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Mobster's Wrist Roller Work


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@ home

CG Bench Press

to 142-kilos x 6 x 1 reps (last 3 s/s with deads)


to 170-kilos x 5 reps (last rep v ugly)

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V/Gripper and TSG

1/1 x 8 reps @, 3/3 x 3 reps @, 5/5 x 1 rep @ then

L/H: to GHP 8 x N, 1, TnG, VN, VN

R/H: to 2 attempts at the CoC 4 (both to 1/4 inch)


The two hand pinch w/out was, to be frank, shite. The skin tear on my left thumb webbing needs more time and even lifting off the sweet spot still caused grief.


Mind (bad word filter) today. Not helped by the gym scales. On the up a free t-shirt from the gym is nice. The loss on the scales motivated my gym work. Used a BP Intra product during workout (as in amino acids drink)

Seated press

to 102.5-kilos x 2 x 4 hard reps - 60-kilos x 8 reps

s/s heavy sets with

Hammer DB Curls

to 45-kilos x L5/6R reps - 22.5-kilos x 8 reps

s/s heavy set with


7p x 8 reps, 11p x 8 reps, 15p x 8 reps - 8p x 8 reps


L3/4R reps, L4/5R reps. Too out of it to do farmers walk

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Man on a mission today. Went to JSP+, bank, opticians (collected new glasses), dentist (signed in and booked appt), shops and did a bunch of other stuff. Tesco sim not working so cancelled contract and signed with Virgin. Slightly more expensive but more than double minutes and unlimited texts. Back home and later in the day plumber called and may be able to start work next week and may even have a roofer for me. I just need a sensible quote.

I painted while grip training and knocked pinch on the head for now and so adjustable thick bar came forward. I'd like to do 160-kilos by the spring.



L/H: 5/6 x 6 x 1 reps. Even this irritated my tear.

R/H: 6/6 x 6 x 1 reps

Adj thick bar

B/H: to set up (at 60mm) +110-kilos x 4 x 1 reps then was on fire and did 6 reps with each hand (right was better)

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to 280-kilos x 6 reps


to 680-kilos x 6 reps


to stack x 10 reps

Leg Ext

to 13p x 8 r/p reps




L/H: to 5/6 x 1, 1, F, N, 1, VN, 1 reps

R/H: to 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps then 6/7 x N, 7/6 x F, 6/7 x VVN

Adj T/Handle

to set up + 112.5-kilos x 3 x 3 reps with either hand




Close Grip Bench Press

to 145-kilos x 4 x 1 reps


to 197.5-kilos x 2 x 3 reps. Tough as belt was being a bugger to adjust and needs replacing. On the first very ugly set I was notr getting my hips through at the top. Much adjusting of belt and so a long rest and the second set was better.


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L/H: 5/6 x 1, 1, VVN, 1 reps then 6/5 x 1, 1, F reps
R/H: 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps, then 6/7 x VVN, 1, N, 1 reps

Adj T/handle
to +115-kilos x 2 x 3 reps each hand

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appt at 1030 and then chasing up stuff. Most amusing was a automated call from Virgin re their service to me yesterday (try piss poor). They got it in the neck.

While working out I dragged my bedding down to the office (so damned cold upstairs it had to be done) and hoovered, prepped my evening meal etc etc. It slows me down for a power workout rather than a faster paced conditioning / bodybuilding style routine.

Torsion Spring Grippers
L/H: GHP 8 x VN, VVN, VVN, VN, VVN VVN reps
R/H: CoC 3.5 x 3 x 1 reps, then BBSE x 1, 1, N, 1 reps

to + 85-kilos x one fail and then a single rep. I wanted to see how I was (still strong ha ha) and how the skin was (held out). I did not do any more to keep it from tearingThursday
appt at 1030 and then chasing up stuff. Most amusing was a automated call from Virgin re their service to me yesterday (try piss poor). They got it in the neck.

While working out I dragged my bedding down to the office (so damned cold upstairs it had to be done) and hoovered, prepped my evening meal etc etc. It slows me down for a power workout rather than a faster paced conditioning / bodybuilding style routine.

Torsion Spring Grippers
L/H: GHP 8 x VN, VVN, VVN, VN, VVN VVN reps
R/H: CoC 3.5 x 3 x 1 reps, then BBSE x 1, 1, N, 1 reps

to + 85-kilos x one fail and then a single rep. I wanted to see how I was (still strong ha ha) and how the skin was (held out). I did not do any more to keep it from tearing

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Funny old mood and off my game today. Too much empathy - a sign of my age and or having changed from how I used to be. Harden the f**k up is the motto for today.

My back decided it was not having it at all.
set up x 12 reps no problem, 100-kilosx 8 reps easy. 200-kilos no sirree.

The following done as two giant sets.
Leg Press
200-kilos x 50 reps, 30 reps

Leg Curls
1/2 stack x 30 reps, 1/2 stack x 30 reps

Leg Ext
1/2 stack x 30 reps, 1/2 stack x 30 reps

6 back to back reps each and then two x holds for time each hand.

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Working out whatever at the gym (PH)
C G Bench Press
bar x 12 reps, 60-kilos x 8 reps, 100-kmilos x 6 reps, 145-kilos x 3 x 1 reps 147.5-kilos x 1 rep, 100-kilos x 10 reps, 60-kilos x 20 reps


1 arm dumbbell row (lower back too sore still)
50-kilos x 8 reps, 70-kilos x 8 reps, 90-kilos x 6 reps @ arm

a handful of one hand deadlifts / pickups and 1 hold per hand.

Edited by mobsterone
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L/H: 5/6 x 5 of 6 x 1 reps (hand slipped on N only rep)
R/H: 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps, 6/7 x 2 of 3 x 1 reps (piss poor set)

Adj Thick Bar
to +116.25-kilos x 2 x 3 reps each alternating

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Plumbers been here for day two. Now I need an electrician... money out does not equal money in :( In a very moody mood on way to gym aided by two bills from B Gas. One for 4k and another for 1.4k. Both bollocks.

@ PH
Didn't go mad as back still not 100%.
To 150-kilos x 10 reps

Leg Press
to 600-kilos x 15 reps off of pins

Leg Curl
to stack x 8 reps (hard for some reason)

Leg Ext
to stack x 15 d/d reps

Inch + Fat Gripz + showing off
worked to FG + 90-kilo dumbbell., After workout showed a member my one handed Inch farmers walk by doing a there and back on the mats - about 30 feet

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T S Grippers
L/H: CoC 3 x 3 r/p reps, acc effort on a CoC 3.5 1/2 inch (which was nice), GHP 8 x VVN, N, VN, F, F, VVN
R/H: CoC 3 x 3 reps, GHP8 x x 1 reps, CoC 3.5 x 1 rep, BBSE x 1, VVN, TnG, 1, 1 reps

to +82.5-kilos (104.7-kilos) x 2 x 1 reps and 1 x 2 reps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been away, been pissed off. Life got in the way. The week or so off has not been kind. Onwards

C G B/Press
to 139.5-kilos x 2 x 1 reps

to 150-kilos x 2 x 3 reps

warmed up as per with the VG then
L/H: coC 3 x 1,N,1, VVN
R/H: CoC 3 x 3 reps, CoC 3.5 x 3 x 1 reps, BBSE x 1, VVN, 1 reps

to 104.5 x 1, 1, 2 reps

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Not over done today. Mostly due to coughing and spluttering most of the day. Hopefully just a cold.
L/H: 5/6 x N, N, N
R/H:n 6/7 1/4, F, 1/4

Adj T/Handle
B/H: to +110-kilos x 3 alternating reps each

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Up with the lark etc. Off to the closed gym I go.. back I come. Ergo much reduced workout later in the day. Left shoulder a bit stiff hence slow rise in weights.

Seated Press in rack
Used my pullums bar
bar x 8 reps, 47 x 8 reps, 57 x 8 reps, 67 x 8 reps, 77 x 8 reps, sleeves on, 87 x 4 reps, sleeves off, 47 x 15 reps

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Appt in town. Went well. Feel good factor made gym feel easy if late.

L/H: CoC 3 x 6 x 1 reps
R/H: finished on BBSE x 3 x 1 reps

to +83-kilos (105.7) x 1, 1, 2 reps

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Not supposed to be back until later but here I am so to the gym we go. Then off to Cardiff after food.
CG Bench
to 140-kilos x 4 x 1 reps


to 195-kilos x 3 r/p reps. Hard

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Thank god for naps. I didn't hit the sack until 4am and so was blitzed. Throw in a rail replacement service and I needed some zz's.

could have been better
L/H: to 5/6 x 1, N and F.
R/H: to 6/7 x 2 x 1/4-inch and 1 fail. Poor.

upped the weight. Skin tore a bit so I clipped it off and did what needed to be done.
to + 83.5-kilos (106.2kg)

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It's amazing what feeling like you've been stitched up can do to ones mood and so, by default, ones training. I was well up for it.

V/Gripper then TSG
L/H: to CoC 3 x 5 x 1 reps followed by VVN, VVN, VN
R/H: 3 attempts at CoC 4 first best at N

Adj thick handle
to +110-kilos x 3 reps alternating each

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Hoped to do some work on the house but too big a job and many distractions (good ones lol)...

issues with setting etc throughout
L/H: 5/6 x VN, N. F, N
R/H: 6/7 x F, F, N, N

to 106.2-kilos x 4 x 1 reps

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Arrgghh. Plus on arriving at gym, well passed opening time, it was shut. I have owners number so chased that up, half frozen, shopped and then back to gym. Didn't have to pay and got coffee. I allowed the mornings frustrations to fuel the workout.

to 180-kilos x 8 reps, foot plate down / ass out.

Leg Press
to 640-kilos x 8 reps

Leg curl
to 18p x 12 reps


Leg ext
to single leg x 11p x 10 reps each

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TSG work (warm ups on Vulcan)
L/H: GHP 8 x N, F (poor set), VVN, VVN
R/H: CoC 4 x 1/2", 1/4" and less than a quarter inch (slightly longer rest due to call on phone)

Adj T/Handle
to +115-kilos x 3 alternating reps

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Struggled cos of cough - hello bottle of Covonia
Seated Press
to 100-kilos x 3, 4 and 3 reps - d/s 60-kilos x 8 reps

Hammer d/b curls
to 35-kilos x 8 loose reps

to 14p x 8 reps d/s 8p x 8 reps

supersets etc as per

x 2 - see cough., I was winded big time.

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Cough still a pain in the butt
took a while to get going
L/H: 5/5 x F then 6 x 1 reps, 5/6 x 1 rep
R/H: 5/5 x 3 x 1 reps, 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps, 6/7 x F

to +84-kilos (106.7-kilos) x 3 x 1 reps

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Cough still a pain in the butt


took a while to get going

L/H: 5/5 x F then 6 x 1 reps, 5/6 x 1 rep

R/H: 5/5 x 3 x 1 reps, 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps, 6/7 x F


to +84-kilos (106.7-kilos) x 3 x 1 reps

Im sorry if I seem retarded now but I dont understand what you mean with the grippers.

What grippers were used. :)?

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Off - washed out. Went to bed early after movie.

SNOW!! And so onsie on under kit and off to gym. You didn't think that was gonna stop me did you? Feel a little better.

CG Bench Press
to 142.5-kilos x 3 x 1 reps d/s 100-kilos x 8 reps, 60-kilos x 20 reps

s/s heavy sets with

to 195-kilos x 3 very r/pause style (dizzy n breathing hard)

1/3 reps, 3/3 reps and then r/h carry back to rack spot

Cough still a pain in the butt
took a while to get going
L/H: 5/5 x F then 6 x 1 reps, 5/6 x 1 rep
R/H: 5/5 x 3 x 1 reps, 6/6 x 3 x 1 reps, 6/7 x F

to +84-kilos (106.7-kilos) x 3 x 1 reps

Im sorry if I seem retarded now but I dont understand what you mean with the grippers.

What grippers were used. :)?

If you look you'll see v/gripper (so Vulcan gripper).

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