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Ben Edwards, Level 3

Bill Piche

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I doubt the difference would be enough to get it closed but some oil would definitely make the gripper easier.

Well, I am definitely going to double check the grippers now. The cold/dry weather may have had an impact I didn't count on.

What's also weird is it did not squeak on the first attempt. But, then did on the next two.

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I doubt the difference would be enough to get it closed but some oil would definitely make the gripper easier.

Well, I am definitely going to double check the grippers now. The cold/dry weather may have had an impact I didn't count on.

What's also weird is it did not squeak on the first attempt. But, then did on the next two.

Please oil it but I don't think Ben will want you to send it back just quite yet.

It is interesting how it did not squeek on the first attempt but it did on the second and third. :blink

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True, I thought it was very weird that it squeaked on the 2nd and 3rd but not the 1st.

It seemed to bind up badly.

And no thank you, but I am not interested in trying the MM3 again. Very nice offer though.

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If Ben got it to 1/8" with it creaking as much as it did, I would bet he could tickle the handles together with it properly lubed. At least in my experience, I've found that a properly oiled spring makes anywhere from 1/16"-1/8" closing difference. Ben, it would be important to know how much oil affects these springs so we know whether they should be oiled all the time and I'd strongly encourage to give that thing another shot. I'll even pay your cert fee this time.

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If Ben got it to 1/8" with it creaking as much as it did, I would bet he could tickle the handles together with it properly lubed.  At least in my experience, I've found that a properly oiled spring makes anywhere from 1/16"-1/8" closing difference.  Ben, it would be important to know how much oil affects these springs so we know whether they should be oiled all the time and I'd strongly encourage to give that thing another shot.  I'll even pay your cert fee this time.

I'll offer to send it on my nickel since it did creak. Right away in fact. I'll oil it up properly and re-send it pronto. No need to volunteer to pay.

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If Ben got it to 1/8" with it creaking as much as it did, I would bet he could tickle the handles together with it properly lubed. At least in my experience, I've found that a properly oiled spring makes anywhere from 1/16"-1/8" closing difference. Ben, it would be important to know how much oil affects these springs so we know whether they should be oiled all the time and I'd strongly encourage to give that thing another shot. I'll even pay your cert fee this time.
I'll offer to send it on my nickel since it did creak. Right away in fact. I'll oil it up properly and re-send it pronto. No need to volunteer to pay.

You guys are both awesome. :bow But in all honesty, I was not strong enough to close it that day. And failing on video is something extremely humbling to me. I may not ever close that gripper...and that's something I'll just have to get over.

My run of gripper progress had to end at some point.

But my confidence and momentum have been shattered. And so I don't want to attempt any more grippers (or certs) for an indefinite amount of time.

Thanks again guys for all the encouragement. It's meant quite a bit to me. I'll either get over this little dip in the road or I'll pull off the road.

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I hope that you change your mind in a few days time. The progress you have made to date is amazing. Just keep plugging away and come back when you know that you'll grind those handles together.

I've tried a couple of MM3 reps and they were beasts. You should not be put off or discouraged. If anything, your close miss just goes to prove what an accomplishment the MM3 is.

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I may not ever close that gripper...and that's something I'll just have to get over. 

Wrong. You will. Next time its yours. I know its easy to type that, but I truly believe that. I believe a few really strong guys missed this one as well. Everyone is going to have a "miss" day.

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If Ben got it to 1/8" with it creaking as much as it did, I would bet he could tickle the handles together with it properly lubed.  At least in my experience, I've found that a properly oiled spring makes anywhere from 1/16"-1/8" closing difference.  Ben, it would be important to know how much oil affects these springs so we know whether they should be oiled all the time and I'd strongly encourage to give that thing another shot.  I'll even pay your cert fee this time.

The first attempt it did not squeak a lick and he was at best, at best 3/8". Why it squeaked on the 2nd and 3rd I don't know. Maybe Ben was 1/8" maybe he wasn't, but watching the video 9-10 times the spring could've been dripping with grease and it would've still been safe. This is not a dig at Ben because he did have the balls to step up and try the M3.

Ben, don't let missing it get you down, so far Robbie is the only guy to try it once and certed with it, it took everyone else 2-3 cert attempts for the MM3. Time to train and get back after it.

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I forgot about that Heath. Most guys took 2-3 times to get by the MMG3.

Keep training for this Ben!

To get to this level is no small feat that's for sure. It's not time to stop now!

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keep going Ben, you've had a great year and that MM3 will do down for ya I know it will...that's why we call ya Bencrush :D As for your attempt, :bow:bow strong buddy real strong

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Heh, it took me 3 tries to finally get it closed. You want to talk about frustration!

It's sometimes a good idea to take a break from grippers. I hate training grippers, and all the expectations and pressure that comes along with certs. A break is good.

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Great attempt Ben! This is well within your reach, I feel. Time off for recovery and to get your mind straight, and then get after it again. You can go up or down from this and I think you are the type of person that will choose to go up. Keep your mind strong ... you have not failed until you decide to quit. I say all this not to sound like an infomercial for a motivational speaker, but to let you know that I think you have what it takes to achieve the level of strength needed to close this gripper. Stay strong in mind and body brother! :rock

ps - I hate squeaky grippers. There's something about them squeaking that wreaks havoc with my confidence ... Like it's fighting you the whole way.

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Heh, it took me 3 tries to finally get it closed.  You want to talk about frustration!

It's sometimes a good idea to take a break from grippers.  I hate training grippers, and all the expectations and pressure that comes along with certs.  A break is good.

Wise words. :bow Take a break from the certs Ben. Grip for the fun of gripping. Come back stronger and mentally refreshed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a chance to feel what the MMG3 feels like, since Chad was trying it today - let me tell ya, that gripper is freaky hard! I think Ben should take a break of maybe a couple of months and then try again on it.

You can do it Ben!! Just take a small break and try again! :)

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I had a chance to feel what the MMG3 feels like, since Chad was trying it today - let me tell ya, that gripper is freaky hard! I think Ben should take a break of maybe a couple of months and then try again on it.

You can do it Ben!! Just take a small break and try again! :)

Thanks a lot for the encouragement Syber! By oiling it, it should be just a hair easier too. I wouldn't have closed it that day regardless, but I really felt that it bound up bad at wherever I got stuck. That also just might have been all I had that day.

Once I can close my Easy Super Elite with an MMS, THEN I will sign up again for the MM3. And the close will never be in question then. :cool That day might be far off, I've been messing with some gripper stuff that isn't necessarily increasing my max gripper close, but that is keeping me what most people would consider "strong." :D

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I had a chance to feel what the MMG3 feels like, since Chad was trying it today - let me tell ya, that gripper is freaky hard! I think Ben should take a break of maybe a couple of months and then try again on it.

You can do it Ben!! Just take a small break and try again! :)

Thanks a lot for the encouragement Syber! By oiling it, it should be just a hair easier too. I wouldn't have closed it that day regardless, but I really felt that it bound up bad at wherever I got stuck. That also just might have been all I had that day.

Once I can close my Easy Super Elite with an MMS, THEN I will sign up again for the MM3. And the close will never be in question then. :cool That day might be far off, I've been messing with some gripper stuff that isn't necessarily increasing my max gripper close, but that is keeping me what most people would consider "strong." :D

good attitude buddy and can't wait to see ya have at it again and I know you'll nail it ;)

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  • 3 years later...

Almost 4 years since my failure on the MM3 and I'm seriously considering another run at it if I get a gripper that is relatively close in what I guess the MM3 calibrates at. Somewhere in the high 170s to low 180s. I was stronger earlier this year when I closed a low 180s #3.5, but then that gripper broke soon after that. I'm around the 169lb to 173lb range right now on my "good" days. I don't train the grippers nearly as much as I was during my gripper heyday, but that might be a good thing in the long run.

Not looking for any "You can do it!" posts, even though that might appear to be the case. Just typing it out so that I might be more likely to take a shot at it again. Also put my thoughts on my blog. I don't bend anymore and that should - in theory at least - bring my hands closer to the 180lb mark and allow me to give the MM3 a good solid shot.

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Almost 4 years since my failure on the MM3 and I'm seriously considering another run at it if I get a gripper that is relatively close in what I guess the MM3 calibrates at. Somewhere in the high 170s to low 180s. I was stronger earlier this year when I closed a low 180s #3.5, but then that gripper broke soon after that. I'm around the 169lb to 173lb range right now on my "good" days. I don't train the grippers nearly as much as I was during my gripper heyday, but that might be a good thing in the long run.

Not looking for any "You can do it!" posts, even though that might appear to be the case. Just typing it out so that I might be more likely to take a shot at it again. Also put my thoughts on my blog. I don't bend anymore and that should - in theory at least - bring my hands closer to the 180lb mark and allow me to give the MM3 a good solid shot.

You can do it!

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Awesome! I'll be following along Ben.

BTW - I have an extra #3.5 that I could loan you, but I don't know what it calibrates at. It's definitely tougher than all 3 of my Elites though.

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Awesome! I'll be following along Ben.

BTW - I have an extra #3.5 that I could loan you, but I don't know what it calibrates at. It's definitely tougher than all 3 of my Elites though.

Thanks a lot Todd! That's a magnificent offer man. I'd love to use that #3.5 to work up to the MM3.

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Awesome! I'll be following along Ben.

BTW - I have an extra #3.5 that I could loan you, but I don't know what it calibrates at. It's definitely tougher than all 3 of my Elites though.

Thanks a lot Todd! That's a magnificent offer man. I'd love to use that #3.5 to work up to the MM3.

Ben, you can borrow my Adj. SE when we meet up for the axle hand-off. Hope that helps.

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Good luck Ben :mosher

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Glad to see you getting back into it for sure Ben, my offer from the chat last night of borrowing my FBBC Hard still stands if you want to use it. It's a tough one and though I don't know where it stands compared to the MM3, if you ever want to borrow it for training you're more than welcome.

Oh yeah *clears throat*


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