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How Long To Close The #3 Once Within .75 - 1"...


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Hi all.

I purchased a #1 and #2 a while ago. First time I picked up the #1 I crushed it, #2 was close.

I recently purchased a #3 and #4.

When I first unwrapped them, trying it cold, I failed miserably at both (no surprise).

I haven't been training my grip very much, only the occasional 'pick it up and mash it' program.

I was surprised that when I picked up my #3 the other day that I was within ~.75" - 1" with either hand with no real warmup to speak of.

What are some exercises that will help me get that last 1"? How long has it taken people to get that last inch?



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I guess it depends on your training, but I think most here will agree that the last 1/2" is usually the hardest, personally It took me about 2-3 months of hard KTA to get that last 1/16th. but keep going, and don't lose motivation because it seems like you stalled, like I said I was at the 1/16 for a long time and even thought it just wasn't possible for me to close it, but presistance and blood, blisters and pain payed off, it will for you too.

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Slap a choker on the gripper spring, something like a hose clamp, oversized washer, etc., so the gripper handles sit at parallel. Then work on crushing it closed from there.

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I haven't been training my grip very much, only the occasional 'pick it up and mash it' program.

If your going to take a ho-hum attitude towards closing the grippers, forget it - you won't do it.

This is a forum for GRIP TRAINING... meaning you put some time and effort into it, NOT "pick it up and let's see what you can do now".

Maybe you have that natural strength. Good for you. I'll tell you that most of us here don't.

Get serious about it. Otherwise, just be happy with what you've done and don't worry about it. :dry

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"How Long To Close The #3 Once Within .75 - 1"..., Exercises?"

Why don't you train and find out? If you pick it up now and then, maybe a few years. If you train like hell, maybe a few months.

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Woah, Woah, Woah, don't dis the guy, he didn't get hooked straight away, so what? If he's making enquiries now, he's interested, so he need encouragement!

I'm about the same distance away, so I'll race you!

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I find overcrushes (even with a very light gripper) are excellent for developing the crushdown.

Since, you have stated that you rarely use the grippers, just taking some more time to familiarise yourself with them will probably also help.

Edited by The Mac
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Thanks for the advice on exercises guys.


Maybe some of you are having a bad day today?

I'm aware this it a 'grip training' board... That's why I'm here :)

I also know the difference between training hard and training smart (smart meaning doing the correct things hard). That's why I'm asking what good exercises are.

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Thanks for the advice on exercises guys.


Maybe some of you are having a bad day today?

I'm aware this it a 'grip training' board...  That's why I'm here :)

I also know the difference between training hard and training smart (smart meaning doing the correct things hard).  That's why I'm asking what good exercises are.

Don't mind the grumpy people....lol

As to your question about how long it will take, there is really no way to know. It depends a lot on your genetics (I know some disagree with me on this) and your training methods. It may not take that long based on your quick progress so far, or it could take a long time. Some people need to really train super hard to get the #3 and others can just kind of mess around with it and close it.

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You are doing well! 1/2'' to go is a lot more than it seems, and every fraction of an inch to go is a lot harder than the fraction before it.

I know what you mean, every time I get the handles a little bit closer, I feel like I've got MORE work to do th get them shut than I did before!
Don't mind the grumpy people....lol

Some people get very defensive about grip training on this forum, but it's only because of their passion for it.
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The last 1/8-1/16 of an inch took me 1 week of KTA to finish off. I was already that close when I started KTA so I don't know how long it would have been if I had started KTA earlier. Negatives helped me the most. If you want to close that #3, do negatives with the #3 and #4.

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