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welp, as per usual, long hours of non stop work, and the only workout i remember is the one sunday 10 dec.

bb bench 135x5/ 185x5/ 225x5/ 235x3/ 245x2/ 265x1

5x135x5 overhead press

suitcase deadlift/ walk 135 barbell, 5 x20feet each hand

deadlift and walk in the top position 5x225x20 feet

closed the hg250, braced closes 3x5, and also did several singles with the hg250 from the slightly set position( as in i set it to where my pinky just barley fit on the handle)

all this week i have been rolling ju jitsu/ combatives, and haven't needed any extra workouts. the course was good enough, and has given me some ideas on my workouts, and how to make them harder. yep, got some fresh ideas, and can't wait to put them to work for me. will keep ya posted.

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felt better yesterday, and good enough to workout again.

yesterdays workout:

pinch 3" block timed holds 15seconds 25lbsx3/ 30x2/ 35x1 - did additional 40x1 with right hand

pinch 2" block timed holds 5 seconds 35x2/ 40x2/ 45x2/ 50x2

two hand pinch 2" board 8 second holds 120lbsx3

front levers 1x15x5lb lever

rear levers 1x25x5lb lever

rotations 1x15x5lb lever

thick handle one arm dl 5 singles x120lbs

pull downs 1x150lbsx15

sandbag 120lb clean and press 1x1/ 3x12 lockouts/ 2x1 full range

todays workout:

squats (just below parralel) 135x5/ 185x5/ 225x5

db bench 50x5/ 70x5/ 80x5/ 90x5/ 100x5/ 110x1

1/4 squats from bottom position 135/ 225/ 315/ 365

here's where i'm gonna start experimenting put the bar at normal rack height, lowered the pins to a position to where the i would go down only bout a foot or so. i unracked the bar with 315 on it and did 3 reps, and then did it again. i'm gonna do this till i get up to 5 reps, then lower the pins and start all over again. (dinosaur training, thanks again)

then hit some back extentions 3 sets of 20, and one set with 25 lbs for 15 reps

thenit was on to pull ups and dips superset : 5 pullups down to 2, doing dips, same scheme, the last single rep of each was a 30 second negative rep.

welp, gonna do some bodyweight stuff tomorrow with lots of core work.

take care and good lifting

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24 dec

hit a pretty good core workout in the garage.

decline situps 1x30/ 1x30 w/50lb sandbag/ 1x30 w sandbag/ 1x15 w sandbag on rt shoulder/ 1x15 w SB on left shoulder/ 1x15 w/ SB/ 1x30/ 1x30

then did standing crunches under my pulldown machine 4x15

turkish getup with the 50lb SB 5 reps per shoulder back to back.

bridging with 10lb DB's (first time trying these with weight, need more consistant neck training to get better at these) did 3x15second, w/ 10chest presses w/ 10lb db's

hip bridges with 50lb SB on hips 2x25

held the SB between the legs in my guard, and then did 2 sets of reverse crunches

25 dec

hit my arms and shoulders

db curls 2x20lbx12/ 2x50lbx8/ 1x2.5" 50lbx5

these were supersetted with tricep pushdowns 5x220x15

zottman curls 2x20lbsx12 (done with the arm blaster under the elbows for strictness)

these were super setted with overhead dumbell raises 2x25x12

pulldowns 3x180x15 very strict form

suitcase shrugs 1x50lbx18 per shoulder

2x20lbx10 shoulder raises front back and side

muscled out 20lb db to the side, and held for 15 seconds rt, and 12 seconds left

did 1 set of 1arm db push press right got 26 reps, and left got 21rpes

hit the grippers and did 7 attepts on #2, 4 were complete closes

then hit the hg 300 for one complete close

hit the hg250 3x3reps immediatly followed by two reps on filed hg200

this was the first time in a couple weeks that the grippers felt goo. this was the first day of my old hvy/med/lgt schedule i'm doing again.

merry christmas, happy new year to all

welp, take care and good lifting

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hit some body weight exercises yesterday, and the ab wheel, but used the day for rest.

today though, i hit the gym, and got a pretty good workout in the deal.

power rack squats

to just below parralel 135x5/ 185x5/ 225x5/ 245x5

set the pins to bout half squat range 275x5

set the pins to 1/4 squat range 295x5/ 315x5

then hit the dip bars BWx10/ +50lbsx5/ +60lbsx4/ +70lbsx4/ +80lbsx4

then went to farmers pinch walk (they have the rubber coated octagonal dumbells there at the gym, to do the walk, you grab one of the ends on its side pinch style, with the palms away from the body and then walk)

70'- 50lbx1/ 60lbx1/ 70lbx1

then hit db bent over rows 40x10/ 80x5/ 90x5/ 100x5 all strict, in controlled (the 100's were easy, which is suprising, since i haven't done these in a while. used to do 150'sx8 good form a year ago, will see if i still got it next time i work these)

then took a York 100lb plate and did timed holds with a two hand pinch grip style 35seconds/ 30seconds

then did a regular db farmers walk with 100lb db's and could barely keep the things in my hands due to thumb exhaustion. 1x 70 feet

gonna do a few TNS singles with the lighter grippers tonight, and some ab wheel, but today is a rap.

take care and good lifting

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garage workout tonight

incline db bench 1x70lbx20

regular db bench 1x70lbx16 +4 lockouts

decline bench db 1x70lbx19

all three sets done with 30seconds rest between sets

face pulls on the pull down machine 4x90lbsx12

pull downs 4x140lbsx12

pullovers on the machine 1x50lbsx50

db pullovers on the bench 1x70lbsx12

high shrugs db 2x50lbx15

one leg/ one arm stiffleg dl 1x50lbsx15 each leg

reps on coc T 10/ 20 earlier in the day -following the workout i did 60reps, paused 10seconds then did 20, paused then 15, paused and then 15 more with the right hand

with my crippled left hand i did 40 mini closes, then 20 more.

welp, take care and good lifting

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did a core workout today, in the garage

2" handle 1arm dl, left and right hand singles

70lbx1/ 120x1/ 140x1/ 140x1/ 160xmissed lockout / 140x1

eagle loop 1arm dl

140x1/ 190x1/ 240x1/ 260x1/260x1

did dl carries w/ 2 hands (small metal bar, 10"x1", dl the stack and carry 12')

240x2/ 190x2

standing crunches under the lat pull down machine 40lbsx30/ 40x25/ 40x20/ 40x20

dl the 120lb sand bag 25 times in succesion

side bends, 70lb db x20/ x15 each side

decline bench situps bwx30/ +50lb SBx20/ +50lb SB x 20/ SB on rt shoulderx 10/ SB on lt shoulderx10/ bwx30

might hit some more tonight, but not sure yet. feeling good.

take care and good lifting

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last night i had an awesome workout i the garage.

arms and shoulders

tricep push downs 100x12/ 140x12/ 180x12/ 200x12/ 200+store bought exersise band x12

curls, light weight, 20lbs done between tricep sets 5x20lbsx12 (reg, hammer, and revese 4each per set) used the bicep blaster on these to restrict momentum

one arm tricep pushdowns + band 3x70+x10

50lb db curls 3x50lbx8

cable one arm curls +band 3x70+x10

overhead db tricep extentions 3x25x12

shoulder raises 1 set each front, side, and rear 20lbsx10 done back to back

followed by 1 set of 50lb db pushpress for reps- rtx16, ltx14 (shoulders still sore from my last chest workout in the garage, didn't want to hurt them to bad, like being injury free.)

this was all done in 35 minutes

after dinner i hit the grippers, heavy day

did a small w/u then:

coc#2-- 2reps/ 2reps/ 2reps/ 2 reps/ 2reps/ 1rpe/ 1 rep/ 1 rep/ 1 rep

hg300-- 1miss/ 1 rep/ 1 rep/ 1 miss / 1rep/ 1rep/ 3more missed attempts

felt good to get the closes like this, and i felt much stronger, gonna have a #3 on order for my birthday, and i don't want to be in the slump like i was when i get it, so i am way happy with the consistant routine i got back on with them.

take care and good lifting.

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wed. 3 jan

barbell bench

2x135x15 w/u / 5x225x5/ 235x4

bb bent over rows 3x135x12


up and down the grippers, tns, back to back singles for, 10 sets (grippers coc T, hg150, coc#1, filed hg200)


squats in power rack 135x5/ 185x5/ 225x5/ 275x2/ 315x missed parralel/ 275x1

the gym i went to actually had kettlebells, 30lbs up to 50lbs. first time doing them, and i like them. did 7 sets of one arm swings x 12reps each arm, each set followed by 5 shoulder presses, did each arm back to back, then took 30 second break, etc. got to get me some kettle bells.

welp, back to work, and already its hard to find time for workouts, and when i do get time, focusing in on them is hard as heck. oh well, what can you expect when 4 hours is all the sleep ya get a night. went back to work wed., and i've already worked 50 hours. it don't stop till first week of Feb either.

the range we are going to tomorrow has some big stones in the area, gonna try and lift some of em, should be fun

welp, take care and good lifting

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  • 2 weeks later...

got some of the wights from work at the house now, a bar, and plates, and going to get the bench tomorrow. they did'nt want them at the office anymore so, since i was the only one that used them, i got first dibs on them.

worked out for the first time in a week today, felt pretty good, but last week put a hurting on me physically, missed alot of meals and sleep, and i'm paying for it now.

deadlift 135x5/ 205x5/ 225x5/ 285x5/ took all but 135 off the bar, then added a 70lb db on the ends of the bar by using the daisy chains off the squat belt, and then lifted the 275x5. it was a different feel for sure, 135 up to about a foot off the ground, and then instant 275 from there. felt good.

then hit some tricep extentions for speed reps with a exercise band attached to a handle 5x20reps, immediatly followed by 5x5 reps on the two hand tricep pushdown on the machine with 220lbs.

then hit single curls with the 2.5" 50lb db x5, supersetted with 5x5 of plate curls with a 22lb

then hit 4 sets of shrugs with 135x15

finished off with 3 cleans with the 120 sandbag and my med day gripper routine of 5 sets of up and down ladders T, hg15, filed hg200, and #1 along with 2 sets of reverse and regular wrist curls on a nautilus wrist curl thingy. felt ok, just not happy with what went on last week. i was coming off of leave feeling pretty good, and ready for some good workouts, but i feel like i'm starting again, and ....oh well

take care and good lifting

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oh, yeah, almost forgot, ordered a beef builder super master the other day, can't wait to see how it feels, and if i get it shut. just have to wait and see, thats why i did'nt do the heavy workout today on the grippers, wanna save some for my first wo with it. excited. wife got it for me for my 31st bday.


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  • 2 weeks later...

finally got my BB SM, nice gripper. got it down to bout an 1/8 of an inch twice, but then did 5 ten second braced closed negaives and then some singles with the #2. i'm now a hair from tns on my #2, so i am getting closer to another goal, and with the SM, i got another step to work towards. other than that, it has been a rough three weeks, nothing but a few forearm and gripper workouts, very little food intake, and not much sleep, but plenty of stress. lost 15 pounds, and feel like poop. welp, gonna try and get back into shape regardless of the work tempo. just another challenge.

take care and good lifting.

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sunday was pinch and 10lb sledge day.

monday was heavy gripper day. hit the BBSM for 6 forced closed negatives, 6 seconds each, then 8 sets of the #2, reps as follows -2/3/3/2/3/2/6 -last 3 reps braced by thumb/ and 6 reps braced again.

today was medium day 4 attempts at the BBSM, then did 3 pyramids of T,hg150, filed hg200, #1, hg250, a single each up, and then back down, no rest tween grippers, and all tns

then did 5 sets of the same, but went up to the #1 only, and then back down.

then hit the blue extensor band for several sets of 10 reps

am only able to do the T, and hg150 with the left hand.

take care and good lifting

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hit the weights for some real light rep work on the bench, and pull downs. one set of ab wheel, and some real light db stiff leg dl. tore a phone book, bout 800 pages. also hit some 2" wrist roller with 50lbs for a couple of sets. just getting the body primed for the pain i am going to put it through the next three weeks of PT. gonna get me and my buddies in shape for the next cycle.

take care and good lifting

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today was day one of my schedule, and it was heavy gripper day as well. hands were still a little sore from last week, and i think i may have to either cool it some later this week, or just skip a workout with the grippers so as to allow recovery time.


several warmup sets with the T,#1 and filed hg200

BBSM x 4 braced close attempts (closed it 2 times with a thumb brace on the palm)

4 x 5 second forced closed negatives on the BBSM

3x 2 full reps on the #2

6 ccs closes single on the #2

4 singles on the hg250

then later in the day hit the 2" pull up bar

10 reps down to 1 reps, alternating palm facing, and width each set, and doing an ab exercise for 25 reps between sets of pullups on the ground.

then doing hanging leg raises for 5sets of 10 reps, with elevated pushups between sets for 20 reps each (feet elevated off bleacher seats starting set 1 at 12", the sets following moved up like so 24", 36", 48", 60". ) then finished off with 20 handstand lockouts, just a small movement, to hit the shoulders a little more.

gonna do some med deadlifts tonight, and some light good mornings for weights tonight and call it a day.

welp, take care and good lifting.

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tuesday was a pretty good day, hit some stiff leg deadlifts 135x5/135x5/185x5/185x5

then hit some single deadlifts 225/225/275/275/295

then did some curls db 45lbx10/50lblbx10/35lbxreverse curls

wed. was a lite day with the grippers. did several pyramids with them, only bout 6 sets worth, and went no higher then the #1.

hands are feeling better, and even with a cold, i'm feeling alot better overall. gonna hit some pinch tomorrow, and some reps on the cocT, and call it a day. squats are on sunday, wanna be recovered for that one.

take care and good lifting

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welp, hands felt pretty good yesterday due to the extra rest, so i hit the BBSM for a few single attempts MM set. i am now down to just a hair, so close. hit the #2 following my chest work out, and did 5 reps, full reps (ccs range full reps). monday gonna try and hit the #2 tns. we'll see. to finish off, hit the trainer for 65 full reps rgt hand, and 45 mini reps left hand.

the chest workout was done on 4 Hammer strength machines -reg. bench, incline bench, wide bench, and decline bench. each was loaded with 70lbs each side, and i did two circuits, no rest tween sets, 2minutes rest tween circuits. each machine was done for 15 reps or 10 at the least.

then hit some db presses 65lbx5 ss with 10 shrugs/ 80lbsx5 ss with 10 shrugs

then did as many one arm standing shoulder presses i could with 50lb db 15 rgt arm/ 10 lft arm.

did two sets of t bar rows for 15 reps with 90 lbs and called it a day.

not too bad. gonna do some body weight stuff tonight, and squats tomorrow.

take care and good lifting.

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hit some wrist roller, v-bar, and pinch last night.

i use the end of the olympic bar bell for my wrist roller. did light weight 25lbsx10 sets different dirrections each set, going for speed in good form. kinda like a DE day from what i understand of some of the westside stuff.

pinch was just a couple of dl of 2, 22lb plates. then a couple of clean and press of 3 tens.

v-bar was a the end of an olympic bar, taken off and loaded with plates. went for singles 45lb/90lb/100lb missed but broke the ground- then did some 55lb timed holds. that was all right handed, left hand was maxed at 55lb, and could only break the ground with the 90lbs.

all in all, just goffing around and keeping it light. the v- bar is something i am gonna start doing on occasion now for a break in routine.

welp, squats are today, will post later.

take care and good lifting

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decided against going to the gym yesterday, so i stayed in the garage and did some different movements.

overhead squat: have never really tried these, but i am going to put some emphasis on overhead strength for the next couple of weeks. yesterday was just getting used to the movement. did 5x95lbsx5 bb.

then did light squats (as i have no squat or power rack) 6x135x5 and one set of 135x20

then got the IM squat belt out and did some half squats 240x5/240x5/265x5/285x5/285x10

not to much, and really, didn't have al that much energy yesterday, but wanted to hit something, and i have been remiss in my squats lately. oh well, got my high intensity bodyweight training today on the pull up bar, so i'm gonna make up for it today anyway. plus its heavey gripper day, and i'm gonna hit the #2 for a tns close, i can feel it, if not, maybe a mms close of the BBSM. will post later with results

take care and good lifting

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did my body weight day, and felt great.

10 pull ups, down to 1, with 25 reps of an ab exercise after each set of pull ups on a 2" bar. (alternate palm facing, and width each set)

did 5 sets of five leg raises (ankles touch the bar), with 15 incline pushups after each set of leg raises) the incline wnt like this 12"/24"/36"/48"/60".

the gripper workout didn't go as planned though. got to a hair on the tns of the #2. did several attempts, and it was smooth to the last hair, and then nothing. ughhh, annoying, but better than before. then tried some mms closes with the BBSM, close on two of them, and the other 4 attempts were gradually worse. so i did three mms on the hg300, no problem. went and did 6 singles on the #2, and then a final set of 5 reps, last two reps thumb braced. oh well, ce la vi.

what i am going to do is change my heavy day workout to negatives, overcrushes, and strap holds for a couple of weeks and see where that takes me. my other two days are to remain the same for now, cept add the hg250 to my med day for one pyramid only. i have made good gains on this program, and will continue with it, just modify it some. must say i am able to do this program consistantly, and that is where the progress is coming from.

tomorrow is deadlift day, and shrugs.

welp, take care and good lifting

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let me see, tuesday i hit deadlifts, got 350, but could not get 400 to break the ground. oh well,

wed. i hit the gripper for my medium day, not bad.

friday, i hit the gym at work for another run at the hammer strength machines. upped the weight this time though some, and added some upper back into it as well.

loaded up the incline with 45lb, the regular with 70, the wide with 80, and the decline with 90lb. i then hit them in that same order no rest tween sets for 12 reps each. i then went and hit a thick bar timed hold of 12 seconds with 90lbs, some bent over one arm rows with 100lb db for 6 reps (controlled) and then some one arm pull downs on a plate loaded pull down machine, 80lbs for 10 reps. i did this circuit 2 more times. with 5 minutes tween circuits. to finish things off, i hit a double with the 100lb dumb bells in the bench, no spotter or assistance, and strict. and then did 3 sets of pull overs with 50lb db, for 10 reps. felt pretty good.

now today, i hit the arms hard, and got a couple of odd lifts and some lite squats in, here goes

morning- hit 8lb sledge levers 20" down the handle, in all directions, front rear, to the nose, rotations, curls etc. (basically burned my forearms and wrists out) then i hit the db curls 2x50lbx5, then 2x50lbx5 on the 2.5" handle db- these were supersetted with tricep pushdowns at 200lbx10 reps. hit my filed #1 for a couple of tns closes for a finisher, and then did 5 reps of the bb curl at 115 lbs. arms were fried.

tonight i hit some over head presses 5x115lbx5 bb from the chest. then did some squats with 135 x 15, then it was on to the squat belt. loaded up with 240lb, and holding a 140 sand bag did 2 sets of three reps of the half squat. then i added some more weight, and did 260 on the belt and 140 in the hands, and it felt pretty heavy but i got it for a single. was going to go for some more, but a twinge in the hamstring made me think of letting this one go, just in case. so a sandbg to the shoulder for 30 second time hold each shoulder from the ground, and i was done for the day. (boy you really feel it in the sides on those time holds)

welp, tommorrow is body weight / pull up day, and it should be pretty intresting. will keep ya posted.

take care and good lifting

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yesterday was my heavy gripper day, but the hands were still feeling destroyed from the levering and stuff on sunday, so i kept it to only 4 negatives(forced close) on the bbsm, and a couple of singles on the #2, hg300, hg250, and my filed #1.

later in the evening i modified my pullup routine by substituting pull downs on the machine in the garage for pull ups, and seated crunches on the machine for leg lifts. did 5x5 on the pull downs with 200lbs, and incline situps in between sets at 35 reps each. on the weighted crunches, i used 70lbs for 5x5, and did sets of 12 inch elevated pushups for 25 reps each time tween sets.

more to follow, got to go eat

take care

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hit the gym today for some squats, but they were not all that great, lower back hurts a little on the left side, so i cut the squats short.

squats- 135x5/185x5/225x5/275x1, between sets i did bw pull ups 5 each time, strict and fast as possible.

to make it up, i hit some kettlebell one arm swings for 2 sets of 20 reps with a 50lb kb. after each set i did 10 slow strict ab wheel reps, then 10 shoulder presses with a 30lb kb, did both circuits as fast as possible and it took all of 4 minutes for everything. i was breathing pretty hard after the kb swings, they are pretty awsome.

welp, take care and good lifting

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today was chest/upper back day, with some overhead practice on some different exercises, and bodyweight squats.

bb flat bench- 135x5/185x5/205x5/225x5/225x5-------supersetted with pull downs 5x200+lbsx5 (had a cheap store bought exercise band attached to the bar)

close grip 135x10/135x10----------supersetted with face pulls 2x70lbsx15

next were the overhead exercises. i would do hang snatches for 5-6 reps with the bb loaded with 95 lbs, then immediatly go right into hang clean and press for 5-6 reps. then it was to the decline situps for 30reps, twenty with the 50lb sand bag on the chest, and 10 without it.. did this three times in succesion.

then did 10 of the bb thruster, an exercise i saw off of crossfit, and then 10 overhead squats, both with only 95 lbs on the bar for now.

to finish it off i did 80 bodyweight squats as fast as possible, did them in under 60 seconds. was done for the day.

welp, take care and good lifting

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