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Born Ugly, Bred Mean

Matt Brouse

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Thanks all. Good to know I have at least three men who love me... :whacked Hopefully have some Vid posted by Sunday.

Now I'm glad I didn't post saying I read the log too, although I do.


3-29-2007 - bodyweight 250 in the A.M.

Power Clean and Jerk 45x10, 135x5, 165x1, 185x1, 205x1, 225x1, 245x1, 275x1, 295x1, 305x1

That last jerk might have been a barbell PR, not sure...

thats great man! Going in STRONG!!!

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3-31-07 - Iowa's Strongest Man - 265lb. Class - 3rd Competition

Log Press - 230lbs. Goal: >10 Actual: 9

Farmers Walk - 250lbs, 80 feet Goal: <10 seconds Actual: 8.71 seconds - First Place, my first first place finish!!!

Deadlift - 500lbs. Goal: >6 reps Actual: 9

Keg Load - 200-300 Goal: <30 seconds Actual: 25.05

Overall Goal: Place higher than 5th Actual: 2nd Place, Going to Vegas

Not sure on the placings in the events right now, will update as it comes in...Maybe a more detail later.

Edited by Matt Brouse
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Congrats Matt! Nice job!

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Ata boy Matt! Strong placing man. Did you happen to get any of it on video? You'll have to fill us in on the details soon.

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Week after Iowa:

Day one


Push Press Behind Neck

Plate Rows

Some other stuff

Day Two

Bench Press

Bench Press Rack Lockout - 385x1, 405x1

Push Press

Plate Rows

Some Pinching

...get back on track this weekend with events/grip stuff, then head right back into next cycle. I HAVE TO POST MORE OF MY GRIP STUFF, AND GET IT BACK ON TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!ELEVEN

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<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2xaIoT180M"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2xaIoT180M"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2xaIoT180M" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

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That video was awesome, VERY well made, neat soundtrack, and of course, amazing feats of strength. Strong!! How tall are you?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happy Birthday buddy! :rock

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Thanks Theo!

On my way to Nationals...

Grand, Waseca, MN State and one or two others on the way.

Week 1

Day 1


385x2, 315x3x8sets - 90 seconds rest

Assistance Circuit: (light)

SLDL - 155

Rows - 155

Lat pull - hole 9

GMs - 155

Day 2

Push Press



2x5@65%BP, 205lb., 1x5@60%BP, 190


Day 3

Squat - No lifting, back hurting

Day 4


135x6, 160x5, 180x2x2sets, 190x2

Assistance stuff

Day 5 - EVENTS

Log Press (light)

a few sets, whatever...

Log Clean (heavy)

Triples up to 300, 330x1 - matches PR

Husefel, 340x80, 370x80, 390x100, 410x100 - PRs

Atlas Stones 270x5 singles to 48 and 55ish boxes

2" Vbar pulls - worked to 265 right, 240ish left, not a good day

Week 2

Day 1


420x2, 340x3x4 - 90 seconds rest

Circuit: 3x8

Bent Rows - 185

Lat Pull - pin 9

GMs - 185

Day 2


145x6, 170x5, 190x4x2sets, 200x2


185x2, 225x2, 250x2, 275x2

Lat pull downs, 1 pull up, Hammer Curls

Peterson Step-ups 1x10 each @ BW

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Also supposed to be some Axle Clean and Press DO grip up to 265x5 (3 power clean, 2 cont. clean)

DO Axle Dead singles to 385x.25 a rep, 305x6

Man, I suck at this workout posting now apparently...

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Are you sure its just the posting that you suck at? Ok low blow. Looks like things are coming along nicely. Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!!! I'll have to take you out for a root beer float or something. You going to Canada next weekend?

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Are you sure its just the posting that you suck at? Ok low blow. Looks like things are coming along nicely. Anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT!!! I'll have to take you out for a root beer float or something. You going to Canada next weekend?

I don't drink soda either...Mr. Fun right? I also don't do Canada. Ha.

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It confuses the HELL out of me too... :rolleyes

4-19-2007 Bodyweight - 258lbs.

First real squat workout in a while, felt good, will be stuggle with the reps however but I have to start training like a stongman and not a powerlifter in the squat. Good day overall. Hip was hurting a bit, which is why I don't like reps in the squat...

Week 2, Day 3

Eagle Loop Pull ups - 2 Reps - Some kind of PR

Front Squat

45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 255x5x2sets


225x5, 315x3, 355x5x5 - Probably a PR, reps? Really?

Rack Pull - 18" or so

225x5, 315x5x2sets - light


Flexion/Add x 10, 100lbs.

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Rotator Cuff Stuff

Push Press 45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 205x2, 225x2, 265x2x2, 275x2

DB Press (OH) 60x8, 70x8, 80x8

Close Tbar Rows - 90x10, 115x10, 115x10

Lat Pulls, Curls

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Tired. Always slow to get acclimmatized.

Snatch Tenchnique work - almost manned up enough to get under one for real...worked to a few singlea t 185.

Harness sled+1 guy x80 feetx2...Gaaawd

Stone Carry 120x1x100feet


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4-22-07 - Grip

Trying to get back to actually training my grip. You know working on it. Instead of just being awesome.

Light Stuff Today

Grippers - Tx10, 1x10, 2x3, each

HH2 - 5lbs. Lateralsx5s, 7.5lbs. x 5s

Wrist Roles - 10x2xExt, Flex


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4-23-07 - 258lbs.

Power Clean and Jerk

135x5, 225x1, x1, x1, 275x1, 300x1


275x3, 315x1, 405x1, 440x2


Circuit 2x8

Bent Over Rows, Undergrip Lat Pull, GMs, 185, pin 9, 185

Shrugs, bleh...

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