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The Original Blob's Brother Returns!


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Many years ago I was asked by Dr. Ken Leistner to provide a special piece of equipment to be the showpiece challenge for his newly opened gym. With Dr. Ken being a highly regarded strength guru and friend I decided the other half of a pesky grip object(the Blob) I had trained on would be a benchmark rite of grip passage in his new gym. The Gym flourished many years and the inscription "what man can lift me?" faded but not the interest. When the gym was eventually sold for the final time the Original Blob's brother sat there alone untill grip stallwart Steve Weiner purchased it. It was in his grip tool selection for several years and well tried as I have heard. Heath Sexton being the only one Steve recalls full pulling it. During a recent phone visit we decided that this Blob was "missed" and a grip brother to grip brother trade was struck. On this very afternoon it now sits re-united ! I am glad this piece of history has come full circle and though worn, retains the rich memory of its travels. As part of the welcoming I weighed it on our scale tipping right at 54lb. with the actual certified scale weight 53.85. After a few days "rest" on both our parts I shall give it a welcomed try.RS


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Would love to see a pic of it! Is there supposed to be one in the link? I just got the forum and didn't see threads relating to this? Any pics of fatman blue blobs you were talking about a couple days ago?

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Good things come to he who waits - congrats Richard! How many years has it been?

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Pictures and video will be forthcoming. It is a monster perhaps the heaviest to date( 53.85lb) used as a Blob. The view from above is a close mirror to its long separated brother but if you look real close has a wee bit of additional fullness on some parts of the contour. No wonder if the bell was marked at 100 (and really weighed 107)was dropped and eventually broken by suprised users not expecting that 14 or so extra pounds present for the pair it was part of. I sure would like to see the guy that full pulls both of them (right and left hand) at the same time!RS

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Pictures and video will be forthcoming. It is a monster perhaps the heaviest to date( 53.85lb) used as a Blob. The view from above is a close mirror to its long separated brother but if you look real close has a wee bit of additional fullness on some parts of the contour. No wonder if the bell was marked at 100 (and really weighed 107)was dropped and eventually broken by suprised users not expecting that 14 or so extra pounds present for the pair it was part of. I sure would like to see the guy that full pulls both of them (right and left hand) at the same time!RS

Jedd, Chad, and Wade would be my picks! Thanks for the info.

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I have had this blob for about 6 or7 years, and I enjoyed having it in my collection of grip toys for that time. I would not have ever parted with it unless I knew it would be going to a good home, and I decided that Richard's gym is the best home it could have if it was to leave mine.

Heath Sexton was the only person to have lifted this blob. The only other guy who came close was Jedd, who got it to maybe shin to knee level. That was a long time ago, and I am sure he could lift it now. I never lifted it (was successful with one finger from my non-gripping hand slightly against the side of it) even though I was successful with a couple of other 50 pound blobs, but I am sure it will see plenty of air time now that it's in Richard's facility.

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Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah another toy!!!!! I may have to get back on the Blob-horse and try to DOUBLE O-BLOB LIFT!!

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Sorry House.........................there is now a Blob use tax! lol RS

I'll wait til the fairness doctrine is implemented and demand equal time on the ol' blob......paid for by you of course :D .

Glad to see you got it back Richard. Can't wait to see you attempt it.


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Two nights ago, I hit big blob PR's (blob plus weight) with both hands, so I'd like to try this double farmer's some day myself.


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I will have to say, this blob is the real deal. Not really a good way to grip it. Both sides are equally rounded so not even a really flatter side to work with. My hands are still sore from working with it on Thursday. An awesome blob with alot of history!! It is an honor to be able to play with it and have it at the Richard's gym.

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