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Vitamin C For Bending


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I have been reading about tendon repair and have found several references to vitamin c as an important part in the construction and repair of collagen. Which is what tendons and ligaments are mostly made of.


I starting taking allot of vitamin c on my bending days, like 1-2000 mgs after a session and again once or twice before bed. I have found this drastically speeds tendon recovery and most all the tendonitis I would always feel for a while after is gone.

I highly recommend it.

I know that megadosing vitamins is still debated but C is water soluble and any extra you ingest is filtered out and passed in urine, so it is not stored in the body like some others. Also I am only talking about taking allot on bending days.

Here is an interesting test to retry if you want, maybe its kind of gross though. Take allot of vitamin c one day and do nothing physical then look at the color of your piss later, it is bright yellow, then take the same amount a different day after some heavy bending and see the difference. You rip up your tendons and the Vitamin C is all used up in the recovery and there is not much in your piss.

Also if you choose to try this don't take a crap load at one time, space it out, it does not absorb well that way and is not as effective, not to mention your gut will let you know this fact directly and it is very unpleasant (don't ask why I know this).

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No problem, I wish I had known about this a long time ago myself so I figured I would share the love. Let me know how it works for you guys I am curious if you will have the same results.

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This I must try (I hate that tendon stuff after bending)! Thanks

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If I remember my college biochemistry correctly, collagen is in many things (tendons, gums, etc). Essentially, it is a "braided rope" of proteins. A diet with at least sufficient levels of vitamin C will work to maintain damage that is constantly done to collagen fibers simply through daily living, let alone strenuous activites like steel bending. When a person has vitamin C deficiency, the braids of the protein rope do not stay together, unwinding the rope which then becomes prone to serious damage. I don't know exactly how this manifests itself with tendons, but the more well-known example people would be familiar with is the gum disease scurvy.

Now people may know that "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Don't forget about all the citrus fruits as well.

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No problem, I wish I had known about this a long time ago myself so I figured I would share the love. Let me know how it works for you guys I am curious if you will have the same results.

Just ordered 3 lbs. (!) at bulknutrition.com. I don't bend but I'll let you guys know in a few months or whenever (if I remember) how much it helps.

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Hmm, there was a time I added one spoon of vitamine C to each of my shakes.

Shouldn't have stopped that obviously.

Thanks, great info!

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I´ll get some vit c today. perhaps i´ll fasten the regenration of my left wrist, which isn´t really fine atm.

thanks for the great info....

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Somewhere here on this board i remember big steve reccommending high dose vitamin C. He said he consumes about 4-5grams a day. Anyone else remember this?

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Somewhere here on this board i remember big steve reccommending high dose vitamin C. He said he consumes about 4-5grams a day. Anyone else remember this?

That's a lot of vit C/ascorbic acid!

You'll definitely know when you've exceeded your capacity! :laugh

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i also think it is a high dose. but on the other hand , i think i can remember that bill starr wrote something similar in his book the strongest shall survive. ok its for football players and they might have a greater need for vit c because of the roughness of this sport. think also this will vary from person to person.

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