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Block Weight Pinch Tip


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Well, maybe I am beating a dead horse that was so dead it didn't need to be mentioned before. I always wanted a de-load system for the Blob50 before I could get it off the ground, and one day while training on the couch to make sure I didn't make noise for the people that live below us, I found that I could push down on the springs of the couch and use the recoil to help get the blob into the air. I found with this training aid, I was able to stick the blob in the air for a second, a feelings that was completely different then the way it feels on the ground. This is the first part of the vid I posted.


After that, each hold was a little longer, and the feeling of the blob in the air became familiar. As I got stronger, I found that simply attempting to lift the blob from a couch or mattress was easier then the ground because of the slight recoil of the springs, but close enough to a straight lift that it has great carryover. This is how I got the 2 finger lift, which is something I had not planned on doing until the end of the summer. Now, it doesn't seem that far off.

I might be rambling for nothing, but I feel that this cheesy discovery has helped me tremendously. I think it can be applyed to any size block you cant get off the ground, or even an inch, although that would be akwerd. I was curious to see if others could benefit from this, something I hope is true.

Edited by Anuwbius
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That looks pretty cool. With this you'd get some dynamic work in, and it is all basically negative. I plan on incorporating it into my routine.

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I haven't yet began block weight training but that is a very interesting way of training which must produce accelerated gains if you are doing better now than when you were simply straining to get it off the floor good.

Way to be creative, you know many of the worlds greatest inventions were discovered by sheer accident. Like SILLY PUTTY ! :laugh

Trivia: The history of silly putty is quite amusing. In 1943 James Wright, an engineer, was attempting to create a synthetic rubber. He was unable to achieve the properties he was looking for and put his creation (later to be called silly putty) on the shelf as a failure. A few years later, a salesman for the Dow Corning Corporation was using the putty to entertain some customers. One of his customers became intrigued with the putty and saw that it had potential as a new toy. In 1957, after being endorsed on the "Howdy Doody Show", silly putty became a toy fad. Recently new uses such as a grip strengthener and as an art medium have been developed. Silly putt even went into space on the Apollo 8 mission.

You can learn something new on the Grip Board everyday. Doc Croc :online

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That is a super idea. Good job. I'm going to try that myself!


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Great idea !!! I can't get past the york #40 by the face, but with your idea #42.5 should be right around the corner. Thanks!!! :bow

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:) It is a great idea.

The reason you experience improved gains with this is beacause it is an explosive exercise. Explosive exercises recruit all motor units to perform their task. When you do something slowly, your body is naturally economical; and recruits only the largest and most necessary.

Great thinking man. It probably would be a good idea to incorperate this method as much as possible with other exercises as well.

Edited by Gluteus Maximus
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Awesome idea, Anuwbius. I'm definitely going to give that a try, maybe tonight! :bow

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Excellent idea. I can nail my 35 blob consistantly but it comes up very short in building the finger tip strength I need to pickup my 75 hex. Now I can some work done on it!

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Excellent idea.

Do you guys think you could go one up and use a rehab ball or one of those very small trampolines for increased bounce.

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Now thats indeed an awesome idea. :bow

Its much more simple than building a deloading platform and you're doing holds with the full weight.

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Neat idea. Now, putting the inch up on my bed...that would shock my wife! :)

I bet someone could come up with a smaller portable equivalent for training? Any ideas anyone?

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I used thick, sheet foam. The type that SCSI harddrives get packed in.

It is about 2 inches thick and fairly stiff.

Two layers give a pretty good rebound. I used it when I first

got my BLOB50. Then I moved to deloading with a mini band.


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Maybe this is the kick in the pants I need in the blob50 training. I was getting ready give up on the two fingered lift and go after the 2 45's but now I'm all fired up to try this method :rock

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Boy o boy! It makes me smile to see others excited and gaining from this. I am curious to hear peoples feed back after they have tried it. I wonder if others get the same degree of benefit I do. I wish I had some plates in my house to go after plate pinching with the tip. And throw a rag or towel on the bed if you dont want chalk all over it, at least that what I have started doing. Be strong! :rock

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Tried it last night with a 60cm gym ball and it worked great.

You could also use something like the jewel that Big Steve uses for card tearing invented by Tommy 2 pieces of mdf with springs in the middle put the blob on push down and away you go,just vary the strength of the springs for more or less recoil,is very small and pertable,make it say 10"x10" and you also have something portable and also a good grip trainer as well.

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Neat idea. Now, putting the inch up on my bed...that would shock my wife! :)

inch... bed... wife... :blink

Is there a hidden message here, Bill? :blink:laugh

I bet someone could come up with a smaller portable equivalent for training?  Any ideas anyone?

I have one. What about a mini trampoline or something to that effect??? :D

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Now I know why God allowed for these to exist!


And for under $25 at Wally World!

No Brainer!


As I was writing the above post... YOURS came up!

See? We were thinking about the exact same thing!! :)

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