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Bent the yellow nail!!! After about 1 minute and 47 seconds of hell, it finaly cave in!!! My take on this so far is that the initial kink is by far the hardest for me. As soon it's been bent past, lets say 15-25 degrees, it crumbles. I reckon the initial kink took about 1.44 and the rest wasn't hard at all, I just regripped and bent the last part in the blink of an eye

I'm gurgeling with excitement right now!

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Holy crap I just bent the blue nail! In 15 seconds!!! I tried to solve the initial kink by reverse bending it, and it worked!!!

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Red nail... Different story. Started to bleed at the base of my thumb. Decided to call it quits. But this was really fun though! And that red better be sleeping with one eye open from now on.

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Bending OH style today. Since I scraped of a bit of skin yeasterday, reverse style was out of the question. I don't want to skin myself!

Green nail OH(bent in 3 seconds)

Yellow nail OH(bent in 17 seconds) PR

Blue nail OH(bent in 15 seconds) PR

Red nail OH (not a chance)

Yellow nail+ white nail (nope), It feels as that I could do this when I'm more fresh

Toyed with some block lifting and finished of with some extension work, and bending a white back and fourth with numerous styles

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Platecurls with 15kg plate

10reps PR, 6reps, 6reps

Front levering with 7 kg

15reps for 3 sets

Rear levering with 7kg

20 reps for 2 sets

Plate wrist curls with 10 kg plate

20reps for 3 sets


Platecurls with 15kg plate, 4 reps, 2 reps

Platecurl with 10kg plate with 4 kg attatched, 10reps

Front levering with 7 kg

15reps for 3 sets

Rear levering with 7kg

20 reps for 2 sets

Plate wrist curls with 10 kg plate

20reps for 3 sets

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Some bending!! Acually my forearms where kind of sore since yesterday. I had planned to wait til tomorrow. But suddently I was already wrapping the nail, psyching myself up for a bend. Can't really recall making a decition to bend today, it just happened... I have no regrets though, awsome workout today

Green nail, sucker bent within 3-4 seconds

Yellow nail, 6 seconds PR

Blue nail, 6 seconds PR

5" Blue nail, 1 minute and 24 seconds PR

Red nail, only thing bent was my nose :laugh. I went crazy and in the heat of the moment I sucker punched myself by accident.

4,5" Blue nail, bent to about 80 degrees and then it froze. I couldn't figure out a way to further bend it. No nailspace left to work with. It was all akward and I didn't have the strength to bent it, in that position.

Otherwise great day, great session

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Red nail, only thing bent was my nose :laugh. I went crazy and in the heat of the moment I sucker punched myself by accident.


Good luck with your bending, you seem to be making progress fast.

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Thanks superfeemiman! It didn't knock me out but it through me of quite a bit. I hit it with the nail itself, as I was going to regrip, I brought the nail up in order to explode on it once again. Forgot to clear my face out of the way :whacked . I'll keep that experience in mind as my bending and nose strength goes up! Hey, perhaps in the future I can DU brace bend big steel with my nose! Would be pretty stupid though, and fatal!

2/5 Bending!

Green 4" in roughly 4 seconds. Just to see if it was anatomicly possible

Blue 5" in 27 seconds PR Slightly off center too!

Red, nope

Blue 4" nope, gave up after 3 minutes

Blue+white nope, gave up after 3 minutes

Blue 5" in 1 minute and 20 seconds. Prior to my previous attempt at this length, this would have been a PR. So that's pretty good considering how beat up I was.

Block training, cos I enjoy thumbstrength and don't wish to loose the little I have gained recently.


10,2kg+5kg for 10 reps

10,2kg+7kg for 8 reps

10,2kg+7kg for 5 reps


10,2kg+5kg for 5 reps, then deload to 10,2kg for another 10 reps

10,2kg+7kg for 5 reps, then deload to 10,2kg for another 10 reps

10,2kg+7kg for a single then deload to 10,2kg for another 10 reps

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Edit- The Blue+white was slightly kinked though. The white moreso than the blue... This would equal 380Ibs in terms of steel weight if I'm not mistaken, right?

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Yellow nail in 8 seconds (lost focus)

Blue+white, nope

Blue 4,75" in 54 seconds PR in bend, but effort in itself fels like far from an PR. Knuckles hurt a bit at this point.

Blue 5" in 1 minute 36 seconds. Took alot of mental focus to finish this off. Decided to call it quits. I don't want to wake up with black and blue clubs for hands in the morning. I'll leave the steel be for a few days

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yellow bent in 3 seconds

Yellow+white, done in two attempts PR. The first attempt, only the yellow bent, so the white started to act as some kind of bridge and making it far more dificult I think. But as soon as I figured out how to kink the white one as well, they went down in about 1,5-2 minutes



10,2kg+4kg 12 reps

10,2kg+4kg 12 reps

10,2kg+4kg 12 reps


10,2kg+4kg 7 reps

10,2kg+4kg 10 reps

10,2kg+4kg 10 reps

For last I toyed with the grippers. Tried to see how far I could go TNSing the #1. Repping as far as I could with right then with left and then with right until I thought enough was enough after about 15 minutes and 92reps with Right and 49reps left.

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What's with dips and the like?

Yeah I've been lazy the last couple of weeks, due to illness. And also I havn't been posting the regular training cause during the last year I've lost alot of size, and right now I'm trying to pack on a little more meat and doing it with a more "bodybuilding" aproach. When I hit around 85-90kg bodyweight I'll go for strength again. But I acually did have a PR a month ago in dips with extra 65kg, weighing 77kg at the time :mosher

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blue 5" bent in 12 seconds PR

red, nope(at least it's good isos)

blue 4,5" 1.42 PR

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Time to aim for a 200%-bw-dip David. :rock

Funny, I just thought about going for it! I'll remodel my workouts, starting of with heavy dips and build up all the components for a strong dip, such as a lot of triceps and shoulder power! And chest of course. At the moment my max is probobly around 40-50kg, but I think getting up to 60-70 shouldn't take to loong. But 80+ would take some commitment that I'll gladly put in. I've been at the 60kg mark a couple of times before over the past 2 years. Although about 18 months ago I did a couple of "shallow" cheat reps with 75kg just to demonstrate to a friend, so fixing the tricep strength would be the easiest part I think... By the way I just read about your rafter chins, very imperessive stuff! I would love to be able to do that kind of stuff!

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Hit the shoulders pretty hard today. worked up to 74 kg strict overhead press. Wich is alot more than I thought I would do. The workout in it self was pretty weak though. I think I'll wait posting full workouts until I'm no longer embarrased of them. Finished of with bending a 4,25" blue in 2 attempts PR!

Tried a 4 inch but that 4 incher is tough though. I don't know if my hands are too big or if I'm simply too weak. I'll just keep hitting it I guess, considoring that the 4,5 inch felt about the same way not too long ago

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Yeah. Maybe I've just spent too much time in a "gorilla gym" with lots and lots of good powerlifters, lifting huge numbers!.. I remember starting out in a nautilus gym. I guess they're reknown for a lot of machines and little or no free weights. Thoose 30kg dumbells they had was like the mark of unbelivible strength. If you are able to bench em you are wicked strong! But now once I get started, I think I'll probobly be able to curl thoose if I swing em a bit. Funny how ones perspective changes over time... You can bet I'll post the next workout nomatter the weights used :cool

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Earlier today I did a little bending. All I can say is that I'm getting too good on the short and shorter bars. I don't feel that it gives alot to the 6-7" bars. I have to get a hold of some G5's or perhaps even G8's. But my economy has recived an unpredicted fallback this month. So I won't be able to get something until 5-6 weeks I think. I'm working extra weekends just to get some more green. I supose I can just focus on grippers again until then. But anyhow...

Todays workout:

yellow 4,5 in 17 seconds! PR

yellow 4,25" in 2.53 PR

and that old 4"blue from before, bent just past 90 degrees after 3 attempts PR I'll finish it next time I hope. Crush down on theese short bars really beats the hands. So it's painful to proceed after a certain point :trout ... I still have limits. And I'm not proud of them

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Grippers are down :dry But hey you can't expect to have fun everytime you train!


Warmed up with Trainer and then the 2#. Was going to do 10 reps, but only did 7 reps. Could have done 10, but it would have tired me a bit.

RB180 5 reps

RB240(easy) 1/8

Filed210 3 singles

RB180 3 OC's


after warmup I did 5 reps with 2#, wich is pretty ok.

RB180 5 singles

2# 3 OC's

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very short workout. warmed up a bit and finished the crush on the 4"blue, from just under 90 degrees to just under 2 inches. so a PR i guess. I'll have to try and get it in one go!

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4,5" bent in 22 sec

4" succesfully bent in one go! 10 minutes and 20 sec PR

bent a green back and forth til it broke, for fun

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After a proper warm up I went for the blue+white that I had lying around. Bent it in 3 attempts, HARD!

After this I felt so good that I went for the red, (wich was vigourusly filed to be made easier) And to my surprise it broke :whacked. It went down to about 90 degrees and then some form of tear ocured and caused it to brake in two. Pretty cool but I don't think I'll want to do that again, could be hazordus if one's not prepared for it. So a heads up to you who train in this type of progression

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been a bit lazy lately. But it gave me some extra time to recover. So yesterday I bent a blue plus white in one succesful go of just over 2 minutes PR... Also I think I'm ready to do some max attempts on the dips. Aiming for 75kg (current BW), but I'll be happy if I hit 50kg+

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