a waste. Gazza is way smaller than me, hands included, and KILLS bars all day long I couldn't touch. Ditto Tommy - his smaller left hand is way better than mine and most people are shorter, have smaller hands and so on than me. I'm not the best at everything and some of those way better than me have hands a LOT smaller. I doubt if they care about hand size one bit.

I fully agree with you on this, but it's not that black / white. I'm just curious about hand size, and what people can do with small hands, but of course it's not science since it doesn't necessarily mean they have the same strength as someone else with bigger hands.

It's just me actually, if I'm interested in something (this case grip sport) then I want to know everything there is to know about it, see it like a healthy addiction if you want ;)

For most questions I have about grip sport (and there are many many questions in my head) 95% can be found via either google or the gripboard without any problems, but some very specific things like this are IMO worth to open a thread, even if someone who's been in the business much much longer then me doesn't feel the same.

Most of the grip guys here on the board all have people close to them who love the sport as well, AFAIK Theo (200 miles from me) is the only one in the Netherlands who did grip sport so the questions you guys normally ask during a meet and probably all see it as common knowledge, for me it's not.

But apparently (assuming from the replies in this thread) there aren't too many people on this board with small hands. Just interesting to know ;)

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@franky + scorpion:thanks a lot,this helped. it´s my second forum i joined and i´m not really fit with computers so i got to ask sometimes questions you might think are dumb.

now i also understand, we are talking about the length of the hand, not the width. for grippers i understand that the width isn´t that important but i can imagine that it is for bending as well as for levering sledgehammers and things like that.

Edited by nightowl27
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mesuared 7,68"/19.5 cm. but mobsterone is also right, we have to accept our bodies and make the best of it. every disadvantage has also an advantage.

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And some nice others as well. I like this one:


This one takes the cake I think. Yes, Cleve Dean vs. Florian K.


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And some nice others as well. I like this one:


This one takes the cake I think. Yes, Cleve Dean vs. Florian K.


wtf?? that's really huge!

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We all accept what we are given and know it is one of those things that we have no control over.But it's a board for discussion and the simplest thing is not to read posts on subjects that don't intrest you.

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mine are less then 6.5, i am only 5 feet 4 inches tall, i am a small bit@@@ :blink

quit dwelling on the negative. achieve and don't stop.

Do you know who puts the negative thoughts in your

mind? It's the little satan turd and his losers.

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mine are less then 6.5, i am only 5 feet 4 inches tall, i am a small bit@@@ :blink

It's the little satan turd and his losers.

:D lol, we need more humor in this topic.

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Tommy H and Scott George are two of the best small handed guys around.Hahhaha, and for my monthly Don Larkin reference, his hands are 6.75". He did 3 25's, 2 45's, bent things tougher than bastards, and almost closed a gripper about as hard as a 3.5 (he never bought a 3 when he was at peak strength).Also, there is a COC missing a finger- Brent Mikesell- But I am not sure he closed the gripper on the hand with the missing finger.

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We all accept what we are given and know it is one of those things that we have no control over.But it's a board for discussion and the simplest thing is not to read posts on subjects that don't intrest you.

I take it anyone is free to post on topics that dis-interest them if they so choose?

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We all accept what we are given and know it is one of those things that we have no control over.But it's a board for discussion and the simplest thing is not to read posts on subjects that don't intrest you.

I take it anyone is free to post on topics that dis-interest them if they so choose?

Absolutely Steve, it's a free board and we should all get along ;)

@Bob: thanks for the info, so far I think the following should be correct (please correct me if i'm wrong):

- wide pinch (blob, 6 10s): large hands advantage

- smaller pinch (up to 54mm): doesn't matter

- bending (all styles): small hands advantage

- gripper (CC & TNS): large hands advantage

- gripper (parallel set): doesn't matter

- vbar: doesn't matter

- thick bar (inch db, etc): large hands advantage

- one hand lift / deadlift: doesn't matter

- hub lift: small hand advantage

so now I know where to put extra focus on ;)

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- wide pinch (blob, 6 10s): large hands advantage

- smaller pinch (up to 54mm): doesn't matter

- bending (all styles): small hands advantage

- gripper (CC & TNS): large hands advantage

- gripper (parallel set): doesn't matter

- vbar: doesn't matter

- thick bar (inch db, etc): large hands advantage

- one hand lift / deadlift: doesn't matter

- hub lift: small hand advantage

Hey, nice list, I never saw it from that point of view.

Also, if I remember correctly, a guy called Gary Williams, I think friends with John Eaton, closed the #3 with a parallel set and he has sub-7" hands and missing the tip of one of his fingers? I think the video was good enough for MM0, and is in YouTube.

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True. Most competitions have something for small and large hands and so it all equals out. The 'smaller handed' who puts the work in on the events he thinks he'd be disadvantaged on will do well. I always look at just improving regardless. For example I have larger hands but won the bending at the Euros in 2004 (and if I had been thinking more clearly could have repeated that in 2005).

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you know what's really annoying?

I have a colleague who doesn't workout, isn't really strong in his hands, but pinches a computer (wide pinch) much easier then me even though I'm training for it.(he has about 1" bigger hands).

That together with the blob face which is impossible to me was the reason I opened this thread, I wanted to know what my main points of focus should be since I want to compete in the MGC in May / June in Germany and I don't want another Champions of Steel in which I had 4 events which were my strong points but 4 others (speedbending, nail snapping, braced snapping and long bar bending (48"-24")) which were my weak points.

Since small vs large hands do make a difference it's definitely worth focusing on IMO.

Thanks for all the input guys, you've been a great help! ;)

Edited by White Scorpion
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@white scorpion: Things like this sometimes happen. you train for a thing and then someones comes and does it better than you and all without training. but there are 2 things to mention.

first:does your friend perhaps work in a computer store and pinch PC´c all the day??? or perhaps something similar?

second: take all the exercise you do and then look who´s better,you or your buddy.If he is, you should ask him what he´s doing for it ;)

i have also a friend who is a road construction worker. when my bag of nails arrived, i could bent the white and green easy but i thought, when my friend tries,he would fail. i was wrong, he got both nails bent and after it , he also reversed the bent and broke the nail. then he tried the blue one and the nail bended also a bit. only a little bit(angle of 5 degrees) but i was really surprised.

i wouldn´t say his handstrength is better than mine(it´s weaker) but he has strong wrists, not weaker than mine because of his job i think. this is a motivation to get this weakness of my body. i want to be stronger(some years ago i was weaker).

compared to all the moves i train, he´s of course much weaker than i. but i gave him now a kettlebell to train with so i got to keep going on to stay stronger :)

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it's a colleague so he does similar work to mine. But of course he isn't stronger in all exercises, but only the wide pinch because of bigger hands.

So even though I know it's only that, it's still annoying so I need to become much stronger in wide pinching ;)

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ok, i wish you the very best for that.

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