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Got My #2 Yesterday


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I would advise against doing gripper work without a warmup atleast in general. At times this is ok but it can lead to injuries. Ive had problems from doing exactly that closing #3's for people without warmups and a couple of times it got to me. Be smart and warmup. Not stepping on anyones toes just my opinion. . .


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I agree with Matt. I was having a hard time closing the #2, then I focused on high volume, no set work with the #1 and now I can close the #2 rather easily.

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Also how do you go about flogging a gripper?

Flogging is an inverted, three finger (pinky, ring, & middle) table no-set close, with the non-dogleg side against your thumb pad. I believe Darco came up with it one day for some fun.

Here we go: http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=12447&hl=flog :cool

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I don't think high volume is really needed. Just one or two work sets. Flogging sounds like quite the technique.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got it down to 1 penny width today. That was after 6 hrs of clearing out my bro-in-law's property with an echo chainsaw.

I don't get it. I have my best squeezes after hours of manual labor. My 2nd best crush on my #2 was after a full day of shoveling riversilt.

I gave it to my bro in law and he has done years of manual labor (marble, tile, full time fireman) and has very strong hands and forearms. He can get it right handed about 1/4 and about the same left handed. It sounded like his hand was going to explode today with all the knuckle popping.

He was stoked, as I was, esp after carrying timber all day and thought I was going to get it, but you could still slide a penny in the crack.

We have a lot more clearing to do on the property before construction can begin on his house, so I'll give her a crush tomorrow and we'll see.

Edited by LAHotSauce
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I was good and warmed up so I grabbed my Trainer, shut it for 5 reps both hands, grabbed my #1 and shut is for 5 reps each hand, grabbed the #2 and got it past parallel to about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from full closure.

Any advice is appreciated.

Next time, just grab your #2 and try to close it with no warmup from other grippers.

Great advice. I didn't think I could close my 2, but by cutting down the warm up to none I got a lot closer.

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Do squats for a while and then go duke it out with the grippers. You'll probably crush that #2.

Why is that, t rex? Just to get your body pumped, blood flowing, etc? :help

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Do squats for a while and then go duke it out with the grippers. You'll probably crush that #2.

Why is that, t rex? Just to get your body pumped, blood flowing, etc? :help

They say the best lower body exercise is squats. They say the best upper body exercise is squats. Really you cant go wrong with squats.

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I can't remember the exact reasons for why squatting helps with the grip afterwards. I'm hoping someone can reply with the reason though, I know I've read it on here a number of times. :)

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I believe it has something to do with testosterone release.

Squats somehow cause the most release............. so I've heard over the years.

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Dont squats cause more release of human growth hormone. The target muscles are the largest in the body, and it requires so many stabilizer muscles, it makes sense. I hate squats.

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Even though I hate em, I still do them every week.

I do wish I looked more forward to the brutality of heavy squats.

I am currently at 315lb for 3 sets of 6, after a good warmup. I don't feel the need to go any heavier while I am currently cutting carbs to about 30-40 grams/day.

Maybe when I start taking creatine again I'll up the weight.

315 just feels heavy to me. I like to roll the bar just below my traps to keep my from leaning forward.

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Damn how can you hate squats?! :D Hah.

I didnt say I dont do them, but theres that one day a week where I realize "No, Oh no, it's squat day tomorrow" as I gasp in horror.

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Getting back on track, I CLOSED THAT MUTHA YESTERDAY.

Got it with my RH, couldn't quite get it LH.

No audible click when it closed, but it was a sure thing. Go me.

I think it helped that I was already warmed up from jogging 1 mile and running bleachers. I was kinda upset too.


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