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Tearing Is Wear Its At.


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I like tearing cards too. Currently one day a week I work on my form arms and wrist with bending, sledging, and pinching. The other day I tear a deck of cards and then proceed into a gripper routine. Overall balanced hand and arm strength and slow progression is what I'm going for, especially since I jumped into this thing fast about a year ago, and nursed a nagging finger injury for months.

Try tearing a tennis ball, that's a good workout too. (I can't do the main brand ones, but can get some dollar store ones ha ha.)

Of course I'm still a newbie and could be way off track.

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Wow, this is an oldie.

I think if you left the grippers out you wouldn't develop NEARLY the level of grip strength that you ultimately would if you included both the tearing and the grippers.

In fact, I think that tearing is WAY overrated as far as developing grip strength. I think it's one of those things that if you're able to do it well (tearing) then you already had the grip strength necessary, not that you built the grip strength only from tearing.

:rock :rock :rock

Edited by Magnus
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Why say that one type of grip exercise is better than another? Just do all of them. When I work on cars, I work my thumbs and all different types of odd muscles in my hands. When I use hand grips I work my crushing strength, and when I do drywalling I'm working pinch strength. As a result, my hands are good all around, which also means they get nice and thick. You can't just do one thing and expect to have well rounded hands.

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Try tearing a tennis ball, that's a good workout too. (I can't do the main brand ones, but can get some dollar store ones ha ha.)

:angry: try some golf balls :D

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I can tell you one thing I am almost at #3 level and card tearing kick's my butt I up to doing a half a deck and it tear's my hand's up. The one guy is right I take plenty of time between tearing session's. The fastest I ever seen card's tore was by Dan Sweeny at a K/C comp you blink you missed it the dude is bad. :D

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i can't even tear a full deck of cards and i can close my #3 when ever i want to (except after a grip session of course). i twist and twist, and i just end up making them turn. they look like they're twisted. i used some coca cola christmas playing cards though. the ones with santa on the front. maybe i just don't know the technique but it beats the hell out of me.

i can tear phonebooks no problem (grip n rip) but cards are a different story. i do feel a lot of blood in my hands when i tear magazines, newspaper, try to cards, and phonebooks though. they get all swole

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i can't even tear a full deck of cards and i can close my #3 when ever i want to (except after a grip session of course). i twist and twist, and i just end up making them turn. they look like they're twisted. i used some coca cola christmas playing cards though. the ones with santa on the front. maybe i just don't know the technique but it beats the hell out of me.

i can tear phonebooks no problem (grip n rip) but cards are a different story. i do feel a lot of blood in my hands when i tear magazines, newspaper, try to cards, and phonebooks though. they get all swole

Completely different animals. No suprises from that. tearing and grippers are worlds apart. And Ben is 100% spot on, there is no reason to exclude one from the other.

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i can't even tear a full deck of cards and i can close my #3 when ever i want to (except after a grip session of course). i twist and twist, and i just end up making them turn. they look like they're twisted. i used some coca cola christmas playing cards though. the ones with santa on the front. maybe i just don't know the technique but it beats the hell out of me.

i can tear phonebooks no problem (grip n rip) but cards are a different story. i do feel a lot of blood in my hands when i tear magazines, newspaper, try to cards, and phonebooks though. they get all swole

Completely different animals. No suprises from that. tearing and grippers are worlds apart. And Ben is 100% spot on, there is no reason to exclude one from the other.

i understand that and i enjoy both equally, but i can see where he "thinks" its better because your hands become all swollen with blood. the same with how people think high reps is better for strength, cuz they feel the "pump"

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  • 3 weeks later...

i can only close the 2.5 with my right and am just off 2 with my left and i can tear a deck of cards, are we doing something different here???

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Card tearing is great for toughening your hands, building finger strength, among other things. It should not be the majority of your workout for grip but neither should grippers. Cards also involve wrists and thumbs. They are great in their own right, but so are grippers.

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i agree, think grippers are a solid base and then these feats and whatnot are a good way of identifying a weak area or just tieing together your strong areas.

i think im good ish at grip and good at wrist curls but they dont use every relevant muscules in the forearm! when you tear a deck of cards or phonebook believe you will realise that there are muscles you havnt worked yet! my hands are so sore if i tear more than 5 yellowpages in a day but i think i could do ten sets of ten no problem with coc2

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