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Mobster's Wrist Roller Work


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Seated Iso Press
to 60-kilos per side x 2 x 3 reps - d/s x 30-kilos x 8 reps

Hammer db curls
to 45-kilos @ x 8 hard reps (back strained at weekend)

to 1p x 8 reps (easy machine) d/s 8p x 10 reps

V Grippers
L/H: 5/5 x 4 x 1 reps, 5/6 x 1 rep
R/H: 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps

2HP - max
to 105.2-kilos x 4 x 1 reps, 1 x F and 1 more single

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Seated Iso Press
to 60-kilos per side x 2 x 3 reps - d/s x 30-kilos x 8 reps

Hammer db curls
to 45-kilos @ x 8 hard reps (back strained at weekend)

to 1p x 8 reps (easy machine) d/s 8p x 10 reps

V Grippers
L/H: 5/5 x 4 x 1 reps, 5/6 x 1 rep
R/H: 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps

2HP - max
to 105.2-kilos x 4 x 1 reps, 1 x F and 1 more single

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3.15 am I catch a burglar on my premises and to use an US term - handed out a beat down. He was arrested shortly after.


Seated Iso Press

to 3 x 20kg a side x 6 reps (dislike machine) d/s x 20 x 8 reps

Iso Pulldown (1 arm)

to 60kg a side x 8 reps

Low Row

to 12p x 8 reps per arm


Only able to train left hand. Right strained from handing out beat down (see Wednesday)

Vulcan Gripper

to 5/6 x N, N, N reps

Adj T/Bar

to +126.25kg x

Friday off


round of applause during workout (weights and beat down story) + free hoodie = nice.

Power squat machine

to 260-kilos x 8 reps

Leg Press

to 660-kilos x 8 reps

Leg Curl

to stack x 12 d/d reps

Leg Ext

to 13p x 12 d/d reps


1 rep each. Bad idea with strained / taped and supported right hand. Ouch

Missed this read, glad to hear your ok and you handed out the beat down :cool

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Ill - flu, guts, bad back and aching joints.

Hard work as not fully recovered but eating better

Stayed low and did volume due to illness
B/H: to 4/4 x 3, 3/4 and 3=/6 reps

to +73.5-kilos / 96.2kg x 3 r/p, 2+ 1 f r/p and 3 r/p reps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gym has a newly brought set of kettlebells so Dale Norris, myself and Gareth fooled around

Iso Press
to 61.25-kjilos a side x 3 x 3 reps

Hammer DB curls
to 45-kilos @ x 6 reps

to 15p x 6 reps d/s 10p x 8 reps

More or less max strength again though I am about 95% right

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L/H: CoC 3 x N, VVN, VVN, 1, VVN, VVN
R/H: to BBSE x VVN, TnG, TnG, TnG

to + 71-kilos x 3 x 3 reps (last set d/d)

I should check my diary. Started legs, legs were hard (esp squats), realized it should have been chest n back. D'uh!!

P squat machine
to 250-kilos x 8 reps after a single rep with 305kg

Leg Press
to 620-kilos x 8 reps

Leg Curls
to stack x 12 reps

Leg Ext
to stack x 12 reps

x 3 reps @

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remnants of the lurgy / viral infection still having an effect. I clear out a load of beer crates from my TV room and feel dizzy after. Grippers fine but pinch less so. Lurgy be gone!
Vulcan Gripper
L/H: 5/5+B x 1, VVN, 1 reps
R/H: 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps

to +83-kilos x TnG, 1, F, 1 reps

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Head up ass day - focus... what focus?
CG Bench Press
to 130-kilos x 2 x 3 reps then 60-kilos x 20 reps

to stack x 9 reps

Iso 1 arm rows
80-kilos x 8 reps each

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Iso Press
to 62.5-kilos a side x 2 x 3 reps, d/s x 20-kilos a side x 15 reps

Hammer d/b curls
to 47.5-kilos (PB??) x 6 very loose reps. 45kg bells in use.

hard machine
to 15p x 6 hard reps, d/s 10p x 8 reps

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L/H: CoC 3 x VN, 5 x 1, TnG, 1 x 1 reps
R/H: BBSE x VN, VVN, 1, F, F

2HP - volume
Made up set to 47mm (dunno what that weighs) for grip comp in August. There will be a short period of adaption. I may add a little one hand work and write out a program.
to +70-kilos x 3 x 3 reps. Felt the difference.

Edit - may not need to adjust size for event d'oh!"

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late due to bleeding well waiting on bits and people

Power Squat machine
to 260-kilos x 8 hardish reps

Leg Press
to 630-kilos x 8 easy reps

Leg Curls
to stack x 13 r/p reps

Leg Ext
to stack x 13 r/p reps

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Vulcan Gripper
L/H: 5/5+B N, 1, F, 1, 1 reps
R/H: 6/6 x F, VN, VVN, 1, 1 reps

2HP - max @ 44mm
to +80-kilos x 5 x 1 reps (plan starts soon)

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CG Bench
to 132.5-kilos x 2 x 3 hard reps. d/s 60-kilos x 15 reps


to stack x 9 hardish reps and then d/s 1/2 stack x 15 reps

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small twinge in back reminds me to stretch

P/squat machine
to 270-kilos x 8 reps

Leg Press
to 650-kilos x 8 reps, took knee wraps off and still did 4 more reps (do I need them??)

Leg Curls
to stack x 13 reps

Leg Ext
to stack x 15 r/p reps

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Lovely sunny day - off out soon with luck - hence am grip work
L/H: 5/5+B x VN, TnG, 1, 1, 1 reps
R/H: 6/6 x 1, 1, TnG, 1,1 reps

2HP - max
to +81-kilos x 1, 1, 1/2, 1, 1, 1 reps

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Gym today as closed tomorrow (bank hol). Need to fix kitchen sink and bird shit (when on you) is NOT lucky - one hit me on the way back from the gym ha ha. Twinge on left side (upper back near shoulder blade) annoying as was tight hips. Nice day

Iso Press
to 62.5-kilos a side x 3 reps, then 4 rps then 63.75-kilos x 2 and a failed rep - d/s 20-kilos e/s x 15reps

Hammer db curls
to 40-kilos (or 42.5??) x 8 loose reps

to 16p x 6 ugly reps - d/s 10p x 10 reps

Some adjustments as gym was busy.

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Monday (bank holiday)
Grippers all over place but pinch ok
L/H: CoC 3 x VVN, 1, 1, 1, VVN, VVN, VVN, VVN, VVN

2HP - vol
to +72-kilos (94.7 kg) x 3 x 3 reps (all r/pause)

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Back giving me a lot of gip. In spite of stretching, popping etc I couldn't go as heavy as I wanted on the power squat.
Power Squat
to 150-kilos x 8 reps. I tried 280-kilos but no go

Leg Press
to 700-kilos x 6 reps (3/3). No wraps

Leg Curls
to stack x 12 very hard reps (maybe cos of leg press)

Leg Ext
to stack x 15 reps n/s

Wrist curls
F: to 35-kilos x 10 reps
R: to 15-kilos x 3 x 10 reps

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Great day with Doomy as per (cook!!). Then off to gym. Hard work possibly made worse by all being done in 45 mins
Iso Inc Bench (usual posts full after 5pm)
20kg e/s x 8 reps, 40kg e/s x 8 reps


Iso lever row
40kg e/s x 8 reps, 60kg e/s x 8 reps, 80kg e/s x 8 reps, 95kg e/s x 8 reps, 40kg e/s x 12 reps


Iso bench
20kg a side x 8 reps, 60kg x 8 reps a side, 70kg x 8 reps a side (tough), 20kg a side x 12 rep

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Friday - volume day
Decided to do, if low, a volume day on grippers as well.

L/H: 4/4 x (L12) 6 x 3 reps
R/H: 5/5 x (L15) 4 x 2 reps

to + 73-kilos (95.7) x 3 x 3 reps (last set n/s)

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Mostly straight sets as gym busy in the morning

Iso Press
to 63.75-kilos a side x 3 reps+, d/s x 20-kilos a side x 15 reps

Hammer d/b curls
to 42.5-kilos @ x 8 reps d/s 20-kilos @ x 8 reps

1 arm tricep pressdowns
to 7.5p x 8 reps d/s (both hands) 7.5p x 10 reps

1/1/3 reps @ (thumb power off - possibly due to hanging off thumbs on d/s pressdowns)

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Max day
L/H: 5/5+B x TnG, 1, 1, 1 reps
R/H: 6/6 x 1, TnG, 1, 1 reps

to +83-kilos (105.7) x 1, 1, 1 and 2 and 1/2 reps (will do again)

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Does my back want to take part or not? Higher reps and a small change or 2
Power Squat
to 150-kilos x 15 reps and then back wasn't having it so 190-kilos x 8 reps flat backed

Leg Press
to 660-kilos x 8 reps no wraps

Leg Curls
to stack x 13 reps

Leg Ext
to stack x 16 r/p reps

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Wednesday - volume
L/H: 4/4 x 3 reps, 4/4+B x 3 x 3 reps all wide set
R/H: 5/5 x 3 x 3 reps

+74-kilos x 3 x 3 reps - all rest pause

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Busy, busy. Up early and off to gym before usual time. All machines for chest n back for a change of pace.

Iso Inch Bench
to 50-kilos a side x 8 hard reps

Iso Flat Bench
to 70-kilos a side x 6 reps d/s 30-kilos a side x 8 hard reps (worked in with any user)


Iso Pulldown
to 60-kilos a side x 8 reps d/s 20-kilos a side x 12 reps

to 40-kilos dumbbell x 8 reps - d/s x 20-kilos x 15 reps


to 15-kilos dumbbell x 8 reps d/s 10-kilos x 12+ reps

Bwt: 19st 3lbs at the mo (good food helps). Forearm (r/h) after pumped a half inch to 15 and 3/4 inches flexed

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