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Time To Get Serious

Matt Brouse

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Some clips of recent 385 Axle Dead attempts:


The Evolution:



Awesome video's!

Way to stick with the 385!

The medley looks fun man. Let me know if your doing that again.?

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Thanks Mike, will do.

10-21-07 - bodyweight 268

Arm Training

EZ Curls 15x20, 35x10x3, 55x10x2, 65x10x2

Hammer Curls 35x10, 45x10, 55x5, 65x5

Low Cable Curls 60x10, 80x10, 100x10, 130x10

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Some clips of recent 385 Axle Dead attempts:


The Evolution:



LOVE the medley work Matt! Your pretty modest for a gripster so strong, you could enter a contest with the likes of Woodall, Johnson, Corcorran, etc, etc and hold your own quite well without a doubt, if not place higher than one or two of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great job on the axle!

What happened to the overhead???

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  • 2 weeks later...

A smattering from the last few days:

Farmer's Picks with hold

worked up to 400's for 10 seconds

Farmer's Walk

115x240 feet

205x120 feet

305x95 feet


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  • 3 weeks later...

Friday November 30th - Bodyweight 266lbs.


Tx10x2, #1x10, #2x5, #2x5 Second Holds

Double Overhand Axle Deadlifts

115xsome, 205xsome, 305x1, 355x1, x1, x1, x1

Yep. Grippers are to be done after the lifting for the warm-up, this was terrible.

Also, the grip stuff slowed a bit with the nearing of Strongman Nationals but I should be getting back into the groove again. Gotta get my garage heated as I like lifting there...

Edited by Matt Brouse
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  • 3 weeks later...

Seriously serious???

Merry Christmas bro!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wednesday January 9th, 2008

DO Axle Deads

305x3, 335x1, 355x1, 305x5

DO Axle Power Clean

125x5, 185x5, 215x5

Some Random Gripper Closes

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  • 1 month later...

A lot of my grip stuff has been limited to the strongman events (which aint a bad policy).

Recent stuff:

305 Farmer's Walk for 80 with our tougher handles. PR on these handles.

287lbs. Power Clean on the Axle. Press it also.

Have experimented with sled dragging with an RT for the handle...still not sure of it's worth.

Edited by Matt Brouse
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307 x 10 Axle Deadlifts Double over hand. 2 Rep PR. Dropped 11 on lockout.

I should really get back to training the other grip events, eh?

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Damn, and I thought my 255x10 earlier this week was good. Nice Axle work!

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Thanks Chuck!

Did some RT today worked to a single® at 210. A triple at 170 which is a PR.

Also poewr cleaned 315 for the first time in years. Not necessarily too weak but just haven't done heavy stuff.

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I think my best pull is 215 or 220 but it was nice to pull up around 200 with no training on it and feel comfortable with the weight.

A lot of Axle cleans, deads, presses is easily top 3 best overall grip builders.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I took another random stab at the RT and hit a few more PRs a few days back.

185x5 Right

195x3 Right

185x3 Left

195x1 Left

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Did some wrist rolls and static hangs today, just feeling it out. I'm going to slowly working back into it.

Here's my basic training layout. You can seen the grip stuff will be centered around the Axle work and the FW. As it should be.

Monday: Cleans, Axle work, Deads, Upper Back stuff - Grippers or levering

Tuesday: Cardio, light grip work - Wrist rolls

Wednesday: Dynamic Pressing (log, bar, axle) Jerks, Push Presses -

Thursday: Cardio, light Grip - nothing static or eccentric

Friday: Mobile Events - FW, Yoke, Tire, Squats as assistants when time permits - Usually some RT pulls or Vbar

Saturday: Strict Pressing, same implements, some push pressing for reps, DB work, arm work

Sunday: Off, maybe some grip or cardio

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Sometime in or around July. I'm trying to hook up with people before then for some training.

Let me know. im always up for some.

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