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I think card tearing would be an awesome fourth event!

So if cards is the fourth event it would be:


Euro pinch

2" DO deadlift


Or am I confused?

I'm a DU bender and cannot bend worth a darn in any other style. Current PR is a blue nail DU all the way, but I hope to have that up to at least G5 by April.

If reverse bending is contested I think I will have to pass on this contest and get stronger for the next one. :cry

Don't let the fact that one of your events isn't exactly world class! It's all about the fun of competition with a bunch of like minded weirdos, anyways. :) And no, you're not confused on the possible events.

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I think cards would be a good event.

I say we do reverse bending for the competition.

And then bend however we want after the competition and/or during downtime in the competition.

Ivarboneless, don't worry about not being strong in one of the events. Just being in the Comp. and being around friends is LOTS OF FUN!!!!!!!! It will be well worth it to go.

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Hi Eric, I was suggesting all 3 styles be contested during the bending session. Maximum of 3 bends each style in small groups and in whaever order the contestant wants. It seems there would be ample rest between bends while the other small team/teams are bending.

But the most important thing to me is meeting everyone :rock:D

Looking forward to going I would to see all 3 styles of bending

contested. Also would like to see how I would fare on a Euro pinch

set-up. Set a date so I can plan for this

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How does Saturday, April 7th work for ya'll?

Events (in no particular order):

1) Reverse Grip Bending (30 second rule / 40 or 45 degrees)

2)"Freestyle Bending" (any unbraced style of your choice using Gripboard rules)

3) Euro Pinch (standard rules)

4) 2" double overhand barbell deadlift

5) 100 pound plate hold for time (one plate in each hand held by the rim)

You'll be given three attempts on all events. The exception would be the plate hold, which will be contested with only one attempt.

I'll buy pizza again for everyone. I'll probably be renting a wharehouse for the contest in Euless, Texas, which is about 15 miles east of Ft. Worth.

The official rules and date will be posted soon.

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It would be good to standardise the reverse kink rules. I am not totally happy with different angels for different lengths, as suggested by Horne. Why not have 45 degrees for all lengths? Makes more sense to me.

How does Saturday, April 7th work for ya'll?

Events (in no particular order):

1) Reverse Grip Bending (30 second rule / 40 or 45 degrees)

2)"Freestyle Bending" (any unbraced style of your choice using Gripboard rules)

3) Euro Pinch (standard rules)

4) 2" double overhand barbell deadlift

5) 100 pound plate hold for time (one plate in each hand held by the rim)

You'll be given three attempts on all events. The exception would be the plate hold, which will be contested with only one attempt.

I'll buy pizza again for everyone. I'll probably be renting a wharehouse for the contest in Euless, Texas, which is about 15 miles east of Ft. Worth.

The official rules and date will be posted soon.

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The standard rules for the Euro Pinch state four attempts, rising bar.


3) Euro Pinch (standard rules)


You'll be given three attempts on all events. The exception would be the plate hold, which will be contested with only one attempt.

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Mikael, I didn't realize four attempts had become the standard. I'll probably still only allow three attempts, with a rising bar. I think it's sufficient, and will definitely help expedite things.

I do agree a standard set of rules for reverse bending is very important. The forty degree required angle for sub 6" bends kind of made sense to me, in light of the fact that with shorter stock your hands tend to get in the way of eachother. Obviously for bigger handed guys this would be more of a problem. I would even suggest that perhaps with sub 5.5" bends something in the neighborhood of 35 degrees might be acceptable.

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Hi Eric, Just making sure, the Reverse bending is with 6" stock?

Thanks!!! Mike

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Hi Eric, Just making sure, the Reverse bending is with 6" stock?

Thanks!!! Mike

I'm shooting for that as my goal. Whether or not I can locate the necessary stocks to make it happen remains to be seen. I'm also considering doing something similar with the "freestyle" event. Keep in mind that regardless of whether or not we are able to use stocks of an identical length, I do intend to have a wide variety of FBBC bars of all lengths available for certing.

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I could probably make a guest appearance...

I hope so!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Should be a good comp. We will also for the first time be able to compare gripper results with those from European competitions as I am lending Eric several calibrated grippers. These grippers will also first make a visit at Greg's place for a Redneck calibration.

Edit: Just noticed that grippers are no longer planned to be one of the events, so not this time I suppose.

Edited by Mikael Siversson
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