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Diesel Crew Video Update

Jedd Johnson

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Had an all-around strong week this week. Hit a milestone, tried to pinch like Richard Sorin, and got tough against my nemesis stone.

Here's a compilation with a little humor thrown in there. Please Right Click and Save Target As. If the video comes out really small, right click on it and choose "Full Screen." Turn it up, guys. Or else you'll miss details.

Napalm - July 20 - 25, 2004


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Excellent video Jedd, and once again, you have beat me to another grip strength feat- 2-45s.

The only way I can save face is to try to get that 360 stone without any tacky. :whistel

Like I have told you many times before, I am in constant awe on your abilities to get strong on a regular basis. There is no stopping you man! Is Jedd Man? Or Machine?


Rick Walker :rock

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Awesome :rock I love your guys' videos. Congratulations on the 45's. I love that feat and it's a future goal of mine.

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Is Jedd Man?  Or Machine?

I don't know, but he's always an inspiration. Watching the Jedd/DC vids makes me feel like I did when I was 12 and had just seen a Rocky flick.

Another great vid with great lifts.

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Jedd Johnson that is way cool!!!

Keep on gripping Jedd.

How close are to the #4?

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Again, most don't know the work that goes into these things.

Name added to 2 45's list.

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By the way buddy...

That looks a lot like my stone technique you are using there? If it is-do you like it better? I sink down a little deeper maybe?

It looked MUCH better.

Rick Walker :rock

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Very nice Jedd! You make me want to get stronger, faster.

See you in LaPlata!

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Is this the first actual video of 2-45's going up...?

I know Steve M. has a video throwing 2-45's around at Rick's :rock:blink

Great job Jedd :rock

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Is this the first actual video of 2-45's going up...?

No-steve did it on video. Also, Wade Gillingham picked them up and passed them around his back 10+ times as well. Check out Jackals Gym site for the video.

I know i have seen others do it on film.

Shrug has them on film as well-though I think I have it floating around here somewhere.

Rick Walker :rock

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That's some good pinchin there! My 110 hex block must be broken because it stays stuck to the floor for some reason. 2-45's is dang good man.

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Nice work with the #45s :bow Ya made it look easy.

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Awesome pinching Jedd!! :rock

Those 45s are a great great feat.


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Dang, this cussed computer won't let me see the video. Nice job anyway, I know it was awesome.

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