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hey guys,

i been thinking about purchasing the TTK for sometime now. i am in KTA, and i would kill for one of those instead of the stupid pony clamps. my pinch is by far my worst ability, i currently struggle with 2 25's. i was wondering if TTK is good for this, or should i just stick to regular plate pinching. i also got a 40lb blob recently, that hasnt seen any airtime yet, but im hoping it will soon. any TTK copy on the market might be a good idea, since ironmind wants outrageous money for one.

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Hey mossman, I use my sledge like a TTK. I lay it on a counter with the head hanging over the edge and press the handle flat on the counter with my thumb. This is on the edge of my counter so my fingers can be under it obviously. It doesn't bring you into as near a range as the TTK but it sure is cheap if you already have a sledge. This would probably be good training for plate pinching as width would be similiar.

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Warren's squeezer is cheaper and the same thing.

I have a TTK and it is a very good piece of equip.

If you want to get good at plate pinching than work with plates.

Block weights will help with the plate pinching too.


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A deload system is a good way to progressively train plate pinching if that's part of your goals.

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If you want to be good at pinching weight plates and blobs I believe you should spend more time with those exercises than with TTK type pinching. I have done much TTK pinching and I don't feel they help my regular pinch a whole lot, everyone is different though.

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I've made my TTk with about $12 of steel, if you weld or know someone who does then it's easy, I like it better than pony clamps too, especially with two hands. as for transfer to pinching plates, I don't really know....

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What is it you dislike about the Pony clamp?

I dont know about anyone else, but I am extremely particular about the amount of weight I am moving, and I attempt to increase it each and every workout, if only by a washer.

With the pony clamp, I cannot tell how much weight I am resisting. Yes, you can add ruber bands etc., but I still have no way of knowing. With the ttk, I know exactly how much weight I am moving, and exactly how much stronger I have become.

Rick Walker :rock

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I love mine. After some heavy working sets, I like to do drop sets to finish up. It makes my thumbpads feel like they're going to split open, they are so pumped.

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as for why i dislike the clamps, part of is what rick said, but a big part of it is just feels awkward in my hands, and even tyring different hand placements, i never feel like im getting any kind of work with it. i just started pinching plates and passing them around my back with a 25 and two 10's. i got to about 5, and this makes me fried all the way through. im thinking about using this as my thumb work in KTA since it works so well for me. i look forward to it yielding great results.

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as for why i dislike the clamps, . . . a big part of it is just feels awkward in my hands, and even tyring different hand placements, i never feel like im getting any kind of work with it.

I had this problem too. I solved it by sandwiching two 1"x4" mending plates around the end of one handle of the pony clamp, perpendicularly. This creates a wider platform for my fingers. I got the idea from looking at the TTK and seeing the nice "platforms" for your thumb/fingers at the ends of the handles. Including the pony clamp, the whole set up was like $3.00.

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I'm not sure of the spec of the ironmind one, I looked at the picture in the catalog and guestimated the specs based on the 5 pound plate on it. I'll list the specs of mine when I get home.

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Maybe you could figure out the proportions from this image that shows a unit with a 2'' spindle. 


Looking at that pic, it occurs to me that there is no reason that someone couldn't make one simple machine, with interchangable handles, to simulate both the TTK and the Hardy Handshake. Where are our welders and machinists? Has anybody already tried this?

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