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had a really bad day today, power drunk boss had a big go at me, he was very much in the wrong an it was totally rediculous! he talked to me afterwards an basically appolagised an was all nice the rest of the day, but doing that just p*ssed me off more! lucky for me and him that i am very good at keeping calm, cuss most people would have probably been throwin half way through! inside i felt like tearing him in half haha but thought better of it an instead i thought id take it out on the grippers >was not fully recovered an definately not as stong as last time, but i had to crush something!!!


- bottom 2 fingers inverted upto #2 singles an then trainer no set reps

- top 2 fingers upto 07 #3 singles each hand

- 06 #3 x 21 R 13 L

- 07 #3 x 10 R 6 L

- 05 #3 x 11 R 3 L

- #3.5 x 2 R attempt L

- #4 attempt R

then came back to em again later on (no warm ups)

- 06 #3 x 20 R

- hg300 x 20 L

- ccs singles upto 05 #3 (attempted 3.5 but dont know if i got it) an hydrolic ccs 06 #3 R

- ccs overcrushes 06 #3 L

wide grip pinch (gripping 4 10k)

- singles upto 47kg

i did reps since i didnt feel strong but im happy with the 05 #3 for 11

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- bottom 2 fingers inverted upto #2 singles an then trainer no set reps

- top 2 fingers upto 07 #3 singles each hand

- 06 #3 x 21 R 13 L

- 07 #3 x 10 R 6 L

- 05 #3 x 11 R 3 L

- #3.5 x 2 R attempt L

- #4 attempt R

viper - since you're in a video-posting mood, why not post a 2-finger #3 close? That's VERY impressive!!!

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http://youtube.com/watch?v=FRvycNXIcUE - thanks but #3 with 2 fingers is not too hard for me now, pretty sure ive done my hardest one with either hand. I dont know if i got this 300 shut, you cant really see if the handles touch with two fingers, but even to get it near is harder than any of my #3's, this gripper is at least equal to my 3.5 an maybe a tad harder.
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grippers - #4 attempts / bfn's R #3.5 attempts / bfn's L + some #3 reps an two finger closes

got #4 to 1/8 but i could have had it closer - when i went to crush it shut using both hands, i noticed it was much harder than it should of been, an then my skin torn off an i got a hole in my little finger >hard skin from doing #3 reps had formed an it was stoping me curling the finger around the handle. Held it shut on the next one, an 3.5 was basically the same with the left, 1/8 or so, an held shut.

Edited by viper
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did some weights, nothing taxing/no volume - pull ups, chin ups, rack deads, dumbbell press, bottom up floor press, concentration curls >felt pretty strong considering ive been in work for 9 days straight

since im now gonna be working 4 days of each week i cant really do a whole lot of bodybuilding, at least not right now with it coming up to crimbo, i would overtrain for sure, so im gonna change things up. Im thinking of doing low reps an heavyish weight for volume, but also i want to learn to clean an jerk. I suck at pressing, so i figure the only way ima be good at appolons axle is if i clean an jerk it, so ima fix my axle up somewhen an get going with it. Probably gonna do smith squats since strongman contests usually use a frame for squats, an hammer strength deads for car deadlift, an maybe some heavy rows, concentration curls, leg press, incline press + arm over arm an stone carries. An hopefully running too..im not too sure right now, depends how i feel, but starting next week ill have tuesday, thursday, an saturdays off.

tuesday i plan on squats / leg work + grip, ima try #4 again

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did squats as well last night, i was thinkin i would have pretty much nothing to do in work 2day but turns out that wasn't the case! did rack moves so im doing deads front squats, an overheadd press, an also had to wind 3 rolls on, an leg press em out - not the best

when i was getting the rolls out i figured somethin out tho, i could pull myself up from the rafters in a row position with my feet on a roll, never tried that before, was just trying to get up haha got me thinking an i managed to do some assisted chin ups gripping with my elbows resting on carpets, so my grip aint taking the whole of my weight - they are smooth metal, harder to grip than wooden ones, i grip them in work often to climb up the racks >definately plan to keep doing the assisted chins every now an then, i want to do rafters at 300lbs if at all possible. It took a lot to get my pinch up to what it is now, but i reckon im pretty close to doing two 20kg on a good day now, i think ill be doing them before the years out for sure. I reckon when i can do two 25kg a hand i should be good for rafters on a easy surface to grip, depends on my weight though. Im gonna have to sort some kind of setup out somewhen, but i would like to be able to do reps an actually train my grip with rafters in time.

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i would guess wade an chad have probably done it - as soon as i do two 20k ill start assisted lifts with the 25's >only a matter of time at the end of the day

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- #1 x 3 (slow) each hand

- 06 #3 x 1 each hand

- rb300 3 x 1 R

- 06 #3 no set 3 x 1 L

- 05 #3 no set x 1 R

- rb240 2 x 3 / 1 ccs L

- #3.5 3 x 1 overcrushed the last R

- 06 #3 x 3 (slow) L


- two 20kg with bar through:

x several assisted lifts each hand

2 x several passes from hand to hand

+10kg x 5 second two hand hold

wide rafters (4 3/8in)

- several underhand negs

- several pull ups / holds with one hand gripping power rack, one hand gripping rafter (switched grips each time)

i can already do some kind of rafter! the other rafter in my room is too far away to grip so i cant try it in the hammer position, but i reckon the underhand chin position is harder, im gonna have to get something setup so i can just go up on my toes an flaten em out for negs, i think i could hold on for a second possibly then - definately happy to be able to grip em at all though, i could hold on with my weight pretty much equally spread >didnt expect to be doing anything like that for a long time

two 20kg is pretty near, the hand to hands were fine, but still stuck to floor without a finger an thumb of other hand

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back squat (belt for work sets)

- light warm ups upto 120kg x 3

- 140kg x 3

- 150kg x 3

- 160kg x 3

- 170kg x 3


- #1 x 10 each hand

- 06 #3 x 1 each hand

- rb240 x 1 R

- 05 #3 x 1 L

- #4 2 x fail R

- rb300 x 1, 0, 0 L

- sorta drop set rb300 ccs, rb240 ccs, 05 #3 ccs, 06 #3 tns reps / overcrush R

- quicker drop set rb240 ccs overcrush, 05 #3 ccs, 06 #3 ccs, rb210 no set L

- 06 #3 x 20 R 10 L

half rafters pull ups (same as other day)

- 5 x 1 each hand

half rafter hangs

- BW x 10 seconds each hand

- +2kg x 10 seconds each hand

- +5kg x 10 seconds each hand

- +13.5kg x 10 seconds each hand


- two hand 4 10kg with 2kg in the middle x several attempts an then 1 (plates tilted inwards)

- two hand 4 10kg with bar through x several attempts an then 1 (with gloves on)

- two 20kg with bar through x several hand to hands

rolling thunder

- upto 64kg x 12 each hand

two hand plate wrist curl

- 15kg x 10

- 15kg + 4kg x 10

- 15kg + 5kg x 10


- upto 10 bands x 5 each hand

almost got #4, but not yet - may get a vid or two uploaded

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Just watched the #4 attempt, can't tell excactly how close it was as your hand is quite far from the camera and the video is pretty dark, but looked very strong to me.

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Just watched the #4 attempt, can't tell excactly how close it was as your hand is quite far from the camera and the video is pretty dark, but looked very strong to me.

wasn't gonna bother posting an attempt but whatever, ill replace it with a close soon enough! they always come out darker an less clear on youtube for some reason, but i do gripper vids at a bit of a distance now on purpose cuss they always used to go off camera - not sure if thats the 1st or 2nd attempt, but i know one of em at the closest it was between 1/8 an 1/16, but i have the close in me for sure, the only reason im not shuting it is because the pressure it takes is making the handle stick to the hard skin on my little finger like glue, so it's like someones trying to pull it apart at the close >as soon as ive got rid of the hard skin i will close it




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work was rough today - i was wasted as soon as i started lifting things, an i had a lot to do >took a delivery of several 5m long carpets, took a 149k one on the shoulder (that was heavy!!), as well as lifting up a 261k roll..lift was easy, i think i could do 300k, but puting it in the bay was hard as hell, hamstrings are FOOKED now >got 2moz off then next day off is tuesday

back was playing up again last night, hurt a tad bit during the squats, nothing much, but then got worse as the day went on - foam rolled it a bit, then went to get up an PAIN! i couldn't straighten my body out for like 5 mins, but foam rolled it more an that sorted it out i think

cutting has been going well, ive been pretty much starving myself, have not had protein powder an still cant afford any till next month, so ive been trying to get enough protein from food, but ive cut out basically all fats, an had enough carbs but not a lot, calories are very low for me, 3000 tops - i guess it's been about 3 weeks or so, ive gone from 19 stone 4.5, to 17 stone 10, an bodyfats gone from 19% to 14% according the my monitor, waist has gone down 4in or so

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MANY sets of power snatches 2nite, using the bar an then 10 a side, trying to learn the technique, also did clean an jerks but focused on power snatch for like an hour an a half straight, virtually all of them being from above the knee

my grips totally fried right now an ive got 4 days straight in work starting 2moz, but ima be trying to get the #4 shut on tuesday - i also have a squat routine plan'd that i might start then, depends on work

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did some sprints last night, maybe 10 of em - fast walk for a little, then sprint for about 15 seconds

yesterday in work i was just beat to s h i t, dizzy everytime i got up until the last couple hours, getting pains in my side, back done for etc so i was REALLY looking forward to today :-) but you just get through it, one way or another. I lifted another heavy roll today, plate wrist curls (as well as lifting the rolls obviously) help keep the bearhug grip as you do an atlas stone, but when they get real heavy, i have to grip the carpet itself on the inside, an the edge torn off in my hand as i lapped it, so i know it was heavy - id guess 280k. Also wound the range on, which was about as hard as you're gonna get, when they are big, they rub at the end, makes for more resistence, its like doing an arm over arm pull for a minute, getting heavier all the time, an then they slam the break on a couple metres before the finish line.

My boss worked with me today, an he actually offered his hand to me at the end of the day cuss he seen first hand how hard i work, i didn't get an 'im sorry' for that BS the other week, but he is firing the other lad that pretty much caused it. How are you supposed to work with someone who cant do anything the job requires? an since this is my training log, i gotta stress that it is a LOT of work, it has the be the most physically challenging job out there, ive done hard labouring before this job, building site work, other warehouse jobs etc they are not even close >ive probably gained half my strength working this job.

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(did this last night)

grippers - i cant remember everything exactly but closed rb300 with left a bunch of times, ccs 3.5 right, double no set #3 a couple times, 05 #3 x 3 no set left, rb300 x 2 wide reps right, closed #4 spring held from ccs position an then held shut without holding, an 9 tns reps 06 #3 right / 6 left >i attempted #4 countless times but the b a s t a r d just wouldn't shut, so ill do 2 finger stuff next time

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cheers sam, i want that damn #4!


partial squats >pin 10<

- upto 192.5kg 3 x 7


-#2 x bunch no set

- #3 x 1 each hand

- #3.5 ccs 3 x 1 R

- #3.5 3 x 1 L

>top two fingers< 05 #3 3 x 1 R / 06 #3 3 x 1 L

>bottom two fingers< #1 3 x 1 each hand

- #3 double no set 3 x 1 (05 #3 R / 06 #3 L)

>bottom two fingers< T 3 x reps each hand

2.5in dumbbell deadlift

- 44kg x 3 each hand

- 64kg x 1 each hand

- 84kg x several good airs each hand

- 79kg 3 x 1 R / 1 + 2 good airs L

overhead lever

- 16lbs x 6 with two hands

- 16lbs 2 x 1 each hand

two hand pinch

>gripping 4 10kg<

- upto good air with 52kg

>gripping 3 10kg<

- upto good air with 62kg

>gripping two 10kg<

- upto good air with 82kg

two hand plate wrist curl

- 20kg 2 x 5


- upto 5 bands x 5 with last rep held for 10-15 seconds

happy with the sesh today, everything felt good, i got 82k pinch upto my knees, which makes me definately good for 90k on the europinch so 100+ for the brits next year. Grippers felt good, strugled a bit on the last 1/8 with my 3.5 cuss it has a hard close, but i think i got em all. Should mean im 7+ on grippers with the 20mm gauge now, so im definately looking to beat the world record at the brits. The dumbbell deadlifts went real well too, like ive said it's harder than the inch globes weight for weight probably because of the smooth RT handle, an i got 84k several inches off with either hand, actually fully deadlifted it with left but the metal bit that you hook it on with got stuck on me wrist an stop'd it rolling out / i didnt count that one.

Ill try get some vids of the grippers uploaded

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these are not the best of the vids, ccs looks like the handles only grazed a little, not a strong close but you can see the number good - i think these were all the last singles cuss i just got the 1st ones i found




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partial squats >pin 9<

- upto 195kg 3 x 7


- #1 x bunch each hand

- 06 #3 x 1 each hand

- #4 x 1, 0 R

- #3.5 x 1 L

- #3.5 ccs x 1 R

- rb330 x fail L

- rb330 x 1, 0 R

- rb300 2 x 1 L

- 05 #3 no set x 1 L

- rb240 no set x 1 R

- top 2 fingers 06 #3 / rb210 singles

- bottom 2 fingers #1 / T reps

2.5in dumbbell deadlift

- 79kg 3 x 1 each hand + a couple airs

one hand pinch

- several lifts of 30kg each hand

DO hold

- 181kg x 30 seconds

two hand plate wrist curl

- 15kg x bunch

- 20 + 2kg x 3, 8

- 20kg x 14

2in reverse wrist roller

- 43kg x 1

- 100kg x 1

- 110kg x fail (at 1in off!)

couple sets of pull ups / chin ups

ive just checked out the #4 vid an it's not the best, i should of held it when it was shut cuss it skips a little an dont really look shut unless you pause it at 25-26 secs, so i will for sure be getting a better vid somewhen, but right now im just happy to get that b i t c h shut!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY2pWHblAcg

100k is a 15k pr for reverse roller! 110k was like an inch off too, the b a s t a r d, i lost grip an a big patch of skin off my hand..burnt the hell out of the flesh underneath too!

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congrats on the close, i couldnt quite tell it was closed, you may need a better camera, but it was still a very solid effort on the 4

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cheers - it was closed but yeh the vid is bad, i think it was the skippin cuss of the music >i will get a vid with a different cam somewhen

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I don't want to stir up more crap, but this is what the vid looks like to me: You set it, then start closing, and then stop at around 1/8'' or 1/4'' (definitely not 1'' or 3/4'' like some people had said) and hold it for around 3 or 4 seconds, then let the gripper open up. If you closed it, that is awesome. If you didn't- great attempt.

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i didnt hold it for any seconds when it was shut, i just shut it an then let go, maybe it stuck there cuss of skippin or something i dont know, im not gonna watch the vid anymore

i wont let something effect me in a negative way, but im pretty ticked off about my #4 thread being locked, i would like to know who did that? as they have not said a word to me, just locked the thread like it was some kind of meaningless joke an i shouldn't have bothered saying anything about it (i didnt break any rules of this forum). People have posted threads saying they finally closed a goal gripper without any vid at all an people have just congradulated them an talked about it, but no, my thread gets locked, thats bs, i have worked hard an hell to get to closing that thing, i couldn't close the #1 when i first used the grippers + ive posted 2 videos of my rb330 (which is sub flush mounted) where you can see the number and the handles touching, an incase anyone dont realise, 330's are pretty much #4's as far as strength goes, they are put directly below #4 in the chart, mine is probably 3.8 compared to my #4 if it was 4.0 >so whats with the 'you need extraordinary proof for an extraordinary claim?' i shouldn't NEED any proof, because ive never lied about anything, an at the end of the day, yeh it's a big step, but to me, it's just another gripper

My goals have now been raised massively! so thanks to everyone that has provided motivation!! + thanks to everyone that congradulated me, i didn't make the thread for that but i would say the same to you



- 40kg x bunch with some strict an push

- 50kg x 3

- 60kg x 3

- 70kg x 2

- 80kg x 2

- several sets of 50kg x 2

seated dumbbell hammer press

- 12,14,16,18,20,22kg x 8-12

incline smith

- upto a plate a side for whatever

hydrolic seated bench press

- upto 60 x 10

dumbbell laterals

- drop set of 10,8,6,4,2kg (lol) did 10-15 with 10kg

went to david loyds today, free for the weekend an me mum was going so went with her - i thought it was c r a p at 1st, most of the weight stacks were light an there was no power rack, then i came across the hydrolic machines >for anyone who aint used em, it's hydrolic instead of the stack, other than that they are the same as any other machine > at the end of each handle there is a botton you press, right side increases the resistence, left side decreases it. I tried the leg press out an it went upto over 400, an i did 300 an that was pretty damn heavy, felt like way more than 300k so im not sure what it's in, but basically, where i would usually be already adding plates to stack, is not even close to the full resistence of these + they go up in 1's, so its much smaller incraments too. I prefer to train alone for most my training, i have a better focus that way, so machines help since you dont have a spot. At the end of the day, you dont do the gym lifts in strongman contest, maybe the deadlift an squat yeh, but not the others, so really gym training is just a basic to increase you're size an strength, an i feel it's best to do a mixture of machines an free weights for that. The dumbbells only go upto 50k so thats pathetic, an i couldn't see a hammer strength frame >ill probably get the 5 workout trial thing an see how it goes

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