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International Grip Collective Rule Book

Jedd Johnson

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Brent - In order to not have some Master come in and set a token WR of say 50# on a 2 HP etc we decided that Masters must lift within the given percentages of the open (non Master) weight class record in order to count as a WR.

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Feet must be covered – minimum footwear will be socks"

Does this mean we can't wear our open sandals down here?

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Feet must be covered – minimum footwear will be socks"

Does this mean we can't wear our open sandals down here?

I believe sandals will be fine. Barefoot, not so much.

- Aaron

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so, for the masters WR, does that mean the WR can go up and they lose the record? or, once the record is set then that's the masters record and it will be progressed like a normal record?

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Brent - In order to not have some Master come in and set a token WR of say 50# on a 2 HP etc we decided that Masters must lift within the given percentages of the open (non Master) weight class record in order to count as a WR.

I understand this reasoning. However, in the new weight classes that have recently been created (non-masters) world records have been allowed to be established without any restrictions, correct? Why is that acceptable but not when it comes to masters records?
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Masters Classes

Masters – age on day of contest will be age used

Standards - World Record minimum standards

Age 50-59 = 10% off the respective class record

Age 60-69 = 15% off the respective class record

Age 70-79 = 25% off the respective class record

Age 80+ = 40% off the respective class record

Brent - So we will use Jedd’s Euro Pinch Record in the 120+ class for the example – 121.65 kilos. So if a Masters lifter in the 60 – 69 age group wants to set a MastersWorld Record in this class – he will have to lift 121.65 minus 15% or 121.65 – 18.25 or 103 kilos. Once this record is established no further adjustment will be made so he will never lose record status and will be treated normally after that point. The only problem I see (and I didn’t think of it before while doing this) is my regular 93K WR was set at a 60 – 69 year old age. So the 15% is not going to factor in in this case – it will have to actually be beaten to be the new Masters record I guess. But I do think the fact that I was able to set do such a lift proves the percentages in the Masters group are reasonable but only time will tell. Masters records and their treatment may have to be looked at over time. This is all guess work at this point as we really don’t have any people besides myself in any of these groups. But we do have several very good grip athletes who will be Masters in a year or two (David and Mobster come to mind). What we wanted to avoid was say a 50 – 59 year old coming to a contest and lifting say 70# and that becoming a new WR for the class. This is what we mean by the standards.

There is little doubt that over time things will need changed to meet circumstances we simply didn’t foresee as we did this. People will find loopholes and try to use them etc. We will have missed something – any number of things may bring about necessary changes – and we can deal with them as they come.

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Brent - In order to not have some Master come in and set a token WR of say 50# on a 2 HP etc we decided that Masters must lift within the given percentages of the open (non Master) weight class record in order to count as a WR.

I understand this reasoning. However, in the new weight classes that have recently been created (non-masters) world records have been allowed to be established without any restrictions, correct? Why is that acceptable but not when it comes to masters records?

jchap - I posted while you did so I missed your question - sorry. The answer is we have to start somewhere. Weight classes are brand new in grip and many classes have never had anyone lift in them yet. Any record (token or not) will not stand long before it is set at a higher level. This does open the door for a very light Masters record to be set. But as time goes on and things become more competitive - things should all straighten out. Going from having one class to several weight classes means starting everything from scratch except for the open class - not an easy thing to accomplish. Time should fix this.

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Brent - In order to not have some Master come in and set a token WR of say 50# on a 2 HP etc we decided that Masters must lift within the given percentages of the open (non Master) weight class record in order to count as a WR.

I understand this reasoning. However, in the new weight classes that have recently been created (non-masters) world records have been allowed to be established without any restrictions, correct? Why is that acceptable but not when it comes to masters records?

jchap - I posted while you did so I missed your question - sorry. The answer is we have to start somewhere. Weight classes are brand new in grip and many classes have never had anyone lift in them yet. Any record (token or not) will not stand long before it is set at a higher level. This does open the door for a very light Masters record to be set. But as time goes on and things become more competitive - things should all straighten out. Going from having one class to several weight classes means starting everything from scratch except for the open class - not an easy thing to accomplish. Time should fix this.

Thanks Climber. I agree that this is a very new set-up and that over time things will even out and become more clear. I was just curious as to why a "token" WR could potentially be set in a new weight class, but not in a new Masters category.

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Token records are fine with me, after a year of contests things will be fine.


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Token records are fine with me, after a year of contests things will be fine.


I agree. When someone sees a token record it only fuels them more to take that "easy" record. We've all seen low records and thought, yeah I need to put my name on that. Either way works though. Both are good plans.

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One question I had, the IGC is not the governing body, but we're all kind of following these rules for things to be official, so why isn't the IGC just the governing body?

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One question I had, the IGC is not the governing body, but we're all kind of following these rules for things to be official, so why isn't the IGC just the governing body?

Matt - a good question to which I have no real answer. With actually becoming a "Governing Body" also comes an "Organization" with all the issues that come along with it. Things like incorporation, asset protection for principals, a dues structure, and on and on. None of these things are something I for one am interested in. Forming something like that - at least in the US requires a level of money and commitment that I don't see happening at this point. The only thing I want from a lawyer is distance. :)

And to form something formal without an attorney would be foolhardy.

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All it would really seem to take for the IGC to become the de facto governing body is for promoter's, competitors et al to recognize it as such. "Official" stuff helps but it's not like that would stop someone going off and doing their own thing if they didn't like it (ref; US Powerlifting).

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My main thing is the time. All this stuff take a tremendous amount of time. It never seems like any of us are free at the same time, so we can't put all our focus on it.

Plus, we need a better site than what we have and I just can not update it to where it needs to me, I don't have the expertise.

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My main thing is the time. All this stuff take a tremendous amount of time. It never seems like any of us are free at the same time, so we can't put all our focus on it.

Plus, we need a better site than what we have and I just can not update it to where it needs to me, I don't have the expertise.

Are we better organized now than ever - YES

Do we have a central website - YES

Are we advancing the sport of grip - I believe we are

Do we all want it to be perfect - yes, BUT you and everyone is doing a tremendous job and this is the best organization I have seen in my years of being around.

Let's keep our steady progress going and not get caught up in what we don't have. We've gained A LOT this year.

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I appreciate all the work you guys have been doing. It's never easy running any organization.

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My main thing is the time. All this stuff take a tremendous amount of time. It never seems like any of us are free at the same time, so we can't put all our focus on it.

Plus, we need a better site than what we have and I just can not update it to where it needs to me, I don't have the expertise.

Is there anything we can do to give the Collective that time?

Different time zones can be a bitch when co-operating on things but that's something companies deal with all the time.

"We" as in the wider Grip Community.

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Is there anything we can do to give the Collective that time? Different time zones can be a bitch when co-operating on things but that's something companies deal with all the time. "We" as in the wider Grip Community.

In order to facilitate a more efficient method of communication I setup a private forum just for the group. Complete with chat function so that when we per chance were all on at the same time we could work things out quickly. Trying to do everything though email was way too hard to keep track of where we were at on stuff. The forum is better but still not nearly as good as it would be to get all of us together in person for a weekend to work it all out.

We are making progress though.

- Aaron

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I guess what I was getting at is that it is very hard to expect volunteers to work harder / give up more of their time because they are doing a great deal already. I've done a fair amount of volunteering myself on various things, and the general way I've seen to get as many volunteers to come in on a particularly important day, for example, is to offer to pay them.

If the IGC had a pot of money - either from donations or subscriptions (kind of like how the BHSA was set up) would that be of any help to you all? Even if you couldn't all meet up in one room, would it be conceivable that you could all set a period aside to put all other projects aside and spend it solely on the IGC - and have that as "ring-fenced" time because you are being paid for that work?

That's just one example - I'm just floating ideas here, no idea what has already been discussed amongst yourselves.

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I would also guess this is getting better as it goes. starting from scratch is a lot more work than keeping things going.

i would also like to thank everyone for all the work they've put in.

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I'm so glad I harassed everyone till this got started, I feel responsible and am so proud that things are goin so well, good job guys, I'm wished I could have helped out but I was so busy finishing up with school. I'm cool with what ever youns decide on.


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