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Training Tip For Bending!


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I have a training tip which i only just realized you could do,but it lends itself to bending perfectly i think.

What you will need is a Bullworker to do this,it is also best i think to use the one with just the two cables rather than the x5 which has the four nylon straps,thats just my opinion because i have not tried it with the nylon straps,but anyway.

This exercise is on the rio power worker wallchart but i only just thought about it as a good warm-up before you do your bending,or you could do it as part of a workout.

Grab the bullworker like this Example 1 pic

And then twist the cables like so Example 2 pic

You can do it higher up under the chin to simulate bending a nail or wherever.

The closer your hands are together the harder it becomes and the further away your hands are the easier it becomes.

You could do lots of reps for a warm-up or you could do isometric holds to build strength up.

Anyway if you have a bullworker give it a go:)

It can only help.

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i thought it replicated DO more than it does DU,but i suppose the resistance is more leaning towards the little finger than it is the thumb and fore finger,is this what you mean?

The actual movement of your hands is more DO i think.

Edited by amber35
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Tried it a few months ago as well, but didn't feel it helped so I put the Bullworker back in the dust again :)

But if it works for you, then definitely continue doing it ;)

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I think it helps if you have a strong spring in the bullworker,some bullworkers are a bit softer than others.

The one i have now is a rio power worker which i think is actually a bullworker super 4 made in india,but it has a really strong spring in it,stronger than all the other bullworkers i've tried.

You can also do arm wrestling static holds using the bullworker as well.

Just put your arm on a table as if you are about to arm wrestle then hold one end of the handle and use your other hand on the other end to keep it still and push as if you are pushing someone elses hand,have the bullworker at an angle so you can near enough follow the same plane you would if you were really arm wrestling. and hold in different postions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the tip! I have an old-style Bullworker that has straps instead of sheathed cables. This might make the grip awkward but I will try it anyway.

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Gazza are you using the same method as above


I use the bullworker in just about every position you could try as i feel that it compliments the other isos i do for bending plus the muscles/tendons are all tied in and should be used as a unit the full body isos help this.

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  • 5 years later...

Hope people don't mind me reviving this thread - I thought about doing this today so I did a search for it and found this. (aint I a good boy for using the search function?)

I wonder what other holds you can find which could help with steel bending. I might try to test my one finger deadlifts on it too - will have to get someone else to watch the gauge though.

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