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Newbie To Grip Training


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Hi Folks. I introduced myself over at the newbie thread, but thought id redo it here, just to help familiarise myself a bit more.

My name is Neil. Im a bit of a newbie to grip training. I bought a RB 70 about 6 months ago, played with it a little then lost interest, now I have regained that interest, and hopefully, you guys can help me get off to a good start.

My current grip strength leaves alot to be desired, truly! I bought the RB 70, and before I just worked on trying to build reps and did negatives with a hose clamp tightened around the spring, which added a little more resistence. I can t fully close it with the clamp on anymore.

Just so you folks know where I am at, here is my current At the time of writing, I can hold the gripper closed in my right hand for a whopping 35 seconds, the left hand for an eye poppin 28 seconds (however, I do currently have a slight injury on my left hand that causes a pain in the back of my hand when I clench really tightly, though I didnt feel any pain whilst holding the gripper closed). I have only done single handed closes tho, I didnt use two hands to set the gripper.

As far as reps go, I only managed to close the gripper a shameful 6 times (Im going by the standard that you listen for the handles to click, that counts as one rep) with my right hand, and couldnt fully close it at all, with my left hand, getting maybe a millimeter or two from the handles clicking.

I did test the reps after doing the negatives tho, so that will have had an impact to a degree no doubt.

Currently im 26 years old, I weigh about 190lbs, but looking to get down to about 165-170lbs. My interests are Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts and anything Combat related in general, this is the kind of stuff I want to train my grip for!

For a little more info on my training as a whole, although I do train, I havent trained in a consistent way for the best part of 5 years, my training has been almost stagnant for the past 18 months due to work commitments. The new year has come though and im hoping to get back on track.

I bought myself a kettlebell, and am mixing that up with bodyweight stuff for my endurance and conditioning. Im in the process of cleaning up my diet in order to aid fat loss, and hope to start Boxing or Thai Boxing and Grappling 1-2 times a week, on top of this, I want to incorporate some type of grip training, so as you guys can see, im doing things right across the board.

Also, im a little limited on funds, so I cant afford to buy a boatload of grip training equipment. The gripper and the kettlebell is pretty much all I have in terms of equipment that will truly tax the grip.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read my post, hope I didnt raise too many laughs with my grip capabilities, and any feedback on where to fit some grip work in would be much appreciated!



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Oh yeah, I know its a long shot, but my first goal is to fully close the CoC #1 with either hand. if I remember correctly, the #1 is 140lbs to close right? So doubling my curentl grip strength seems a good atarting point!



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I have no idea where an RB70 stands compared to other grippers. But if you have the money, you can start by ordering a Trainer and #1, those were the first two I ever ordered.

Read David Horns'e post on "newbies routine" in the FAQ section. To build overal handstrength you need to work several different things (like flexion/extension of forearm, wrist strength, pinch grip).. so don't limit yourself only to grippers. Many newbies tend to think that grippers = handstrength, but grippers only = GRIPPERstrength. You gotta work out more aspects to have a truly strong hand overall!

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If you're really interested in grippers, Heath's got an excellent article here:


David Horne's Begginer Routine is here:


It sounds like you might want to look into getting a blockweight to throw around. Get a used 50lb dumbell, cut one of the heads off, throw it around. I've got some exercise ideas for blockweights here:


You should be able to get used dumbells for about 30 cents per lb. You might also have luck buying a blockweight off someone on the board here. There's some links on the community section of my site with a ton more free information and low cost exercise ideas.

Otherwise, read the posts, especially the pinned threads in the Grip Faq section on the main page. Ask any questions you have, someone will answer. Make good use of the board search function, anything and everything about grip training is on this site, you just have to find it.

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Hi Neil,I don't know if you'll remember me,but several years ago you sent me an almost complete set of the "Dino Files" when you posted at the Old School Strength Board,thanks again for that,I still read them regularly!Welcome to the Gripboard! Jamie

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Hi Jamie. I vaguely remember yeah. Good to hear from you mate!

Been checking out the COmbat Grip article on the diesel crew site. Im hoping to integrate some of that into my training regime soo. What are your guys thoughts on Wrist rollers? Are they a valuabke addition to training, or can I get better wrist training from other exercises (keep it clean please :).).



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