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Muensterland Grip Challenge - Part 4


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Hello everyone,

I will write for now for the last time (for now) on the Gripboard. Don't worry it is not because the comments, but because of my health. My friend Thorsten (Toddle) knows that at the Euro's 2006 I had a shit and lift Championchip. Lifting a weight and running to the toilet and loose my stomache. It was getting better afterwards, but since the end of last year it came back, only a lot worse than at the Euro's. When you have pain there automaticly the lowerback hurts too. Only the pain now is so bad that I thougt 24 May I can just make it. That is why I said (stupid to tell without explaining myself about the inside injury) something about 3 month through the toilet.

I cannot lift any weigt now without pain, so the doctor said first resting, cleaning the inside and than look at the thing inside with photo's and than take it out.

He also said the chance for 100% recovery is 0-20%. It will not kill me, (I hope) but 1/2-1 year I will be out and then comes the recoveryperiod so I think at least 1-2 years I will be out. I will keep reading the Gripboard; I only want to know if I am welcome if I partly recover or that because of my 1 time mistake with my stupid comment I am not welcome anymore?

OK Toddle, Frankyboy, Honk, Erik, Theo, Flo, Alawahdi, Peter, Thomas and many others please keep your fingers crossed or light a candle and a little bit with me that I am getting better.

I will do a little bit of fitness. (don't like the word) Maybe the irritating words were also because of the pain.

I love all you guys and hope to see you all in the future.

Goodbye and greetings,


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I hope you get well.

I didn't mean you should quit grip because of your strength level.

But because 3 month seemed like regular training to you, and because you said that you feel you wasted 3 month because you wont be able to confirm your numbers at a comp.

Of course I didn't know that you had chronical health issues, when I wrote that.

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