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friday was my arms day.

6, 7 second overcrushes on my #2

lever bar (8lb sledge)

hammer lever curls (front) 3x8/ (rear) 3x8 / parralel curls (front) 3x5/ (rear) 3x5

lever curls (front) 3x8 / (rear) 3x8

levers to the nose 2 front, 2 side, 27inches down the handle right hand, 20" left hand.

2" wrist roller 10 sets 40lbs, multiple directions, 3' cord

3" pinch block (1H) 2, 15 second holds with max speed reps possible right after each timed hold. 30 lbs 16 reps, 14 reps right hand- 14, 11 reps left.

followed by 2" pinch block max reps, followed by 15 second timed hold for 2 sets- 16, 16 right hand/ 14,12 left hand.

db curls 50lb 1x8 reg./ 1x8 hammer/ 1x5 reverse

bb (bar only)close hand curls 25 reps

25 tricep pushdowns at 200lbs

that was it.

ordered the #3 finally, and can't wait for it to get here so i can give the next couple of weeks focused on the KTA method. really intrested to see how it goes.

take care and good lifting

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welp, today was the pull up day-

did the usual 10 down to 1 on the 2"bar, but upped the ab exercises between sets to 35 reps each set

did 5x5 ankle to the bar hanging leg raises- with incline pushups tween sets, but this time i started at 60" foot elevation and did 37 reps/ 48" at 32 reps/ 36" at 33 reps/ 24" at 38reps/ and 12" at 39reps.

did about 10 singles with the #2, and 5 attempts at the BBSM. but giving the hands somewhat of a breather, but still in condition, so i can get a good start on the KTA when the #3 arrives here this week.

My goal gripper is the BBSM, #3 for the above, #2 for the one under. gonna be fun, and can't wait to give it a go.

welp, tomorrow i'll be doing some odd lifting, and maybe some lifting with the squat belt as well. gonna start to get the body used to some heavy odd lifting, as in the 400+ pound range, and see where it takes me with the 400lb dl goal i have.

more to follow, but for now, take care and good lifting

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on the 27 feb, i did some squat belt work, and some bodyweight stuff, but did not get any odd lifts in.

squat belt- (3/4 squats-not to parralel) 240x10/ 265x10/ 275x10/ 270x10

hit some body weight squats- 20 second set timed with 15 second break tween sets. here are the reps for each 20 sec set- 32/29/29/28/29

then grabbed the 45lb plates by the rim each hand, and did 25shrugs and 50 calf raises back to back for 3 sets.

yesterday was a day off, and today ended up being a day off till i got home from work, the #3 arrived, and i got warmed up with 4 sets of shoulder to shoulder from the ground with the 120lb sand bag, then followed that by shoulder to shoulder from the ground with the 170lb sandbag for 2 sets, and finally from the ground bearhug deep squats with the 170. did 10 deep squats with the bag. after the warm up i started my first day of the KTA program.

phase I, week 1 has begun, and i'm excited. felt good. and i can't wait to close my goal gripper when this is all done with. the BBSM, will fall, and then i can move on to getting the #3.

man the #3 is tough, but it's not impossible, and having one now finally has demystified it, and turned it into something tangeable. oh well, thats all for now.

take care and good lifting.

Edited by T-Dog
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this morning we had PT with a new cycle of soldiers we just got in, introducing them to PT and stuff. once that was over, i hit the pull up bars- regular bar- 1 set of 15 pull ups, then 1 set 15 chin ups, then one set of L position chin ups. after that i did 5 reps of one arm pushups (right hand) off a 3.5 foot platform, just to test myself.

after breakfast i did my second days work of the KTA, phase I, week 1. what a program. gonna be intresting to see the results at the end of this program. like it, yes i do.

the gym workout today was awesome. had too much fun doing it.

Squats- (parralel to just a bit under) 135x5/185x5/ 205x5 - then switched to singles 225x1/ 245x1/ (moved the pins in the rack up one slot, so i was now just over parralel)265x1/ 285x1/ 295x1- 225x5- (i put the pins back down to below paralel)- 225x5 the last two sets of 5 were done back to back, and with only enough break to move the pins,

then it was on to overhead lockouts in the power rack- 135x5/ 155x4/ 175x3/ 195x1/ 175x2 then did 135x5- the range of motion was only bout 6-7".

tween sets of lockouts i did weighted pull ups. 50lbx3/ 70lbx3/ 80lbx1/ 90lbx1+10 second negative/ 100lbx1+10 second negative+ half pullup and another 10 second negative.

did this all in 50 minutes

my overhead strength has definately increased, and so have my squats. the squats were exploding out of the bottom, and actually held back on the poundages, was not a max attempt day, and wanted to get reps, and was going for volume, and good weight (for me) the squat belt workouts and body weight squats are helping, as are the sand bag and core workouts.

welp, thats bout it for now, take care and good lifting.

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yesterday was a fight style workout.

lifted the 170lb sandbag from the floor, put on the shoulderx10 seconds, then put it on the other shoulderx 10 seconds, then set it slowly to the ground. immediatly went to punching and elbowing the heavy bagx 30 sec. 1 minute break

did the same thing with the sandbag, then did 30sec. kicking the heavy bag (thigh level kicks), then did 25 decline situps. 1:30 break.

bearhugged the sandbag from the floor, and did 7 deep squats, trying to explode out of the bottom, then mounted the heavy bag on the floor, and punched, elbowed, and kneed it from the mount and side mount for 45 sec. then did 25 decline situps, then 5 stiffleg dl's with the 70lb db's, and 10 shrugs. 2 minute break

picked up and carried the sandbag 10 feet, dropped it, in front of the heavy bag and elbowed and punched it for 45 sec, picked up the sandbag and carried it another 10 feet, did the situps again, 15 shrugs, then punched the bag for another 20 seconds or so. 1:30 break

3x10 hindu pushups, 3x10 mountain jumpers, and 1x10 burpee's.

today was the 2"pullup bar, condensed.

5x10 L- pull ups (legs straight out parralel to the ground) each set followed by 25 reps of assorted ab exercises. then it was 5x5 hanging leg raises (ankles to the bar), and after all the leg raises were done it was onto inclined pushups. did 10 pushups per seat, and step of the bleachers. so it was 9x10 (60"elevation down to 12" for seats, did not measure the steps) and did 1x10 regular pushups on the ground.

completed in 15 minutes.

then hit day 5 of the KTA, week 1, phase 1.

this afternoon we got to do a little bit of combatives teaching the new soldiers, so all in all it was a pretty good two days of workouts.

take care and good lifting.

Edited by T-Dog
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yesterday was chest and back at the gym at work.

hammer strength chest machines - incline= in, reular= reg, wide= w, decline =de

did them in quick succesion and right into the back work, then it was change weights on the machines, and start again, not much more then 2 minutes break following the last set of back.

in-80 (each side) reg-45, wide-90, de-90 all for 15 reps each, then hit pullovers with 50lb dbx 10reps, t-bar rows 80lbx 10reps, then db bent over rows with 100lb db x 5 reps

in-80, reg-80, wide-90, de-115 all for 5 reps each, the back weights and reps were the same as above.

the last set went in reverse order, after a minute break, i started the back exercises again, and went all the way through to the incline presses.

then it was on to the final day of KTA week 1, phase 1. hands felt good though, not overly sore or anything, and the volume for this first week was easier than expected, and can't wait till tomorrow. (but i will)

today was just about all rest. this morning i did a 2.5 mile run at a moderate pace, then hit the pullup bars for 3x5 of chinups, each set followed by a set of 5 hand stand push ups for 5 reps. trying to get to where i can do free standing ones, but i'm still a bit away from that as of yet.

welp, thats it till tomorrow, take care and good lifting

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real quick, got alot to get done tonight, so here goes--

squats, parralel- 135x5/185x5/205x5/225x5

1/2 squats, from the bottom position- 225x1/ 275x1/295x1

overhead presses from the forehead, power rack- 135x5/ 155x4/ 175x3/ 175x2

chinups, with weight- 60lbx5/ 80lbx4/ 100lbx2

supersetted with

dips, weighted- 60lbx5/ 80lbx4/ 100lbx5

90lb barbell one arm overhead balance- 25 seconds right arm, 20seconds left arm.

felt pretty good, and today is day two of the 2nd week of KTA, and the hands so far are ok, but they are feeling it. miss doing deadlifts, but i can handle it for now, and my squats are improving, so at least the program is making me focus on the lift i hate the most.

welp, take care and good lifting.

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welp, i've been in kentucky, since sunday, and will be here til the end of april for school. my workout schedule is all mesed up, but i'm still hitting the gym.

since last log in i have finished my second week of KTA. hands were starting to feel it towards the end, but were still good to go.

in the gym i'm hitting 5 reps with the 105 dumbells after doing a P.T. test earlier in the morning. did 82 pushups in a minute and a half. they've gone down some. oh well.

did some dl lock outs, not a good idea if your killing your hands with the grippers. still pulled 395 from the knees. and 70lb db farmers carries for 150meters. gonna hit the shrugs more as well.

doing sprints again as well, and gonna start doing the running thing alot more too. need to max my run again on the pt test. ran my slowest time ever this last test. ughhh.

as soon as i get back into a rhythem, i'll have my journal back in order too.

welp, take care and good lifting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Closed the BBSM one time. have'nt since.

did it the second day of back down week, KTA.

School is going alright, and workouts are getting back into a rhythem. more to come as soon as i get a consistent computer access.

take care and good lifting

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, been hitting the gym pretty good since i have been here at school, and i have also started to look at my training logs, both here and in my notebook, and decided to tweek my routine some, and make it less routine, and more well rounded overall. I am going to set some new goals, and they will be hopefully achieved during my first test phase. will post the overall scheme of it when i get home in a week or two, but will start it here this week putting it into action.

i'm starting the third week of phase II this week. today is my rest day, and boy my hands and forearms needed the day off. things are going pretty well though,. and i'm excited bout the upcoming weeks of training.

welp, take care and good lifting

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the new schedule i am using for workouts is done, but still being tweeked, will finish it up this week, and post it sometime next week. it is basically a way for me to get into an all over toughening, and is still flexible enough that i will be able to tailor it to new goals while at the same time remaining the same. the whole thing is over a six week cycle, and the focus of every cycle is easily emphasized without neglect of other parts. hard to explain, and still in the process, but will post it next week.

i am currently on day 3, week 3 of phase 2 of the kta. feeling good, and hands/forearms are still beat up, but can't complain. the end is in sight, and i'm gaining confidence in my ability to close the BBSM. will keep ya posted.

take care and good lifting

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  • 2 weeks later...

started phase III of KTA today, can't wait to see how it goes.

felt like crud the last couple of days, and took monday - wensday off from the gym. feeling alot better today, and had an awesome workout.

deadlifts- 135x5/ 185x5/ 205x5/ 225x5/ 275x5/ 325x1

sdl- 225x5/ 225x5/ 135x5

bb bent over rows- 3x135x5

bottom position bench singles- 135/ 185/ 205/ 225/ 245/ 265- a new PR. 10 pound inrease, and the power rack here allows me to position the bar touching the chest, where as the one at home puts the bar about 1 inch off the chest. so a big improvement.YES!

overhead lockouts- 135x5/ 155x4/ 175x4/ 135x10

4sets of 10 dips

4 sets of 5 pull ups

hammer strength standing rows 1 arm- 3x185x4

feel much better, and even think i might have been a little overtrained, and that combined with some stomach flu kicked my but. Gotta watch the overtraining. it happens.

welp, take care and good lifting.

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  • 1 month later...

all right, i'm gonna start reporting again.

Been getting killed by the heat lately, and i have only had 3 workouts other than morning PT over the last three weeks.

still closing the BBSM, and the set is not as deep, so still improving. I'm also only a hair from doing a no set close with my filed #2, this is the one i'm most excited about. been wanting that for a while.

cleaned and pressed 2 25lb plates, easily. also started pinching alot more. gonna focus on pinching still for another few weeks or so, then maybe do another round of KTA, trying for the #3.

strict military press of 155, and this is a big improvement.

welp, other than these few highlights, i'm undertrained, over worked, and itching to get back in the game.

more to come

take care and good lifting

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  • 2 weeks later...

workouts are still few and far between, but i can now close the BBSM from a good solid pause and squeeze from parralell. starting to do attempts at the #3 lately, and from a parallel set, i'm now down to less than 1/2 inch. don't really know the measurement, just that i can move the handles now on my own with one hand. what i have started doing is braced attempts at closing it. when i squeeze to as far as it will go for me i brace my thumb against my palm and handle, and it goes a bit further. gonna start giving it some serious attention here in the near future, but having fun pinching lately, and want to hit the wrists some more fore i get focused on the grippers again.

welp, more to follow,

take care and good lifting

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hit the gym this afternoon and had the first real workout in about two weeks.

weighted dips bwX5/ 50lbx5/ 60lbx5/ 70lbx5/ 80lbx5/ 90lbx5/ 100lbx5

weighted pullups 50lb- 5/ 4/3/2/1

bottom position bench, singles 135/205/225/245/245

bb shrugs 225lb- 3x12

db deadlifts 80'sx5/ 100'sx5

farmers walk 80lb db's x 100 meters

KB one arm swings 50lb kb- 15ea/10ea/10ea arm

kb press 50lbx5 ea arm

was a pretty good workout, and i'm pleased to see my weights have not dropped all that much with all the inactivity lately (not really inactivity, just no weights)

welp, take care and good lifting

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worked out in the garage today, arms and shoulders

close grip bench 135x 15/12/10/8/8

military press standing bb 95x 10/9/8/7/6/5

grippers wu with T, & #1- then 1x 2 full reps on filed #2 (#1 on left hand)/ 3 attempts at bbsm, missed all three today/ did a 15 second overcrush on the #2rt/#1lft

pinched two 22lb plates and clean and pressed them 5 times right hand/ 3 times left

two hand pinch- (2, 44 lb plates- 2.5 inches wide as the base, extra weight was draped over the plates between the hands via IM daisey chains)- 88lbx 15sec/ 88x 10sec/ 98lbx 5sec/ - singles 98lb/ 108lb/ 128lb/ 138lb/ 148lb missed this one, but it broke the ground.

15 second oc with #1lft/ #2 right hand

bb curls bar only- regular 2x15/ reverse 2x15--- then connected a exercise band to the bar, stood on it and did 15reg, and 15 reverse curls

db dl- 70lb db's 5/5/20fast reps and one single of the clean and press with the 70's for a finisher

felt pretty good, and can't wait to see how sore the 'ol hands will be tomorrow.

take care and good lifting

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hit the gym at work today, and got a quick workout in

db flat bench- 50x6/60x6/70x6/80x6/90x5/100x5

db clean and press- 40'sx5/50'sx5/60'sx5

db stiffleg dl- 3x50'sx12

db deadlif- 70'sx5/ 100'sx5

leg press machine 90x12/ 180x12/ 270x12

2" bar pullups- 3x10/ 2x5 L- pullups

gonna hit some pinch and a little grippers tonight, will post that when complete.

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decided to hit some grip earlier rather than later.

my plan for the next three weeks is to use the week one workout of each of the phases from KTA, and combine that with some two hand pinch lifts. will do this for three weeks, and then taper off, test out the results, while waiting for the next higher gripper to arrive, and then go at the KTA in full. this time i'm going for the #3.

the week I's of the program are not all that bad, and are easy enough to add the pinch's in in place of the thumb work. the pinches i did today were as follows-

44lb plates as the base


these were done after the grippers, not bad. as the week progresses, and does the volume, i begin adding in timed holds.

there is no real way to prep for the pain of KTA in the later weeks, but at least this time i will be ready for the volume in the beginning, and able to train harder during the course.

take care and good lifting

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hit the gym for some light work today to get the blood flowing

pull downs- 60x12/100x12/140x12

dips, bw- 3x12

machine leg press- 140lbx60reps

kb shoulder presses- 2x30lbx8

kb one arm swings- 1x40lbx15

also did my grippers this morning, and my set on the #3 is getting better, and it is easier to get it positioned right. it is slowly becoming less and less of a beast. still can't close the thing, but, it is getting more and more conceivable.

got 5 singles to do on the two hand pinch tonight. those weights will be the same as above, 88/88/98/108/118

welp, till next time, take care and good lifting

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just did grip today. the grippers are a short workout, but getting tougher. my oc's with the filed #2 are getting much stronger, and the thumb strength from all the pinching lately has really made for a stronger crush. my hands just feel stronger, even though they are getting beat up.

the pinch singles are getting harder. 118 now is just breaking the ground, so i hold it off the ground as long as possible for the last single. the rest of the week i will be using the 2 44lb'ers for the base. next week i will be using 2 33lb'ers. the difference in width is only bout a 1/4", but it is different, and my goal is to pinch 2 33lb plates to dl one handed. broke the ground recently with them, but it was only a bit, and for a second at the most.

hopefully by the end of these three weeks my crushes with the bbsm will be stronger, and my pinch of the 33's will be successful.

with or without sucess, following some recovery weeks, i will be going for the #3, mms at least, with kta.

short term goals set,

take care and good lifting

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real quick post

closed my filed #2 today with my left hand. was setting it up for a smooth out negative, and decided to see how far it would go without assiting it, and got it closed. since my injury, i have no use of my left pinky, and only some use with the ring finger, so i am pretty happy bout that.

still have pinch and some bodyweight work today. will post later

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have been working out lately, just not posting is all.

finished the week 1 of my gripper/pinch experiment, and after a day off for recovery, the hands are feeling it, not so much crush, but pinch. so dropped some weight on the pinches, and doing quick pinch lifts, and timed holds in place of the singles.

sat was rest day, sunday pinch was 3 singles with the 44's/ followed by 2singles with the 33's/ then 7quick reps with the 44's, 6 quick reps with the 33's, and then 4 left hand with the 22's, and 6 right hand with the 22's.

monday was grippers, followed by bb overhead presses 5reps ea with 95/95/115/115/135

then some weighted lunges 40lbs x15reps

followed by jumping squats 40lbsx12 reps

followed by zercher squats 135x15reps

that night did bodyweight and abs for 10 minutes then pinch 88/88/98x10sec/88x10sec/88x10sec/66x10sec

today was grippers in the morning, light db curls 20lbx20reps

2.75inch 50lb db presses 3x5 each arm

2.75 db curls 1x3 each arm

10minutes of bodyweight and abs then pinch at night 6x88x10sec without using the index fingers for the lifts

tommorrow is going to be heavy chest, and med squats, some kb or db swings and pull ups

welp, take care and good lifting

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dangit, welp, i have only worked out one time, last thursday. we picked up another cycle of soldiers to train, and of course the air conditioning is out all over the training area, and we have lots of humidity, high temps, and no relief, with little sleep. body is feeling it, and so is the strength. just tried to close some grippers, and they were hard, was not able to close the bbsm, and barrly pinched 2 22lb plates. to make matters worse, i no longer handle humidity very well, went down as a heat injury several years ago, and my body just doesn't take it very well anymore, heat exhaustion, and cramps come more and more often. aghhhhh, oh well, will just have to build back up again. and be careful. should be coming off the trail here in a few months and back to a line unit. least over there its dry.

welp, done complaining. will be focusing on bw exercises and minimal weight exercises. will post again tomorrow.

take care and good lifting

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, have been doing bodyweight exercises, and running with the Platoon the last week or so. still got my one arm, feet elevated pushups, and my pull ups are doing better too. hand stand (against the wall) pushups are back on the rise as well. got to start hitting the weights again though. its killing me, as is the loss of the grip workouts. ughhh, oh well, gonna hit some grip tonight, and will post later.

till then

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