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Check It Out - Awesome Bending Article!`


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well I can't get adobe reader 7.0 to work. Got rid of it and downloaded

6.0. Still can't read you guys article. I'll have to wait on smitty to add it

to the website. I'm sure its great and i'm looking forward to reading it.

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Truly a top notch source of information. Also very motivating. I loved how it was not just the technique of bending, but also the spirit of bending that makes it so unique. Awsome!!

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Greg or Dave,

What is your policy on using chalk while bending? Do you use it just on you hands or do you put it on the nail or the wrap?

I have just been using it on my hands, but I am wondering if using it elsewhere is an advantage......


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Greg or Dave,

What is your policy on using chalk while bending?  Do you use it just on you hands or do you put it on the nail or the wrap?

I have just been using it on my hands, but I am wondering if using it elsewhere is an advantage......


I think the word policy sounds way to official :D I bend for fun if there were rules that I thought might make it more dangerous or less fun I would just ignore them and not "certify" under those rules.

Most blisters seem to occur on me when my hands slips in the wraps, this is usually due to sweaty hands. I chalk my hands when they start getting slick.

I recommend using chalk whenever you use the IM wraps. The most common danger to bending is the bar spinning in the wrap and I have had several close calls where I was sure I hurt myself (thankfully never too serious). Chalking the leather seems to help it grab the bar a little more, but I don't do this as often since the leather has a lot of grab as it is and I rarely have trouble with the bar spinning.

Funny story time:

I HATE being on video or pictures. I have only one tape of me bending and the one time the bar slipped on me in leather and it got away from me, is on film. I punched myself in the eye so hard you can hear a squishing noise on the tape. I gave myself on hell of a black eye and the family laughed for three days.


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Greg and Dave,

A masterpiece on bending by the masters of bending.

The information and inspiration contained in this article

is priceless.

Awesome job! :bow:bow:bow:bow:bow

Thanks Smitty for posting it. :bow

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Really, really good stuff guys. Excellent article.

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.

This will be alot of help to all benders. :bow

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aarrrggghhh!!!!, I've tried for two days to get the article downloaded and all I can get is the odd page or two enough to tease me.......arrrghh

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The article on bending that yourself and Dave put together is the best article that i,and i am shore others have read on the subject.As well as Eric Milfelds E.Book and benders web site you both have been so unselfish in showing everybody the true way to bend and not keep all your secrets to yourselves like others do.

The way that your article covered everything from wraps to hand placement,to mental attitude has helped me enormousely,even though i am at a level(bending -wise)that is far far below yourselves and other great benders on this board.

I now realise that i have been doing two things wrong all along.1.I have been carrying on bending useing the old terminator style(under/over)even after repeatedly injuring myself time after time useing this style,it is obviously not suited to me.

Secondly not applying nowhere near enough mental attitude.

Personally if someone wants to bend things D/O.....O/U.....D/U....who cares.In competition or for certs then obviously follow the rules.I like part of your reply in answer to a question on this thread and i hope you dont mind me useing it here.

(quite:-I bend for FUN and if there were rules i thought might make it more dangerous or less fun,i would just egnore them and not certify under these rules.).

I think the above quite sums it all up,most people bend for FUN then go onto competition and not the other way around,some people i think need to remember this when continously trying to be obsessive about rules and regs that do not apply to people who do not or do not want to compete,but like to bend just for the hell of it and dare i say it have FUN :D .

When i get around to one day just bending 1 RED NAIL wether D/O with my hands right at the ends of the bar,i will be more than chuffed with myself as i know that a hell of a lot of people walking this planet that will not be able to duplicate this,shore there will be lots of people that will be and are already far far above this,but i will be a happy man.

Greg and Dave

To do 100 RED NAILS any style is just mind blowing to me and i salute you both :bow

Greg after a mere :blink 40 REDS your hands were :flame but you toughed/gutted

it out tothe 100.Your MENTAL TOUGHNESS/ATTITUDE is AWESOME :bow .

I have your hand as my wallpaper on my pc and everytime i bend and feel the pain i look at your hand and tell myself that i am not worthy,because i truly am not worthy.But hopefully oneday i can say that like Greg,Dave and others i bent a RED NAIL.

The only thing that could make your article any better would be to put it onto video on the Gboard or Diesel Site showing even more about the hand placement etc.

Anyway once again AWESOME article and AWESOME 100RED NAILS MILESTONE yourself and Dave put up,DON,T let the (SMALL) amount of negativety put a damper on your achievements.

Thankyou very much for the article and inspiration.........Gazza.........................

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Thank you for the post. No amount of negativity can overcome the positive things that people have told me. Like yourself many have said that they are getting PRs simply because they have modified their attitude. Our goal when setting out to write this article was to teach people how we do it. It was very clear that the mechanics of bending were not enough. The mental aspect of bending is a very large part of how you get bigger and bigger bars. It doesnt go away either, if you have not bent a red and it intimidates you, you will need to get passed that. The bad news is that once you do, there is something else that will intimidate you when you are done. :D I have a 7/16" FBBC bar that looks like it was cut with the sole purpose of breaking my hands. I may never get that bar, but it better not get cocky either... (not because I will bend it, but I will take a flamethrower to its ass if it give me any lip :D )

Me personally, I am never impressed by what you bend. I am much more impressed with how you go about it. If you are killing yourself to get some timber ties and you knock over a 60D out of shear determination and grit, you have my respect. Hey I am missing the #3 with a workout partner who is doubling the #4. I know what it is like to not be as good as others, cause I suck at everything :)

Several of the pics in the article were re-sized when the PDF was created. I did not do this, and did not notice the changes that made the wraps look so large. I did notice that Dave looks like he gained and lost 100 pounds in some of the pictures :D Dave is convinced the article is great because of his pics :whistel HE doesnt know he is ugly, so dont tell him...

Greg Amidon

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Great article guys. I learned quite a few things, even after getting some excellent advice in person in the past. I just wasn't catching certain things until now.

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