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Mobster's Wrist Roller Work


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Trained early due to appointment. Right hip and knee annoying me. Previously I trained legs etc roughly every 8-10 days and currently it's weekly. This may be a tad too much. I may also be getting old...

Leg Press

to 360-kilos x 12 reps


60-kilos x 3 x 8 reps (last set elevated)

Leg Ext

to 120-kilos x 12 reps

Leg Curl

to 80-kilos x 5+1+1 reps

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Gripper work - went to poop - may need to ease off.


Note R/H RT work - as Thursday??

Iso Press (once again Jones in use)

52.5-kilos e/s x 8 reps (!) so 55-kilos a side (best so far) x 4 reps - 20-kilos e/s x 10 reps

H/D/B Curls

to 37.5-kilos @ x 6 loose reps - 17.5-kilos x 10 reps


to 77.5-kilos x 7 reps - 60-kilos x 8 reps (s)


B/H: usual warm ups

L/H: 112.5-kilos x1, 1, 3 reps

R/H: 120-kilos x F, F, 117.5-kilos x 1 then F.

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B/H: usual warm ups. The right, as per, feeling like it needs more.

L/H: 5/6 x 1 rep, 6/5 x 1, VN, VVN, TnG, 6/6 x VVN, VN

R/H: 6/6 x 1 rep, 6/7 x 1 rep, 7/6 x N, VVN, 1, VN, VN

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Not long, I think, before the big move.

CG Bench (on Jones all over benches in use)

to 120-kilos x 2 x 3 reps - 80-kilos x 8-10 reps*

LPD - v bar

75-kilos x 8 reps, 100-kilos x 8 reps, 130-kilos x 7 rep - 80-kilos x 8+ reps*


bar x 12 reps, 60-kilos x 8 reps, 100-kilos x 6 reps, 140-kilos x 5 reps, 180-kilos x 3 + 2 ugly ass reps


to 40-kilos x 5 reps - 17.5-kilos x 10 reps*

* means I think / approx

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Slightly off focus session


B/H: usual warm ups etc

L/H: to 6/6 x N, VVN, VVN, VN

R/H: to 7/6 x VN, TnG, VVN

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late due to grocery shopping at last minute decision by my bro (real life n all).


Not having down this in a while (2nd session in 2 weeks and then not for ages) it's showing me where my twinges are.

Bar x 12 reps, 60-kilos x 3 x 10 reps

Leg Press

120-kilos x 15 reps, 240-kilos x 15 reps, 360-kilos x 15 reps (SB)

Leg Curls*

35-kilos x 12 rep, 55-kilos x 12 reps, 80-kilos 7 r/p reps

Leg Ext*

50-kilos x 15 reps, 80-kilos x 15 reps, stack x 13 reps


5-kilos x 15 reps, 10-kilos x 12 reps, 20-kilos x 8 reps - 5-kilos x 15 reps

* giant set

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Bored and waiting, waiting, waiting on final bits-n-bobs. Now also getting hassle again re stuff in storage (!soon!!)


did not go to max but tried holds. Slight twinge inside of right elbow (muscle/tendon)

B/H: usual warm ups

L/H: 5/6 x 1 rep, 6/5 x 1, 1, VNN, VVN dropped to 5/5 x 3 lots of holds for time using HG300 as 'gap'

R/H: 6/ x 1 rep, 6/7 x 4 x 1 reps, 6/6 x 3 x holds (last very short).

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A fun morning... certainly non-standard. Up early to make sure my brain etc is ready for the Olympic Torch procession (pics on FB). Which meant I was in Beef's Gym at 9.30am. I had a coffee brought in a petrol station with a caffeine tablet to get me wired.

Iso Press

No adjustable bench available for Jones machine

handles x 12 reps, 20-kilos a side x 8 reps, 40-kilos a side x 8 reps, 55-kilos a side x 6 hard reps (s) - 20-kilos a side x 10 reps.

Alt DB Curls

Did these strict. 10-kilos x 12 reps, 15-kilos x 10 reps, 20-kilos x 8 reps (lighter than last time but better form) - 7.5-kilos x 20 reps = pumped.

1 arm TPD (DR)

Struggled to get elbow supports on for last set so did without.

30-kilos x 12 reps, 45-kilos x 10 reps, 55-kilos x 8 reps - over to TPD (standard form) 45-kilos x 15 reps

F/Gripz DB Holds

Made left hand little finger bleed on first set somehow. So taped up and carried on.

50-kilos x 22, 25 and 25 reps, took gripz off and did another 15-20 secs. All times approx.

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Chest n back

CG bench press

to 120-kilos x 2 x 4 reps

Iso lever Row

to 81.25-kilo per arm x 8 reps


RH not on form again - tsk. So volume instead

BH: to 112.5-kilos x 2 x 3 reps

Deadlifts next time

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A fun morning... certainly non-standard. Up early to make sure my brain etc is ready for the Olympic Torch procession (pics on FB). Which meant I was in Beef's Gym at 9.30am. I had a coffee brought in a petrol station with a caffeine tablet to get me wired.

Iso Press

No adjustable bench available for Jones machine

handles x 12 reps, 20-kilos a side x 8 reps, 40-kilos a side x 8 reps, 55-kilos a side x 6 hard reps (s) - 20-kilos a side x 10 reps.

Alt DB Curls

Did these strict. 10-kilos x 12 reps, 15-kilos x 10 reps, 20-kilos x 8 reps (lighter than last time but better form) - 7.5-kilos x 20 reps = pumped.

1 arm TPD (DR)

Struggled to get elbow supports on for last set so did without.

30-kilos x 12 reps, 45-kilos x 10 reps, 55-kilos x 8 reps - over to TPD (standard form) 45-kilos x 15 reps

F/Gripz DB Holds

Made left hand little finger bleed on first set somehow. So taped up and carried on.

50-kilos x 22, 25 and 25 reps, took gripz off and did another 15-20 secs. All times approx.

little finger bleeding and your still carrying on...true grit right there Mob

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Trained, after warm ups, in the garden. I'm still red armed from yesterdays sun but it's to be made the most of.


L/H: 5/6 x VN, VN, VN, 1, 1, 1, VVN, VVN 1 reps

R/H: 6/7 x VVN, VVN, 1, 1, 1 reps, 7/6 x 1, 1, 1 and TnG reps

NB: D/dip reps


A fun morning... certainly non-standard. Up early to make sure my brain etc is ready for the Olympic Torch procession (pics on FB). Which meant I was in Beef's Gym at 9.30am. I had a coffee brought in a petrol station with a caffeine tablet to get me wired.

Iso Press

No adjustable bench available for Jones machine

handles x 12 reps, 20-kilos a side x 8 reps, 40-kilos a side x 8 reps, 55-kilos a side x 6 hard reps (s) - 20-kilos a side x 10 reps.

Alt DB Curls

Did these strict. 10-kilos x 12 reps, 15-kilos x 10 reps, 20-kilos x 8 reps (lighter than last time but better form) - 7.5-kilos x 20 reps = pumped.

1 arm TPD (DR)

Struggled to get elbow supports on for last set so did without.

30-kilos x 12 reps, 45-kilos x 10 reps, 55-kilos x 8 reps - over to TPD (standard form) 45-kilos x 15 reps

F/Gripz DB Holds

Made left hand little finger bleed on first set somehow. So taped up and carried on.

50-kilos x 22, 25 and 25 reps, took gripz off and did another 15-20 secs. All times approx.

little finger bleeding and your still carrying on...true grit right there Mob

Bled before. Best one was years back on v-bar work. Tore a flap right off, put tissue on it, carried on. I trained that year with the novice guy (he won his class too) and we both had the same problem.

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Even allowing for the heat training today was stupidly hard. My hips and knees aches on squats and leg press (less on this). My back did NOT like the rack pulls and my left wrist (front side) was not liking the wrist curls. All in all it was aches and pains. Bwt down to 280 from 282 but that may have just been water.


bar x 12 reps, 60-kilos x 12 reps (feet on floor) 60-kilos x 2 x 12 reps (heels elevated). I'm using straps to hold onto the bar as my wrists and shoulders do not like the usual holding the bar position at all.

Leg press

to 380-kilos x 15 hard reps

Rack pulls (4-6 inches)

to 220-kilos x 3 x 1 reps. Back was not liking this at all. I was getting pins and needles up the right hand side.



R/H: 42.5-kilos x 6 reps - 20-kilos x 15 reps - inside of elbow twinging

L/H: tried 42.5... dropped to 35-kilos x 6 reps - 20-kilos x 15 reps

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Off day + appointment. Stupidly hot too - very draining.


Baring in mind the lack of a euro set up for at least another week (come to papa) and zero chalk....I'm now in competition mode.


Used my loading pin +

30-kilos (2 x 15) x 8 reps, 50-kilos x 3 reps, 60-kilos x 1 rep, 70-kilos x F (so humid), dropped to 62.5-kilos x 5 x 1 reps, 3 rep, 3 reps. Nice meat burn

s/s heavy sets with warm ups on press

Seated Iso Press

to 56.25-kilos a side x 6 reps

Hammer DB Curls

to 40-kilos x 8 loose reps (w/wraps on ) - 25-kilos x 8 reps

s/s with


to 77.5-kilos x 8 reps - 50-kilos x 8 reps

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As I officially started training yesterday, even with the limited equipment I have access to, for Britain's Most Powerful Hands 2012 that dictated that I do holds for time (using a Vulcan at 5/5 (eqv to a CoC 3) and an HG300 held in the jaws as it were. Times noted in my log but not online for the benefit of my competitors. Other event numbers will fall out of the log as e get closer to the comp.


B/H: Usual warm ups

L/H: to 6/5 x 1 rep then down to 5/5 x 3 holds with HG300 - a little better than last time

R/H: to 7/6 x 1 rep then down to 5/5 x 3 holds - as L/H

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Might need to work on lower back strength.

CG Bench Press

to 122.5-kilos x 2 x 4 reps

s/s heavy set with

LPD V-handle

to 130-kilos x 8 rough-n-ready reps - 80-kilos x 8 reps (hard)

Fat Gripz DB Deadlifts (in lieu of adjustable for comp)

biggest bell (70kg) x 1, 2 and 3 reps per hand. Miles way from being heavy enough.

Rack pulls (in lieu of frame hold)

to 200-kilos and still not putting my hips through properly. Sans chalk as per which doesn't help.

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It is, as the saying goes, going to be an interesting week (QED issues in Glos??)


B/H: As per

L/H: as last time and then 3 timed holds (1-2 secs more than last time)

R/H: as last time and then 3 timed holds (1-2 secs more than last time)

I'm using a similar principle and approach to this as with previous timed events I've done and had success with.

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You ever interested in trying the IM#3.5 cert again? I still remember your strong MM7 dud and #4 closes, not to mention a lot of big Vulcan numbers.

Zjust curious. Still following this log.

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Hi Geralt, not for now. I'm moving to a new placxe this week and teh condition is such it'll take some work to get it up to scratch. It also needs a change of use permit of sorts. Work (as in a day job) will be a priority and I've put myname forward for the Britain's Strongest Hand 2012 event so all that will keep me busy.

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I may now possess the worlds crappiest battery on my mobile phone - 1 call and it dies a death. More pains in the ass with regards to problems in Glos - 1 more week...



70-kilos, heels elevated, hips forward (esp at top) x 3 x 8 reps

Leg Press

to 390-kilos x 15 reps (sb - no wraps)

Leg Ext*

to 120-kilos x 14 reps

Leg Curl*

to 80-kilos x 8 reps r/p



L/H: 40-kilos x 5 reps (back of wrist said no more) - 20-kilos x 12 reps

R/H: 42.5-kilos x 6 reps - 20-kilos x 12 reps

* = giant sets

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  • 3 weeks later...

And going back some time... I kept training throughout.



A bugger to use - I'm too tall

to 40-kilos a side x 7 reps (aided by other members lifting it to get started)

HDB Curls

to 36-kilos @ x 6 reps


to 120-kilos x 2 x 8 reps and a ds


to ??

Inch Dumbbell

1, 2 and 3 reps @


Gripper timed hold work


to 97.7 x 1RM


@ Powerhouse

CG Bench

to 125-kilos x 2 x 3 reps


to 18p x 8 reps

DODL Thick bar

to 180-kilos x 3 reps


to 42.5-kilos x 6 reps @ d/s with 20-kilos


faffed around on sledgehammer deadlift


Power Squat machine at Powerhouse

to 220-kilos x 6 reps

Leg Press

to 520-kilos x 9 reps

Leg Ext

to stack x 10 reps

Leg Curl (seated)

to 17p x 8 reps

Frame holds (using trap bar)

to 260/280-kilos x time


Gripper - silver bullet work

working on timed holds. Warmed up with VG and then RB260 (no No 3 now...) and using an HG300 held between handles for time

2HP on euro

3 x 3 reps with 89.7-kilos


Seated Press in rack

to 90-kilos x 5 shaky reps (no free weight pressing in ages)

HDB Curls

to 35-kilos 6 reps


to 13plates (130??) x 6 reps

Fat Gripz dumbbell deadlift

Dale Norris's Inch x 2 x 1 reps either hand then 90-kilo + FG x 1 rep each


to 55-kilos x 3 reps. Hard!!

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faffed about then did some:

Sledge hammer deadlifts


Competition game face time

CG Bench Press

to 125-kilos x 2 x 3 reps

Iso Lever Row

to 85-kilos x 8 reps @ side


to 185-kilos x 3 reps

RW Curls

to 22.5-kilos x 6 reps - d/s to 10-kilos x 10 reps @

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Vulcan Gripper and gripper holds for time

as per to

L/H: 6/5 x 2 x 1 rep then timed holds with an RB260+300

R/H: 6/7 x 2 x 1 rep then timed holds as above

2HP (two hand pinch)

to 90.7-kilos x 3 x 3 reps (2nd set rest pause).

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As per yesterday my back is aching still from Sunday's efforts. I couldn't do any heavy set seated leg curls and struggled even more over and above the usual discomfort on the frame holds.

Power squat machine

to 220-kilos x 7 reps - keeping back neutral

Leg Press

to 550-kilos x 10+ reps off of safeties on last set

Leg ext

to stack x 12 reps

Leg curls

as above note

frame holds

to 280-kilos for 3 sets timed holds. See note

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Back still doesn't like me but walking does it good. As I had to go into town today that helped.

Sledge Hammer deadlifts

Essentially they sound like. You pick up said hammer by the very end of the handle (so back of fist is in line with the end) and keep it dead level. I thick a coin goes on the hammer head of course heaviest hammer wins. I'll assume handles are all the same length. I'm using a shorter LGC V-Bar with weight added and using a non-stop touch n go style = ouch! Bar weighs 2kg and I worked to



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Knackered. My back STILL not being cooperative.

Seated Press

to 90-kilos x 8 reps

HDB Curls

to 37.5-kilos x 6 loose reps (twinging in back)


to 14 plates on machine x 8 HARD reps - d/s 80-kilos x 8 reps


to 60-kilos x 3 reps (flexors) and 30-kilos x 3 x 3 reps (extensors)

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