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British Hand Strength Association

David Horne

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One thing I wanted to quickly note on this thread is that most contests that promotors run, especially a few of mine and Steve's have been run at a loss. I don't know if people know this. So after a lot of effort, we are out of pocket as well. I put on contests (have done since 1989) because I love strength, and I love being part of it.

But what we hope in the future is that new people in the UK like Mac, or even others want to put comps on. But we want them to be able to hopefully make a profit out of the contest at the end, definitely not a loss. So with the BHSA's help we want them to be able to attract financial assistance from outside to if possible pay for the whole thing. This will encourage them and others to lay on even more contests.


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Well Membership might well be a good way to prevent this as you suggest.I think if it is set up in a way that makes it attractive for people to join then more members would sign up.

There has got to be some incentive i.e like running clubs members get discounts for races non members usually have to pay a couple of quid extra.

Saturdays Comp was great but if the entry fee was higher to recoup your losses I'm sure less people would be attracted (not sure of how to get round this), so yes something needs to be done to help contest organisers, steel for comps is very expensive would it be better to have a separate bending subsection.

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There might be 'legs' to using BHSA pull to get a bulk order and hence lower prices OR that a BHSA member gets a small discount from suppliers. One worth noting and discussing.

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As with all things, the more people who get involved the cheaper things will be, be it membership or equipment etc. Personally I don't mind paying a little over the odds to get things going - startup costs are always higher than running costs. As a prospective promoter of contests I would be happy to pay a promoter's fee to get my contests recognized - which would help me as my contests would be up on their site etc - Members would get a discount as they have already paid towards the BHSA, whilst non-members would have contribute a little more.

Even without seeing the details I would urge people to get involved in this now, even if there are a few things that initially you may not agree with - we need to get something going and then make changes to it if necessary. David and Steve have been keeping this sport alive the UK for long enough now - it is time for the rest of us to stand up and work with them.

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Cheers Chris. The more input and involvement the better - even from overseas competitors and grip fans with good ideas.

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It's early days for me as a serious gripster, but I would certainly want to be part of BHSA. As has been said already, we have to support our sport!


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To be honnest i'm really excited to be around at the start of this the british hand strength association being founded, i will play as bigger role as i can. I look forward to their being more competitions and of course an annual event where we can all get together and discuss grip and the future (with some across the table arm wrestling) will be very much a day to look forward to.

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You could save money by using the same location or a location owned by a member of BHSA or a Euro based grip friendly company couldn't you? It'd be tough to do that on a regular basis if it comes down to the members though.

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You could save money by using the same location or a location owned by a member of BHSA or a Euro based grip friendly company couldn't you? It'd be tough to do that on a regular basis if it comes down to the members though.

As happens now. But David has also (as have I) used other facilities. For his CoC event the press was invited and attended. I was, through the work of the local publicity officer of NSPCC also fortunate to have press attend both my recent charity events. We also have a GB member who works with C4 here in the UK.

If and it's a very big if right now my company is able to continue (more sales needed) then the current facility I rent through the company with GB member Mike Betty (my business partner) will be available. Andy Christie, who has hosted an IG in the past runs a small gym and David has a well equipped cellar and an out door lifting platform. But we should also consider occasional better (read more public and media friendly etc) places to attract new members and raise our profile.

David has suggested strongman events. At the last strongman competition Mike put on here in Gloucester (He runs that and I help and vice versa with the British Grip) David, Dunkster and I tore Argos catalog's for time (3 as quickly as possible). I've done a grip exhibition at a strongman event in Tonbridge Wells a few years ago. Sometimes a well worded press release can end up as a piece in the local paper. David has an idea for an unusual venue for a stunt this weekend - weather permitting but we'll wait and see...

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Yes profile needs and will be raised. Small record events at fairs/pubs/town centres are the way to start. Done them before, but with a governing body it gives each and every one of us more clout.


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My membership fee has gone and the disclaimer's "in the post"!

As to the hot topic of cheaper kit, I think it is a bit optimistic to expect guys like David to reduce the cost of their kit just because people want to train with it. I would think everyone who buys kit wants to train on it, don't they? I think the advantage of BHSA would be in standardising the dimensions/weight of kit for recognised lifts, so we can either obtain it from an authorised manufacturer/supplier or produce our own if we can. That way we can train specifically if we want to, knowing we are somewhere near what we will see in competition. It would also help on the board, to compare performance with others who don't want to compete in actual competitions. To use the BAWLA example, members don't get reduced prices for barbells, but they can find out what the dimensions etc of BAWLA bars are to source their own and use them to train for the BAWLA lifts.


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