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after looking at bending vids on youtube, i realised i forgot how to bend - i wasn't puting my hands far enough out, which is why a yellow felt the same as a blue, cuss my hands were in the same place, i was puting them pretty much next to each other

did another sesh


- white 3 x 1

- green 3 x 1

- yellow 3 x 1

- blue 3 x 1


- 4 bands x 25

- 5 bands x 25

- 6 bands x 25

no freakin wonder my tendons felt like they were on fire trying to bend yellow an white earlier! its definately easier with the hands on the outside - pretty confident i can get a red bent soon enough now, that was the goal i felt was the hardest out of the 3, now im thinking its along the same lines as the others

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- T no set x 10 each hand

- #2 ccs x 1 each hand

- 07 #3 2 x 1 R

- rb210 ccs 5 x 1 L

- rb210 no set 3 x 1 R

- #2 no set x 12 each hand

two hand pinch holds

- 41kg x 10,10,15 seconds

2.5in dumbbell deadlifts

- 44kg x 1 each hand

- 74kg x 1 each hand

- 64kg 5 x 1 each hand

plate wrist curl

- 10kg paused 3 x 3 each hand

wide grip one hand pinch >plates tilted inwards<

- 43kg 10 x 1 each hand

2.5in dumbbell deadlift

- 44kg x 50 alternate


- 2 bands x 25

- 5 bands x 25

- 6 bands x 25

- 7 bands x 25

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seated hammer dumbbell press

- 12.5kg x 10

- 25kg x 5

- 32.5kg x 3

- 30kg x 5

barbell push press

- 60kg x 3

- 70kg x 3

- 80kg x 3

- 90kg x 3

incline bench press

- 40kg x 10

- 60kg x 3 x 8

- 80kg x 2

bench press

- 60kg x 8

- 80kg x 8

- 70kg x 10

- 60kg x 10

ez curl

- 30kg x 8

- 40kg x 8

- 50kg x 8

ez machine curl

- 15kg x 8

- 22.5kg x 8

- 30kg x 8

dumbbell curl

- 15kg 3 x 16 alternate

seated concentration shrug

- 30kg x 15

- 80kg x 15

- 110kg x 15

abdominal crunch machine

- 50kg x 15

- 72.5kg x 10

- 90kg x 15, 10, 5

leg raises

- BW x 15, 10, 5

stability ball walking

- 5 x failure

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- #1 no set 2 x 1 each hand

- #2 no set 2 x 1 each hand

- rb210 x 1 each hand

- 05 #3 x 1 each hand

- #3.5 2 x negative L

- #4 2 x negative R

- rb210 1kg straps holds each hand

- #2 no set 1kg strap holds each hand

wide grip pinch

- 24kg 3 x air each hand

- 31kg 3 x BFN each hand

2" DO holds

- 52kg x 5 seconds

- 102kg x 5 seconds

- 172kg x 5 seconds

- 202kg x 5 seconds

- 212kg x 10 seconds

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Looking strong lately mate.

Keep hitting the bending, to get to the red you'll need intermediate stock though the jump from blue to red is huge.

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cheers guys

sam - more bending you want, more bending you get..


- white x 1

- two whites x 1

- three whites x 1

- yellow x 1

- yellow + white x 1

- blue + white x kinked

- yellow 3 x 1

maybe i will need to get some stock, but maybe not - a blue on its own is far too easy for red training i agree, but add nails together an you can get much tougher than a blue

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was reading a sledge thread last night an i had to try something - turned into the 3rd sesh of the day..

sledge hammer

horizontal deadlift

- 16lbs x several singles upto 25" each hand, failed the full 33"

two hand front lever

- 16lbs 3 x 5


- 2 bands x 25

- 5 bands x 25

- 8 bands x 25

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back squat

- 20kg x 10

- 65kg x 8

- 105kg x 5

- 145kg x 5

- 165kg x 5

t-bar row

- 50lbs x 20

- 100lbs x 20

- 150lbs x 15

- 200lbs x 12

- 250lbs x 10

seated rope pull

- several sets upto 14 plates of 10-15

lat pulldown

- 7 plates x 10

- 9 plates x 10

- 11 plates x 10

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cheers dude - will do



- #1 no set x 5 each hand

- #2 no set x 1 each hand

- #2.5 no set x 5 R

- #2.5 no set x fail L

- #2 no set 2 x 15 L

- rb210 no set x 4 R

- #2 no set x 15 R

- #2 no set singles L

no chalk for this as ive ran out - reps are full rom

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seated press

- 10kg x 25

- 30kg x 15

- 60kg x 5

- 70kg x 5

standing one arm dumbbell press

- 28kg x 8 each arm

- 30kg x 8 each arm

- 38kg x 1 each arm

incline bench press

- 30kg x 10

- 60kg x 5

- 75kg x 5

bench press

- 75kg x 5

- 101kg x 5

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grippers - 06 #3/rb210 no sets, various attempts/negatives with rb300/330, #2 no sets

sledge hammer two hand front lever

- 16lbs 2 x 8

- 18.5lbs 2 x 5

- 23.5lbs 2 x 1

- 26lbs 2 x 1

- 16lbs 2 x 12

two hand pinch holds

- 44kg x 10 seconds

- 47kg x 10, 5, 7 seconds

two hand reverse plate wrist curl

- 7.5kg 2 x 10

two hand plate wrist curl

- 15kg 2 x 10

#2 no sets


- 5 bands x 15 each hand

- 1 doubled band 3 x 20 each hand

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cheers sam - actually did a second sesh last night cuss i kinda rushed the 1st as i had to go out >did pretty much the same thing but with heavy no set stuff as well, managed to no set rb300 to 15mm gauge (made to 20mm for the brits but its narrower the other way), did no set straps holds with #2 etc



- 40kg x 12

push press

- 40kg x whatever with half of em strict

- 50kg x 5

- 70kg x 5

- 90kg x 5

one arm dumbbell power jerk

- 32.5kg x 3 each arm

- 40kg x 3 each arm

- 47.5kg x 3 each arm

- 50kg 3 x 1 each arm after a couple of failed attempts

incline hammer dumbbell press

- 27.5kg x 8

- 32.5kg x 8, 6, 4

abdominal crunch machine

- 40kg x whatever

- 80kg x 25

- drop 72.5kg x 5

- drop 57.5kg x 5

- drop 45kg x 25

leg raises

- BW x 15, 10

>when i say push press or power jerk its not always the case, i tend to dip slightly even when i push press, i find i balance better if my body is not straight, an when im trying to properly dip under an power jerk, i sometimes end up muscling it up even though im trying not to<

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- rb300 attempts/negatives right hand / #2 no sets left hand

2.5in dumbbell deadlift

- 44kg x 3 each hand

- 84kg 3 x air each hand

two hand front lever

- 16lb sledge x 5

- 21lb sledge 3 x 3

- 16lbs sledge 3 x 20

two hand plate wrist curl

- 10kg x 10

- 15kg x 12, 15, 20

towel grip hammer curl

- 22kg x 10

- 32kg x 15, 10

hammer curl

- 32kg x 15, 10

extensors >done with each hand<

- 2 bands doubled x 8

- big band doubled + 3 bands x 20

- drop big band doubled x 20

- drop 3 bands x 20

- drop 2 bands x 20

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this was a second workout done last night

back squat

- 50kg x whatever

- 90kg x 5 paused

- 120kg x 3 paused

- 160kg x 1 paused

- >add wraps for this< 200kg x fail

- 160kg x 1 paused

after the 200 fail (was slowly going up but felt like i should leave it for another day) i thought i may as well give the rb300 a try an this resulted in a close - thats probably the hardest gripper ive closed to date, its certainly harder than the other 300 ive shut

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- T x 3 each hand

- #2 no set each hand

- rb300/240 BFN's

- rb210 20mm gauge closes

- rb300/240 no sets to 20mm gauge

- #2 no sets

overhead lever

- 8lbs x 3 each arm

- 13lbs 3 x 1 each arm

- 11lbs 3 x 3 each arm

- 8lbs x 10 each arm

front lever

- 8lbs x 8 each arm


- blue x 1

- red x nothing

- yellow 2 x 1

- blue x 1

then i got real real tired, went an lay down for a sec, next thing i know its 2 hours later - i think i need a break from grip training

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other than the grip related goals, im also trying to bulk up to 20 stones, an i am so far, weighed in at 19 stone 1lb last night, was in clothes an not a proper weigh in, but ive never seen 19 stones on the scale before - last proper weigh in a few days back i was 18 stone 12.5lb, which is 10.5lb up from what i weighed after coming back from training at whey consortium. Ive been getting a lot of protein in from shakes, chicken, tuna, cod, high protein cheese etc also eating loads of brown rice, pasta, soya an lindseed bread, cereal etc also cooking chicken an that in lots of oil, an having loads of peanut butter sandwiches. Today i did a jay cutler style sesh, just simply in a bodybuilding sence, doing a shat load of sets with 45 seconds or less inbetween sets. I cant remember everything exactly an didnt count the reps, but i did loads of different rowing exercises, variations of lat pulldowns, seated rows, bent over rows, t-bar rows, one arm dumbbell rows etc also one arm pressing, push presses, bench press, cable cross over, close grip bench press, dipping machine, an various tricep extensions. I also did lift an squats, 4 sets of each, only with 50kg though, just testing out me back an warming up the body, backs felt somewhat better the past couple days after foam rolling.

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- T no set x 10 each hand

- #2 no set x 1 each hand

- rb330 bounce force negs R

- 05 #3 ccs x 1 L

- rb300 negs L

- rb300 no set attempts / 15mm block overcrushes R

- 05 #3 no set attempts / 15mm block overcrushes L

thumbless holds:

one hand (non knurled centre bar so done knurless)

- upto 100kg 3 x a couple seconds each hand

both hands

- upto 210kg x 10 seconds


overhead lever

(16lbs x 3 both hands as warm up)

- 16lbs x 0, 1, 1 R / 1,0,0 L

two hand overhead lever

- 21lbs 2 x 8

- 16lbs x 15, 10

two hand grounded front lever (dont know the proper name)

- 16lbs 2 x 3

two hand front lever

- 16lbs 2 x 2

one hand front lever

- 16lbs sub maximum length 2 x 15-20 each hand

two hand pinch holds

- 41kg x 5, 9, 13, 5 seconds

#2 no sets

3 sets extensors with big band doubled

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paused full squat

- 50kg x 10

- 70kg x 10

- 90kg x 10

- 110kg x 10

- 125kg x 3

- drop 110kg x 3

- drop 90kg x 4


- T x no sets

- #2 x no set each hand

- rb330 3 x 3 BFN right

- rb240 3 x 1 L

- RB300 no set attempts R

- 06 #3 no set attempts L

- #2 no sets each hand

plate pinch

- two 10kg x high pulls each hand

- three 10kg x several full deadlifts R / 1 full deadlift + several deadlift attempts L

- two 15kg x several full deadlifts / high pulls R / several deadlift attempts L

overhead lever

- 16lb sledge x 1 each hand

wide two hand pinch (gripping three 10's)

- singles upto 63kg

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one hand lift

- 41kg x 10 each hand

- 51kg x 10 each hand


- 71kg x 1 each hand

- 91kg x 1 each hand

- 96kg x 1 each hand

- 101kg with thumb x 2 each hand

deadlift >thumbless overhead grip<

- 101kg x 12

- 121kg x 10

- 141kg x 8

lat pull down

- 60kkg x 15

- 75kg x 10

- 82.5kg x 10

- 90kg x 10


- 75kg x 15

- 82.5kg x 10

- 90kg x 10

one arm cable row

- 25kg x 15 each arm

- 40kg x 15 each arm

- 50kg x 15 each arm

hammer strength one arm row

- 1 plate x 20 each arm

- 2 plates x 10 each arm

- 3 plates x 10 each arm

- 4 plates x 10 each arm

- drop 3 plates x bunch each arm

- drop 2 plates x bunch in slow motion each arm

hammer strength shrug / upright row

- 30kg x 12 row / 12 shrug

- 50kg x 10 row / 10 shrug

- 70kg x 10 row / 10 shrug

- 90kg x 10 row / 10 shrug

cable isolation curl

- 20kg x 10 each arm

- 25kg x 10 each arm

- 30kg x 9 each arm

- 35kg x 8 each arm


- 20kg x 25

- 25kg x 15

- 30kg x 12

- 35kg x 12

- 40kg x 6

dip machine

- 87.5kg x 20

- 112.5kg x 10

- 105kg x 8

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