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Training yesterday: SB C&P 60kg 15 singles

GTG with ISG only for right hand. setting 3/9

i also made a new plan for the time after the end of the SB C&P cycle.it´s finished end of next week.

i´ll do grip work and wrist work three times a week.

on my grip days i´ll do after my normal shedule Wristroller in both directions,then Crushing grip with the ISG and finally RT Farmerswalk. Think this will be a good start.

I´ll also continue the SB C&P. but i still have to think with which training system. I´m thinking about three days a week with 5 reps, then 4 , then 3 ,then2 and finally 1. all with 3 minutes rest in between. this time with more intensity (last rep 90% 1rmax) and an increasing weight from set to set.bur perhaps i´ll do ladders onstead of this. the main idea is to change every month from high vol and low intensity to lower vol and higher intensity.

The RT pullups will be replaced by common thumbless thickbar pullups.the pullups will be trained with 5 days a week cycle. start with a 80% 5rmax. every day two sets of 5 , the second set reduced by 10%. here I´ll choose a wave cycle.

i feel that RT pullups will do no good for my pulling power and they´re an invitation for tendonitis.

if i do thinks like written above, i have all the positive aspects of rt pullups( grip and pulling power) , perhaps a bit better without the high risk for my ellbows.

it´s fun to do things not everyone can do but i feel i´m not that far so i have to put my ego aside .

comments on my plan are welcome!

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Training Friday:only 3 singles C&P with 62.5kg sb

saturday 5 " " " "

sunday 7 " " " "

After doing pullups and the Sb C&P, I´ll do on Monday, Wednesday and Friday my NEW GRIP ROUTINE:

Wristroller with overhand grip, 5 times winding up reverse,

2 times winding up forward,

Then I´ll do some wire cutting to toughen the hands and for crushing grip25-50 reps per hand,

Then I´ll do sledge raises to the front and over head 25 reps, I´ll pick up the lieing sledge and let it in a horizontal position through the lift to waist height, then i´ll raise the arm until it´s overhead . this should work radial and urnal deviation.

after this i´ll rotate the sledge clockwise and counterclockwise for training pronaion and supination 25 reps.

then I´ll do time holds with the Rolling thunder. One minute with 25 kg per hand.

then i´ll do some ball rotation , 25 rounds each direction with my palms downward.

after this i´lkl stretch my wrists and fingers.

I hope i covered every aspect for a good all around strength in my fingers and wrists.

comments are welcome.

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My workout on Monday:

Sandbag Clean and Press,62.5 g, 7 singles,

Pullups with 10kg additional weight, (1,2,3,4,)X2 and 1x(1,2,3)

after this i did

Wristroller with overhand grip, 5 times winding up reverse with 5kg,

2 times winding up forward with 5 kg,

wire cutting to toughen the hands and for crushing grip25 reps per hand,

sledge raises to the front and over head 25 reps,

sledge rotating clockwise and counterclockwise for training pronation and supination 25 reps.

time holds with the Rolling thunder. 52seconds with 25 kg per hand.

ball rotation , 25 rounds each direction with my palms downward.

after this i stretched my wrists and fingers.

programm is compared to other accomplishments here on the board a shame but i need it to recuperate my left wrist.

today,2days after this workout it feels really good and i think if keep going on moderate like this the injury will go away.

someday i´ll grow big and strong :D

on tuesday i did 9 singles C&P with my sandbag.

Edited by nightowl27
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Looking good, a nice routine I must say. It's not your typical "go to the gym and use weights" routine, you have an interesting mix of grip/strongman stuff plus the pullups! Speaking of pullups, instead of the RT handle you could use 2 inch thick ropes for pullup handles or even just some towels wrapped around a pullup bar. It works the grip really well with a much reduced risk of tendonitis.

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Looking good, a nice routine I must say. It's not your typical "go to the gym and use weights" routine, you have an interesting mix of grip/strongman stuff plus the pullups! Speaking of pullups, instead of the RT handle you could use 2 inch thick ropes for pullup handles or even just some towels wrapped around a pullup bar. It works the grip really well with a much reduced risk of tendonitis.

thanks a lot for your comment!

at the moment i use just a 2" bar for my pullups. i also did them with a 2" rope but now i use the bar because of the grip. when i´m using ropes, it´s more like a chinup. there i´m really a lot stronger(62.5kg additional weight @72kg bw) than with the pullups(best was 48kg +) . i have to train this weak gripvariation to get better.

now i`m doing with the rt only time holds with 25kgs each hand for about one minute.

training yesterday: Sandbag C&P 62.5kg 13 singles

pullups 10kg additional weight 8x(1,2,3)

Then Gripwork: Wrist roller(45mm) 5 times revers winding up with 6.25 and forward winds 2 times.

Wirecutting 25 reps per hand, then sledge levering from radial devition(paralell to the floor) over head to urnal deviation(also paralell to the floor)25 reps per hand, then sledge levering pronation to supination and back again 25 reps per hand, then RT time holds 25 per hand, 56 sec. , then ballrotation 25 reps each directions with palms down.

that was it, my wrist is getting better from day to day. after the workout days it´s a bit worse but the second day after it´s great . i know now that i´ll get this Four score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity.ing pain away. it really calms me down because it was a long time i have to think about it. :)

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three new PRs tonight.

sandbag clean and press with 178pounds/80kg @158pounds bw /71 kg

sandbag lift with shouldering 211 pounds/95kg

rb210 choke close/ didn´t film this one because I´ll close it soon with credit card setting.

of the other two lifts i made a video, go to youtube to check them out!

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training yesterday: weighted pullups with 10kg+ , 10x (1,2,3)

then grip work, wrist roller revers 5 wind ups, forward 2 windups,

then 2x15 reps with ISG/ 4/6left 3/8 right

then axelevering(put a little weight on the axeshaft(0.5kg), (1,2,3,4,5)x2 radial deviation and 2x(1,2,3,4,5,)urnal deviation

then pronation and supination 2x15 reps with the axe shaft(grabbed a bit more in the center )

then RT holds with 25 each, 45 seconds,

then dexerity balls, 25 rounds each hand and direction.#

i´ll change next time doing ladders for all exercises instead of doing 2x15 reps.

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saturday:Clean and press with sandbag, 57.5kg 5 singles

sunday:C&P with sandbag, 57.5kg 7 singles

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...but I would say that if you're going to make a stone, make one out of your reach at this point. Not just from the technique point of view but shear weight as well. It comes along quickly and you'll get bored with a light stone.

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ok, I´ll do so matt. Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it.

Training yesterday:

Sandbag C&P: 57.5 Kg, 9 singles

pullups: 3x(1,2,3,4) with 10kg additional weight

then several reps one arm suitcase style DL with Rolling thunder over the barbell as the handle

with 40kg, then 1,2,3 with 30 kg

then Wristroller work, 2x1,2,3,4,5, reps reverse direction,

then weaverstick 2x1,2,3,4,5,

then pronation/supination 2x1,2,3,4,5,

after this some sledgelver wrist curls,both directions for flexor and extensor.

i feel that i don´t need to train my urnal deviation and my wrist felxion that much,because i have my weakness on the oppostie side. thats why i´ll concentrate on radial deviation and wrist extension.

i´ll first concentrate on my weakest points now to get my wrist fit again.

another factor is, that my sandbagwork is also working my wrist flexors as well as my previous kettlebell workouts. my wrist extensors are much weaker and if i compare my radial deviation to urnal deviation, i must say that i can move a sledge with urnal deviation four times heavier as with the radial movement. this is why i decreased the amount of exercises.

I feel the wristcurls with a sledge(working radial deviation in compination with flexion and extension) is really good for my wrists. just took a second look at the grip routine for beginners by david horne.

this exercise will substitute the wrist curls with a barbell.

for my pinching strength,i´ll take the onearmsuitcasedeadlifts with the rolling thunder slipped over the handle and for my crushing grip, i`ll do the barbellfinger curls as suggested.

these three exercises will be my bread and butter of grip work for the next weeks or months. after this i´ll switch to another routine.

Edited by nightowl27
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ok, I´ll do so matt. Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it.

Training yesterday:

Sandbag C&P: 57.5 Kg, 9 singles

pullups: 3x(1,2,3,4) with 10kg additional weight

then several reps one arm suitcase style DL with Rolling thunder over the barbell as the handle

with 40kg, then 1,2,3 with 30 kg

then Wristroller work, 2x1,2,3,4,5, reps reverse direction,

then weaverstick 2x1,2,3,4,5,

then pronation/supination 2x1,2,3,4,5,

after this some sledgelver wrist curls,both directions for flexor and extensor.

i feel that i don´t need to train my urnal deviation and my wrist felxion that much,because i have my weakness on the oppostie side. thats why i´ll concentrate on radial deviation and wrist extension.

i´ll first concentrate on my weakest points now to get my wrist fit again.

another factor is, that my sandbagwork is also working my wrist flexors as well as my previous kettlebell workouts. my wrist extensors are much weaker and if i compare my radial deviation to urnal deviation, i must say that i can move a sledge with urnal deviation four times heavier as with the radial movement. this is why i decreased the amount of exercises.

I feel the wristcurls with a sledge(working radial deviation in compination with flexion and extension) is really good for my wrists. just took a second look at the grip routine for beginners by david horne.

this exercise will substitute the wrist curls with a barbell.

for my pinching strength,i´ll take the onearmsuitcasedeadlifts with the rolling thunder slipped over the handle and for my crushing grip, i`ll do the barbellfinger curls as suggested.

these three exercises will be my bread and butter of grip work for the next weeks or months. after this i´ll switch to another routine.

perhaps i´ll also substitute the RT one arm suitcase style deadlifts with the hub lift with an ironmind hub. this will work more on the pinch strength than on a compination of crush and pinch strength like with the RT handle.

perhaps some has a good idea, don´t hesitate to write me.

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training yesterday:

sb c&p,57.5kg: 13singles

pullups:3x(1,2,3,4) 1x(1,2,3)

barbell fingerrolls: 5 then 4 then 3 reps with 67.5kg

hublift: 3x(1,2,3) 7.5kg

weaverstickwrist curls(radial deviation+flexion+extension)

weaverstickwrist curls(urnal deviation+extension)

ball rotation over the (top15 reps forward,15reverse) with two 40mm shots, 260gr each shot

band expansion(white iron mind band) 2x15 reps

next time i´ll do also ladders for the barbell finger roll and do only 5 reps per direction for the shot rotation,

clockwise,counterclockwise, side to side both directions and over the top both directions,

first time with the 40mm(260gr ) shots and then with the 35mm(180gr) shots.

the exercise is grat and my left hand and wrist feels very good. it seems that a lot of pain was caused in the past because of my thumb. when i did yesterday the over the top movement with the new 40mm shots, i heard a crackling and really felt something at the side of my thumb but today everythings fine. i´ll keep going on doing this exercise and i already ordered new shots with 45 mm. normally they get used for bearings.

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training yesterday:sb c&p 57,5kg 15singles

i´m using now my military duffel bag for this, it ´s a bit harder than the ironmind sandbag because of the shape but here i can fill more into.

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training today(in my lunch break): sb c&p 60kg 3 singles / sb lift 105 kg 2 singles

pullups 4x1,2,3,4 ladders with additional 10kg

gripwork: barbell finger roll with 67.5kg, 5,5,5,3,3 30sec rest in between

hub lift7.5kg 6x(1,2,3)

weaverstick flesion and extension 3x20

hand expansion with bands, 2x15 white band

shot rotation: 5 reps per direction clockwise,cclockwise, side to side both directions, over the top both directions,

first series with 40mm shots(260gr), then with 35mm shots 180gr

some stretching and thats it.

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yesterday in the evening, i couldn´t resist to try the sandbag lift /shouldering again. tried it this time with only 222 pounds in the duffelbag but got it this time on my shoulder. did two single reps.

today i did the clean and press again, 5 singles with 60kg/133pounds, then half an hour later i did the c&p with 50kg/111pounds in my sandbag.with this weight i did 20reps, then 8 , then 6 ,then 5 then ,5 again, and finally 6 again.rest between sets,30seconds to 45seconds.

on monday í´ll start with ladders on the sandbag C&P, 5x(1,2,3) with 65kg. i´ll work up to 4x(1,2,3,4,5).

for the pullups i have no idea yet. perhaps i´ll do on tuesday and thursday some frontlever training.this isn´t hard for the biceps but for the lats. the biceps gets enough stimulation through the C&P and i think my bad progress in the pullups is because of my priority to the sandbag C&P training. this gassed my biceps before my pull up sessions already.

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Training yesterday: Clean and press with 60kg Sandbag, 3x(1,2,3) and 1x(1,2)

I don´t know why but i was really exhausted after these reps. On Saturday i did 50kg x20/8/6/5/5/6 and this was no problem but yesterday... no idea...was a bad day. I expected to do minimum 5 x(1,2,3)reps....

Then after the C&P i did Barbell Finger rolls,67.5kg, 5,5,5,5,4 reps

then 3x(1,2,3) hub lift with 10kg

then some radial extension moves with my axeshaft plus weight and some shot rotations in every direction 5 reps, first with the 40mm and then with the 35mm shots.

i erased the pullups from my shedule because i feel that the sandbag Clean and press is really working my biceps and lats because i do a rowing movement before getting my overbody vertical.

i´ll try this for a month and will see then if my pullups decreased or not.

think i can´t resist to try the C&P tonight again...this time the number of reps i thought i was able to do yesterday.

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training yesterday: sandbag c&p,60kg(this time ironmind bag) 2x(1,2,3)

standing abwheel rollouts: 3reps, then 5 , 5

the clean and press were easy, but today i´ll give everything i can. normally i had the plan to train the C&P only three times a week but i couldn´t take it yesterday to take a break so i did a lighter session.

perhaps i´ll do it as this: MONDAY:4x1,2,3 TUESDAY:2x1,2,3 WEDNESDAY:5x1,2,3 THUSDAY:3x1,2,3 FRIDAY:6x1,2,3

perhaps it´s a good idead to train between the heavy days a light session.... I´ll see...

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training yesterday:

60 KG Sandbag C&P, 7x(1,2,3)reps,

after that: barbell finger rolls,72.5kg, 5 x 3 reps, was quite easy, next time I´ll try 5x5

then i did Barbell wrist curls 27.5kg, 5x5, next time more weight,

then barbell reverse wrist curls, 17.5kg, 5x5reps. next time more weight,

then hub lift: 5x(1,2,3) next time I´ll shoot for 6 x(1,2,3) then adding weight and starting over at 3x(1,2,3)

then some over the top shot rotation 10reps both directions with 40mm shots, then finished.Only some stretching for my wrists. The left one is nearly healed and so i can give all in some weeks.

for the Clean and press I´ll proceed like this:

Monday: Heavy Session(1,2,3)reps x maximum number of sets possible in good form

Tuesday: Medium Session(1,2)x the number of sets on monday,only one clean per rung!

Wednesday:Heavy Session again (1,2,3)x Maximum number of sets possible

Thursday:Light Session, 1rep x the number of sets on Wednesday,

Friday:Heavy Session again, (1,2,3)x maximum number of sets possible in good form.

When I´m at 10x(1,2,3) I´ll add weight and start all over again.

Addition: On every Heavy Session, I don´t just let the Sandbag down with my arms but take it to the floor and then do the next rep. With this variation, I have a good training for my back as well. BTW this forces me to breathe really deep and is a good builder for endurance as well.

Edited by nightowl27
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training yesterday:7x(1) with sandbag clean and press,60kg

tonight I´ll shoot for 10x(1,2,3)

next week I´ll add weight.

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i did it!

10x(1,2,3) reps clean and press with 60kg sandbag :rock

then: wrist curl,32.5kg, 5x5

reverse wrist curl:17.5 5/5/3/3/4

barbellfinger roll: 72.5kg, 5x5

hub 10kg, 6x(1,2,3)

ab wheel: 3x5reps

saturday some pronation and supination/contrast baths combined with ball rotation.

tomorrow 65kg clean and press. hope i´ll get the 5x(1,2,3) and till friday 10x(1,2,3).that would be great.

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monday: sandbag C&P,70kg, 3x(1,2,3)

then bbfingerrolls, 77.5 5,5,4,3,3

wrist curls: 5x5reps,35kg

reverse wc:5x5reps with 17.5

hub lift,11,25kg 5x(1,2,3)

ab wheel,5x5 reps

tuesday: sandbag C&P,70kg, 3x1,2, no setting down of the sandbag between the reps, only between the rungs of the ladder,

wednesday: the 70 kg felt hard today,did only 3 reps, decided to go down to 65kg, then 4x(1,2,3)

wrist curls:3x15 reps with 22.5

reverse wc:3x15 with 12.5

bbfingerrolls,67,5:15reps, then 62,5:1x15 reps

hub wasn´t possible after this, my hands were finished.

then ab wheel: 5x 5 reps standing rollouts, it´s getting easier from workout to workout , think i have to add

weight soon.

did also on monday and wednesday some pronation and supination for my wrist. yesterday i found a new way to

stretch my ulnar side, this felt good today. perhaps i can get away the rest of the pain with this stretch.

this is one of my last posts here at the grip board. on monday I´ll take my flight to paraguay and stay there for a while. when i have the possibility to get into the internet, I´ll report my progress. I´ll also add new videos on youtube if they´re worth showing them .

with best wishes, Pierre

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Have a safe trip Pierre.

Keep us updated.

If you have the chance upload some pics from over there.

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thanks franky, i´ll do so when i´m over there. thanks for your friendly mail and best wishes for your future.

until next time, Pierre

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This is a log I have enjoyed reading. Post when ever you get the urge!

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Definitely keep us posted! You do some pretty neat training.

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