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Viper wasn't it you who claimed to have squatted over 500 the first time you ever squatted? It was on a different forum I was just curious.

Also I would like to see a video of you doing it with metal plates. I find it absolutly amazing that you were able to get air with 2 45's the FIRST time you ever did plate holds. By now im sure you could fully deadlift it.

1) I believe it was.

)2 I agree. Viper, going by your other videos including a very impressive #3 close, the plate curls, and so on, i can see you doing 2 metal 45s.

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I would argue that for one to achieve full deadlift, that there must be a certain level of control maintained throughout the whole lift. I would also like to add that I too feel that my "feat" of stength feels somewhat diminished by having 2 rubber coated 45's on the list. Not knocking your ability to pinch and grip, but how would you feel if I posted a vid of me torching a spring on a #3, and then closing it with both hands after the spring softened up? True you have caught a lot of flack over this being a legit lift, and kudos to you for putting up with it in such great spirit and still maintaining your "innocence" of the lift. Some of the greatest video clips are caught in one of those "Hey yall watch this" moments. I know that I have had mine, but out of respect for everyother member here, I didn't even think of posting any of my feats of strength until I thought them worthy of every member here.

As for the lip on the plate, less contact area arguement, I am not sure what kind of plates the rest of you use, but all the ones that we have are flat on the back, and dished on the front causing a lip around the outside of the contact sides of the plates. I feel that this contact rim helps make the lift as difficult as it is. A lip on the outside of the plate gives the thumb something to bite onto around the first knuckle or so. Just my take on it.

I am also curious if you posted the vids here knowing that you would stir up some controversy so you could get your post #'s up. Still confused why your vids weren't posted in the gallery. Video converters are free to download and easy to use.

Has anyone contacted Jedd about getting the rules changed before this happens again, and possibly asterisking the lift?

Edited by sixlitre
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Viper wasn't it you who claimed to have squatted over 500 the first time you ever squatted? It was on a different forum I was just curious.

Also I would like to see a video of you doing it with metal plates. I find it absolutly amazing that you were able to get air with 2 45's the FIRST time you ever did plate holds. By now im sure you could fully deadlift it.

haha yes, but i wasnt being serious with that, people in the powerlifting/strongman section were being complete a**es to me (id never said a bad word about them), an i couldnt stand the forum in general cuss of all this - the whole thing was basically just a wind up, i took the p*ss out of those who took the p*ss out of me (you dont get nothing for free where i come from!)

im not at all a troll though, dont take that wrong, it was just a one time thing cuss of what ive said - some of it was actually true though, i did 'half' squat (didnt go low cuss i had no rack) 10 plates first time doing weighted squats, an i also put another 10kg a side on an tried that, i got it off the stand an walked out, i then tried to squat deeper an fell - the bar landed on my thumb, i still have the scar today

i do not have a video of when i tried 2 45's (didnt really know it was a big deal when i did it), the earliest vid i have with grip stuff is the 9 no set reps on #2 inside a week of having them (think i had been grip training for 2 months)

edit - 1st time i did weighted squats to par (was like a week after doing that half squat), i did 326lbs for 2 singles

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The lift shouldn't be in the list.

As I said the spirit and rules of pinching two 45lb plates has been in practise for decades.


Why don't you have a go at the British Grip champs and then you can show your prowess on some recognised lifts and be refereed?

Also you have to lower discs under control for a lift to be good, same as powerlifting.

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Viper wasn't it you who claimed to have squatted over 500 the first time you ever squatted? It was on a different forum I was just curious.

Also I would like to see a video of you doing it with metal plates. I find it absolutly amazing that you were able to get air with 2 45's the FIRST time you ever did plate holds. By now im sure you could fully deadlift it.

1) I believe it was.

)2 I agree. Viper, going by your other videos including a very impressive #3 close, the plate curls, and so on, i can see you doing 2 metal 45s.

ive actually no set #3 (the dark vid on youtube), and done 4 reps from wider than ccs, plus recently closed it with my left (could only manage to rep trainer when i 1st tried) - the video i think your talking of is my beasty #3, only managed that one time with my right hand as yet

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The lift shouldn't be in the list.

As I said the spirit and rules of pinching two 45lb plates has been in practise for decades.


Why don't you have a go at the British Grip champs and then you can show your prowess on some recognised lifts and be refereed?

Also you have to lower discs under control for a lift to be good, same as powerlifting.

Good post David. Viper i would love you to come to the iron grip championships and to compete against you.

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I'm shocked that there's debate about including this lift in the 2 45's list.

Congrats on a pr. But in no way should this qualify you for the list.

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The lift shouldn't be in the list.

As I said the spirit and rules of pinching two 45lb plates has been in practise for decades.


Why don't you have a go at the British Grip champs and then you can show your prowess on some recognised lifts and be refereed?

Also you have to lower discs under control for a lift to be good, same as powerlifting.

im not the one who put it on the list david

i probably will compete somewhen down the line as its my goal to have the strongest hands of any man to ever live, an i do feel that involves proving it all in a comp, but right now i have no plans to do a comp, just training

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im not the one who put it on the list david

i probably will compete somewhen down the line as its my goal to have the strongest hands of any man to ever live, an i do feel that involves proving it all in a comp, but right now i have no plans to do a comp, just training

Mate you really should do it. I will most likely NOT be the strongest person at iron grip on that particular day, but it doesn't stop me from having a go, giving it my all and more importantly learning things. If everyone waited until they were the best in the world at something to compete, sports competitions wouldn't exist, period.

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The lift shouldn't be in the list.

As I said the spirit and rules of pinching two 45lb plates has been in practise for decades.


Why don't you have a go at the British Grip champs and then you can show your prowess on some recognised lifts and be refereed?

Also you have to lower discs under control for a lift to be good, same as powerlifting.

Good post David. Viper i would love you to come to the iron grip championships and to compete against you.

you know its gonna happen sooner or later! :mosher just not yet, maybe the next time round, who knows - right now i just need to get strong, i train for strongman, i want to maybe do some small comps next year an hopefully go pro a few years down the line - this is my focus right now, specific grip events training is not

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im not the one who put it on the list david

i probably will compete somewhen down the line as its my goal to have the strongest hands of any man to ever live, an i do feel that involves proving it all in a comp, but right now i have no plans to do a comp, just training

Mate you really should do it. I will most likely NOT be the strongest person at iron grip on that particular day, but it doesn't stop me from having a go, giving it my all and more importantly learning things. If everyone waited until they were the best in the world at something to compete, sports competitions wouldn't exist, period.

There is definately no better place to learn new techniques and your own short comings than at a competition. That is one thing that I love about strength athletes, we "all" like to help each other to achieve the best, regardless if that person will beat us in a contest someday.

Competitions will only add to your experience, making you a more well rounded competitor and lifter. You should do it.

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im not the one who put it on the list david

i probably will compete somewhen down the line as its my goal to have the strongest hands of any man to ever live, an i do feel that involves proving it all in a comp, but right now i have no plans to do a comp, just training

Mate you really should do it. I will most likely NOT be the strongest person at iron grip on that particular day, but it doesn't stop me from having a go, giving it my all and more importantly learning things. If everyone waited until they were the best in the world at something to compete, sports competitions wouldn't exist, period.

There is definately no better place to learn new techniques and your own short comings than at a competition. That is one thing that I love about strength athletes, we "all" like to help each other to achieve the best, regardless if that person will beat us in a contest someday.

Competitions will only add to your experience, making you a more well rounded competitor and lifter. You should do it.

don't get on him if he doesn't want to compete. he obviously trains to win, not to learn. i don't blame him for not wanting to bring anything less than his absolute A game to a competition.

viper, congrats on your lifts. congrats on putting up with, as of right now, 4 pages of thread of members' wiseass remarks. just next time do it up with metal plates, which really is the standard for plate pinching.

however, this is a good opportunity to modify the certification rules. so far all previous lifters of the 45s have done so with metal without being told to do so; imo, it's time to put the assumed fact into writing so as to avoid such discussions in the future.

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I never type out wiseass remarks!!

I always try to help, which can be verified by all the pm's asking for help that I answer.

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All your prs are to be applauded as it means you are constantly trying to better yourself.

But if you really want recognition for your feats of grip/strength then you need to seek out a certain feat and try and better it the way others have.

Shure you aint in your words claimed anything amiss but if i was you and most of the peoples replies here state this i would not be happy with myself(not anyone else but myself)knowing that i pinched rubber disks when the standard is agreed is metal smooth side out disks.

Bottom line is to get yourself credibility you need to measure up to the feat other people are referring to otherwise mate your just banging your head against the wall.

So the ball in your court mate i wish you luck.

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gazza - cheers man / ok i am seekin out my own pinch feats, using rubber plates, obviously 2 20kg is pretty weak, so ill try get 3 15kg's, maybe 2 big fat 25kg's, or 3 20kg's, obviously these would be better - i will be happy with myself when i can pinch more with rubber plates than anyone else can

diesel - learning is a must, but yeh, i see no point in competing in something when i have not prepared correctly with the proper equipment, i would feel like beating the sh*t out of myself after i got my a** kicked left right an centre, i would only want to compete when i feel i will do well

all that aside, im simply nowhere close to my full potential! ive only been grip training for a year, right now i should be focusing on just improving my game! about maybe 8 months ago when i first got my harder #3, i could harldy move it, last week i tried a brand new #4 an it felt nowhere close to as hard as that #3 did back then, an i have closed this #3 - what im doing right now is getting me exactly what i want, good progress, so if it aint broke, dont fix it

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gazza - cheers man / ok i am seekin out my own pinch feats, using rubber plates, obviously 2 20kg is pretty weak, so ill try get 3 15kg's, maybe 2 big fat 25kg's, or 3 20kg's, obviously these would be better - i will be happy with myself when i can pinch more with rubber plates than anyone else can

Dude you must realise no one even pinches with rubber plates nor does anyone care about weight being pinched with such plates. So to say you will be pinching more than anyone else can is a pointless claim.

If you want to succeed in this sport, humble yourself, i haven't seen a single post from you that doesn't have a bragging spin on it. This is not the way to improve. Arrogance has nowhere in grip, or strongman for that matter.

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gazza - cheers man / ok i am seekin out my own pinch feats, using rubber plates, obviously 2 20kg is pretty weak, so ill try get 3 15kg's, maybe 2 big fat 25kg's, or 3 20kg's, obviously these would be better - i will be happy with myself when i can pinch more with rubber plates than anyone else can

Dude you must realise no one even pinches with rubber plates nor does anyone care about weight being pinched with such plates. So to say you will be pinching more than anyone else can is a pointless claim.

If you want to succeed in this sport, humble yourself, i haven't seen a single post from you that doesn't have a bragging spin on it. This is not the way to improve. Arrogance has nowhere in grip, or strongman for that matter.

haha you have definately took me completely the wrong way then, this posts shows how - i didnt say or claim i will be pinching more than anyone else, i said i will be happy with myself when nobody can pinch more than i can with rubber plates..you should probably read over these other posts that have my braging too, as i never do this (if i ever have it was probably involving some kind of joke / having a laugh)

p.s if nobody else wants to pinch with rubber plates thats fine, ill just look to set my own pr's with it / never be happy an do more

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haha you have definately took me completely the wrong way then, this posts shows how - i didnt say or claim i will be pinching more than anyone else, i said i will be happy with myself when nobody can pinch more than i can with rubber plates..you should probably read over these other posts that have my braging too, as i never do this (if i ever have it was probably involving some kind of joke / having a laugh)

p.s if nobody else wants to pinch with rubber plates thats fine, ill just look to set my own pr's with it / never be happy an do more

When you come to do an official contest or lift you will get stumped then. It's your choice bud. I was just trying to help all the way along.

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haha you have definately took me completely the wrong way then, this posts shows how - i didnt say or claim i will be pinching more than anyone else, i said i will be happy with myself when nobody can pinch more than i can with rubber plates..you should probably read over these other posts that have my braging too, as i never do this (if i ever have it was probably involving some kind of joke / having a laugh)

p.s if nobody else wants to pinch with rubber plates thats fine, ill just look to set my own pr's with it / never be happy an do more

When you come to do an official contest or lift you will get stumped then. It's your choice bud. I was just trying to help all the way along.

before i do a contest involving metal plate pinching, i will have done metal plate pinching

p.s thanks for the motivation

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Geeze man....

Youve obviosly got potential, stop being rediculous, get some metal plates and get to work.

Are you gona get some of those rubber coated hex heads too...?

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Geeze man....

Youve obviosly got potential, stop being rediculous, get some metal plates and get to work.

Are you gona get some of those rubber coated hex heads too...?

i dont see it as rediculous, i see it as a better training option - i dont bash you for your opinion

hex heads - no plans

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