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I've been going at it again with the wrist assulting for about 4 months now. Mostly grippers but also with more wristwork, thumb and thickbar. And during this time I've made some serious gains. When I left the game about a year ago due to the cause of injury(not from gripwork), I was pretty consisted with the #2. And 4 months ago when I tried it again for fun, I realized that I could still do it. A bit of a struggle though but I could still do it. I figure that gripstrength is something that kind of stays with you.

So anyhow I began with the grippers again and so far I'm up to the point where I´m just a hair from closing the #3. So this log will act as a motivator to keep hitting it hard and finaly getting it.

I feel that I should mention that I might have a weak #3 as it is footstomped (didn't know better at the time). But I don't care much if it is weak compared to others. Right now That's the one I'm aiming at. And after I hit it, then I´ll get a new one and try to get that one... This log will contain of mostly grip work but also some "regular" training, as this first report will.



80kg 10 reps

90 kg 8 reps

95 kg 5 reps

100kg 3 reps

95kg 4 reps

90kg 7 reps


BW+ 25 kg, 13 reps

BW+ 35 kg, 8 reps

BW+ 50kg, 3 reps

BW+ 25kg, 10 reps

Tricep work with machine




#3; 1/16

1/32 PR




4 negatives


2 OC



4 singles

Filed RB210

2 negatives


2 negatives


2 OC

So there it is. Felt strong, but hopefully I'll get even stronger still

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Thanks Honk.. Dips has always been kind of my thing. Although not going past a 90 degree angle(Big weights can really bust up your shoulders if you go past 90 degrees), I do consider them to be strict compared to many guy's at my gym who are doin the same weights and more in rather crappy form.

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5 singles, 1/16, 1/16, 1/16, 1/4 (damned finger slipped), and 1/8


4 negatives


3 OC

and finaly just for the heck of it tried to TNS the #2. No biggie, done it lots of times before. But I didn't expect to do it at the end of a workout



RB180 5 singles, 1, 1, 1/16, 1/16, 1

Filed RB210

2 negatives

RB180 2 negatives


3 OC

tried a TNS but no dice. Almost an inch away. Have never TNS the 2 with my left so I surtaintly didn't expect it now.

Finished of with extension work

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Bicep and Back day

Bicep curls (dumbell curls)

20 kg 10 reps

22,5 kg 8 reps

25 kg 7 reps(felt to heavy and had to cheat the last 3 reps)

22,5 kg 7 reps


warmup with 70 and 100 kg

120 kg for 6 reps 3 sets

(Have not done theese in over a year so there´s no need for teasing me about the weights)

Bicep curls (barbell curls)

45 kg 10 reps

45 kg 9 reps

45 kg 9 reps

"Bent over row type of machine"

3 sets of 10 reps

Was going to finish up with some serious torture of the biceps. But there must have been low oxygen in the gym cause I was pretty exhausted already. Tried to suck up but it ended up as an pretty half ass effort on some biceps machine... I'll make up for it next time instead

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front levering (using a simple 2 kg dumbell bar and putting weights on one side and holding on the other)


7 kg 13 reps

8,5kg 10 reps

8,5kg 10 reps


5 kg 20 reps

6,5kg 10 reps

6,5kg 10 reps

Front wristrolling with 20 kg

3 sets til fatiqe

Back wristrolling with 10 kg

3 sets til fatiqe

Rear levering

6,5kg 10 reps

6,5kg 10 reps

6,5kg 10 reps


6,5kg 10 reps

6,5kg 10 reps

6,5kg 10 reps

standing wristcurls with dumbells 32 kg each hand rolled out to finger tips

11 reps

12 reps

8 reps

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Made the decition to stay away from grippers for a short while. And I have to say it made a huge difference! Hit somemajor PR this session.



Warmup consisted with 10 reps withTrainer, 10 reps with 1 and 5 reps with RB 180. After that I wash my hands and wrists in hot water.

Filed RB210; 2 reps

#3; I may have closed it and I may not have. If it wasn't closed it must have been really really close! I made good effort tryin to close it for sure in the next 4 singles. But I only came arround 1/16-1/32 in all 4 of the attempts... (so a "I may have closed it" close... PR?)

RB300 (I felt brave); Got it to abot 1/3 of an inch wich is an utterly crazy PR for me!

RB260; 1/16,PR 1/16

RB240; 1/16 (crap! I totally thought I was goin to get it), 1/4

#2 braced no set; 15 reps

#1 TNS; 24 reps


Warmup consisted with 10 reps withTrainer, 10 reps with 1 and 5 reps with RB 160. After that I wash my hands and wrists in hot water.

RB180; 4 reps (Major PR)

Filed RB210; 1/2 PR, 1/2, 1/2

RB180; 2 reps, 1, OC, OC, OC, 1

#1 fingertop TNS; 13 reps, 9 reps

Thumbcloses with both thumbs

HG100; 13 reps

T; 5 reps

HG100; 10 reps, 10 reps

Finished with some extension work

Awsome workout indeed. I was watching magnus "worlds strongest arms" during the workout. Really inspired me to make a serious effort and really go for it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had an absolutly awful session the 13:th. So horrible I desided to put away the 3 for a couple of weeks cus I could only get it to like 1/2 ". I've never had such a drop like this. I thought to myself that it's not supose to be great everytime you train, so I figured I could do some noset closes. But I turned out to be even more horrible in that. Couldn't get my damned 2! Close though but it irritated the hell out of me so I desided to rest a few days. And I don't regret that. Had an awsome session saturday. When I also rediscovered the effect of doing grippers between sets of other work. I use to do them between squats, but since I haven't quite started with squats yet I tested them between my tricep and shoulder work


Warmup shoulders with light militarypresses

warmup grippers

Militarypress 60kg 6 reps

RB240(easy) closed; LRB240(easy) 1/3

Militarypress 60 kg 6 reps

RB260 closed PR; LRB180 2 reps

Militarypress 60kg 5 reps

RB260 almost 2 reps; LRB180 3 reps

onehand militarypress Right 32 kg 5 reps; left hand 25kg 10 reps

RB300 1/2"; LRB180 5 reps PR

OH MP right 25kg 10 reps; Left hand 25 kg 10 reps

RB260 closed; LRB180 3 reps

OH MP right 25 kg 10 reps; Left hand 25 kg 9 reps

RB260 closed; LRB180 2 reps

Tricep press with EZ barbell using both hands 37kg 12 reps

RB240(easy) almost 3 reps PR; LRB180 3 reps

Tricep press 37 kg 12 reps

RB240(hard) 1/32; LRB160 5 reps

tricep press 37kg 12 reps

RB240(hard) closed; LRB160 4reps

After this I did a few pump sets for the triceps

Hope I didn't type this all to confusing. Right hand on the left and left hand on the right.

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Felt that I had to start doing some pinchwork. Havn't done it in over a year. I use to be able to pinch 2 15kg steel eleikoplates. I guess the next time I hit the gym I'll bring some chalk and see where my pinch is at for the moment (I don't have any smooth plates at home) Today I was using a substitute 7 cm wide cement block wich I tied on a barbell that I used to alter the weight.

2HP (all weights are aprox)

40 kg


60kg 2 reps (very tough on the thumb webbing)

70kg miss

60kg 2 reps

60kg single

I have no idea wheras this is good or bad nor do I know how it compares to pinching steel plates. I just felt like pinching today and this was all that I had to work with.


15kg plate (34 cm across) 5 reps with right 2 reps with left

7 reps with right 2 reps with left

7 reps with right left using 10 kg plate for 15 reps

thumbcloses HG100 using both thumbs

13reps; 12reps; 10 reps

wristcurls to finger tips(I hate theese)

26kg 12reps right 12 reps left for 3 sets

Front level

Right 8,5kg 10 reps for 2 sets

Left 7kg 10 reps for 2 sets


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Nice work David! Good job on the RB260 also. Those are stout. Was it a narrow one or the wider version?

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Nice work David! Good job on the RB260 also. Those are stout. Was it a narrow one or the wider version?

Indeed they are stout! It's the wider version, 2,75 inches to be somewhat exact. And I love it cos this one is just a tad harder than my 3, but the sweep is easy so it's really great for me to do negatives with it.

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yesterdays work 25/3

R hand


RB240(easy) 2 reps. Set it pretty deep but I retaliated it by opening past parallell the second rep

RB260 single

#3, got to 1/32

#3 closed it but with a really deep set, so it kind of doesn't count

RB300 negative, negative, negative (killer!)

Filed RB210 OC, OC

RB180 mad OC

L hand

RB single

Filed RB210 got to 1/2

Filed RB210 got to 2/3

RB180 single, single

Filed RB210 negative, negative, negative

RB160 OC, OC

#2 OC

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Might be an idea to rank my grippers to clarafy a bit and make it esiaer to follow

ranked by strength, starting from weakest

HG100 2,5 inch spread, rated joke

Trainer 2,75 inch spread rated trainer

#1 2,87 inch spread rated #1

#2 2,91 inch spread, rated #2

RB160 2,95 inch spread rated 2,2

RB180 2,83 inch spread rated 2,3

Filed RB210 3,15 inch spread rated 2,7

RB240(easy) 2,83 inch spread rated 2,8

RB260 2,76 inch spread rated 2,95 (rated it first as 3,2 then 3,1 then 3,05 and now 2,95. I'm either decived by seasoning or I'm just getting stronger at this particular type of gripper with easier sweep and thicker handles)

RB240(hard) 2,83 inch spread rated 3

#3 2,95 inch spread rated 3

RB300 2,76 inch spread rated 3,3-3,5

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R hand

One hand pinch (same cement block as before)

29kg 3 reps

26kg 10 reps

26kg 9 reps

26kg 9 reps

Platecurls 15kg plate 7 reps

Platecurls 15kg plate 8 reps

Platecurls 15kg plate 7 reps

Front level 10 kg 9 reps

Front level 10kg 8 reps

Front level 7kg 10 reps

Rear level 7kg 15 reps

Rear level 7kg 15 reps

rear level 7kg 15 reps

extension work

L hand

One hand pinch

29kg nolift

26kg 6 reps

26kg 5 reps(tore a small chunk of skin of the webbing. No blod and it was still ok)

22kg 9 reps

Platecurls 15kg plate 3 reps

platecurls 15kg plate 2 reps, then took 10kg plate and did 10 reps

platecurls 10kg plate 12 reps

Front level 7kg 12 reps

Frontlevel 7kg 10 reps

Front level 7kg 8 reps

Rear level 7kg 15 reps

Rear level 7kg 15 reps

rear level 7kg 15 reps

extension work

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Did squats for the first time in like a year. Rock bottom front squats. After just 2 sets my legs was already starting to cramp up. But I stretched it out, lowered the weight and kept going. I reckon I'll love myself for that in the morning when the soreness kicks in...

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Platecurls 15 kg plate 8 reps

Platecurls two 10kg plates missed attempt

Platecurl with 15 kg plus 2 kg missed

Plate wrist curls 10kg plate 20 reps for 3 sets

Front level 7 kg 12 reps for 3 sets

rear level 7 kg 15 reps for 2 sets


Platecurls with 15 kg plate 3 reps then 7 reps with 10 kg plate

platecurls 10 kg for 15 reps

Plate wrist curls 10 kg 20 reps for 3 sets

Front level 5 kg 15 reps for 3 sets

rear level 7 kg 15 reps for 2 sets

During the last few days I've been experimenting with block weights. Using simple stones, I've found one 10,2 kg stone that's just perfect. Cube shaped with sloped sides. perfect for lifting, and very easy to add weight on it

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I absolutley love this stone that I found! Besides from getting a bit to easy to fast, it's perfect. It has even got a side that is substantially easier then the other sides, and that's just perfect for pinkie lifts with it. So far I've been experimenting and playing with it every night (No not that kind of playing... The harsh surfice is just a bit to rough for my taste). But yesterday I decided to go a little further




10,2kg+5kg for 5 reps then removed 5 kg and did 10 reps

10,2kg+3kg for 8 reps then 10,2kg for 7 reps

10,2kg+3 for 15 reps

10,2kg for 15 reps

10,2kg for 15 reps

10,2 kg for 15 reps

pinkielift (easy side) 10,2kg for 10 reps

pinkielift (easy side) 10,2kg for 10 reps

Grippers (theese where cheat closes, focosing on training the hand muscles instead of just closing the grippers)

Pinkie and ringfinger close #1 6reps then with T for 9 reps

PR close #1 for 9 reps then T for 10 reps

PRclose #1 for 10 reps then T for 10 reps

Thumbcloses with manipulated store gripper 10 reps for 3 sets



10,2kg for 15 reps for 6 sets

pinkielift (easy side) 10,2kg for 10 reps


Pinkie ringfinger close with T for 16 reps

PR close with T for 20 reps

PR close with T for 20 reps

thumbcloses with manipulated store gripper 10 reps for 3 sets

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RB240 single

RB240 single

RB240 1/8

RB240 1/4

RB240 1/8

RB240 1/4



RB180 single

RB180 reps

RB180 single

RB180 single

RB180 single

RB180 braced noset 3 reps

The block training has suretaintly its tool already, but that's fine. Right now I'm more focosed at getting some respectable thumbstrength to match. I've gotten tired of my whimpish thumbs and decided I should start doing something about it. But I don't want to forget about grippers, so I'll keep sqeezing them from time to time

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10,2kg+4kg for 9 reps, then just the 10,2kg for another 6 reps

10,2kg+4kg for 8 reps, then just the 10,2kg for another 7 reps

10,2kg+4kg for 10 reps, then just the 10,2kg for another 5 reps

10,2kg+4kg for 8 reps, then just the 10,2kg for another 7 reps

10,2kg for 15 reps


Pinkie and ringfinger close with Trainer 20 reps for 4 sets

Thumbcloses with manipulated store gripper 12 reps for 3 sets



10,2kg+4kg for 1 single, then just the 10,2kg for another 15 reps

10,2kg+1kg for 8 reps, then just the 10,2kg for another 7 reps

10,2kg+1kg for 11 reps, then just the 10,2kg for another 4 reps

10,2kg for 15 reps

10,2kg for 15 reps


Pinkie and ringfinger close with Trainer 20 reps for 4 sets

Thumbcloses with manipulated store gripper 12 reps for 3 sets

Did some extension work for finish

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havn´t posted for a few days, but rest asure I've been going at it


used the 70mm wide cement block


31kg 3reps PR

26kg 10reps

26kg 10reps


15kgplate 7reps, 4reps, 4reps

Plate wrist curls

10kg plate 12reps for 3 sets

Front level 8,5kg for 10reps

FL 7 kgfor 10reps

FL 7kg for 10reps

Rear level 7kg 20reps for 2 sets


31kg no lift

26kg 7reps

26kg 9reps


15kgplate 2reps then 10 reps with 10kg plate

10kgplate 10 reps for 2 sets

Plate wrist curls

10kg plate 12reps for 3 sets

Front level 7kg 10reps for 3 sets

Rear level 7kg 20reps for 2 sets




RB180 4reps

RB240 single

3# 1/8, 1/8, 1/8, 1/4

Filed RB210 2 OCs


RB180 2reps

Filed 210 1/3

RB180 5 singles

RB160 OC

(sucked today)




10,2kg+5kg 6reps, 11reps, 8reps, 6reps

10,2kg 15reps

pinkielift 10,2kg(easy side) 12reps, 15reps

Pinkie/ringfinger close Trainer 15 reps for 3 sets

thumbcloses with manipulated storegripper 12reps for 2 sets

extension work


10,2kg+1kg 15reps, 15reps, 10reps, 14reps

10,2kg 15reps

pinkielift 10,2kg(easy side) 10reps, 10reps

Pinkie/ringfinger close Trainer 15 reps for 3 sets

thumbcloses with manipulated storegripper 12reps for 2 sets

extension work




10,2kg+7kg nolift

10,2kg+6kg PR

10,2kg+7kg PR

10,2kg+8kg nolift

10,2kg+8kg nolift

10,2kg consecutive reps(block never touches ground) 18reps, 20reps, 23reps, 22reps


10,2kg+7kg nolift

10,2kg+6kg almost broke air

10,2kg+7kg nolift

10,2kg+8kg nolift

10,2kg+8kg nolift

10,2kg consecutive reps(block never touches ground) 12reps, 14reps, 3reps, 5reps

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10,2kg+8kg PR

10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+9kg broke air

10,2kg+9kg PR

10,2kg+9kg nolift


10,2kg+8kg nolift

10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+9kg nolift

did a few lifts with 10,2kg+4kg just for the heck of it.

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10,2kg+9kg single

10,2kg+10kg single PR

10,2kg+9kg broke air

10,2kg+9kg broke air

10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+4kg held for 20 seconds

10,2kg+4kg held for 21 seconds


Pinkie/ringfinger close with Trainer. 3 sets of 20 reps



10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+10kg nolift

10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+9kg nolift

10,2kg+4kg held for 8 seconds

10,2kg+4kg a couple of reps


Pinkie/ringfinger close with Trainer. 3 sets of 20 reps

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Warmup lifting the 10,2kg by itself a couple of times

10,2kg+11kg single PR

10,2kg+12kg nolift

10,2kg+12kg nolift

10,2kg+5kg hold for 23 seconds

10,2kg+6kg hold for 11 seconds

10,2kg+7kg hold for 7 seconds

10,2kg+8kg single

10,2kg+9kg nolift

pinkilift (easy side) 3 sets of 20 reps


Warmup lifting the 10,2kg by itself a couple of times

10,2kg+11kg nolift

10,2kg+12kg nolift

10,2kg+12kg nolift

10,2kg+5kg hold for 9 seconds PR

10,2kg+6kg hold for 8 seconds PR

10,2kg+7kg hold for 3 seconds PR

10,2kg+8kg single PR

10,2kg+9kg nolift

pinkilift (easy side) 3 sets of 20 reps

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Tried for the fun of it to TNS some grippers today. And I was surprised that it had gone up, big time!

Most of the times when I do NS closes I do them braced, wich is a huge differance and not really NS, more like "all the way trough set". But I picked up the #2 and shut it, easy!(No surprise though, but it was really easy!) Tried the RB180 and did 3 full reps with it. Wich is kind of embarrasing for the ego, because with it braced I can probably do ten reps. But for TNS it's a definite PR. Left was way up too, came real close to the #2.

My conclusion of this is that blockweights work. They do!

By the way, I'm picking up my "bag of nails" tomorrow. I'm looking in to start with some bending. Nothing serious but as an aspect of lower arm strength, I'm always interested of improving myself. I hope that my first bending session goes well, and that my ego survives if it doesn't

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Just picked up my package. All I can say is WOW! Just holding the reds mashes my ego! Humans can bend theese?! They're not nails, they're rods for christ sake! Mind over matter indeed!

Havn't tried to bend anything yet... we'll just see how it goes (North south west east)

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