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thanks man , i have one but i borrowed it to hugo. when he has closed it i will try it too. i will do it i think.

three new videos on youtube by the way. a human turkish get up and the kettlebell beast clean and press, one time with right and one time with left side.

i will write down my training after completing the russian squat assault. it will be a bit easier to read when i write it down in one piece. best luck to you all.

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my training:

20.10.08:overhead press 65.5kg 4x9 rep squat 90.5kg 4x9rep

21.10.08:ring chin +10kg 4x9rep

22.10.08:press 70.5kg 5x7rep squat 98kg 5x7

23.10.08:ring chin +15kg 5x7rep

24.10.08: press 75.5kg 7x5rep squat 103kg 7x5rep

25.10.08:ring chin +22.5kg 7x5 rep

26.10.08:press 80.5kg 10x3rep squat 110.5 10x3 rep

27.10.08: /

28.10.08:ring chin + 28.75kg 10x3rep

tried the second wave and wanted to take only 3 min rest between sets . i was able to press only 70.5 2x9rep and 1x7 reps instead of 4x9rep once again. i left the RSA to try something else. not only because i failed to do the forced number of reps but because i felt that especially the overhead press wasnt save anymore because of the high reps used in this programm-after the 6th or 7th rep my waist wasnt tight anymore.

i trained some days without a well `planned programm but have now some kind of plan for my new workouts. i will train the lower body three times a week,

one day with sandbag lifts, one day with squats and front squats as well as power cleans( on this day also ring chin ups) and one day with kettlebell swings and snatches.

i had a routine nevertheless for my last workouts for the press....

6.11:8x3reps 73kg always 3min rest in between sets

7.11:8x3 75.5kg

8.11:8x3 78kg

9.11:8x3 80.5kg

10.11: 8x2 83kg this time with warm up 5x58 and 2x78 before today also sandbag lifts to the chest 72kg 5x5reps with 3 rest

11.11:8x2 85.5kg warm up 5x58 and 2x78

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wednesday12.11.08: two new personal records. overhead press 98kg @ 78kg bodyweight and a push press of 118kg

on thursday i did a 53kg one arm press with my right hand...also pr

friday14.11.08: time to do something else....

thickbar powerclean and press 52x5 62x5 and 72x5 x 3sets all with 1 minute rest in between sets, then 3 minutes later

front squat 103 x5 reps x 3 sets, also 1 min rest then 3 min later

ring chin with 32kg additional weight 7x3 reps with 1 min rest in between....

i will try to gain a bit more weight the next two-three weeks and use a variety of exercises like thickbar power clean and presses as well as sandbag clean and presses and kettlebells as well. my grip is the limiting factor with the thickbar so i have to work on it. i got in the last time stronger on grippers and bending but the performance on the thickbar didnt change at all....i already pressed 80kg overhead with my sandbag but now i dont use inner bags anymore and the sandbag is packed really loose so it is a totally different thing right now....

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Congrats for the latest PRs.

Those overhead pressed are impressive! :rock

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Congrats for the latest PRs.

Those overhead pressed are impressive! :rock

thanks a lot, i really appreciate your comments.

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training yesterday sunday the 16th of november: kettlebell clean and press 24x5 32x5 40x5 x 3 sets 2minutes rest

54kg kettlebell swing 10x 5wdh 2minutes rest

ring chin +32kg 4,4,3,3, 1minute rest

on saturday another pr.... thickbar clean and press 92kg / 204pounds

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thanks for your friendly comment...

training today,tuesday the 18th of november:

warm up : 24kg kettlebell dead hang snatch5 reps per side , then 5 reps bottom up press per side, then

sandbag clean and press 70kg, loose packed bag! 4x5 reps with 2 min rest in between sets

then turkish get up with 40kg kettlebell 1 rep per side, then ab wheel standing rollouts 3x5 reps with 1 minute in between sets

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on the 19 th of november just a bent press try: 58kg fail, 58 fail, then 58kg succeed and then 63kg succeed, only with right hand

november,20th 2008: overhead press: 58kgx5 68kgx4 78kgx3 88kgx2 100.5kgx1 PR

deadlift 5x118 4x138 3x158 2x178 that was all....

then some back off sets overhead press 83x5 80.5x5 and deadlift 158x5 and 158x4

i got a lot weaker on the deadlift because i neglected it and i have also still some slight lower back pain. but i will fix it and then come back for more....

training the 22th: bent press 28/33/38/43/48 x2 only time to change the plates between the single reps with increasing weight and then a minute or two until the second set. then overhead press 80.5 3x3 and then suitcase deadlift 63kg 2x5 reps

Edited by nightowl27
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just for the record:~

Pierre doesnt use any belt to perform the deadlift!

looking to watch a new video from u lifting maybe 210 kg:-)

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hI Hugo, you are absolutely right, i never use belts or stuff like this.... nevertheless i cant lift 210kg but next year for shure ....

my last workouts:

24.11.08:bent press alternating hands after each rep: 13min continuesly with 38kg

then overhead press:80.5kg 1,2,and then 3 reps with nearly no rest, then after a minute 1,2 reps

then one hand swings with 40kg kbell: 3 times 20 reps ( 10 each hand,switching after 5 reps hands)

26.11.08: bent press 40.5kg 15 minutes

then press 68x5 73x4 78x3 83x2 88x1 1min rest

then swings one arm 40kg bell: 34 then 16 with 30sec rest

28.11.08: bent press singles alternating hands after each rep without rest: 30.5 35.5 40.5 45.5 50.5kg no problem at all

then press 60.5x2 70.5x2 80.5x2 90.5x1 without rest, only time to add plates

then thickbar sumo deadlifts overhand grip: 72/84.5/97/112/117 kg every time a single rep, no rest in between

then sandbag lifting combo: sandbag clean and press,then zercher squat then headlock left to shoulder right , then headlock right to shoulder left ,then bearhug set down. all without letting the bag down in one movement! 4 times with 30rest with 65kg loosely packed.

that was all.... i dont know for shure what is wrong with my back but i never have pain when working out, it s only the day after training.... not really strong pain and not continuesly, it appears only sometimes but perhaps my body is just adapting....

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sandbag clean and multiple press: 50kgx5 60kgx5 70kgx5 80kgx5 PR 90kgx3 PR 100kg clean yes,press fail...

then zercher squat with 80kg sandbag: 3x3 reps

always with 3 minutes rest in between sets.

my back feels really good after this roundback lifting and still today there is only a minimal discomfort. i think i have beaten the injury...

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i will upload the video of my sandbag work the next days, here in paraguay it didnt work and i will fly in some hours to germany. best wishes, pierre

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  • 2 weeks later...

the videos are working at youtube and i am still training with my sandbag. will post my recent sessions in some days here. i am also about to construct some dumbbells with a thick bar and i also bought a beer keg of 50litres which i will fill up with sand when i am back in paraguay!

i am looking forward for a bit more variety training in the new year: barbell clean and press/ thckbar dumbell clean and press/sandbag clean and press/keg clean and press/ thickbar clean and press and so on... just like to clean and press everything. but i am also looking forward to train a bit more of my grip and my wrist strength as well as my legs now....

i feel that its just more fun to train the same exercise with different tools.

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sandbag clean and multiple press:

50x5 60x5 70x4 80x3 80x3 80x3 80x3 80x1 80x2 80x4

sandbag bearhug squat:80x5 80x5


sandbag clean and multiple press:

60x5 70x5 80x5 80x5 80x5 80x5

sandbag zercher squat: 80x5 80x3


sandbag clean and multiple press:

55x5 70x3 80x1 90x1 95x1bad form 95x1bad form 85x4 85x3 85x3 80x5

sandbag kombo: sandbag lift-zercher squat-shouldering right- shouldering left-bearhug squat=1set 3x mit 80kg


sandbag clean and multiple press(back off workout):

50x5 60x5 65x4 70x3 75x2 80x1


sandbag clean and multiple press:

55x5 65x5 70x4 75x3 80x2 85x1


sandbag clean and multiple press:

50x5 60x5 70x5 75x4 80x3 85x2 90x1

dumbell clean and press(one dumbell) : 32.5x5 35x4 37.5x3 40x2 42.5x1


sandbag multiple clean and one press:

50x5 60x5 70x5 80x5 90x3

sandbag clean 85x5 85x5


sandbag clean and multiple press:

50x5 60x5 70x5 85x3 95x1 PR because of good form, didnt really count the two singles on 10.12.08 / siehe youtube


sandbag clean and press

60x5 70x5 80x5

sandbag clean and multiple press:

80x5 85x3 85x2 85x3

sandbag clean: 85x5

sandbag bearhugsquat: 85x5 95x5 95x5

this was my training since arriving in cold germany. i also had to adapt a bit for the change from 45degrees to 2 degrees fahrenheit . the last four days of continuos training were quite hard, i noticed today that i feel a bit gassed but nevertheless hit a PR yesterday on the third training day without rest. i will now take two days off to restart with easy training on saturday and work up to a personal record of clean and pressing a 100kg/ 222pounds sandbag until the end of the year. this would be great and a good base to start from the next year.

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training yesterday,22.12.08:

sandbag clean & multiple press:

55x5 65x5 70x4 75x3 80x2 85x1 75x3 80x2 85x1 75x3 80x2 85x1


in the evening i got my new sandbag( a big duffel toploader bag, 237 liters of volume!) did a 85kg clean and press and after this a 110kg sandbag lift above waist height. this bag gets really huge and is much harder to lift than the ironmind bag which is a bit slimmer and easier to grab. getting those 110kg with the big duffel bag over head is a real challenge. but my first goal is to get 100kg overhead with the ironmind bag. nevertheless i will train from now on always with the harder to handle duffel toploader bag.

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