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Pull Up/bench Press Ladder Super Sets


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How close are you to your long term goal in benching (225# x 20)?

I might be at ~10.

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hey guys, if you want that bench to jump, train the hell out of your triceps. Overhead lifting has definitely had a profound effect on my bench.


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How close are you to your long term goal in benching (225# x 20)?

I might be at ~10.


I have not tested in a while but I imagine I am still a bit off. I hit 190 for 12 really easy without a warm up and I am just waiting to test. I plan on hitting bench press once a week and increasing the weight 5lbs each week. Once I am hitting 6-7 sets of five at 225lbs I will test again. So it looks like a month from now I will test my 225lb bench. Looking forward to seeing if I can peak right around the BBB (fingers crossed).

hey guys, if you want that bench to jump, train the hell out of your triceps. Overhead lifting has definitely had a profound effect on my bench.


Thanks for the advice Sean, I will definitley put that into the routine. So conflicted with my goals. Bending/Jiu-Jitsu/Wrestling and soon Mountaineering fitness. Going to be juggling a lot of goals. I want to get fit for the mountain, bend some great steel, improve my Jiu-Jitsu, and lead my team to some state championships by setting a good example in our room as a coach. How I roll all that together, I am still looking for the balance. All I can say is that I know slow and steady wins the race. The goals will become a reality but I need to stay patient and healthy.


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Weight tempo:

40 minutes, 7 cycles, avg. Heart rate 162, high heart rate 170 bpm

Thick bumper plate 45lbs for the following:

-squat and rollback X10

-lunges X5 each leg plate hugged in front of chest

-overhead presses X10

-Pull ups 5 reps per cycle

-floor DB press, alternating arms X10 each arm

-100 skips on jump rope

*challenging with the squat roll back and lunges. Squeezing the thick plate was like doing isometric plate pinches with a 3" thick block that weighed 45lbs. Each roll back is followed by a deep ass to heels squat with that damn plate in front of your chest, tough. Hope to get some video sson of one of these cycles, just to give you all an idea of how they go.


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Cardio BB Tempo: Hard deck set at 135bpm

(80lb BB) Al exercises done with five reps without setting the bar down, until change noted.

Upright rows

Muscle snatch (from the hanging position)

Push press

Stiff leg dead lift

bent over rows

(300) skips on jump rope

Did Three cycles of this and then shifted into high gear

I did the same complexes but with ten reps and then holding the bar in front of the body for an audible count of ten, so it looked like this:

Upright rowsX10

shout 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Muscle SnatchX10

shout 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Push PressX10

shout 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Stiff Leg dead liftX10

shout 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Bent over RowsX10

shout 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Wait 45 seconds and repeated for three cycles. The shouting of the ten count made it hard for the lungs to catch up but it kept the ten of us all going together. I also counted the reps as we went, keeping everyone motivated and together!!!

Then I changed it again, doing the same complex but each time we did a cycle we dropped one reps. We started at 10 and then did these cycles until we hit 8 reps, so three more cycles without waiting for the hard deck beats per minute, we really just rested for about 45 seconds. and then at the end of each cycle we hooked our feet under our bar or dumb bell and did 20 full situps to a cadence count.

This was day was finished off with a towel bar pull up workout. I dreamed about this the other night and put it together today. We have a long pull up bar that has four stations for normal pull ups on it. I hooked up eight towels to the bar and they were less than shoulder width apart. The game was to grab two of the towels and do a pull up, then let go with one hand and reach for the next towel over, then bring the other hand over one and do a pull up. This will keep you moving down the line doing one pull up and one exchange until you have done seven pull ups. Sounds easy but trust me it is not. The towels are loose and you have to hold your weight with one hand while you reach for the other towel. I plan on getting some video of this little monster up in a few days.

total workout time: 45 minutes Average BPM 162


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Okay I will try to make this all make sense,

DB Tempos with a partner.

We had 25lb DBs

Started with some buddy lunges w/DB. You lunge to the left and your buddy mirrors you just a foot in front of you. It is a side lunge almost like a stretch except you are holding a DB in front of you. When you go to the left he shadows your movement and when you get al the way to the left you hand off the DB and shadow his movement to the right and then take the DB from him, we did 13 reps to the left and 13 reps to the right and then jogged a lap (220m) together.

Then we repeated the same side lunge exercises but tried to pick up the pace and followed it up with another lap.

Then we took out the carpet squares. Your partner sits on a 2'X2' square of carpet fuzzy side down on the concrete mezzanine and holds a towel. Then you grab the towel and drag his ass for about 110m before swicthing hands and then after you complete a lap you switch, you ride he pulls. This was tough on the grip and a killer on the legs.

Jog a lap with your partner.

Carpet drags one lap each person.

Jog a lap with your partner.

Then one partner took the 45lb plate and ran the towel through the hole and held it above there waist by the two ends of the towel and took a lap while their partner did DB complexes (up right rows, muscle snatch, push press, dead lift, bent over rows)

Switch with your partner, you do the complex he does the bumper towel lap.

Jog a lap with your partner.

Then we took the towel out and you one partner walked with the plate above ther head arms locked out on one straight away, then on the short sides the did over head presses with the plate, the back side you bear hugged the plate and walked, then the other side corner you repeat the overhead presses. Your parter is doing complexes until you finish your laps.

Switch with your partner.

Jog a lap with your partner.

Now we did straight away carpet sprints. 5X50m sprints alternating each time. I drug my partner then switch and so on until we each did five 50m sprint drags.

Jog a lap with your partner.

Now we did the save your partner from pain routine.

One partner will do an exercise while the other does a lap around the mezzanine (220m). Your partner does not stop doing the DB exercise until their partner comes around to take the weight from their hands. Each partner did the following with DBs with a lap in between.

Upright Rows

Muscle Snatch

Alternating Curls

Flutter kicks


Over Head presses

Then you jogged two laps with your partner. There was probably a few things I forgot to write down but this took us 45 minutes and we did not take any rest for the heart rate we just did one after the other. The final total was 156bpm avg.

Then I went home took a 45 minute power nap had a sugar free Red Bull and then went to a two hour Jiu-Jitsu practice. I am a hurting unit today. Taking the weekend to just heal up and fish.


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Well Tuesday's workout was sick and very hard to describe. It was an hour longer, due to some watch stopage and restarts :whacked and by the end of it my arms ached really bad. Tendionitis in both my bicep cuffs and in the base of my triceps have been haunting me since. And now here is the dilema:

I know full well I should take a break, but I am not going to. I know I should back down and just instruct the students on the exercises and just sit sideline with ice bags on my arms but I am going to work harder not smart today. I am going to dull the pain with ibuprophen and tough it out and then go to Jiu-Jitsu. I am doing this because one, I am stupid and will not listen to my better judgement, two, too stupid to pay attention to my better instincts even as I type, and three, because people I train with need a leader and I lead by example, more importantly I lead from the front!


P.S. if any of you know some good exercises for tendionitis or pussitis as I think of it feel free to post your thoughts, even if you want to just cheer on a dumb animal like myself.

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Some Exercizes:

- Push-Ups

- Hand-stand against a wall

- Hanging from a pull-up bar

- go on your knees and press the palms on the floor, fingers pointing to you

- extend the one arm and bend the hand of that arm with your other hand as far as you can (those are two exercizes depending in which direction you push your hand: for wrist flexion and extension)

Hope that helps.

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The Rafter Man told me that sledge rotations side to side and finger extensors cured up his tendinitis.

Paul said that pushups cured his.

I hear that Compressing it (put a sleeve over your elbow) helps when you are working through the pain, it both supports the tendon and doesnt let it hurt so bad.

I say ICE IT ice worked wonders for my tendonitis when it hurt so bad I didn't even want to move my arms.

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Thanks for the tips guys! I have been stretching and it helps a bunch. Ice helps a bunch. And a big glass of toughen up helped also.

Thursdays workout was another experiment with the four wheel kiddy platforms. Not sure what they are really called but they are the things many of us used in elementary to slide around the gym floor on. basically a board with four wheels on one side. Great piece of gear. In the gym we have huge ramps that lead from the main gym doors either up to the mezzanine or down to the gym floor and the locker rooms. Each ramp is about thirty yards and at a nice angle so that if you sat on the four wheels of pain board and picked up your feet you would start moving down hill at a good speed asnd if not controlling your self get going fast enough to hurt your self, so it is perfect for what we are doing.

We first start off with everyone getting their own Wheeled Platform (WP) and a 45lb bumper plate and head to the bottom of the ramps. Stack their bimper plate of the WP and sit on it with their butt on it and legs hanging off, lay back and grab the hand rail that follows the ramps. Your back is at about a 45 degree angle and just start doing flutter kicks with your feet and pull your self up the ramp backwards like you are climbing a rope. Once at the top put your feet on the wall below the rail and walk yourslfe down the ramp with your hands slowing your speed as you go. For sake of time just assume that all the following are done with the WP and the bumper plate. Also keep in mind that the ramp is wide enough that as the group goes up one side the lead guys are headed down the ramp on the other side, you never really stop moving. You are going up or coming down. This was our workout:

Reverse Flutter Kick Rail Climbs

Feet on Wall Down Climbs

Reverse Flutter Kick Rail Climbs

Feet on Wall Down Climbs

Reverse Flutter Kick Rail Climbs

Feet on Wall Down Climbs

Over Head Bumper plate lunges up the ramp

Chest carry bumper plate lunges down the ramp Up on the left, down on the right

Chest carry lunges up, chest carry down

Reverse pulls up the rail legs straight

Feet on Wall Down Climbs

Forward pull rail climbs

Feet on Wall Down Climbs

Over Head Bumper plate lunges up the ramp

Chest carry bumper plate lunges down the ramp Up on the left, down on the right

Chest carry lunges up, chest carry down

Face the rail, legs crossed rail climbs right hand up hill side

Free slide down the rail, do not hurt yourself

Face the rail, legs crossed rail climbs switch the arms

Reverse flutters rail climb

Lunges up the ramp

Lunges down the ramp

Lunges up the ramp

Lunges down the ramp

Lunges up the ramp

Lunges down the ramp

Forwad rail climbs

Free slide down

Feet above the rail rail climbs, this one was tough, balance wise

Free slide down

Seal walk up the ramps on your belly just your hips on the WP

Free slide down

Basically we did these for 55 minutes with the rest coming after you finished going up the ramp and you has a "rest" while you took your free slide down the ramp.

55 minutes, avg bpm 156, arms fried, next Tuesday we are going to get creative with the stairs all six flights!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Did some chaos cards today!

Take a ragular deck of cards, preferablly not one that has been ripped in half and write down different body weight exercises for every card.

Hearts=Push ups

Diamonds=Diamond push ups


Spades=body weight squats or flutter kicks

Then assign numbers face cards are 10, anything below can be 2's are 20, 3's are 30, or what ever you like.

I made it as challenging as I could. I did the whole deck with the boys and we did stairs for 5 minutes between every ten cards and it went for one hour and twenty minute, avg. Heart rate was 154. Not too shabby.

Just a thought for you guys who might get boared.


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I used to do cards, those will get you into shape right quick and in a hurry!

Stairs in between the cards?!?! For 1:20!?!?!

Nice workout, keeping it intresting :rock

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Nice log, have only been reading this last page.

I think the Benchpress can't go up unless you have a strong combination of all the muscles used for it. For example, my military press is very weak, I never used to do it, I just used dumbell raises and some crappy machine for presses... I have now included military press to see if I gain some lbs in it, I'm sure some will transfer to benchpress. Also the triceps issue, I have a hard time doing dips at BW (185lbs), so you can imagine I haven't got the strongest pair of triceps ever. I think shoulders+triceps should be strong too, and then combined with the pecs you can go increasing your benchpress. I'm stuck at 155x5 or so, I'm not strong by any means.

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Just for kicks, do a workout of Astanga Yoga with the kids. It will help with the tendonitis but more importantly, it will kick their butts. It's terrific for fixing all the little things that hurt in your body from hard training.

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Thanks for the comments guys, we started with about seven guys doing this stuff with me and now we are up to around 25! Getting sick. Not everyone can hang and I do not mind, they just give it their all and I am happy with that.


I do cool downs after the workout with some sun salutations, downward facing dog, cobra, Warrior poses, planks, and it does mess them up. Flexibility is something most of these guys are missing. I might just do one session of Yogas with them and see what they think. ;)


Cards are fun and make it different everytime, once last year we shuffled them, cut the deck and still ended up hitting fifteen cards in a row that were hearts or diamonds. What are the odds?


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Deck of cards for 35 minutes had only ten cards left when 35 minutes was up, then out to the cross country running trails, found some hills and did a mix of the following until it was an hour ten.

Hill in question is about a 30-40 degree slope for 100m

Sprint the hill jog out to a point, walk back to base of the hill, repeat X3

Buddy carry up the hill X3

two legged squat jumps up the hillX1

Telemark turn lunges down the hillX2

Wasted but feeling great. Total time 1:10::00 Avg. BPM 154, Peak 178 BPM


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Bunch of dynamic DB stuff and then of course a new fan favorite, ramp plyos.

1:10:00 and the avg. BMP 144 ,peak 183

Also did some bending and some grippers. Trying to find a level of handstrength and overall fitness I can be satisfied with maintaining while I get my running, moutaineering, and swimming back in check.

The fight to do it all wages on...


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Shouldnt you be resting up for BBB this weekend? On second thought, just keep working out hard until you get there :D

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Shouldnt you be resting up for BBB this weekend? On second thought, just keep working out hard until you get there :D

Rest? What the hell is that?


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1:10:00 Cards of Chaos with Plates Avg. BPM 142 Peak 178

Now rest while flying south to the BBB!


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Just when I thought getting away from bench and focus on push ups and diamond push ups might have an effect on my bending I had great PR's at BBB II. The last time I did a Grand Bastard was my cert in June and I did one in the second round at BBB and then hit the Magnificent but they were with "medium" pads, ;) so that was a big help.

-Sean "The Magnificent" Prince

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Great job at BBB Sean! Looking at your log makes me think you need professional help. You planning on putting on a cape and rescueing damsels in distress or what? Got me thinking of those street musicians that are playing all those instruments at once, but with strength excercises.

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We aim to please Jason, we aim to please and if there is a little suffering in the mean time well, it will only make us stronger. Thanks for the check in, we need to get together sometime and do some cards, bending, pull ups, vomiting, and the usual maddness. :cool


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Just got crazy yesterday:

1:20 minutes avg. BPM 165

Lots of weights, plyo boxes, medicine ball, pull ups, jumping of rope and 220m repeats. My Barbell was 95lbs

Partner BB exercise while the partner took a lap around the indoor track:

Standing curls

Clean to press

Military press

Upright rows

High Pulls

Pull overs laying down

Bench, elbows to the floor, laying down

Plyo boxes jumps 24" box, 12 boxes

Jump over, jump on repeat until through all boxes, X5 times through

Jump over each box

Jump up on to the box with one leg

Jump up catch a medicine ball then chest pass back

Soccer feet ups

Jump up, jump down chest pass a medicine ball partner mimics

Jump up, jump down, push up hands on medicine ball

Other exercises

Sets of twenty pull ups, partner jumps rope until you finish all pull ups, no set higher than five pull ups at a time, then get in the back of the line.

Jump rope until you partner gets done with a lap.

All in all it was a great workout, I am sure I forgot a few exercises but you get the jist.


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