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Clay Edgin, Level 3 (Round 3)

Bill Piche

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Clay, the witness is:

Michael Corlett

Gripboard member, correct?

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Yes, his name here is hubgeezer.

Date is Sunday November 21st at Mike's place. I think you have his address now. Looking forward to getting my revenge.

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Crush it so hard the two handles become one!!!

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Good luck big guy.

A little focus and this grippers butt is yours! :D

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Clay - mash it! :rock

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Gripper received at the office about an hour ago. An hour or so before that, another gripper sized package arrived, but it was not shaped like a videotape box, was not addressed to me specifically, was UPS, and was from Iowa. I opened it, and luckily, it was 600 deposit slips.

The gripper box is pretty clear who and what it is all about.

I am not telling any of the 15 people in the office about it, as some practical joker may think it is funny to open it up.

Out of curiousity, perhaps you can share your opinion of what would be appropriate for that kind of a "joke"?

I won't tell until anyone until after Clay attacks it on Sunday.

Anyway, it is a long way until Sunday, and it is hidden in a cabinet in my office room locked with a master key for which only 3 keys exist.


"There can only be one."

... From all 4 Highlander movies (no doubt referring to the top of the Mash Monster Pyramid)...

Edited by Hubgeezer
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Please be sure to read all the rules and logistics in the Mash Monster forum. They are all pinned.

Witnesses have an obligation to understand the process and the logistics associated with it. And the rules....

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Everything will be in order. I've gone through this certification process more than anyone and we'll do it right.

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We will be doing the certification at Clay's place, tomorrow, November 21, between 11 and 12 Pacific time. He has lots of experience of video at his home, so the technical aspects of the video will be in a controlled and familiar environment.

Mike Corlett


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Remember the parallel set rule....

MMG2 and higher are very strict on this.

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Come on, Clay - Do this.


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I've already closed it 100,000 times in my mind.

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Slight change in plans. Just got a call from Clay. The certification will be at my house, not his place. He'll be over in an hour and a half.

Michael Corlett



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Clay just left after a workout. I am going to certify on the paperwork that on his second attempt, he closed the MM3 with a legal set.

I have not reviewed the video, or used the video to give this report. Clay will be working on the editing and will post shortly. It is video without audio. I made notes immediately after the attempts, and this is from my notes a little more than 2 hours ago.

1st attempt, outdoors. I was crouched under the gripper with my head around 2 1/2 feet from the ends. He slammed it shut, there was an audible click, and a long hold with it shut. In my opinion, the set was not legal. It happened very fast, and it may have been a legal set, but he was moving it forward so rapidly that I would have to call it less than parallel. If I was a football ref, I would call it too close a set, and someone could challenge it and the ref could watch it in slow motion and at all angles, and decide whether it was legal or not. I will say the width of the set was less than 3/4 of an inch, and possibly as close as 3/8 of an inch. I know that is a big spread, but with his style, it happens very fast, so it is a very tough call.

2nd attempt, outdoors. I explained to Clay that I didn't think the set was wide enough, so he gave it a try roughly 5 minutes later. I was not timing it, but the camera will tell the exact time. I was positioned in the same place as before. The set was wide enough, he even paused to prove it, and began his close. No audible click this time, and it was very brief, but in my opinion, it closed. It lost ground fast, and he held it in an almost closed position briefly. Of course, he didn't know what was going on, nor could he see it.

3rd attempt, indoors. I was a little under the camera, straight on, not to the side. Legal set, but around 1/8 of an inch from closing. A no brainer, not a close. Total elapsed time was around 12 or 13 minutes.

By trade, I am a CPA. I submit things to courts, the government, third parties, and clients for a living. I say "in my opinion" for a living, and one of the most important words in our profession is "judgment". I read the rules 4 times beforehand, as well as the 32 pages of "pinned" material on the different aspects of the Mash Monster certification process. I told Clay that I did not want to see the video beforehand, as I did not want it to influence my opinion of what I observed.

Would I bet my life that the first set was not legal? No.

Would I bet my life that the second rep was touching? No.

Would I bet my life that the third rep was not a close? Yes.

In my opinion, the first rep was not a close, and the second rep was a close. When I sign the form, it won't say it was the first rep or the second rep or the third rep, it will say "according to the rules established by the members of the GripBoard".

Michael Corlett


Salinas, CA

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Just putting the video together. Slapped the handles shut on the first attempt and they clicked, but the set was questionable. Not parallel. Second attempt was a set-pause-crush that I think will satisfy the judges. Going to email the video to Bill, along with a shorter video of the second close for those of us on dialup.

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I don't know how wide the spring is on the MM3, but on an IM#3 which I know is smaller, a set of less than 3/4 inch is still wider than parrallel. I'll have to put the calipers on it but would guess .600-.650 is = to parallel.

I put the gripper in the choker then take another gripper and slide the handle between the bottom of the gripper handles. It will not come anywhere near passing though the top of the handles. If you look at the handles from the bottom and it is less than a handle width between the handles it could still be wider than parrallel.

This may not apply on MM3 though. That's an easy way to check it, and then go back to the video and see how they match up. He may have killed it twice.

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Clay just left after a workout. I am going to certify on the paperwork that on his second attempt, he closed the MM3 with a legal set.

I have not reviewed the video, or used the video to give this report. Clay will be working on the editing and will post shortly. It is video without audio. I made notes immediately after the attempts, and this is from my notes a little more than 2 hours ago.

1st attempt, outdoors. I was crouched under the gripper with my head around 2 1/2 feet from the ends. He slammed it shut, there was an audible click, and a long hold with it shut. In my opinion, the set was not legal. It happened very fast, and it may have been a legal set, but he was moving it forward so rapidly that I would have to call it less than parallel. If I was a football ref, I would call it too close a set, and someone could challenge it and the ref could watch it in slow motion and at all angles, and decide whether it was legal or not. I will say the width of the set was less than 3/4 of an inch, and possibly as close as 3/8 of an inch. I know that is a big spread, but with his style, it happens very fast, so it is a very tough call.

2nd attempt, outdoors. I explained to Clay that I didn't think the set was wide enough, so he gave it a try roughly 5 minutes later. I was not timing it, but the camera will tell the exact time. I was positioned in the same place as before. The set was wide enough, he even paused to prove it, and began his close. No audible click this time, and it was very brief, but in my opinion, it closed. It lost ground fast, and he held it in an almost closed position briefly. Of course, he didn't know what was going on, nor could he see it.

3rd attempt, indoors. I was a little under the camera, straight on, not to the side. Legal set, but around 1/8 of an inch from closing.  A no brainer, not a close. Total elapsed time was around 12 or 13 minutes.

By trade, I am a CPA. I submit things to courts, the government, third parties, and clients for a living. I say "in my opinion" for a living, and one of the most important words in our profession is "judgment". I read the rules 4 times beforehand, as well as the 32 pages of "pinned" material on the different aspects of the Mash Monster certification process. I told Clay that I did not want to see the video beforehand, as I did not want it to influence my opinion of what I observed.

Would I bet my life that the first set was not legal? No.

Would I bet my life that the second rep was touching? No.

Would I bet my life that the third rep was not a close? Yes.

In my opinion, the first rep was not a close, and the second rep was a close. When I sign the form, it won't say it was the first rep or the second rep or the third rep, it will say "according to the rules established by the members of the GripBoard".

Michael Corlett


Salinas, CA

Regardless of the outcome(and it sounds like Clay closed it)Hubgeezer raises the bar when it comes to an 'official'write up. :bow

Carefully analyzed and cautiously reported.Very professional.

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Nice job, Clay ! I hope the judge(s) agree that you closed it, as it looked like you just got it to me.

Great writeup by Hubgeezer.

How does the MM3 compare to a #4 ?


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The official ruling by two judges:

The second attempt is good.

Also, given the majority of judges believe Clay had to skirt the rule on continuous video due to an obvious lighting issue after the first attempt, the athlete is given the nod on this. Plus, the witness bears this out in his account.

Congrats to Clay on becoming just the second man to close this gripper.

It appears it's now time to create an MMG4. :)

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Whew! The lighting we thought would be good, but turns out that when the sun hits shiny handles with a chalk-white background (my hand) then it's hard to see anything. Can't tell you how many different angles we played with!

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