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A Little Late On This Goal

Jedd Johnson

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Unfortunately I couldn't watch the vid, but congrats on one super show of strength!

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nice!!! now lets see lefty!!!!

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Thanks everybody. Worked on this throughout all 2005 and made very little gains. Then Travis popped up and lit a fire under my arse.

The stuff I was saying was an excerpt from a wrestling promo I recently saw on a DVD I own. I never know what will happen when I meet a new goal.

Here's to all you hitting some crazy PR's and feats in 2006!


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Nice work, Jedd. Impressive!

Don't worry Burkhard, I couldn't understand him either. ;)

Edited by Dan Cenidoza
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Nice work, Jedd. Impressive!

Don't worry Burkhard, I couldn't understand him either. ;)

Thank goodness! :laugh

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Something I noticed ever since high school - when ever one person in a group is able to manage something, soon afterwards, it seems as if others start be able to do it as well. Todays "groups" are just bigger. I'm not sure exactly why that is - if it's a "barrier" broken kind of thing or perhaps a mental leap of faith from having seen something done. Whatever it is, it's these kind of things that advance the limits we all set in our heads. I've always wondered what one could achieve in strength training if left in a vacuum knowledge wise of what others can do or have done. Would they blow right by the World Records of today not realizing they were some sort of "limit" or would they fall far short by not having them out there to strive for? And what if you were able to lie to them and convince them others out there were already much much stronger? Interesting question, at least to me.

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Climber, I think it's both You've mentioned! On the one hand side it's a psycological barrier that no one has done a specific feat before and on the other hand side it is good to see someone doing the feat - better visualisation is possible. The result is that more people believe that they can do it too - so more people try to do the same feat.

I think if You isolate somebody from all informations about strenght records this person will never beat any records. If You lie to him the results depend on how much he trusts You - it's all about belief!

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Good pionts and definately right in my mind.This has definately happened with me i have visited the Holle brothers on a few occassions the 1st time i met them Nathan closed a 4* down to a credit card thickness i was blown away and thought rightly so hes a freak and has beastly strength then i visited them a while later and this time a 4*was closed infront of me and the other lads Gavin,Jay and were destroying reds and challenge bars very easily i thought well these lads are super freaks and i just kinda excepted that they will always be at the top and i will be at the bottom,i was not bad at bending myself before that as i had took down a grade 8 but it took me a week of continued efforts to finish and i ended up with a bad wrist injury which took me nearly 2yrs to get past the level i was.during this time i thought well i just will never have it be strong enough etc,Fast Forward to the Champion of Champions Comp might and Frankboy is killing reds and g8s and other stuff so easily like the Holle boys just making it look so easy i was handed a kinked red and kinked g8 by franky and crushed them down alot easier than i thought they would go well since then i have done a g5x5",G8,G8x5.5",G9 and a Red it is definately confidense in my own abilities.

Now you see these young lads alot under 20yrs old smokin reds and bastard stock,killing 3,s etc gives us old farts a good kick up the backside :D

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Gazza - darn younguns! My theory is is you can't outlift em - out last em :tongue . Actually it's the visits with Doc, Nick, Stew, the Keiners, and Jake Brooks that keep me working so hard. (In your case the Holles.) I refuse to believe they are stronger than I am "just" because they are younger in body - part of it is that they're younger in mind and believe in themselves so much better than we do now. Being around them has shown me the importance of being young in mind as far as faith in oneself is involved - these guys have NO mental limits at all. Where the mind goes, the body shall follow. I am coming to believe I held myself back mentally believing "I'm just to old to do that" even as I tried it, thinking I was doing my best. I have to work on it now but I look forward to good things this year - I've spent a lot of time since the GGC contest talking to others, getting advice from some people I respect, working on personal barriers, and coming to believe I short changed myself lately - I really can do better. Let's see how it works out.

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The stuff I am saying that no one can understand comes from old Ultimate Warrior promos. He was my second favorite wrestler of all time. Ultimate Warrior had a rep for giving promos that no one understood, talking about his warriors, the gods, and the skulls of his past adversaries...pretty cool stuff. But the stuff he said didn't always make sense, even though the words he used were very strong and loaded with feeling.

The first thing I say is "Load the rocket with the fuel; load it with the warriors." That is word-for-word what he said one time. I guess it has something to do with preparing for bettle, or preparing to face the next challenge.

The other thing I paraphrased. The way he said it was a little different. Again, he was talking about preparing for battle... What I said was "How will I prepare...how will I prepare to lift the blob by the face? Should I walk the deepest depths of the mountains? Should I climb the steepest hills? Should I lay on the lawn and let them run over me with lawn mowers? What shall I do?"

Naturally, the adrenaline took over and I could have said anything at that moment, but the gibberish in the video is what made its way out....I've said weirder stuff in the past, just never got it on the camera.

I appreciate your supportive comments, guys. I know hand size limits will keep a lot of people from doing it. That goes without saying. As for six dimes..."shove the controls into a nose-dive, Hulk Hogan."


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Great job, dude. Nice lift and a great way to start off the year with a bang. :mosher

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Great job, dude. Nice lift and a great way to start off the year with a bang. :mosher

No S***! I watched the video again and got goose bumps. :rock That is my all time favorite video now.

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Great job, Jed. :bow Now how many does that make that can lift the blob by the face?


A handful at most I'd guess! :cool And probably 1 or 2 that could HIGH PULL it to their armpit like Jedd did.

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