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Anyone Tried This?


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I've been trying to think of new way to train with my grippers to reach my current goal. I've been placing small thin circular discs (2mm thick) in-between the handles of my gripper at the top (just under the spring). My theory is, if you all take a gripper you can't close ie #4 and place thin discs at the top of the gripper to fill the gap you can then start this new training.

I am sure that if you take a gripper, and only close it by 2-3mm for 2 weeks then your hands will adapt to this small movement. This will then enable you to get used to a great pressure in your hands. Once your hands can close your goal gripper a few mm comfortably you then remove the next disc, this will then increase the range of movement by an extra 1mm/2-3mm or as you wish.

I don't know how this will work because i've only just started using this for myself, but I'm 100% sure using tiny adjustments to the range of movment will show EVERY person on this site improvements.

If you imagine picking up a 1kg weight everyday and adding just 1lb to it each month you'd find you body would become comfortable with the gentle increase in weight. I think the same will happen with any gripper you try. It may take a year to close that goal gripper but with small increases in movment I think any gripper is possible now.

I've been doing this in the #3 for about 35 days and the the first 10mm range of movment feels like nothing to me, so easy. I'm now dropping another disc and finding it a bit harder but much easier than before to reach the same sticking point in the gripper.

If anyone has used this type of training before can you please post how you got on, if you've not done it before then please give it a try.

If anyone is unsure of what I've said then I'll add pics to show what to do.

Good luck guys........now go and crush your goal grippers!

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very interesting idea! will give it a try!

best of luck with your training :-)

try to do strapholds also .. use a small disc(maybe 0,5kg)or so ... faster gains i believe will come!

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I just started this recently. I use dimes and slide them down as I progress.

Good way to gauge your progress.

Excellent isometric exercise.

When you bend the dime it's time to advance to the next gripper.

Edited by Bonzi
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I have been doing this with pennies for a while.

Make sure to do some full ROM stuff or you will likely lose strength.

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Think I got it now, It just clicked and I knew what you were talking about. :upsidedwn

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Sorry I've not explained this very well guys, I've now added pics to my gallery. I'll try and add the links below but if they don't work just have a look in my album.

I'd like to make it clear that though I belive that this type of training will enable you to make fast progress on ANY gripper, I also think it's fundemental that normal training with FULL range of motion on a gripper is used.

I would only use this training on a gripper that you find really hard to move at all. I have found it to really increse my strength on the first part of my #3 close. I am now slowly removing discs to ease the ROM all the way down to the close of the gripper. If progress continues as it has begun I belive that it may be possible to make a #3 close quite easy.

This method isn't fast but very effective, and if you buy a #4 and and work on it 1mm per month, it 2/3 years you'll be closing it TNS!! :mosher




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Guys i forgot to add, the discs I am using are magnetic so they stick themselves to the underside of the spring and stay in place while the reps are being done, very handy!! :upsidedwn

Sorry I've not explained this very well guys, I've now added pics to my gallery. I'll try and add the links below but if they don't work just have a look in my album.

I'd like to make it clear that though I belive that this type of training will enable you to make fast progress on ANY gripper, I also think it's fundemental that normal training with FULL range of motion on a gripper is used.

I would only use this training on a gripper that you find really hard to move at all. I have found it to really increse my strength on the first part of my #3 close. I am now slowly removing discs to ease the ROM all the way down to the close of the gripper. If progress continues as it has begun I belive that it may be possible to make a #3 close quite easy.

This method isn't fast but very effective, and if you buy a #4 and and work on it 1mm per month, it 2/3 years you'll be closing it TNS!! :mosher




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I do.

I think it is best for learning to set heavy grippers, but I am working on it with stuff closer to the close.

The last few spots get proportionately harder to advance, cause that is the way grippers are. I have often hit a pretty big wall about 1/4" out.

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the discs seems to be on the top i thought they were at the botton (like doing a straphold with a coin)

how they stay on the top without going down?

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Does anyone use this type of training or have any opinions on it?

Where did you get the small discs? I guess pennies or dimes would work the same way, how do you keep them from falling?

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The small discs are magnets so they stick to the spring, meaning I don't need to hold them in place.....very handy! I got mine from some badges we had at work, I'm sure you could get some online. The ones I've got are about 3mm thick.

Do you guys see the theory of working on a tough gripper close 1mm at a time?? 1mm each month should be a realistic target for any gripper, right??

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1mm should be a realistic goal in theory, but training isn't always linear.

Microloading has been successfull for many, and probably not worth a damn to just as many.

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Do you guys see the theory of working on a tough gripper close 1mm at a time?? 1mm each month should be a realistic target for any gripper, right??

Yes, even we who are not awake see the theory you are prescribing.

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Ok so it seems that from the replies here not many people are using this type of training, I'll let you all know how it goes over the next 3 months. I hope if it works for me then it'll work for you guys too.

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Do you guys see the theory of working on a tough gripper close 1mm at a time?? 1mm each month should be a realistic target for any gripper, right??

Yes, even we who are not awake see the theory you are prescribing.

Very clever guy you are mac......

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