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Pull Up/bench Press Ladder Super Sets


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Hey Sean did you ever get the june issue of milo? I still havent ordered one.

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Deaner, I did not but need to.

Bench 135X10, 185X8, 205X4,5 , 210X4,5

Pull ups 6,7,8,9,10

Was waiting on a trining partner, then bailed cause I was just standing around with my thumb in my butt. Should never wait anymore, I know better, loose the fire to lift cause you are waiting looking, waiting looking...Will hit some home stuff tonight.


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HG150X10 BH

HG300X4 OC 10 seconds from MMS (RH)

MMG2X4 SN with BH

-felt good and strong, need to stay on this four day rest track, seems to be the best for me.


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Looking good you are definately doing something right. Even them bench numbers are looking good.

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Looking good you are definately doing something right. Even them bench numbers are looking good.

Thanks man, I am trying...

Have been riding my bicycle a lot lately average is about an hour each day and that has been since I got back from my last guiding trip which was rowing a raft about 4-5 hours a daywhich was eight days.


Bench 185X10 205X5 215X3 225X3

Pull ups: 6,7,8,9,10 trying to start at 6 and go up on each set until I hit twenty. Sounds retarded but what the hell, I can act retarded sometimes.

16k KB Swings BH 3X10

16k KB Snatches BH 2X10

20K KB Snatch BH 2X10

20k KB Single Arm Swing 2X10

12k KB Front raises 2X10 each arm

Some Incline Situps with 25lbs straight legs 3X12


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Hey Sean did you ever get the june issue of milo? I still havent ordered one.

My new Milo arrived today! On page 82 you will find pictures of Sean Prince, Jason Deane, and John Beatty! Congratulations! :rock

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Hey Sean did you ever get the june issue of milo? I still havent ordered one.

My new Milo arrived today! On page 82 you will find pictures of Sean Prince, Jason Deane, and John Beatty! Congratulations! :rock

Sounds cool, I will have to get one now.

Have not been slacking, well sort of...just twisted and morphed into something else and well it is getting different still.

Had to pick up Klays truck at the airport so I rode my bicycle there: 26 miles in 1:35 and my average heart rate was 153bpm. Then I got a sandwich at a bakery (Great Harvest, Jason) and then drove to Bartlett for some weights.

Light Military DBs

KB swings 8k, 16k, 20k doing 10 swings each hand floor to above the head

Then finished what I will now call Clean and Press Tempos (CP Tempos)

20 minutes of clean and presses to a heart rate tempo. You do five clean and presses and rest until your heart rate drops back to 135bpm then repeat the set of five clean and presses and rest again, this cycle continues for twenty minutes. 115lbs first two sets of five, then 135lbs next two sets of five and finish the rest of the workout with 155lbs. I was averaging a set of five ever 90 seconds. As my heart gets in better shape this workout will get harder. :blink twenty minutes and heart rate was 152bpm. I think I did around 60 reps!!! of clean to press.

Then I finished off my workout with Pull ups: 6,7,8,9,10 with incline weighted situps between sets of Pull ups.


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That clean and press tempo idea is great! Did you invent that?

Good workouts, and great log!

I will only say that I thought it up during an off season wrestling lifting experiment. I was trying to hit cardio by lifting and just felt a heart rate monitor was the best way to stay legit!!! I feel it is the true way to know if you can push harder or not. 135bpm seems to be a good bottom and the rest is kind of a cross between lactic acid threshold training and middle of the road cardio. I feel it be represents the stress of a match/fight. If you want to fight at a higher pace simply change your bottom heart rate and work from there. I imagine you could do the same workout with any number of exercises to suit your style or deficiency.

For example: If you need to work on keeping your hands up and throwing punch after puch then I would suggest 16oz gloves and a heavy bag throwing combinations then small foot movements until your heart rate drops to 140ish and then throw another flury until you hit 180-190bpm and so on.

The best benefit of this type of workout in my opinion is the variations you can make to change it up and the more conditioned you become the more challenging your workouts become.

This is really just a morphed workout from college where you and a partner go to the track with a pair of DBs and one of you runs a 220m sprint and the other does a lift, muscle snatch, DB curls, ect... and you alternate until you and your partner have sprinted one mile and then you rest for two minutes and repeat. Remembering always your partner is counting on you to run fast because they have to do the exercise as long as you are running. Run slow=your partner lifts a long time=pissed partner=pay back is a bitch!


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Another Heart rate circuit:

Reps of Five on each of the following:

185lbs bench press

Pull ups (body weight 210)

Clean and Press 135lbs

Box Jumps 24" and 36" switch each cycle

Run a 220m lap

Rest until heart rate returns to 135 or drops below 140 for more than three seconds. *note that after six cycles I substituted Clean and presses for Strict Military Press of 50lb DBs with for six reps.

Conclusion: 1:02 (1hr, two minutes) AVG bpm 153


Bench Press 55 reps@185lbs

Pull Ups 55 reps

Clean and Press 30 reps@135lbs

Military DB 30 reps@50lbs

Box Jumps 55 reps

2640m run@75% max running speed

I really liked this workout. I think it will become a staple but I will change the exercises but keep the same cycle idea of four exercises and a run in one cycle and go for an hour at a time.


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Non-conventional workout:

Went up the Yentna River with my buddy to help him clear some land and cut some logs for his cabin. So on Wednesday I did the following:

*Cut down and limbed nine spruce trees

*Cut out a 20' section that kept the whole log at 8" thick

*Me and a buddy prisoner snatched then to our shoulders and then walked then to the pile, about 100-200m per log

*Once we had all nine logs we peeled them with draw knives and stacked them to dry this winter

*on the way back to our other buddy's cabin we picked up ten 5 gallon buckes of rock for his place and then once there had to farmers walk them up a hill that is about 50m long but gains 75' elevation.

-Just the downing and moviving and peeling th logs took the two of up a few hours, not counting beer breaks of course. Then we fished today and caught four nice silvers which are now in steaks in the freezer!!! :tongue


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Last Friday:

Two hours of Jujitsu practice, around 200 push ups not in a row, 400 situps/cruches/leg lifts again not in a row and four 9 minute matches one of which I hyper extended my elbow. Not too bad just enough not to bend this weekend and limited weights today. I did however bike an hour and come up with a new plate exercise with Diesel Crew inovation of the static core in mind.

Plate Smash and Twist

Sorry it is so small and sideways.


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Today: Grippers

HG300 (mine is like a low to average #3)

Click reps: 9,7,4

SN w/MMG2 X4

Trying something new.


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Was laying off after a hyper extending elbow in Jujitsu practice the other day, but since then I have done, and not on the same days:

1hr bike ride

2.5hr bike ride

Bent a 5,5/8"X5/16"Hex bar

Tried some Grippers, not anything worth writing about...

Rolled last night in Jujitsu for two hours, elbow is feel much better.

I am also thinking of retooling my training for the upcoming wrestling season. I want my wrestlers to try to do a lot of preseason workouts and who better to lead than the coach. It will be a bunch of circuit and heart rate based strangeness. The idea will be to hit the heart for an hour and have prenty of different not so standard lifts and events to keep them interested. I will post what happens in here.


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Plate smash and twist (2) 25s 3x10

Plate smash wood choppers (2) 10s 3X10

Towel KB Figure 8s 3X1 minute goes 24k

Squat levers 8k KB 3X8

Incline Situps w/35lb DB

Towel pull ups 3X6 *elbow is still bugging me.

Later that night:

2 hours of Jujitsu Practice

total push ups: 100

total situps/ab work: 200

4 X 9 minute matches

45 minutes of techinque

*need to drink more water on those two a day workouts, especially when we have a packed house and gear days. The walls were sweating! :yikes



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Cardio/Weights Tempo

Bench 185:5 reps, Pull ups:5 reps, 24k KB towel figure 8s:5 rotations, 36" box jumps:5 reps, 80 DB clean to front squat position down a 50m ramp and then up the ramp, ramp is about a 30 degree angle, wait for heart rate to return to 135 bpm, repeats circuit.

45 minutes later, avg. heart rate 155 bpm, 9 cycles through the circuit.

Now at 6pm tonight I have two hours of Jujitsu. Should be fun, drinking water right now...

*Elbow is feeling better, bench bothered it a little but I am going to try some bending tomorrow and some grippers.


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Sean - I like what you're doing enough I just got me a HR monitor. Been doing a little walking with the wife to keep her from skipping then coming home and hitting the weights for a little circut similiar to yours but less intense for now (and probably always :cool ) Highest heart rate during the weights was on chest supported rowing - I'm just guessing but maybe the chest pressure causes it because the perceived effort isn't bad at all during it. Finished up with a little Concept II rowing. Everything pretty moderate for now - I'll pick up the pace each week until I get where I want to be. I've let my cardio go way to long now - that's over with - still have a mountain or two on my to do list and being just weight strong is not enough for that. I never had to worry about cardio when I carried mail all day - but retirement changed all that. Kind of like crossfit in a way now I guess.

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I think that I like this form of tempo lifting because it simulates what I want. I can not really think of another way to tax the body and have your heart rate stay at a cardio level for an hour. It simulates jiu-jitsu and wrestling for me. The strain of lifting coupled with the pace of maintaining a high heart rate. There is no way to cheat! watch your heart rate drop and when it hits 135bpm you must go again. What I am noticing is that my breaks are becoming smaller and smaller which is both great and hard at the same time, who would have thunk it. :blink Let me know how it goes. See you at the BBB.


Sean - I like what you're doing enough I just got me a HR monitor. Been doing a little walking with the wife to keep her from skipping then coming home and hitting the weights for a little circut similiar to yours but less intense for now (and probably always :cool ) Highest heart rate during the weights was on chest supported rowing - I'm just guessing but maybe the chest pressure causes it because the perceived effort isn't bad at all during it. Finished up with a little Concept II rowing. Everything pretty moderate for now - I'll pick up the pace each week until I get where I want to be. I've let my cardio go way to long now - that's over with - still have a mountain or two on my to do list and being just weight strong is not enough for that. I never had to worry about cardio when I carried mail all day - but retirement changed all that. Kind of like crossfit in a way now I guess.
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I just got the quicktime player the other day and I looked at your ceiling arangement.....SWEET!

I espescially liked the ice axe :rock

Have you summited Denali?

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I just got the quicktime player the other day and I looked at your ceiling arangement.....SWEET!

I espescially liked the ice axe :rock

Have you summited Denali?

I have not summitted the Great One but made the choice to turn around becuase of extended storms and bad weather at 17,200ft. Sat in a storm for three days with 50-60mph winds justing to 70mph and it was only -10 in our tent the whole time. After three days the ranger station called for another five to seven day storm to come in on top of that so my partner and I bailed when we could. No regrets, we are training for the West Rib next summer!!!

thanks for the Kudos on the cieling wall. I like ice axe pull ups. If I could just do one one handed then I might feel like a man.


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The HR monitor works well - my target rate is a bit lower than yours right now (I've done one workout so far). It seems like it will be a great way to train for big mountains - heavy pack, sled behind, steep hill - I'd be scared to see what kind of HR I was running near the summit up there on Denali - probably better I don't know :blink

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The HR monitor works well - my target rate is a bit lower than yours right now (I've done one workout so far). It seems like it will be a great way to train for big mountains - heavy pack, sled behind, steep hill - I'd be scared to see what kind of HR I was running near the summit up there on Denali - probably better I don't know :blink

My climbing partner makes me wear mine when he wants an easier day. I have to keep my heart rate at 160-170bpm. I think this is a great way to train, I am getting my serious wrestlers to by their own so we can train as hard as their hearts will let them. :blink


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Trying some new DB exercises out for the up coming pre-season wrestling workouts:

DB Push UP Position Rows 3X8 35lb DBs

DB Push Up Gladiators 3X8 35lb DBs

Bench: 190X10

Medicine Ball Push Up Pos. Gladiator w/8k KB

Smash and Twist 2X10 25lb plates

Now off to 2 hours of Jujitsu

Did some bending and grippers:

(1) Grand Bastard 1:14 seconds

Grippers mix, posted in DO bending race.


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Shaved my head.

Tempo workout: Six total rounds, 30:00 minutes, avg. bpm 138

195lb Bench X5

Pull ups BW 208X5

Gladiators 40lb DBX5 each arm

Push Up position single arm rows 40lb DBX5 each arm

Standing DB hammers 40 lb DBX5

Skip rope (50) skips

Start cycle again when heart rate is 135bpm, highest bpm was 170, lasted only a few seconds.


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HG300X3 OC longest OC was twelve seconds.

#2X 5

DB Tempos: 7 cycles, 35 minutes, avg. Heart Rate 154, peak Heart rate 171bpm

Plate Squat/Roll/Stand ups 35lb plate

GadiatorsX5 EH 40# DBs

Push Up lat RowsX5 EH 55# DBs

Bridge DB presses X10 EH

100 Jump rope skips

This was a harder circuit than Tuesday's. The work was mainly shoulders and the 100 skips kept the heart rate up there longer. Also the gladiators are brutal!!!


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