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Porkchop's Grip Training Log


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Okay, 3/4 of the way through week one and all is going well. I thought I may have to drop down a level but so far I have been able to keep with my existing grippers (BBSE, #3). I am looking forward to the upcoming rest day the day that's for sure. If I remember correctly, next week is when the volume really starts to become noticable and painful.


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Starting week 2 of KTA this week. Had to step down my lower gripper from my #3 to my BBSM since I couldn't even close it even after a rest day. The volume is definately taking its toll. Higher gripper is still BBSE.


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  • 6 months later...

I did some Blob work today since I dont have any grippers and I just picked up a 45lb Blob from Marc. Nothing special, just another workout to get back on the horse...

Right Hand

1 x 30lb

1 x 40lb

1 x 42.5lb

1 x 42.5lb

1 x 42.5lb

1 x 45lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

1 x 45lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

1 x 45lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

5 x 45lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 45lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 47.5lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 50lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 47.5lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 50lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

1 x 30lb - 11 second hold

Left Hand

1 x 30lb

0 x 35lb

1 x 35lb

1 x 40lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

1 x 40lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

1 x 40lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

1 x 42.5lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

1 x 42.5lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

1 x 42.5lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after)

5 x 42.5lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 45lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 47.5lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 50lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 47.5lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

5 x 50lb (fignger push to break ground, held there after) - mini reps

1 x 30lb - 13 second hold

No too shabby I guess, since I haven't worked blobs in a couple of months. It dawned on me after my workout that I didn't do any face lifts. Maybe next workout I will remember.


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Worked blobs again tonight. Great workout too. I had a couple of nice PRs I enjoyed pulling. :)

Right Hand

1 x 40lb

1 x 42.5lb

1 x 45lb (knee high) PR!

1 x 45lb PR!

1 x 45lb

1 x 42.5lb

1 x 42.5lb

1 x 47.5lb (assisted)

1 x 50lb (assisted)

5 x 50lb+5lb (assisted)

5 x 47.5lb (assisted)

10 x 47.5lb (assisted)

5 x 47.5lb (assisted)

1 x 30lb (17 second hold)

Left Hand

1 x 40lb PR!

1 x 42.5lb (shin high) PR!

1 x 42.5lb PR!

1 x 42.5lb

0 x 42.5lb

1 x 42.5lb (assisted)

1 x 42.5lb (assisted)

1 x 47.5lb (assisted)

1 x 50lb (assisted)

5 x 50lb+5lb (assisted)

5 x 45lb (assisted)

10 x 45lb (assisted)

5 x 47.5lb (assisted)

1 x 30lb (15 second hold)


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Worked Blobs again today after a few rest days (only cuz I went out of town). Hit some PRs!

Right Hand

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 3 seconds PR!

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 4 seconds PR!

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 3 seconds

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 3 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs+5lbs (index+middle only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs+5lbs (index+middle only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 40lbs (index+middle only) - held for 5 seconds PR!

1 x 40lbs (index+middle only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 42lbs

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

30 x Yellow IM Bands

Left Hand

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 1 seconds PR!

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 2 seconds PR!

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 1 seconds

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 1 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 4 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 3 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 4 seconds

1 x 30lbs+5lbs (index+middle only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs+5lbs (index+middle only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 40lbs (index+middle only) - held for 3 seconds PR!

1 x 40lbs (index+middle only) - held for 3 seconds

1 x 42lbs

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

30 x Yellow IM Bands

Negatives are two hand lift, one hand hold. Assisted lifts are finger push technique to help break ground and one hand thereafter. Actually holding the 47.5 in the air without it slipping for a few seconds was very encouraging! And the negtaives with 50+5lbs without them falling right out of my hand makes the 50 feel achievable and not all that far away. I'm not talking next week or anything, but my goal date is Valentines day for a one hand full DL. We'll see how that works out.


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Thanks Wes.


Worked some Blobs again tonight. Another PR. To be honest, I expected it to suck since my hands felt really tired going into the workout. I was pleasantly surprised. :)

Right Hand

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 3 seconds

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 5 seconds PR!

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 4 seconds

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 3 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 40lbs (index+middle only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 40lbs (index+middle only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 42lbs

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

30 x Red IM Bands

Left Hand

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 50lbs+5lbs - negative

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 2 seconds

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 3 seconds

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 2 seconds

1 x 47.5lbs (assisted) - held for 2 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 30lbs (ring+pinky only) - held for 5 seconds

1 x 40lbs (index+middle only) - held for 2 seconds

1 x 40lbs (index+middle only) - held for 2 seconds

1 x 42lbs

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

3 x Dynamic thumb

30 x Red IM Bands


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Okay.. it has been a while since I posted anything mainly because I had a shoulder injury and stopped training grip so it would heal. Now it is better and I am back on the wagon. Wes got me motivated to sign up for the MM2 so now I gotta get back up to speed pronto. I can't train Blobs and grippers at the same time because when I do they both suck... so I am having to put the Blobs aside (and just when I was making great progress) and concentrate on grippers for a few weeks.

That MM2 may kick my butt, or not... but it wont be for lack of training.

Right Hand

1 x IM Trainer

1 x IM #1 (Filed)

1 x IM #2

1 x IM #3

1 x RB300N

1 x MM2 replica - miss 1/16"

1 x MM3 replica - Negative

1 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky)

1 x IM Trainer (index+middle)

1 x IM #2

1 x RB300 - Negative

1 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky)

1 x IM Trainer (index+middle)

1 x RB300 - Negative

1 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky)

1 x IM Trainer (index+middle)

40 x IM Red Bands

Left Hand

1 x IM Trainer

1 x IM #1 (Filed)

1 x IM #2

1 x IM #2.5

3 x IM #2.5 PR!

2 x IM #2.5

1 x BBSM - Negative

1 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky)

1 x IM Trainer (index+middle)

1 x IM #2

1 x BBSM - Negative

1 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky)

1 x IM Trainer (index+middle)

1 x BBSM - Negative

1 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky)

1 x IM Trainer (index+middle)

40 x IM Red Bands

All sets were MM (parallel). Nice PR's with my LH and with a few reps even!


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  • 2 weeks later...


Worked grippers again. I did them yesterday as well but forgot to track what I did.

Right hand

1 x IM Trainer

1 x IM #1.5

1 x IM #2.5

1 x MM2 replica

1 x MM2 replica

1 x MM2 replica

1 x MM3 replica - negative crush, 5 seconds

1 x BBE - negative crush, 5 seconds

1 x MM1 replica - miss

1 x BBSM - overcrush, 20 seconds

1 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky only) - 10 seconds

1 x IM #1.5 (ring+pinky only) - 10 seconds

50 x IM Red Bands

50 x Walmart plastic gripper

Left hand

1 x IM Trainer

1 x IM #1.5

1 x IM #2.5

1 x BBSM

1 x BBSM

1 x BBSM

1 x MM1 replica - negative crush, 5 seconds

1 x MM1 replica - negative crush, 5 seconds

1 x BBM replica - overcrush, 10 seconds

1 x IM #1.5 - overcrush, 20 seconds

1 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky only) - 10 seconds

1 x IM #1.5 (ring+pinky only) - 10 seconds

50 x IM Red Bands

50 x Walmart plastic gripper


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In the above post... the IM #1.5 close should read:

1 x IM #1.5 (index+middle fingers)

Sorry for the typo and any confusion.


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I had to travel for work and didn't track my workouts, but there have been a couple since my last posting. Nothing really of note though...


Pretty good workout tonight. Finally closed my RB330N again. Looks like my crush strength is coming back. It kills me to have grippers I have closed before and now am not able...I wont be happy until I at least get this stubborned BBE closed again. Getting close though.. hopefully it wont be long.

Right Hand

powerball - 1 min

5 x Plastic gripper

1 x IM Trainer

1 x IM #1.5

1 x IM #2.5

1 x MM1 replica

1 x RB330N

1 x BBE - miss 1/16"

1 x MM3 replica - miss 1/4"

10 x IM Red band

1 x MM2 replica

5 x IM #2.5

10 x IM #2.5

10 x BBSM

20 x IM Red Band

5 x IM #3 - assisted

5 x IM #3 - assisted

10 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky) - assisted

10 x IM Trainer (index+middle) - assisted

1 x IM Trainer Inverted

1 x IM #1.5 Inverted

45 x IM Trainer

powerball - 1 min

Left Hand

powerball - 1 min

5 x Plastic gripper

1 x IM Trainer

1 x IM #1.5

1 x IM #2.5

1 x BBSM (130)

1 x BBSM (132.5)

1 x BBGM - miss 1/8"

1 x BBSM (137.5) - miss 1/8"

10 x IM Red band

1 x IM #2.5

5 x IM #2

10 x IM #2

10 x 2.5 - assisted

20 x IM Red Band

5 x BBSM (130) - assisted

5 x BBSM (130) - assisted

10 x IM Trainer (ring+pinky) - assisted

10 x IM Trainer (index+middle) - assisted

1 x IM Trainer Inverted

1 x IM #1.5 Inverted

45 x IM Trainer

powerball - 1 min


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  • 4 months later...

Okay, well....I'm back working grip again. I didn't really stop, I just didn't really do much with it. A few squeezes up to my (easy) #3 just to keep some strength going while I took a mental break from it for a bit after my 2nd failed attempt at the MM2. It looks like the break did me good.. I hit a couple of PR's tonight.

A few weeks back I filed my hardest #3 so that I could work some BTR to help me get to that BBE again. Not closing it after being able to really, really irritates me...but it is my own fault for lack of training. So anyway, tonight I closed my filed #3 for the first time with a MMS. That was the first time I have been able to do that. My previous best was about 1/8" from close. That was encouraging especially after the minimal training I have been doing.

Also...I finally closed my #3 left handed!! That was VERY exciting. It was my easy one..but hey, it satisfies my personal goal of closing a #3 with both hands. Not that I plan on stopping there, now I just need to realign my goal to something harder.

Maybe.....BBE both hands? That sounds like a good start.


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  • 5 months later...

11/22/07 (Thanksgiving workout)

Gripper workout today. It fared better than I thought I would. I haven't been doing any special routines, I just brought some to work and squeeze them from time to time when I think about it.

Right Hand

1 x IM #1.5 (filed) no set

1 x IM #2.5 MMS


20 x IM Red band (extensors)

1 x MM2 replica MMS - missed by a sliver

1 x IM #3 (filed) MMS - overcrush 5 seconds

1 x IM #3 MMS

Left Hand

1 x IM #1.5 (filed) no set

1 x IM #2.5 MMS

1 x BBGM MMS - miss

20 x IM Red band (extensors)


1 x IM #3 (filed) MMS - missed; turned into a 5 second negative crush

1 x IM #3 MMS - negative


Not too bad considering I haven't worked grip seriously in many months. I was happy to almost close my MM2 replica. That's the closest I have gotten on that since my last attempt at the real MM2. Good times!


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Right Hand

1 x IM #1 (filed) MMS


1 x IM #3 MMS

1 x MMG2 replica MMS - miss by a sliver

1 x RB300N MMS

1 x IM #3 (filed) - 6 second overcrush

1 x BBSM (filed) - 10 second overcrush

40 x IM Red band

20 x Dynamic thumb

10 x IM #1 (filed) MMS

25 x Walmart gripper

Left Hand

1 x IM #1 (filed) MMS


1 x IM #3 MMS - miss

1 x BBSM MMS - miss

1 x BBSM (filed) MMS

1 x BBSM (filed) MMS

1 x IM #1 (filed) - 10 second overcrush

40 x IM Red band

20 x Dynamic thumb

10 x IM #1 (filed) MMS

25 x Walmart gripper


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Right Hand

1 x IM #1 (filed) MMS



1 x MM2 replica MMS - just missed

1 x IM #2.5 TNS

1 x IM BBSM TNS - just missed

3 x BBE MMS - negative crush

3 x MM3 replica MMS - negative crush

3 x MM4 replica MMS - negative crush

5 x Walmart gripper

Left Hand

1 x IM #1 (filed) MMS


1 x BBGM MMS - missed

1 x BBSM - just missed

1 x #1.5 TNS

1 x IM #2 TNS - just missed

3 x BBGM MMS - negative crush

3 x MM1 replica MMS - negative crush

3 x MM2 replica MMS - negative crush

5 x Walmart gripper


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Gripper workout; no set work today. I didn't really track it because I was doing other stuff at the time but I did get my IM #3 TNS - missed, 3/16" from closed; RH. That was a nice PR for me.

I haven't really done much TNS work in the past 1.5 years so I decided I needed to add that into my routine at least one day each week.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Ben! I'll get it...one day. :)


Gripper workout today. I finally closed that stubborned MM2 replica again. That was a nice feeling. At least I can see some progress...

Right Hand

1 x IM T MMS

1 x IM #1.5 MMS


1 x MM2 replica MMS - 5 second hold

1 x IM #3 (hard) MMS

1 x IM #3 (easy) MMS - 7 second overcrush


10 x IM T MMS

20 x IM Red Band

Left Hand

1 x IM T MMS

1 x IM #1.5 MMS


1 x IM #3 (easy) - miss


1 x IM #3 (easy) MMS - miss

1 x BBSM MMS - miss

10 x IM T MMS

20 x IM Red Band


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You ever want to give that MM2 a ride again let me know, I've been thinking about getting that MM3 done and it would be fun to have a little get together again. 7 second OC is strong :rock

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Thanks Ben! I'll get it...one day. :)


Gripper workout today. I finally closed that stubborned MM2 replica again. That was a nice feeling. At least I can see some progress...

Right Hand

1 x IM T MMS

1 x IM #1.5 MMS


1 x MM2 replica MMS - 5 second hold

1 x IM #3 (hard) MMS

1 x IM #3 (easy) MMS - 7 second overcrush


10 x IM T MMS

20 x IM Red Band

Left Hand

1 x IM T MMS

1 x IM #1.5 MMS


1 x IM #3 (easy) - miss


1 x IM #3 (easy) MMS - miss

1 x BBSM MMS - miss

10 x IM T MMS

20 x IM Red Band


NICE! :rock

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Thanks guys. Wes, it is funny that you posted that. As I was cleaning my office today I found your CD and address from the last gathering. I have been SERIOUSLY slacking in sending that out. At least it hasn't been a year. :unsure

I am definitely interested in doing the MM2 again. I'm not ready for it right now as I'm just getting back into the swing of things, but maybe in a couple of months I'll be there. Feb maybe?? I'll keep you posted.


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