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thanks for your friendly mails guys. I´ll post whenever i´ll get the possibility over there!

with best wishes for the future ,Pierre

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  • 2 weeks later...
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hi guys,best wishes from the 42 degree hot paraguay.

i am just in the next town in an internet cafe and make use of the possibility to get on the board.

at the moment i am training a lot of clean and presses with the 40kg kettlebell as well as deadlift. without training the DL i got a rep with 182 kg at 70 kilos bodyweight just because of my sandbag lifting .i think i can upgrade my performance by getting into the DL groove again.i have a new long term goal of lifting 4 times bodyweight one day cause i am close to a triple bw DL.nevertheless it will take some time and patience but i will keep working on it.

with the 40kg kettlebell i will start soon doing ladders from 3x1,2,3 up to 5x1,2,3,4,5. when i am there i might press the beast. on my grip strength there are no news, think i will soon close the 2.5 . i will report next time when i have acces to the net.

best wishes and until next time.

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hi guys,best wishes from the 42 degree hot paraguay.

i am just in the next town in an internet cafe and make use of the possibility to get on the board.

at the moment i am training a lot of clean and presses with the 40kg kettlebell as well as deadlift. without training the DL i got a rep with 182 kg at 70 kilos bodyweight just because of my sandbag lifting .i think i can upgrade my performance by getting into the DL groove again.i have a new long term goal of lifting 4 times bodyweight one day cause i am close to a triple bw DL.nevertheless it will take some time and patience but i will keep working on it.

with the 40kg kettlebell i will start soon doing ladders from 3x1,2,3 up to 5x1,2,3,4,5. when i am there i might press the beast. on my grip strength there are no news, think i will soon close the 2.5 . i will report next time when i have acces to the net.

best wishes and until next time.

Hi Pierre,

great that you arrived safely.

Awesome job on the DL.

You should shoot for 200kg and you'll get it without any big problems I predict.

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hi franky,thanks for your reply. i will now work on the DL to pull 197 kg before i go to vacations to brazil in dezember 18th.

i don·t have more weight plates at the moment, so the only thing i can perhaps do is to hang some kettlebells onto the bar but this is not really nice having them dangling around there.did some 240 kilo lockouts like this.

but next year i will realy start some new routines i have never tried before. the smolov routine with DLs and perhaps i will also do the 20 rep squat routine to get my legs stronger. they are the weak point i have to work on and i will also profit on the DL with it.

we will see.....

best wishes from paraguay and until soon.


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hi franky,thanks for your reply. i will now work on the DL to pull 197 kg before i go to vacations to brazil in dezember 18th.

i don·t have more weight plates at the moment, so the only thing i can perhaps do is to hang some kettlebells onto the bar but this is not really nice having them dangling around there.did some 240 kilo lockouts like this.

but next year i will realy start some new routines i have never tried before. the smolov routine with DLs and perhaps i will also do the 20 rep squat routine to get my legs stronger. they are the weak point i have to work on and i will also profit on the DL with it.

we will see.....

best wishes from paraguay and until soon.


I did Smolov and all I can say:

Its HARD but if you come through it it definately will make you stronger.

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hi franky,

thanks for your reply, great to hear the smolov is worth the effort. it is not the full smolov i am about to do. it is from the book beyond bodybuilding from pavel tsatsouline. two sessions per week, not four like in the original. he says in his book it is not the full smolov. my left wrist is now definetely better. i did isometrics in the stretched position. i read about it in the book beyond stretching, where he says that after an injury the body shortens the range of motion in the injured area by getting stiffer. by applieing isos in the stretched position,the body learns that he has the extreme position under control and releases the stiffness and tensions in the problem zone. i did the isos one day long multiple times over the day and the results were that i had no problems the day after. now it feels really good.

thats all for the moment, i send you best wishes and until next time!

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hi franky,

thanks for your reply, great to hear the smolov is worth the effort. it is not the full smolov i am about to do. it is from the book beyond bodybuilding from pavel tsatsouline. two sessions per week, not four like in the original. he says in his book it is not the full smolov. my left wrist is now definetely better. i did isometrics in the stretched position. i read about it in the book beyond stretching, where he says that after an injury the body shortens the range of motion in the injured area by getting stiffer. by applieing isos in the stretched position,the body learns that he has the extreme position under control and releases the stiffness and tensions in the problem zone. i did the isos one day long multiple times over the day and the results were that i had no problems the day after. now it feels really good.

thats all for the moment, i send you best wishes and until next time!

I also did the lighter version of Smolov, doing 12 workouts in 6 weeks but I still improved by 10% in the Deadlift.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok,thats good to know. my last training sessions were more freestyle than structured . maybe there was a system but i could·t see it;-) last session was

eagle loop deadlifts with thickbar(then the eagle loops are a bit lower because of the bar diameter than with the olympic bar ).

142kg 1single 162 kg 1 single 182 1 single 192 1 single 202 1 single then another with 192( went for the 207kg but didnt get it.

everything with 71kg bodyweight.

then barbell clean and press 62kg 1rep, 72kg 1rep, 77kg 1 rep ,82kg 1 rep and finally 87kg 1 rep. did also 77 kg with a 2 inch thickbar the day before. did also some chins on rings, pulled only with one arm and let the other straght. 4 reps per side.

i also nearly closed the coc #2.5, one mm was missing. i didnt train on grippers but i think i got sotronger on them because of the practice of one arm deadlifts. stradlle style as well as conventional style.

ok, thats alls for the moment. i am just in a hotel in the capital of paraguay. the day after tomorrow i ll fly to brasil for vacations. after this i will first start out with a kind of free style programm i used to do the last week. every day some variations of the deadlift(thickbar, one handed, suitcase style, etc) every day pressing exercise like kettlebell clean and press,waiters press,sots press, thickbar clean and press, barbell C&P, barbell side press, turkich getups and so on. i still have to fill my sandbag. also some ab work and variations of pullups and chins!

until next time and best wishes for christmas and the new year, you will here from me soon.

with best regards, pierre

Edited by nightowl27
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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys,

best wishes from paraguay. have the possibility to write some wrds about my last weeks of training. they were more freestyle than structured and i also got bitten by a poisonous spider which laed to a blood poisining. i didnt stopped training but i wasnt really shure how bad my blood poisining was . i didnt went to a doc but now after 14 days the red stripes on my right thigh are disappeared. i will now do a bit more structured training . after a 4 week vacation i lost a bit the feeling for my freestyle training and think the strucure will help.

my training consists at the moment of a deadliftcycle, a barbell side press cycle , a barbell finger roll cycle and a revers wrist curl step cycle.

started the DL cylce two weeks ago with a consevative 112kg x5 and a second set reduced by ten %. my workout tomorrow will be 139.5 x5. it is the second cycle now and i am doing about 8-10 workouts per cycle. the cycles for the DL and side press and as well for the finger roll are linear. for the dl i go up in 5 kg steps, for the side press (tomorrow 37kgx5/34.5x5) i go up by 2.5 kg steps. for the finger roll i g up by the same step size than for the side press( tomorrow 77kg x 5/70x5).

the cycle for the reverse wrist curl is a step cycle because the weight there is really low. 24.5x5/22x5. i try to up the weight by 2.5 kg every four workouts( i stay with the same weight for three workouts).

thats it for the moment. i started after my vacations a bit lighter than i normally do with my cycles but with the time the weights will get heavier. one of my aims for this year is to lift 240kg with the DL and to side press more than 50 kgs. perhaps i will be able to press a 48 kg KB as well by improving my barbell side press. with the kb i have only the problem that i can screw some plates below the kb but this changes the center of gravity as well and dont know how to measure the intensty ecatly otherwise. i think for cycling the barbell is better. i also like to get the coc#3 closed until summer but perhaps this goal is a bit high setted and not good to reach while only practicing the barbell finger roll. lets see how far i get until summer.

best wishes and until next time. think until then i will have some new videos , too.

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Hi guys...

Glad to see your still here and posting in your log!!!

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hi pierre!

welcome to the gripboard! its been a long time since your last post!

i will read carefully later all your training!|~

keep working hard ...!

your friend


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hi guys thanks for your answers,

here are some of my latest achivements:

finished the deadlift cycle with 160kgx5 reps(not easy but no max as well) and the side press cycle with 39.5kg with an olympic barbell. i will now try to get some more muscle mass with higher volume in my workouts and then reach a new peak by getting more intensity while reducing the volume.

first workout deadlift:127kgx5 , 114.5x5 , 102 x5reps x 18 sets.

side press:32x5,29.5x5,27x5reps x 8 sets all with 71 kg bodyweight. i also think i closed my rb 210,couldnt just see the end of the handles. btw it's ligher than my coc2.5.

my following workout weights for my first set of deadlifting(overhand grip) will be: (first wo127)137,147,157, 137,147,157,167,147,157,167,177,

" " " " " " " " " barbell side press:(first wo32) 34.5 , 37,39.5,34.5,37,39.5,42,37,39.5,42,44.5,

the second set gets reduced by 10%, and the third until the last sets are again reduced by 10%.

we will see how far i get ..... until next time!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi guys.

had a real setback last weekend. weighed my barbell and found out that it is 4 kilos lighter than i thought. also changed the routine i posted last time. next time i will post what i did and not what i think i will do next time;-)

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nice workout Pierre!

18 sets with 102.5 on the deadlift?? are u crazy?:-) waw! talking about Volume!

i closed my brand new rb 240 (betwen my #2.5 and #3) :

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Thanks hugo but now i know that it was actually only 123x5reps,114x5reps and 98x5x18sets ...

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sorry, i mean of course 122x5reps,109.5x5reps and 97x5reps x18sets....

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training last week:

monday:barbell get up 38kg, 7.5 minutes with alternating hands after every rep,then swings with a 40kg KB, 3x20reps,then some reverse wrist curls,

tuesday:5 singles barbell side press 28 kg, some pullup ladders with 24 kg additional weight.

wednesday: 7singles barbell side press 28kg, then some hours later barbell get up 38kg,4 minutesalternating hands every rep, then snatches 24 kg , 3x20reps, then reverse wrist curls,

thursday:9 singles side press 28kg, pullup ladders with 24 kg,

friday:11singles barbell side press28kg in the morning , in the evening barbell get up 38kg, 5min 50 sec, then kb swings one handed 32kg kb 3x20,then some reverse wrist curls,

saturday:13singles barbell sidepress, then pullup ladders,

sunday:15 singles barbell sidepress,

every day i do pistols several reps throughout the day(grease the groove)with a 24 kg kettlebell,i will increase the weight here as well when it is time to!

side press: only practicing this movement with weights about 70-80% of my max, my strength will come from the

barbell get up:here i will increase first the time and when i can do 10-15 minutes nonstop with alternating hands every rep,i will increase the weight and start all over at a time of 5 minutes minimum.

to the swings: after stop working on them i noticed some pain in my rearhead while doing them, i think i have to work up my worse condition to get in better shape. when this is done, i will increase the weight to get my deadlift weight increasing as well. i think that swings will increase my DL weight without practicing the DL. but here i get also conditionning the deadlift wont give me. i worked them 3x20 last week but the next workouts i will roll two dice to determine the length of the swing time and then do sets of 20(10per arm with snatches). one day i will wokr 100%,one day 50 and one day 75, like with the get up.

in the past i switched very often my routine and i also trained some days without a routine but no i really have to work a bit more serious again.

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  • 5 weeks later...

my actual training : barbell getup and sandbag bearhug single lifts +24m walk (30sec rest between each singlerep) on monday wednesday and friday. both exercises on time. started the get up with 28kg over and did as many alternated singles without break on time as possible in good form. every workout 2.5kg more weight. the same for the sandbag bearhuglift and walk.

tuesday,thursday and saturday: barbell finger rolls 2 reps with 5sec holds on the top and low position per rep.after two reps 30sec break.

rope chins and reverse wrist curls grease the groove.

two new personal records: get up 53kg left and 58kg right.

check out the youtube videos!

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  • 2 weeks later...


fingercurl? barbell finger curl 83 for ca 5 reps...

training at the moment: after reaching new max in the barbell get up ( the video works now) i changed to barbell clean and push presses.

monday : 20x73 kg clean and push press

pullovers 20x10kg

ring chins 1x15 1x3

wednesday:20x78kg clean and push press

pullover and chins as monday

dont know if i should go on with this programm because my clean technique is not really very well and sometimes deteriorates.

perhaps i will do





1x88 (1x98=max) and then 3x5reps with 78kg instead to get the technique better. after this i will come back to the 20 rep routine...

have no clue but will decide until later....

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thanks hugo. yeah , i am really focused to get better in the barbell clean and press. nevertheless i did monday something else. ;)

40kg kettlebell clean and press, 3 x 1,2,3 last ladder with left hand only 1,2,2 reps

after this zercher squat 5x5 reps with 72kg

did it because i wanted to show my self that i had broken the plateau of pressing the 40kg kettlebell for reps.

now i will only focus on barbell clean and presses and ring chins afterwards just for fun.

but to get a full squat clean done, i will first decrease the weights for polishing my technique. my best in the full squat clean was 83 kg, 15 kg less than in the clean and push press where i didnt went very low, perhaps 20degrees with my thigs above paralell.






with 70.5x3 reps x3-5 back off sets to increase the volume would be a good start today for my clean and press training.

i think i will quickly get the groove of the right technique and then add weight to the bar.

after this ring chin ups with addtitional 10kg 1,2,3,4, x possible number of sets in good form.


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yesterdays trainig

barbell clean and press with full squat






felt a bit weak at the beginning but after the 2x78 i thought lets but 10kg more on the bar and give it a try. didnt felt to heavy and i pressed the bar with really strict technique. on friday i will try 95.5kgs as well as a 110kg push press. if i succed with the push press weight, i will train with this exercise in the future.

my training for a better technique with a bit lower weights payed off, i have no problems anymore going into the full squat. with 90kg it really felt light and i pulled the bar so high that i am sure off getting the job with 110kg on friday done.

i will report next time and add also 2 new videos .

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A 90kg press is darn impressive at your weight.

This is a very interesting log. You go about getting stronger in a way that is not the norm and I admire that. What is your bodyweight?

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