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Patrick Povilaitis, Level 1 (Round 2)

Bill Piche

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Anything scheduled for the termination yet?

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Gripper is at the Post Office, will be picked up today. Because of the crazy holiday, Sunday the 8th looks like the first opportunity for me and witness to get together. If we're able to schedule something sooner, I'll let you know right away. Thanks for all the positive words!

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  • 2 weeks later...

C'mon Pat - tell all of us how you killed that thing!! :D:bow

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Smacked it first and second attempts, not thrilled with video as my hand somewhat obscures the set. See what the judges have to say, Brian and I were looking at the set and close and thought it looked good. Third attempt lefty, goofed on the set and it slipped.

Happy I closed it, hands and wrists still feel broken from last week's bend.....

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Sore hands, and still closing the MM1! That's a terminator! :rock

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I didn't think you would have any problem. Nice job Pat!

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Wow, closing that gripper that shortly after such an 'insane' bend is awesome. :rock

Hopefully the video turns out to be good.

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Congrats Pat!

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Nice work Pat.

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Thanks guys, hopefully the vid passes....if it doesn't no big deal

Congratulations buddy! Yeah, I guess that 4.5" FBBC bend will help ease your pain a little if it doesn't pass :tongue

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Great job, Terminator!!! :mosher

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I must be pshycic some how I knew I would be congratulating you :D Way To Go Pat!

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The judges ruled unanimously that this was a failed attempt.

Too deep of a set- primary reason for the failed cert attempt.

Also, too dark to see the close without question it was shut.

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Tough break Pat. :(

Great job on closing a tough gripper though!! You'll get it next time.


Edited by porkchop
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Hey, no big deal I wouldn't have passed it myself! Truthfully it was not representative of how I close grippers, primarily due to being really sore. I don't want credit for a set like that because that's not up to my own standard. I toyed with that gripper back in Oct when Brian certed, and obviously I felt better at that time. Another day, another time. Thanks Porkchop, you should be all over this one!

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I have tried doing the MM0 cert and had a lot of trouble getting the set and close in frame and closing the gripper. Seems like I spent more time worrying about where my hand was than closing the gripper. It isnt easy. You did the hard part (closed it...) practice your video taping and lighting and you will get it done next time.


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I am disappointed to here about the gripper Pat but I am very proud of your response about it. Many may have taken a less than positive that read with high ethics which kept the spirit of this certification achievement in high esteem.

Your feats of strength impress me but the more I read and learn about you on and mostly off the board the more facets of your strong character comes to light and that my friend impresses me even more.

GATOR _aka: Walter K. Crews

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Nice...close Pat :rock The video is very very tough to get. It will all work out for you next time :rock

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