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Born Ugly, Bred Mean

Matt Brouse

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4-24-07 - Week 3 - Day 1

No food, tired.

Push Press

Singles up to 285

Split Jerk

310x1, 325x0 barely...damn. Hit myself in the chin on the first one...


135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x5, 275x5


BWx5, x3

Lat Pulls, Curls

Cheat Curls


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Brave soul for carrying on with the jerks!

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Man, I suck at this workout posting now apparently...

Ya, you do!

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No, no, no. Missed my second press workout and my squat forthe week...didn't have time,end of the semester and all...

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Time? What time? The only nice thing about the end of the semester is you know the pain and sleep deprivation will be ending soon.

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Right on Dave.

Last week was awful, no food or sleep...let's get it rolling here...


After my conference

600lb. Tire 5 singles (WU), 2x5, 2 working sets done inside of Pantera song "F the world"

200lb. Keg Press x5, on motion clean work

4-30-07 - BW @ 255, first day working with Oly Shoes

Coan Week 4 Day 1

Clean and Jerk WU


135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 405x1, 475x2


Circuit 3x8

SLDL, 225, Row, 185, Lat Pull, Pin 9

Snatch (almost the real deal!!!)

135x5 singles, 155x8 singles...full depth

These shoes are nice.

Workouts considering the low sleep and food.

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Tuesday 5-1-07 - Bodyweight 255lbs.

This was a good day overall, I gotta start eating however.

Cuff Stuff

Push Press

45x10x2, 135x5x2, 185x3x2, 225x3, 255x3, 225x5

Push Jerk Behind Neck

225x1, 275x1, 305x1, 335x0*, 335x1, 350x1**, 365x0 (damn close)

DB Press

60x8, 65x8, 65x8

Vertical MB Chest Pass - No dip


*After a miss like this I would have just thrown in it but I stopped to realize that maybe it wasn't that I just didn't have it, maybe I was out of sync, perhaps in the spirit of the NEW OLY SHOES!!! So I gave it another go and it slammed for an easy single.

**After I hit 350, which was a goal of mine before finishing college here, my heart rate was north of 180 BPM!!! I almost puked.

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Nice numbers Matt! Seems like the body weight isn't doing too bad even though you're not eating very well. Are you going home for the summer, or are you staying here?

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I'll be in town this summer.

5-3-07 Week 4 Day 3 - Squat (sort of...)

Good workout overall today save for the squats...haven't made my squat workouts for a few weeks...stupid school.


45x10 (5 power, 5 Squat Snatch) WU

135x3, 155x1, 185x1, 205x1 225x0 - still getting used to shoes

Front Squat (in OLY Shoes!)

135x5, 185x3, 225x1, 255x5x2sets

Squat (Chucks)

225x5, 315x1, 405x1, 405x2 - Wow, just wow...slaps self

Rack Pulls (Mid Knee Cap)

135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 405x3, 475x3, 495x3


135x10x2 - light because...

Walking Lunges

135x50ft.x2 - Dead.

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5-4-07 Week 4 Day 4 - Pressing

Tired as a mug and needing to get out of town. My training partner slept through this one as well.


135x6, 160x5, 180x2, 190x2 - tired

Axle Push Press

worked to 275x2 - tough

Axle DL Lockouts

400xhalf (3") x10 times

Axle OH Lockouts - about 5 inch ROM

worked to 300x1



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Tuesday May 8th - Break from Coan - ALSO tired and crappy workout

I am officially done with school now, so hopefully I can start eating and sleeping again and make effing progress. Also started an effort to strength my weak and pathetic upper back today...

Power Clean

45x10x2, 135x5, 185x3, 225x1x2, 275x1x5 315xwow

Tarp Bar Dead

135x5, 225x5, 315x1, 405x1, 495x1, 600x0x2 - Big fat "you suck" here...wow

Push Press

45x10, 135x5, 185x3, 225x2 - Screw it...wow

UpperBack Superset - Tarp Bar Shurgs(10)/Power Shrugs(5), Lat Pull(10)/Lat Machine Depression/Retraction (5)

Set 1: 135, pin 5

Set 2: 185, Pin 8

Set 3: 185, Pin 8

Power Shurgs

135x10, 225x5x2, 275x5x2

I am really not happy with this workout. I need some sleep.

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Thursday May 10th - Bodyweight around 252ish...damn.


Snatch (tech) 135x10singles ride down, 155x5singles, ride down

Axle Clean and Jerk DO Grip only 125x5(PP), 215x3(PushJerk), 265x1(Push), 285x1(Split...BARELY missed power clean, had to cont.) 305x1 - Matches my PR, 315xalmost died...seriously!

DO Axle Dead - singles to 355, forgot my drop set

Some Oly squat - Some singles...almost died again..will have to be more diligent in spotting me thinks. Good lesson today.

Press 135x6, 175x3, 185x2, 205x3, 225x0

JM Press 45x10x2, 65x5x2...just trying it out

Exhaustive Snatch High Pulls F/Floor 135x5x2, 155x5

Thoughts: All in all a decent workout...gotta get back into the swing of things and start eating right and what not. Surprised myself with the 305 Axle, matches my PR. I was very close to Power Cleaning the 285 as was my intention...very close. My double overhand grip is getting stronger I think. I am liking how the attention to the upper back feels and need to keep that going. Squats didn't really happen today...man I suck at a lot of the gym lifts...

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5-11-07 Event training with Klavetter, Mathison

Axle (light)

worked to like 275 press, 300 clean


Technique to 250ish

Yoke - The Gilly Yoke is apparently the hardest in the world...

3 sets (80 feet) up to 500?

Front Carry

2x8@ 270

Atlas Stones*** - deloaded like every set

250x1, 330x1, 330x1, 225x1 Run: 160,225,250,250, 250x3 (w/deload), 250x1

Long bar bending

1/2 inch, 4 foot - mostly to get the feel for doing it

Keg Toss

8 Tosses, 35#ers

Tire flip

800x5 singles, 1 double

Thoughts: Finally hit some decent numbers on the stones. I put a little bit of tacky on at the beginning, wore of quick. No reapp.

Between the three of us we might laugh too much to be really effective, but ah well...

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Monday 5-14-2007 - At the old high school...pretty sure I was using a bar I bent back in the day...

Power Clean WU


worked to a single at 475 - No chaulk


worked to 300x1x2, 315x1

GHR, Box Jumps, Stretch

Tuesday 5-14-2007 - Got engaged today...

Snatch Tech and WU

Push Press

worked to 245x3

Incline BP - first time in like 3 years

135x10, 185x5, 225x3

FW (light), Tire Flip (light)

Wednesday 5-15-2007 Bodyweight 255lbs.

Off Day - might post some grip stuff...

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Wednesday 5-16-2007 - Bodyweight 255lbs. - GRIP DAY!!!


T x 8 Each

#1 x 8 Each

#2 x 10R, #2 x 5 x 5 x2L


#3 x CCS x1R, #3 x Neg. x1L

BBSM x 3singles Each

Some single finger stuff with the #2

Wrist Rolls

10# x up/down/up/down @ chest - Extenstion

15# x " " - Flexion

Some more reps...who cares honestly

Havent just trained grip in several months felt good. Was nice to smash that punk assed #3 again.

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Congrats on the engagement Matt! Have you talked about a wedding date yet?

I always enjoy reading your blog, its colorful (not the word I'm looking for, but once I think of it I'll probably forget to edit). Anyways, some decent numbers your putting up. Whats up with the trap bar deads? Jeesh, I pulled 500 the other day for a double without warming up. Just flipping you some crap. We did it at the end of Saturday's workout. Keep up the good work.

By the way, we have finally finished moving! The power shed is #3 on my list of things to do. Speaking of #3, a CCS with your 3? Thats awesome considering you hardly ever train grippers! I'll have to step up my game.

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Thanks Davey, the wedding is prolly a year or more down the line, when she finished grad school.

Thursday 5-17-07 - Bodyweight 257lbs.

Snatch/Overhead Squat WU

Front Squat

45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 255x5x2


45x10, 135x5, 160x6, 180x3x2, 190x2, 205x2, 215x2

SSB Squat

65x10, 165x5, 245x5, 300x5 - Gawd.

Push Jerk Behind Neck

135x3, 225x2, 275x1, 300x1, 315x1, 335x0x2 - very near misses...

Pop Hang Clean

135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 300x3, 315x1, 335x0x2 - very near misses, Straps on the last three sets....

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Saturday 5-19-07 - Events at Canada's place with half of the crew, had to leave early...

Viking Press (1st time!!!)

185x10, x5, 240x18 (60 sec.), 270x5x2

Press Medley (Stone, Keg, log, axle)


Tire - 900, my heaviest training yet...

5 total flips with a double mixed in there

Atlas Stones - w/tacky

240x1, 280x1, 370 broke off ground, 340 broke off ground, 370 broke futher off ground, rolled at knees and dropped...these two stones are my newest beef.

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Tuesday 5-20-07 - Bodyweight ~260lbs.


45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 405x2, 500x2, 515x1 - Hook Grip PRs me thinks, both were pretty easy and fast.


BWx15, fast

Rack Pulls(16-17")

135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 405x1, 455x1


BWx10, fast

Some blob pulls, too hot, forgot my t-shirt and shorts!

It was nice to get an official pull over 500, I've known I could do it for a while but having not officially done it...you know...

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Tuesday 5-23-07 - Bodyweight ~260lbs.

Axle Push Press F/ Rack

35x10, 125x10, 175x5, 215x3, 235x3, 255x3, 265x2, 285x1, 300x1, 320x0, 320x1



Bench Press

135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x3, 275x3



BearHug Plate Rows

Triples up to 4 plates, then add a quarter, then a 45 for singles

Incline DB Press

50x10, 70x10

JM Press

45x10, 65x8, 95x8x3sets


Really happy with the Axle work and how my overhead is coming along in general. Hopefully my stones will pick up like it has. Real sore today (the day ofter).

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Thursday 5-24-07

Furey Hindu Squats (2x10)


45x10, 135x5x2, 227x5, 275x5, 315x3, 365x3, 405x3, 455x2...apparently this is heavy for me now...lame.

Axle Cleans (trying to figure the Alternate Grip)

125x5x2, 175x5, 215x3, 265x1, 30x1, 325x? can't recal...whatever...

DO Axle Deads

385x0, 305x1, 325x2, 340x2, 350x2, whatever...

GRH 3x10 @ BW

DB rows

Squat Cleans


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Saturday Events


350x50, 445lbs.x100

Farmer's Walk 220x100, 310x50, 360x60

Arm over Arm - about 400pounds or something...

Also, some first time pulls on the bomb. And several singles on the 2" Vbar.

Edited by Matt Brouse
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These were my two workouts from this week. SMOG coming up this weekend...should be fun.

Tuesday May 29th

Squat Clean

Doubles to 265 for a single

Power Clean


Push Press

Triples to 275

Thursday May 31st


Triples to 365...bleh

Push Jerk Behind Neck

135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 300x3, 315x3 - PRs are fun, never hit triples this high before I don't think.


Technique work at 95lbs.

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Strongest Man on Grand - 2nd Place 265lbs.

I was planning on coming away with a sweet ass trophy but the day was closer than expected especially after Rodney didnt make weihgt and found himself in the 265s. All in all I am pretty happy with how things ended up. Was good having Paul out for the weekend.

Weighed in with my steet clothes on at 268lbs. Made 264 without.

MN Stone Shield Carry - 435lbs.

209' 8"

Was planning on taking down Paul and Danno but my grip slipped at about 150 and couldnt get a good one after that...ah well.

Odd Object Press Medley

3 Objects

I won this event (my 2nd event win) but couldn't press the 240 keg, which I have done...

Trap Bar Deadlift - 615

3 reps

Lifetime PR, but still lousy strength. 3 way tie for 1st before this, dropped to third here.

Tire Flip - Load Medley

30 some seconds...Rodney edged me out and secured his win barring injury. Bumped myself to 2nd (4 points behind).

Arm over arm truck pull - ~ 14000 maybe

24.07. 1st place, my third event win ever. Moved to acloser2nd plce, but Rodney would have had to get last for me to win. He didn't.

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Tuesday 6-6-07 - First post comp session...

A few minutes on the bike, then the treadmill, stretch...


45x10x2, 95x10, 135x5, 175x5, 205x5, 165x5, 175x5

DO Axle deads

305x3, 325x3, 365x1, 345x1, x1

Low Pulley Face Pulls/Lat Pull Downs

100lb./150lbs. x10, x12, x12

EZ Bar Curls

10, 15, 15

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