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Mobster's Wrist Roller Work


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Hey mobster, just out of curiosity... I've always checked your log from time to time for a number of years now and I even recall a few years back I asked about your leg training, as all you were doing for a period were leg curls, leg extensions and leg press.... anyways for a while now I see you are doing squats, and I am just wondering, what kind of squats are these? Stance, depth, gear used... what's it like? Just curious mainly, hope you can describe them in a few spare seconds :)

It's a power squat machine rather than a barbell. The last time I tried I physically couldn't get both hands on the bar with it behind my neck. Equally my back and flexibility issues mean barbell front or safety bar squats are silly difficult.

On the machine I, as with the leg press, go wide... right out to the edge of the foot plate. I wear boots on leg days as I've flattened trainers / sneakers. The foot plate can be adjusted and so I set it to the horizontal position. Other than the lift off being low (a kind of quarter squat) it's ok. Hard at 300kg plus though ha ha. I try to start at a decent level then go lower with each rep. Even at 300kg+ I'm aiming to be no more than an inch of the bottom stops. Being tall I'd say it's still a little above parallel but I'm ok with that. I think the machine will hold a bit over 400kg / 880lbs and I'd like to do that.

One final point. Such machine encourage an almost rounded back 'sit down and back' lifting style. Not having to balance the weight helps too. I had some experience of these almost back when I started lifting (1980 or so) and was good on them even then. They suit my structure etc.

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Thanks for such detailed description! I know what type of machine it is now, or at least I think so. Just wanted to have a proper picture of what exactly you were handling over 300kg in. :)

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Busy and not helped by getting up at 3am (no going back to sleep). Gym at 5pm. I was dizzy by the time I was done.
Iso Bench
to 80-kilos x 5 reps.


Iso P/Down
to 90-kilos x 5 reps an arm

to 197.5-kilos x 3 reps

3 x 1 reps r/h

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V Gripper
all over place (see wed w/o) but LH to 6/6 x 3 attempts

up another 1/2-kilo x 2+1, 3, 3 reps

Back ache.

P Squat
to 310kg x 8 reps

L Press
to 700-kilos x 10 reps

L Curls
stack x 3 x 15 reps

L Ext
stack x 3 x 15 reps

Thanks for such detailed description! I know what type of machine it is now, or at least I think so. Just wanted to have a proper picture of what exactly you were handling over 300kg in. :)


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note to self - dentist and gym does not mix. ick. Eased off the gas a little for that reason*.

Iso Press
to 65-kilos a side x 2+F+1 - 40-kilos x 8 reps


Hammer DB Curls
to 32.5-kilos @ x 8 reps* - 15-kilos @ x 20 reps

to 15p* x 8 reps (no added dip belt to hold me still) - 10p x 10 reps

Nothing extra. Needed to be done - ick

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Notes are elsewhere so Tuesday is from memory
L/H: to at least one good rep at 6/6 (L18)
R/H: ditto 7/6 (20??)

to +72.5-kilos x 3, 3, 4 reps

CG bench in rack
to 140-kilos x 2, 2, 2, 3 reps 100-kilos x 6 reps, 60-kilos x 12 reps+


to 18p x 8 reps

Pullover machine
stack 3 x 10 reps. I can't understand why some use far, far less.

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Cheers. See yesterdays too.

V/ Gripper
L/H: 5/6 x 2 x 1 reps, 6/6 x 1, VVN, VVN, N, VN
R/H: 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps (last one easy), 6/7 x 1, 1, N, 1 reps

to 72.5-kilos x 4, 4, 3+1 reps

P Squat
to 312.5kg x 8 reps

L Press
to 700-kilos x 12 reps

Leg Curls
stack x 3 x 15 reps

Leg Ext
stack x 3 x 15 reps

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Iso Press
to 65-kilos x 4 reps @, d/s 40-kilos x 12 reps

Hammer DB Curls
to 45-kilos x 6 reps

to 16.5p x 8 reps, d/s 10.5p x 12 reps

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Wee bit late and took a while to get into the groove...

L/H: 5/6 x 3 x 1 reps (1st v wide), 6/6 x F, N, VVN, 1 rep
R/H: 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps (1st v wide), 6/7 x N, 1, 1 reps
Last efforts better as non used hand thumb locked gripper better in situ

to +73-kilos x 3 x 3 reps - solid

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CG B/Press
to 140-kilos x 3, x 2, x 2 reps - d/s 100-kilos x 8 reps, 60-kilos x 18 reps


V-Bar p/downs
to stack x 12 reps

Pullover machine
worked in with Stu
stack x 3 x 11 reps, 1 arm x 12 plates x ?? then drop set (hurt next day ha ha)

L/H: 6/6 x 6 close attempts (L18)
R/H: 6/7 x 6 x 1 reps (L19)

(no 2HP cos VG done at YMCA)

Power Squat
to 315-kilos x 6 ugly reps

Leg press
Bod on top
to 782-kilos x 6 reps

Leg Curl
stack x 16, 16 and 12 reps

Leg Ext
to 16 r/p reps and couldn't do any more

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Iso Press
to 65-kilos a side x 3 reps


Hammer db curls
to 45-kilos @ x 2 x 5 reps

to 17p x 6 reps - 12p x 10 reps

35-kilos x 10 and x 12 reps - 15-kilos x 12 reps


15-kilos x 2 x 12 reps

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L/H: 5/6 x 3 x 1 reps, 6/6 x F, F, VVN, VVN, VVN
R/H: 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps (2nd and 3rd easy), 6/7 x 2 x 1 reps, 7/7 x F, 7/6 x 2 x 1 reps

+73-kilos x 3, 3, 4, 3 reps

CG Bench
to 140-kilos x 3, 2 and then 3 reps


LPD (wide handle)
to stack x 8 reps

P/over machine
to 20p stack x 3 x 12 reps, 13p (one arm at a time) 8 reps left and 10 reps right

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to 315-kilos x 6 ugly reps

Leg Press
to 600-kilos x 20 reps

Leg Curl
stack x 3 x 17 r/p reps

Leg Ext
stack x 3 x 17 r/p reps

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  • 2 weeks later...

at gym early (9.29am) as 1) Dental appointment in Porth (ouch again) and 2) YMCA later. Crack on then!
Iso Press
to 67.5-kilos a side x 2 x 2 reps (2 x 3 next time) - d/s 20-kilos x side x 8 reps


Hammer DB Curls
to 50-kilos a hand x 5L/6R ugly ass reps

to 16p x 2 x 6 reps - d/s 10p x 10 reps

Given it's early for working out it was hard and quite heavy (if ugly at times ha ha). Done by 1030am

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L/H: 5/6 x 1, 6/5 x 1, 6/6 (L18) x VVN, VVN, F, F, 1 reps
R/H: 6/6 x 1, 6/7 x 1, 7/7 (L21) x TnG, N, N, 1, N reps

to +74-kilos x 3 x 2 and 1 x 3 reps

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Iso Bench
(frame was in use)
to 70-kilos x 6 a side


Iso PDowns
to 80-kilos x 6 a side

Low Row
to 13p x 10 reps an arm

1 and then 3 reps

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abscess so off to town / dentist - script for penicillin then gym - rushing around etc. Also forgot belt etc Still...

to 295-kilos x 8 decent reps

to 850-kilos (700kg plus 150kg gym member) x 3 crazy reps, then 700-kilos x 4 reps = fun

Leg Ext
3 x 17 reps with stack - r/p

Leg Curl
as above

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L/H: 5/6 x 2 x 1 reps, 6/5 x 2 x 1 reps (2nd v easy), 6/6 x VN, N, N reps
R/H: 6/6 x 2 x 1 easy ass reps, 6/7 x 1 rep, 7/7 x 3 x fails ha ha

to +74-kilos x 3 x 3 reps

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Iso Press
to 67.5-kilos x 3 reps - d/s 40-kilos x 10 reps


Hammer DB Curls
to 50-kilos x 6 reps @ - d/s 27/5-kilos x 8 reps

Overhead Tricep ext on e/z bar
bar + 20-kilos x 15 reps, +30-kilos x 15 reps, +40-kilos x 12 reps - d/s TPD 8p x 8 reps 'ouch' lol = pumped

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Vulcan Gripper
L/H: 5/6 x 1 rep, 6/5 x 2 x 1 reps, 6/6 x 1, 1, F, 1 reps
R/H: 6/6 x 1 rep, 6/7 x 2 x 1 reps, 7/7 x N, N, N reps

to +76-kilos x 4 x 3 reps (not +74kg as noted before - d'uh)

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usual fortnightly legging it about
CG Bench
to 140-kilos x 3, 3, and 2 reps - d/s 60-kilos x 15 reps

to stack x 10 reps

stack x 12 and x 15 reps

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Crap - cold?
L/H: 5/6 x 2 x 1 reps, 6/6 x VVN, F, F, N
R/H: 6/6 x 2 x 1 reps, 6/7 x TnG, VN, VVN, N

to +76.5-kilos x 2, 2, 3 reps

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3 coffees by the time I got there and still it was damned hard work today. Not helped by jarring my right hip n knee yesterday afternoon. Feeling my age today

to 300-kilos x 8 hard reps

Leg Press
to 700-kilos x 8 hard reps (400 hard too)

Leg Curl
stack x 4 x 12 reps (see above lol)

Leg Ext
stack x 4 x 12 reps (ditto).

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Iso Press
to 67.5-kilos x 2 x 2 reps, - d/s 40-kilos x 12 reps

Hammer DB Curls
to 50-kilos x 6 reps

Overhead tricep ext (EZ bar)
to +50-kilos x 12 reps - d/s tpd 10p x 10 reps

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Distracted - focus!! Also cold!! Brr
L/H: 6/5 x 2 x 1 reps, 6/6 x VVN, VN, VN, 1 reps
R/H: 6/6 x 2 x 1 reps, 6/7 x 1, VVN, 1, 1 reps

to +76.5-kilos x F, then 4 x 2 reps

NB: left thumb been aching on and off for 2 weeks

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