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This 2 x 20k rubber disc lift is not a 2 x 20k/45lb pinch. In the spirit of the feat, it has always been done with the smooth sides placed outside of two metal olympic plates. The list means nothing if this goes in.

Simple as, and end of story!

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i am being put on the list anyway, seems the metal plate rule thing is not an official rule

The list on this board? No way.

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This 2 x 20k rubber disc lift is not a 2 x 20k/45lb pinch. In the spirit of the feat, it has always been done with the smooth sides placed outside of two metal olympic plates. The list means nothing if this goes in.

Simple as, and end of story!

i didnt ask for it to go in, i was the one contacted

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This 2 x 20k rubber disc lift is not a 2 x 20k/45lb pinch. In the spirit of the feat, it has always been done with the smooth sides placed outside of two metal olympic plates. The list means nothing if this goes in.

Simple as, and end of story!

i didnt ask for it to go in, i was the one contacted

I am sure there was some confusion.

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2 x 20KG rubber disc lift IS 2 x 20KG no matter what. Whether it is a rubber, a cotton, a plastic filled with rice, the side of a smooth steel plate. All have the same wight. one pound of cotton has the same wieght of one pound of solid steel. But to get on the 2*20KG/45LB list you need to do the smooth side of the steel. Not the Rubber, because it's easier.

Edited by Alawadhi
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2 x 20KG rubber disc lift IS 2 x 20KG no matter what. Whether it is a rubber, a cotton, a plastic filled with rice, the side of a smooth steel plate. All have the same wight. one pound of cottom has the same wieght of one pound of solid steel. But to get on the 2*20KG/45LB list you need to do the smooth side of the steel. Not the Rubber, because it's easier.

actually, this is not whats said - the title of it is two 45 pinch, not two metal 45 pinch, an the rules dont say anything of metal either..so technically what i did was pinch 2 20 kilo plates, which most likely would be the reason for me being put on the list

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2 x 20KG rubber disc lift IS 2 x 20KG no matter what. Whether it is a rubber, a cotton, a plastic filled with rice, the side of a smooth steel plate. All have the same wight. one pound of cottom has the same wieght of one pound of solid steel. But to get on the 2*20KG/45LB list you need to do the smooth side of the steel. Not the Rubber, because it's easier.

You are correct. If rubber coated plates were allowed, the list members would number in the thousands.


Edited by tspinillo
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If it said two 45 pinch you should know it's the metal one. We human have reasoning mind for a reason, right? I am sure you are 100% sure no one is certified on the 45s list with a rubber plates. If you can do the steel plate as you say why don't you just post a video? It will be much much easier.

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It should be metal plates only. Rubber would be easier. Since you "got air with metal 45's" with no pinch work, go train pinch for about 30 mins and get a video of metal plates.

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2 x 20KG rubber disc lift IS 2 x 20KG no matter what. Whether it is a rubber, a cotton, a plastic filled with rice, the side of a smooth steel plate. All have the same wight. one pound of cottom has the same wieght of one pound of solid steel. But to get on the 2*20KG/45LB list you need to do the smooth side of the steel. Not the Rubber, because it's easier.

You are correct. If rubber coated plates were allowed, the list members would number in the thousands.


theres only like 40 on the #1 list, so surely that cant be right! if it really is that easy ill have to work up to pinching 4 of them instead of 3! (although that may not fit in my hand)

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I was about to cert on the 3 x 25 list using my 10KG plates, but I didn't because I thought you needed smooth sided ones.....

....thanks for clearing it up.

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It should be metal plates only. Rubber would be easier. Since you "got air with metal 45's" with no pinch work, go train pinch for about 30 mins and get a video of metal plates.

not no pinch work, did pinch in work for months before that, just no plate pinching

ill be using rubber plates to train with, maybe do some metal ones somewhen down the line

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Viper, I just saw your name on the list (http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=4829)

You don't want to fool people into lifting things you can't lift, right? maybe you think the lift is the same with the steel. But you are wrong. Just post 2 45s steel on the smooth side lift to really put your name on that list with honor. If it was so then I am sure any 35s lifters out there will be certified on the 45s right NOW.

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2 x 20KG rubber disc lift IS 2 x 20KG no matter what. Whether it is a rubber, a cotton, a plastic filled with rice, the side of a smooth steel plate. All have the same wight. one pound of cottom has the same wieght of one pound of solid steel. But to get on the 2*20KG/45LB list you need to do the smooth side of the steel. Not the Rubber, because it's easier.

You are correct. If rubber coated plates were allowed, the list members would number in the thousands.


theres only like 40 on the #1 list, so surely that cant be right! if it really is that easy ill have to work up to pinching 4 of them instead of 3! (although that may not fit in my hand)

This is nonsense. Your name on that list, by way of rubber coated plates, is an insult to the rest of the list members who did it the right way.

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I was about to cert on the 3 x 25 list using my 10KG plates, but I didn't because I thought you needed smooth sided ones.....

....thanks for clearing it up.

A video of this would b cool to see.

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Viper, I just saw your name on the list (http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=4829)

You don't want to fool people into lifting things you can't lift, right? maybe you think the lift is the same with the steel. But you are wrong. Just post 2 45s steel on the smooth side lift to really put your name on that list with honor. If it was so then I am sure any 35s lifters out there will be certified on the 45s right NOW.

Maybe the Rubber is more adhesive then Steel, but the lips have a far less surface area, and also can cause the plates to fan out.

I've found this to be the case when I tried to do 4 x 10 using both lipped and smooth sided plates.

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Viper, I just saw your name on the list (http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=4829)

You don't want to fool people into lifting things you can't lift, right? maybe you think the lift is the same with the steel. But you are wrong. Just post 2 45s steel on the smooth side lift to really put your name on that list with honor. If it was so then I am sure any 35s lifters out there will be certified on the 45s right NOW.

ive not said i cant lift metal ones, i have not tried it, and i am not fooling or insulting anybody - like ive said, the rules do not say metal plates, i have done exactly what ive said ive done, pinch 2 20kg plates

its not like i went an asked to have my name on the list anyway

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Hmm... stupid that this has to be done but a fast way to get round that whole 'never states it is meant to be metal plates' BS and keep the list credible :

'1. Must lift to full deadlift position.

2. Only chalk allowed.

3. A picture, video, or credible witness from the Gripboard is required.'

You failed rule 1.

In all honesty i think you've ended up being excessively ripped for merely posting up some videos so i commend you on your feats but the only disagreement i have is that it in no way is a traditional 2 45s plate pinch.

Hell it'd be like getting certified on the number three for closing a foot-stomped, clamped-up, 'forced overcrushed' number three.

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Hmm... stupid that this has to be done but a fast way to get round that whole 'never states it is meant to be metal plates' BS and keep the list credible :

'1. Must lift to full deadlift position.

2. Only chalk allowed.

3. A picture, video, or credible witness from the Gripboard is required.'

You failed rule 1.

In all honesty i think you've ended up being excessively ripped for merely posting up some videos so i commend you on your feats but the only disagreement i have is that it in no way is a traditional 2 45s plate pinch.

Hell it'd be like getting certified on the number three for closing a foot-stomped, clamped-up, 'forced overcrushed' number three.

your right, i have been ripped for just posting some videos, and thank you

i wouldnt say i failed any of those rules though dude - my body was straight up when it hit my thigh (i obviously could not have pulled them through my leg), i didnt use any chalk, and i have a video

im not saying it is a traditional 45 pinch, i never said it was metal plates, an i dont consider me saying thats not in the rules to be bs either, as you have just posted every rule, an there is no mention of metal plates

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I was able to pinch grip wide rubber 45's way before I ever found the grip board and couldn't even pinch metal 25's when I finally tried. I would chime in that rubber coated plates are not even in the same ball park period.


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Viper wasn't it you who claimed to have squatted over 500 the first time you ever squatted? It was on a different forum I was just curious.

Also I would like to see a video of you doing it with metal plates. I find it absolutly amazing that you were able to get air with 2 45's the FIRST time you ever did plate holds. By now im sure you could fully deadlift it.

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I was able to pinch grip wide rubber 45's way before I ever found the grip board and couldn't even pinch metal 25's when I finally tried. I would chime in that rubber coated plates are not even in the same ball park period.


ill have to do 3 20kg's for sure then!

dont metal plates vary loads too though? ive not done it much obviously, but at the gyms ive been, theres a big difference between one disk from the next - some of them are thin, some are fat, an also i have some plates at home that are marbled over an varnished if you will, there a whole lot more slippy than the plates at the gym

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